The Naked Mage (Fantasy, NSFW, Fiction)

This is a total fantasy, it’s a short backstory for this character in a game I’m playing. What do you think? Does it make sense enough to fit into the fantasy MMO/ world? Basically, she’s exiled by her people for practicing forbidden magic.

**The Naked Mage (Fantasy, NSFW, Fiction)**

The Wood Elves of Lisandria’s tribe hardly used magic. Only a few select few, were selected and groomed to wield the power of the Divines, for her tribe was one of holy dedication- they simply forbode all other forms of magic as they condemned it as evil and mischievous. As the Blood Elves had nearly destroyed their own kind with magic due it’s addicting and consuming nature- the more cautious Wood Elves vowed to not touch these forms of magic.

Lisandria was always the bold type, she’d aspired to be a Ranger when she was of age- a great warrior or huntress. Instead- the elders appointed her to the Temple. She wasn’t fond of this uneventful life, spending hours upon hours meditating and praying, and fasting. She often couldn’t wait to finish her duties, so she could go explore the forest and find adventure. She wasn’t supposed to use her Divine powers for anything other than healing, and spiritual purposes. She would go deep into the forest, in secret- just to experiment and use her power in forbidden ways. She’d shoot beams at trees as if she were shooting targets. Above all, she enjoyed the euphoric state of mind the magic brought to her each time…. much like an intoxicating haze, she just couldn’t get enough of it. Of course, if anyone found out she was using her power off grounds of the temple- she’d be in serious trouble.

She’d crossed paths with a rather strange creature one afternoon, far in the woods, far away from her village- an Imp. The Wood Elves were forbidden to speak to, or treat with these mischievous creatures as they thrived on “forbidden magic” as they called it. Arcane, Frost, Fire, Air, even Blood- and rumors that some even could practice Soul magic. Lisandria couldn’t help but explore her curious side when she saw the small little man suddenly sitting on a tree stump, casually smoking his pipe. These creatures were known as tricksters and while not entirely “evil,” they certainly weren’t to be trusted.

The Imp complimented the young Elf’s Divine practice, she couldn’t help but indulge and hear his “offer” when he began to talk about much more powerful magic… and how Lisandria, if she did her part- could learn these long lost powerful spells from the Imp in return for doing his bidding. She knew it wasn’t the right thing to do, but- who would know? She couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to practice this much much stronger magic… she agreed to the Imps proposal, helpless to stop herself as she tinged at the thought of casting such magic…

At first, it seemed to be going just as it should have. The Imp, “Grishnesh” as he called himself- had taught her 3 new spells, vastly more powerful than her Divine magic. In exchange however, she was stealing artifacts from the temple- assured that the Imp would “only be barrowing them.”

Until, she’d been caught. The Imp deceived her, and set her up to get caught stealing the most important, and valuable relic. He laughed and mocked her from afar as the temple guards ceased the young elf and she was held in the stockades. The Imp, made off with all the treasure- leaving her to take the full blame.

She was judged by the council in trial.

“Stealing Sacred Artifacts from the Temple, practicing forbidden Arcane magic… is a very, very serious offense – child. You’ve been associating with unholy beings to learn these spells. You’ve left us no choice, young Lisandria…”

“Please… Chieftan, I can explain- I was tricked by this foul little man, he set me-”

“Silence. You should know better than to ever trust an imp… they are evil, mischievous, and dark beings. To learn you’ve been trading our sacred relics to this imp for spells of some dark forsaken magic, is sickening. You’ve disobeyed and mocked the vows you took when we choose you to learn the arts.”

Lisandria was cast out from the tribe… exiled for her wrongdoing. As punishment for stealing from their holy god. The usual was death for her crime, but she was given pardon out of mercy. However, she would be labeled and punished the rest of her life. The priest called an enchantment on Lisandria. The priest called it the “Mark of the Shamed.” It was a punishment spell, almost a curse, that forebode her from ever wearing anything aside from her bare naked skin, otherwise… she would feel the burn of white fire. Even jewelry, felt searing hot on her skin. Even her sandals, felt like burning hot iron when she tried to slip her foot in. She would walk bare and completely naked… for the rest of her long life.

He tricked me… He… tricked me and now I am… naked, damn him! Damn him to where he crawled from! Please, High Chief, you must listen to me! The Imp tricked me!”

“Now… you must go. Take your foul magic, leave our lands. You may find refuge in Sirius, with the humans. No matter where you go, all shall see you’re deviant ways and you’ll live on ashamed. May the God of purity have mercy on your soul.”

She didn’t bother taking anything with her when she left the city of her tribe. She didn’t have much to bring anyhow… she spent her time in the library and just at the group den to sleep. The idea she let her self be tricked by the Imp, continued to run through her mind again and again. The path she’s following lead to a rough and poorly maintained road after some hours of walking. She stares down at her bare feet as they are dirty with the slightly muddy ground of the road.

This was a part of Sirius (this is the name of our world in the game) she wasn’t well familiar with… she wonder’s as she approaches the town of humans, “I guess this is my new start… I hope they will allow me to settle nearby…”

Thats it, it’s just a back story for the character. Let me know what you think! DM me if you’d like to see what she looks like in the game :)



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