Obedient Ch. 6 (MF)(Fdom)(mc)(humil)

In the weeks after the game night with Sophie’s friends, things were more or less normal. Or it was until I got a text from my brother inviting me and Sophie out to dinner with him and his fiancée. My biggest fear was that Sophie would play games and ruin my brother’s relationship. His fiancée seemed like she was really good to him. All I had to do was ask Sophie not to interfere in a way that didn’t get me in trouble.

I waited until Sophie got back from a shopping trip. That was usually when she was in the best mood. She had dozens of shopping bags spread out on the bed and she was taking out everything she bought and showing it off to me. She had to have spent over ten grand on this one trip alone, but it was nothing for Sophie. She could have walked out with all of these items for free without even trying, but she liked to buy them. I think it was more fun for her to spend real money. She easily could because she made a seven figure salary at a job that never required her to do any work or even come in to the office.

“Sophie?” I started tentatively.

“Hmm?” She said, while hanging a new top in her closet.

“Kurtis and his fiancée, Julie, invited us out to dinner tonight.”

“Oh, nice,” she answered from the closet. “Where are we going?”

“The new Italian place that opened downtown. Classico Ristorante, I think. And uh…”

There was a pause as I tried to figure out how to word my request.

“What’s up, Matt?”

“It’s just that…uh…” I stammered.

“Spit it out,” Sophie ordered.

The words leapt out of my mouth. “I don’t want you to ruin their relationship!”

Sophie laughed. “Oh is that all? Why would I do that, Matty?”

I didn’t answer.

Sophie prodded, “What are you afraid I’ll do?”

I foolishly tried to backtrack, “I don’t think you’ll do anything necessarily…”

Sophie cut me off. “Be honest, Matt.”

“I’m afraid you’ll use your mind control on them and have your way with one or both of them.” The words were pulled from my lips despite my effort to keep them unspoken.

Sophie crossed her arms. She definitely looked angry. Oh fuck, I thought. I was regretting even bringing it up to her.

“Ok,” she said.

“Ok?” I asked, cautiously.

“I won’t ruin your brother’s relationship with his fiancée. I would never want to stand in the way of love.” She smiled at me and went back to hanging up her new clothes. I was stunned that had gone as well as it did.

By the time we got to the restaurant that night, I wasn’t so sure it had gone well, but I couldn’t put my finger on why I felt that way. Kurtis and Julie were waiting for us at a table on the Classico Ristorante’s outdoor patio. Julie greeted Sophie warmly when we joined them. I gave Kurtis a pat on the back and congratulated them on the engagement. Then I pulled Julie in for a congratulatory hug as well. They were both beaming. I was so happy for them. I just hoped Sophie would keep her word.

The server came around and took our drink orders. I noticed him take an extended glance at Sophie’s chest. She was wearing an attention-grabbing top that was typical for her. It showed off her cleavage exactly the way she liked. Mostly because she loved catching wandering eyes. I had a lump in my throat. I worried what she would do, but Sophie just ordered like normal. It wondered if she didn’t notice, but that was unlikely. Sophie always noticed when men stared at her.

Sophie asked Julie if she’d go to the ladies’ room with her. They both left the table, already laughing together like old friends. I felt a pang of fear seeing Sophie get time alone with Julie. I tried to put that fear away. Sophie had said she wouldn’t interfere with their relationship. Maybe she meant it.

While they were gone, Kurtis and I caught up. He told me all about how happy he was with Julie and how lucky he felt to have her. I was so happy for him. He deserved to be with someone who treated him well.

After a couple minutes, Julie and Sophie joined us back at the table. As far as I could tell, Julie was acting perfectly normal. That was a good sign. Still, there was a knot in my chest. The server came back with our drinks expertly balanced on a tray. He was a younger guy, tall and lean. He seemed totally at ease with himself. I paid close attention to his wandering eyes and, sure enough, his gaze lingered on Sophie’s cleavage. She didn’t seem to mind or even notice. Then as he handed Julie her drink he peered down her shirt. Sophie did notice that. Julie had obviously noticed his leering too because she adjusted her top. She looked extremely uncomfortable. I noticed Sophie tense in her chair. The server passed me and Kurtis our drinks and then taking stock of the table asked us if we were ready to order. He turned to Sophie first. She looked up at him with a smile that might have looked innocent, but I recognized as dangerous.

Sophie made a show of reading his nametag. “Greg, is it?”

“Uh, yes, Ma’am,” Greg nodded.

“Greg, I noticed you look down my friend’s shirt a moment ago.”

Greg sputtered, “Ma’am I would never-“

Sophie cut him off, “Greg, you should be on your knees when you talk to me.” Greg collapsed on the patio. Kurtis and Julie audibly gasped. I sat there without making a sound. I knew Sophie would do what she felt like doing.

Sophie flashed an apologetic smile at Kurtis and Julie. “Oh, don’t worry guys. I just want to teach Greg some manners.” To everyone within ear shot she announced, “No one sees anything unusual about Greg’s behavior.”

The people at nearby tables who had turned to look when Greg fell to his knees went back to their meals. Kurtis and Julie relaxed back into their chairs. Greg was staring at the ground by Sophie’s feet. He didn’t seem able to meet her eyes. I didn’t blame him.

“Greg, look at me,” Sophie whispered to him.

His head lifted to look up at her. “Greg, you feel something stirring in your pants, don’t you?”

Greg looked confused, but nodded.

“There’s a hand cupping your balls, isn’t there?”

“Oh God, there is,” Greg sounded like he was panicking.

Sophie just smiled. “That hand is going to stay there, keeping a gentle, but firm grip on you, ok?”

Greg shook his head, “Please take it away. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“You’re right, it won’t. Because all I have to do is say the word and that hand will give you a little squeeze.” As she said that, she mimed a little squeeze in the air with her hand. Greg yelped. Sophie smiled pityingly down at him. “Greg, that was only a very light squeeze. Imagine what that magic hand could do if I were displeased.”

Greg’s eyes went wide. “Now, keeping in mind that I have you by the balls, is there anything you’d like to say to Julie? Maybe beg her forgiveness?”

Greg needed no more encouragement. He fell at Julie’s feet, blubbering through as many apologies as he could get out.

“Ok, Greg, that’s enough,” Sophie silenced him. “Now you’re going to finish taking our orders. I expect excellent service and if I notice any wandering eyes, I have a stress ball in my purse, understand?”

Greg got to his feet and shakily took our dinner orders, careful to keep his eyes on the table at all times. After he left, Sophie looked at Kurtis and Julie and told them to forget all of that had just happened. I watched as the confusion melted out of their faces and we went back to having a pleasant conversation. Sophie didn’t wipe that from my memory, but mostly because I had plenty of experience on the receiving end of Sophie’s powers. Thankfully, she had never seen fit to use that little punishment on me. I shuddered at the thought.

Sophie asked Kurtis how he met Julie. He was all too happy to tell the story of how he had met her while cross-training in her department. They had been placed at neighboring desks and started talking by passing notes to each other. Kurtis really seemed to be head over heels for her and Julie seemed just as enamored with him. I was so happy for them. Sophie reached out a put a hand on my knee. I looked over at her and we shared a smile. They reminded me of how me and Sophie had been at the beginning, both completely infatuated with each other. Of course, now things between me and Sophie were more one-sided. I worshipped her and she accepted it because she deserved it. She took care of me and I let her because she was more capable. It was different, but there was also a balance to it.

Greg came back with our food. His eyes never left the ground in front of his feet. He seemed tense. No doubt he expected a squeeze at any moment that would drop him to the ground in pain. He asked if there was anything he could do and Sophie dismissed him with a smile. I noticed that he let out a breath as he left our table.

Sophie turned her attention on Kurtis and that made me tense up. “Kurtis, you got very lucky to snag this one.”

Kurtis laughed, “Yeah, luck must run in the family. We’re both playing out of our league, right Matt?”

He had no idea how right he was.

“Make sure you treat her right, ok?” Sophie continued.

Kurtis put his arm around Julie, who beamed up at him. “Of course, I’ll do my best.”

“Kurtis,” Sophie called his attention with a commanding tone, “I want you to spoil this woman. Show her how much you love her every day. Give her everything she wants.”

Kurtis looked like he was in a daze, taking in Sophie’s command. My heart sunk. This wasn’t what I expected her to do, but I was still worried about Sophie using her powers on them.

“Sophie, you don’t have to,” I interjected.

Sophie didn’t look my way or even say a word. She just gestured with one finger down at the table and I fell face first into the pasta dish I had ordered.

“Don’t mind him,” she said to Kurtis and Julie, “Matt forgets his place sometimes.”

“Now, Kurtis, that drink in front of you isn’t an Old Fashioned, it’s actually a love potion and with every sip you take you’ll fall deeper and deeper in love with your soon-to-be bride. Go ahead take a sip.”

I heard Kurtis lift the glass and take a sip.

“How do you feel?” Sophie asked him.

“Oh my god. I feel so much love for you, Julie. I just love you so much!” He was practically shouting for joy.

“I love you too, Sweetie,” Julie laughed.

“No, Baby,” Kurtis continued, “I would do anything for you.”

“Good,” Sophie said, sounding pleased with herself. “Now finish the glass.”

I heard Kurtis drain his glass.

“How do you feel, Babe?” Julie asked him.

“Every breath I take is for you, Julie. I’ll give you everything you want.”

Sophie applauded. “I think you’ll both be very happy with this little, um, adjustment I’ve made. Kurtis, I think you’ll enjoy knowing that your place is to treat Julie like a queen. And Julie, that man is going to worship the ground you walk on and bend over backwards to keep you happy. I’m sure you’ll find you like being worshipped.”

Sophie addressed me, “Are you ready to behave, Matt? You can join the grown-ups again.”

My head shot up. My face was covered with the sauce and pasta from my dinner. Julie cracked a smile. Kurtis didn’t even seem to notice. He was too busy making doe-eyes at Julie.

“Julie, trust me it’s very nice having a husband who is completely devoted to you,” Sophie said, “The only reason I haven’t melted Matt’s mind into a puddle of puppy love like I just did to Kurtis is that it’s just too much fun keeping him in line when he acts up.”

“Won’t it be weird if he never disagrees with anything I say?” Julie asked.

Sophie shrugged, “Try it out. Ask him for literally anything and see if you feel the same way.”

Julie turned to Kurtis and grabbed his hands. “Baby, I want a new car. Something expensive.”

“Very expensive,” Sophie prodded.

“Yes, very expensive,” Julie added.

Kurtis nodded, “Yes, of course, Darling. I can sell my car! I can get a second job to afford the payments.” He was excited at the prospect, absolutely thrilled at the thought of sacrificing all of his free time to pamper Julie.

Julie grinned, “Holy shit, it works.” She gave Kurtis’ hand a reassuring pat, “It’s ok, baby. You don’t have to sell your car for me.”

Kurtis actually seemed disappointed that he couldn’t.

I groaned, “Sophie, you said you wouldn’t interfere.”

Sophie cocked her head at me. “See, Matt, I love that you never seem to quite learn your lesson.” She twirled her finger, “On your knees, baby.”

My body complied. I fell out of my chair and on to my hands and knees.

“Excuse my husband,” Sophie said to my brother and his fiancée, “Sometimes he forgets who’s in charge. I have to use a firm hand with him.”

She addressed me, “Speaking of firm hands, Matty, you may feel one in a moment.”

I yelped in surprise as I felt a hand that didn’t physically exist spank my ass. It hurt, but the surprise and embarrassment were by far the worst part. My cheeks flushed as I noticed some people glance over at me.

“Sorry, everyone,” Sophie announced, “I just need to give my husband a little spanking until he apologizes. You know how it is.”

“I’m sorry, Sophie!” I said. “You’re right! You can do whatever you want.”

Sophie smiled down at me. “Harder.”

The next slap was much, much harder. This time my yell was due to the pain.

“Oh poor baby. How about a paddle this time?”

The next one nearly knocked me flat. “Ok, that seems good. Stay quiet and take it like a man, Matt.”

Sophie turned back to Kurtis and Julie. She pulled their attention away from me. I barely heard what they were talking about. I was too focused on bracing for the invisible paddle tirelessly spanking me every few seconds. Tears streamed down my face. It occurred to me that Sophie could leave me like this if I really pissed her off. I couldn’t imagine. After just a dozen or so strikes, my ass stung so bad I was dreading the next time I tried to sit down.

When Sophie finally ended my punishment, I collapsed on the ground. “Do you have any opinions you’d like to share with us, Matty?”

“I’m so, so sorry, Sophie,” I whimpered.

She nodded and turned back to the engaged couple. “I know you both have many happy years ahead of you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take my husband home so he can give me a proper apology. Thank you both for the lovely dinner.” She stood up to leave and without looking down at me told me to crawl to the car. I followed her out of the restaurant on my hands and knees. Kurtis and Julie barely noticed us go, they were so enthralled with each other. Maybe Sophie was right after all, I thought. They did seem happy.

As we left the restaurant, I got plenty of stares crawling behind my goddess of a wife. Greg, the server, passed us walking the other way with a full tray of drinks. Sophie caught his eye and flicked the air. Greg collapsed in pain in the middle of the restaurant and all the glasses he was carrying hit the ground and shattered. Everyone turned to stare at him. Sophie walked out without looking back. I followed her to the car.

Sophie made me sit in the backseat on the way home. Thankfully I was able to stay on my hands and knees so I didn’t have to sit on my sore butt. I was dreading what she had in store for me at home. After spanking me in public, I had no idea what else she could possibly want to do to me.

Once we got inside, she sent me scurrying upstairs on my hands and knees with just a point of her finger. My body scrambled to obey her just like it always did. Part of me wished I could disobey her even one time, but her control was total and she had no problem using it.

She left me in the bedroom for nearly an hour. I couldn’t do anything except wait for her beneath the foot of our bed. She walked in the room, fresh from the shower. Her hair was still dripping and she was in the process of toweling off.

“Matt, you know that dominating you makes me horny.”

I nodded.

“So I’m going to use your cock to get off. Get on the bed.”

I scrambled up onto our bed and lied on my back. Sophie glanced down at my cock and the intent in her eyes made me achingly hard. In just a moment, my dick was throbbing with need. I gasped. Sophie smiled. She climbed on top of me, holding my wrists down against the bed. She positioned her pussy so that the tip of my cock was resting against it. I was breathing heavily. She was right. I was desperately horny every time she humiliated me and made me submit to her. I needed her cunt so badly.

Just as it looked like she was about to slide onto my cock, her smile widened into a wicked grin. My heart sank. “You look like you’re about to enjoy yourself, Matt. Do you want to feel my pussy?” she asked in a soft, teasing voice.

“Yes, Goddess,” I gasped.


“Sophie, please! Please fuck me!”

“You don’t deserve to feel my pussy on your cock.”

“No, I don’t,” I agreed.

“I’m glad you agree,” She said in a teasing voice. “You can’t feel anything your cock feels.”

Sophie dropped down onto my dick. I felt…nothing. She laughed. “Good, I wouldn’t want you to enjoy yourself.”

That was worse than the spanking. I was so close to what I desperately wanted and she wasn’t letting me get even a taste of pleasure. My goddess was on my cock and I wasn’t allowed to feel it. This was only for her. She rode my stiff cock and got into a rhythm she seemed to like. I couldn’t feel anything except her moving around on top me.

She glanced down at me. “Close your eyes. You don’t deserve the view.”

My eyes snapped shut. After that I was really only left with the sensation of Sophie rocking back and forth on top of me. Other than that, I was getting nothing.

I heard Sophie’s breathing getting shorter and louder. She used my cock exactly how she wanted and got herself off. It sounded like it was a pretty good orgasm. I just wished I didn’t feel like a sex toy just here for her pleasure.

After she came, Sophie climbed off of me. Absently, she said, “You can open your eyes and your cock isn’t numb anymore.”

The sensation that rolled over me was almost indescribable. It was like the briefest whisper of pussy. After the complete lack of sensation, that little after-image made me shiver. It was pleasure, but only the tiniest amount. Feeling that was worse than nothing at all. I let out a moan. I hadn’t felt so needy to get off in my life.

Sophie looked down at me. “I hope you never learn your lesson,” she said. “It’s so easy for me to get what I want, but I’ll never get sick of keeping you in line.” She left me alone in the bedroom. There was no question that in our marriage Sophie had her foot on my neck. I couldn’t help that I loved it when Sophie walked all over me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uk49by/obedient_ch_6_mffdommchumil