Teacher looses her mind grading papers.

Erica pulled out a stack of essays from her leather satchel. “Another painful night of reading through sub par writing, and poor punctuation” she thought.

She dropped the stack of papers on the old oak desk she was given by her parents when she and her husband moved into this house.

She fliped through the first couple of papers with a sort of abandonment of intrest that only a teacher grading summer break essays for the fourth day in a row could produce. She wondered where she should start, and at about the fifth from the top was an essay of about six pages without a name on it. “Thats odd, generally students make tons of mistakes, but forgetting to put their name was something relegated to high-school students.” She thought.

LABYRINTH OF THE MIND was the written in cursive at the top of the page in obviously carefuly hand written script.

Erica was interested. She let the other essays fall away as she plucked it from the pile. This one stood out. Name or not it might be an interesting read.

She got up from her chair, walked to the door of her meager office and gently pushed the door knob in and to the left, locking the door. She wasn’t really sure why she had done this, maybe a little ritual, or maybe to keep her husband from disturbing her from grading papers. Either way she shrugged it off, she probably should have locked the door earlier.

She sat down in her chair again intently, laying the paper on her desk and beginning it.

Her eyes scanned the soft lines of the script. Eact letters weight drifting in and out with the pressure of the writers hand.

Her chair groaned as her body relaxed, as she read on she reached down listless to flick the shoes off her feet.They fell to the floor somewhere in the darkness under her desk… she didn’t bother to take her eyes off the writing to see where they fell.

She was so relaxed, she wasn’t aware at how she was now lazily slumped in the chair, her eyes barely open, but still tracing each line of the gorgeously hand written text…following it… observing what it was saying to her…. she felt blank.

There was a number at the bottom of the page. Written in green ink. 7 little digits.

Automatically without breaking her eyes from the paper she reached for her cell phone and unlocked it. Laying the phone next to the paper, she carefully dialed in the number at the bottom of the page. Her numb fingers fumbling a bit.

She lifted the phone to her ear and for the first time since she picked it up broke eye contact with the paper. She heard the soft ringing of her phone in her ear…. she felt tingles in her fingers a bit.

“Hello” the person in her ear said… and for a moment she felt silly… she wasn’t sure why she was calling this random number and what she was supposed to say.

“Uhhh” she stammered “sor…sorry” her thoughts felt a bit heavy. She meant to say “sorry I’m not sure why I called”.

” you were supposed to call” the voice said…

” supposed….. to… call” she wasn’t sure what that mean but it sounded so sure….

” the first time is nice…..makes your body heavy doesn’t it pet? The voice said.

Her body did feel heavy… she was basically melting out of chair… only really capable of holding the phone up to her ear. Her body tensed at the realization on what he called her.

“Wait.” She said groggily

She wanted to be upset, that this random person would degrade her to be called a p…

“You need to empty your head, you need to be told what to do. You needed to call. You wanted to be a good pet.” The voice argued to her subconcious

And suddenly she wasn’t sure why she was getting upset, her thoughts slowly emptied out her head, she was so heavy, and yet weightless. The feeling was euphoric. And the man’s words seemed to appear through the black empty space that was her mind now.

” there we go, let me guide you, you don’t want to get up…. you can’t move, just sit and listen to what I tell you”

She didn’t think of it, she accepted what he said…. her body was much to heavy to move…. she needed to keep the phone to her ear and listen to what she was told. 

” its so hard for you to think, you want to just listen and do as you are told. It’s so much easier to follow me. ”

She was barely sitting in the chair at this point, her body more draped onto it than in it. Her hand diligently holding the man’s words to her ear. They seemed so bright and clear in the black of her thoughtless mind, almost blinding…. eaily overtaking her and trying to force there way back out. She attempted to hold them back, subconsciously afraid to make a noise.
She audibly sighed

” thats right, so hard for you to think, much easier to focus on my words… your days are so busy, so many things to worry about. You want to unwind, give up your control.”

“Nnnn” slipped softly through her lips. Her brain trying to say no. Desperately trying to regain a hold on reality.

” feel yourself sink in warm water. Starting at your toes, the more you try to struggle to fight the more your body will slip under the water”

She was in a black room, she felt warm soothing water at her toes and his words again pushing at her mind… fear of the water stirred her.

” lower and lower, you feel the warm water move up your feet, to your knees… it so soothing and relaxing like a warm bath… you want to relax and sink”

Her brain struggled again and she felt her arm not holding the phone twitch. It was an unwelcomed feeling, the warmth spread all the way up to her breasts, it was so calming and relaxing. Like a hot soak after a long day.

” deeper and deeper, feel it take your thighs, your stomach, feel it rise over your breasts, so soothing,so easy to go all the way under now, you want to just relax, so much easier to focus on me, let me do the thinking for you…. go under the warm water for me”

She made the plunge, the warmth washing away any discomfort in her head, the gross feeling that twitching her arm had made. It drained the stress she was unknowingly carying of her today, and her yesturday and the day before, the understanding that behind the locked door her husband was watching TV, or on his phone.

” its sooo nice to go under, to be blank. You like the word blank, it reminds you of going under. And going under is good.”

Each word overtaking her, as he wove each statement for her, she happily and comfortably accepted it as fact.

“Mmmppphhh” was the noise she made agreeing that the word blank made her feel good.

” you love to go blank for me, you want to be a good pet for me… its so nice to do as you are told”

“Wnnnt to beeee a gdddd peh…ttttt” she struggled as his words finally broke free from her lips. It was the part she was aware was referring to her.

” good pets sink and go blank. You are a good pet. You must obey”

“Blnkkk….goooood……muuussst Obb..bey”
It felt good to let him speak through her. To repeat him like a mantra.

“You feel so good to be blank for me, you desperately want to please and obey me. Feeling this way makes you feel so sexy, being blank is so hot for you”.

“Unghnnnni” a higher pitched sequel came from her throat, as she was made aware of how she needed to obey, and how fucking unbelievably tuned on she was.
“Sooo Ohhh ooh HotTTT. Wannnnt to pleas and obeyyyy” she recited.

” you want to give in to your needs and get off right now. Your pussy is burning, its so hungry. You nipple are getting hard in your bra, they want to be let out….. beg to be allowed to undress pet”.

All of a sudden the the world opened up a little bit, she was aware of her office, aware of her body barely in the chair. And with that awareness came a crushing urge to strip and fuck herself like an animal in the office to the words of her new owner. She needed to let loose, her nipples stiffened in under her shirt trapped in her bra, her panties already dampening as her feminity ached and demanded her attention.

“Mmmmph uhh” her mouth stammered as her brain slowly start to walk on its own again. “Nnnneed too takeee…. mm offf… PLeassss” her fingers lightly clawing at her pants.

” the more embarrassment you feel the higher your arousal goes, when you hear the words blank you will sink deep into the warm water again, you are a pet and I am your master. Say it.”

“Ughhhaaa”  his words cut into her like butter, her being called a pet, and being told he was her master was unbearably hot. Her panties more wet now than damp. She needed them off. But she had to say it back to him.
“Ma…mah…masstr, please”

” strip naked slut”

She almost couldn’t take her clothes off fast enough. Her shirt was over her head, a d her bra unclipped almost immediately. Her nipples so engorged and firm, felt amazing to the free air.  Her pants and panties still clung to one ankle, but it didn’t matter, her woman hood was free. Erica felt warm cooze slide down her labia.

She collapsed back into the chair and lifted the phone back to its rightful place. Unimaginably horny but feeling slightly better the be nude.

“Your going to finger fuck yourself for me, your going to do it knowing that you are my personal little plaything. You are going to do it till you feel cum spilling down your useless cunt, do you understand pet? ”

“,Fffffuuuuhhhh uhhhhhhk,” More degrading insults, made her body need more. “Yesss, i need to play for youuuu, need to cummmm.

“Good slut, now work on your hungry cunt”

Before he could even finnish his degrading name for her anatomy her hand was shoved between her thighs, rubbing her drooling womanhood. She was so lost in her need, her body heaved. Her breasts ached to.be handled roughly and her fingers greedily lapped at her swollen clit. She wasn’t sure how much noise she was making but she was aware she definately wasnt quite.
She could hear her master lightly laughing has she groaned and panted, and cooed as she fed her body the attention it had been screaming for but that only fueled her need. She worked at herself for maybe 12 minutes before her legs trembled and she grunted like the animal she became before feeling thick warm cum spill out of her.
If she could see her reflection, she wouldn’t recognize the feral horny thing she had become. Her hair was a mess, her face sweetly from holding the hot phone up to her ear, her chest had beads of sweat between her breats, half from excitement and half from the labor of caring for herself as she was commanded. Her nipples still erect, and her thighs wet and spread with her frothy mess at the center, feet arched allowing herself more access to her needs.

” just cammmmmhhhmmm mahstor” her face felt a little numb from the intensity of her first orgasm while completely under her masters control.

” you are going to.be a good slut for me. And wipe all your mess up with your hand, and clean off your fingers. I want to hear you slup and lick it up,”

She felt her body hesitate. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t. Surely she wouldn’t stoop so low as to eat her own juices….

“I’m waiting slut”

She wanted so bad to please her master, it felt so hot to even think about cleaning herself in that way, even if alittle gross. She felt more cum start to spill out as her pussy began to drool again. She needed to do as she was told.

” yesss masterrr” she said as her hand went to scoop up all the frothy cream and cum she had let out. She brought it to her lips, and….. slurped it up. She felt the hot sweet taste enter her mouth and her pussy twitched. It was so embarrasinly hot. She liked her palm clean, and then sucked on her fingers in a comicly exaggerated way you would do when explaining how good a meal was that was particularly messy.

“Good pet, now when I say awake. You are going to wake back up. Say thank you for the fun, hang up, get dressed and not remember anything but how amazingly good the past half hour was.”

“I understand master”

“Good girl, now wake up”

” thank you for the fun” she said in higher pitched gigly tone.

And she ended the call and put her sweaty phone down on the desk. She felt refreshed, like a big looming problem had just faded away completely. The rest of the night felt wide open.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ujwggk/teacher_looses_her_mind_grading_papers

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