Shop and Show ( 18+ panties, dare, public)

Walking down the isle of the store I could see her panty line through her dress
The sight of her amazing shapely ass nearly took away my breathe

She demanded everyones attention everywhere she went
To bring her out of her comfort zone was always my intent

Tight white material wrapped tightly around this present
If only she knew in a moment or two she would soon be learning a lesson
I stepped up close behind her and spoke softly in her ear
“You shouldn’t have any panties on, take them off my dear”
Her face getting flush she asked me, “right here?”
“Are you afraid someone will see you?”
“Does it make you uncomfortable dear?”
She nodded yes as she lifted her dress and slid her panties down
Quickly glancing back and forth to be sure no one was around

Now pick them up and give them to me and next time you bend over no bending your knees
Let the hem of your dress ride up over your cheeks give some poor bastard a steaming hot peek
Do as your told if its my approval you seek

My cock swelling quickly getting hard to conceal
I slid my hand up her dress and had me a feel
My cold hands on her mound made her let out a squeal

Here comes a stranger, a middle aged man
Tease this poor bugger as much as you can

Ill watch from a distance so he thinks your by yourself
I can see him squirm with discomfort as he watches you reach for the bottom shelf
Dress rode so far up your ass your pussy is almost out

I feel my cock getting harder at the sight that I behold
Your nipples now protruding because the frozen food section is cold

Your braless breasts upon your chest
Make me throb and my head a mess
I can tell your audience is also impressed
Since he caught a glimpse he hasn’t left
