[MF] A Match Made in Heaven[Shared Sensations][1st Person][Long]

“I was made to love you. No, not like that, don’t be naive. I’m not an android. I’m simply, well…maybe not simply, your GMO partner. You see, your great, great, great grandparents started this project. I fully acknowledge what I am, and your bloodline is unaware of what I would become at the time or purchase. A little bit of this, a bit of that and you get me. I can sense you are nervous. That is to be expected. You may be unhappy, at least for now. I can assure you though, you will be pleased. Even though we are the same age and we just met, I know you better than anyone in the world. I’m sorry that you weren’t given a choice in the matter, but I hope that you realize this quickly. You look beautiful in your gown. I know you need time, so I’ll leave you to yourself and I’ll see you at the altar. Oh, and please, stop crying, it hurts my heart.”

What a lousy introduction. What the hell does that even mean? As far as I know, I’m in this shitty arranged marriage with someone I’ve only seen this one time and he made absolutely no sense and even worse, he’s right. I wasn’t given a choice. In this day and age, why wouldn’t I be able to choose who I want to marry? If every fucking exit weren’t being guarded, I would have already made my escape.

A large door cracks open as a short bald man pokes his head out.

“Excuse me, miss? It’s time.

Seeing this, my father walks across the room and takes my arm. He looks directly into my eyes and smiles gently.

“Dad, this is bullshit. I don’t want this”.

“My sweet, darling princess. I know this is hard, but your mother and I were in the exact same situation that you are in now and you’ll never truly understand the bond we share. This isn’t just an arranged marriage, this has been in the works for generations.”

I didn’t know they had an arranged marriage too. Now THIS made me feel better, well, slightly better. I adjust the gown as my father pulls a handkerchief and blots it lovingly over my cheeks. He gives me another warm smile and follows with a node. He gently pulls my arm and I begin walking along side him. My eyes wander across hundreds of people. Expressionless, hiding my disappointment I keep my eyes straight ahead. I see Erik looking towards me with a smile on his face. I continue up the aisle beside my father without making eye contact. This feels like the longest single moment in my life, everyone standing at both sides of the aisle, all eyes on me following me as I approach my….husband. I feel a shiver on my back. This feels wrong and certainly not what I was expecting for my wedding day.

There was a speech, then our wrists tied at the wrist facing outward a ring is slipped onto our fingers. Honestly, my mind was anywhere but here. I don’t even a single word that was said. At least that was until I hear the words, “I do”.

“Shit,” I think to myself as I bring my eyes up to meet Erik’s and as prompted I begrudgingly speak the return, “I do”.

Our opposite hands are brought up and interlocked between each other’s hands. Gazing deeply into eachtohers eyes, our lips meet for the first time. My heart races and I feel butterflies in my tummy. He smiles and at this moment I feel different, I feel happy and excited. I honestly have no idea where these feelings are coming from, it’s almost as if they aren’t my own, but at the same time, they are. What is happening?

With hearts racing, we make our way back down the aisle. We walk through bubbles unless we finally pass through the large doors that I passed through a short time ago. We continue through the entry way and make our way down the stairs, past a plethora of photographers and finally enter through the open door at the back of a black limousine with blacked out tinted windows.

We situate ourselves and again, things feel awkward. After a few minutes of complete silence I finally asked.

“What’s it like?”

Erik smiles and says, “It’s like you know you’ve been incomplete your entire life and finally, you feel like you’ve been made whole.”

“What’s that like,” I ask.

“You are all that I know, everything I’ve ever done has been for you. We’ve grown together while knowing this whole time that I’m a total stranger to you. I’ve never actually felt the imprint before. I’m only intended to be with you.”

“Imprint?” I ask.

“Yes, the imprinting was completed the moment we kissed.”


I think about things for a few moments and before I ask another question.

“It’s like we’re connected, I can feel what you feel, can tell what you are thinking. I knew what was going to happen, but I never really knew what it was going to be like.”

“Wait, so the butterflies.”

“Those were mine,” and as Erik blushes, my cheeks too feel warm.

I sit for a few minutes, my mind running a million miles an hour.

“Would you like to feel something else?”

I think about it for just a moment and again without saying “yes” he nods, smiles and removes his tuxedo coat.

“Put your arm up, like this”. His arm rises up in front of him and he lightly traces the middle finger from his opposite arm from his fingertip to elbow and I feel goosebumps form on my arm as the baby hairs stand straight up. I feel a shiver run down my spine and my nipples harden.

“Can you turn it on and off?” I ask worried that he’d know every detail of my life “and can you feel everything I feel?”

“I can, I just need to concentrate on our link, that allows me to know your thoughts and it send my feelings to you”. A devious smile covers my face as I see a twinkle in Erik’s eye as he gives me a slight nod.

“That too,” he says and I know exactly what he means.


I was made to love her and I think she’s starting to understand. I’ve always been surrounded by her. Even when I was in the crib, her baby pictures surrounded me. Every day, I given videos to watch so I was aware of the situations she had dealt with for the day, knowing how she had responded. Understanding her crushes throughout high school. I experienced her highs and lows. Imagine that movie, The Truman Show where Truman’s entire life was on display. As the viewer you were investing in time and emotions with Truman. When he was sad, you too were sad. When you have been surrounded by your whole life you become attached in a way that only few people can understand. I learned to cook her favorite dishes, know her likes, her desires, the things that bothered her. I’ve also had to study damn near every sex guide written for when the time comes.

We’ve been driving for a few hours now. I haven’t been keeping track of time, just watching you sleep. Even in dreams you seem happy. Much happier than the first encounter. I can’t feel the things you feel like you can feel me, but I am empathetic. When you had tears in your eyes, I hurt knowing I was what made you sad. Even though I had not yet been imprinted, I still knew that you hurt.

I know you’ve had boyfriend in the past, for my sake, they kept much of that information from me. I did learn why things hadn’t worked out though and what I needed to know to not make those same mistakes. I look over your sleeping body. The strap of your wedding gown has slipped down over your shoulder exposing just a little more of your right breast. I watch it shake with every bump the limousine hits. I feel my cock twitch and bite my lip trying to keep myself calm but this causes you to shift in your seat. I watch you and rub your thighs together which causes me to twitch yet again. I close my eyes and meditate to empty my mind but images of what tonight will bring flood my mind. I will know how accurate my imagination has been soon.

We arrive at the Villa just before dark and I caress your face.

“My love, we are here.”

You open your eyes and our gazes meet as our lips touch again. Just the perfect amount, you’re happy. I was a smile form on your face.

The driver opens the door to the limousine and I offer you my hand.

“Shall we?”

“We shall,” comes your response, taking my hand. After exiting the car, I cradle you in my arm as I walk towards the open door awaiting us.

Behind us, the driver closes the door and moments later drives off leaving us alone to ourselves.

My heart races as you caress my face to try to calm my anxiousness. I watch your eyes close as you tilt your head to the phantom caress.

“I’m sorry, my sweet.” I say.

“Don’t be, this will just take some time to get used to.”

As we enter the villa, the fireplace is already lit. The peaceful flickering and occasional pop of the logs fill the air. It has a lovely sweet but burnt smell to the wood. I inhale deeply taking the scent in and this your nostrils flare taking in a slightly different scent that you had on your own. I take you through the bedroom door and lay you upon the bed. You feel your heart race, but you’re not sure if that is your own reaction or if it is mine.

I caress your face and run my hands down over your wedding gown until I arrive at your shoes. They’re strapped white leather with some stones that glisten in the light. I undo the strap at your ankle and slide the shoes off, first he left, then the right. I then start rubbing each toe one by one between my fingers. When they are done, I push my thumbs at the top of left foot and massage downward until I reach your heel. I can sense that you enjoy this and I continue until I can feel contentment. I sense something else…impatience, wait, longing growing in you. I feel my cock begin to grow and with this realization your eyes grow wide and your hips thrust into the air.

“Shh,” I say while meeting your gaze as my hands slide up your white stockings until your gown lifts over your baby blue lace panties which have a damp spot. My cock throbs causing your clit to respond in a slight twitch of your panties. I run my hands along the tiny elastic waistband, curl my fingers inward and slowly pull them down your legs, leaving a trace of light kisses on the way down. I spread your lips as a thin string of fluid stretches until it snaps and I run just the tip of my tongue up your inner lips until it meets your clit. I flick my tongue repeatedly causing the muscles in your legs to tense. I slid two fingers just inside your moist walls and rub upward applying the perfect amount of pressure to your g-spot as my tongue lashes against your clit. Our eyes lock as your body tenses in short intervals. I suck your clit deep into my mouth, lightly caressing the tip of my tongue over you and the walls of your soaking wet pussy pulsate in milking contractions round my fingers. Your eyes close as you lean your head back against the bed. I don’t need to read your mind to know what that means.

I lick your fingers clean of your juices as I bring myself up and walk towards the shower smacking my lips. Finally, I remove my clothes setting my rock hard penis free from it’s cloth prison. I run the shower and step aside for a few minutes as I look myself over in the wall sized mirror. My cock is just over 7 inches and about 4.5 inches around, chiseled abs and broad shoulders, my hair is light brown and light blue eyes. My thigh muscles flex as I walk into the shower. As I step into the shower goosebumps form across your body for the briefest amount of time. I lather myself up with the body wash. My eyes cross the room and see you lying there, I grab myself under under my cock head and give myself a single long thrust into my clinched fist. I see your hips thrust upward as you feel your clit seemingly larger than usual begin to get stroked. Your clit tenses and you feel a fluid leak. You reach down and realize are again feeling what I am feeling. A rush comes over me as I realize you are about to come and I stop fucking my hand. Your body relaxes and I sense disappointment.

“Erik, come to me.” you say to me, looking over my soaked body.

I do as I am told as I make my way back to the bed which you are now standing in front of with your arms raised and your back turned. I lower the zipper of your gown and begin lifting it up over your head. My cock throbs as I look you over wearing only your stockings and a blue lace bra. I lower each of your stockings and help you step out of them. Bead of moisture begins slowly dripping from your pussy as I catch it with my fingers and suck it into my mouth. I reach around your back and unclasp your bra freeing your beautiful breast. They are perfect. I look you over and take in your completely naked body. I never imagined that you’d look this good. I knew you were beautiful before I met you, but I really had no idea. My cock throbs which causes you to exhale quickly with a squeak.

I nibble your hard nipples with the perfect amount of pressure before sucking your breast into my mouth. I lift you at your thighs and you wrap your legs against me, grinding your pubis against my cock. I raise you up slightly as you tilt your pelvis toward me. Your pussy holds my tip in place as we kiss and I drop you down onto me. You can feel two slightly different feelings of throbbing overtake you.Ecstasy over take us as we give ourselves over to one another. A wave of sensations never experienced flood our bodies. Heat builds in our chest and faces and the skin burns red.

“Take me and make me yours,” you whimper before nibbling and sucking my ear. Again, the phantom sensation returns to your ear as well as yours too is nibbled and sucked my an unseen force.

I lay you down upon your back and stand at the end of the bed, pulling you toward me. With your ankles over my shoulders I take my cock into my hand and rub the head of my cock against your clit you feel a slight tingle and release as I pull my cock away leaving a trail of precum which still connects us together.

“Cum inside me,” you moan.

I nod and place throbbing purple head of my cock inside you and wrap my strong hands around your thighs. I look down at my cockhead just inside your pussy before pulling you towards my thrust. My cock enters you at the perfect angle, my head applying pressure along the front wall of your velvety pussy until it pushes against your cervix and sliding back out with the pressure again applied to your g-spot. Knowing exactly what the other is feeling has escalated the experience beyond anything imaginable. You feel the sensation of balls lifting and the base of my cock tighten.

“Cum Erik, fill me up.”

You feel the tightening of my cock’s base until I can no longer hold back. I push in deep and you wrap your legs around my waste and pull me even deeper. I feel your pussy begin contracting around my cock. I relax, causing my cock explodes with ferocity inside you. You experience not just your first orgasm with me, but also my first orgasm ever from my perspective. We are both flooded with newfound emotions. Your breasts push against my chest as I collapse down across you. Our simultaneous contractions continue as you squeeze every drop of cum from my shaft as we breathe deep the smell of sweat and sex that fills the air.

With neither of us wanting to separate ourselves, we slide up the bed intertwined and before falling asleep together and sharing the sweetest dreams, you whisper into my ear, “I love you.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ujges0/mf_a_match_made_in_heavenshared_sensations1st