[MF] A Married Life Experience [Part 3]

(Micro Updates)

Rather than post a bunch of brief installments, I decided to write down some updates as they happen and then post them all at once.  


I have been journaling…yesterday and today.

I thought it would be best to go ahead and post a collection of my entries from the last two days instead of brief little independent entries.

So I’ve been chatting with a few of the readers on here, answering questions and responding to their curiosities.  It’s been very helpful to gain some of their insight.  Some of them have made some really great points about the situation.  To sum everything up though, I would like to say that my wife and I have been married for almost 25 years. After that amount of time, issues of trust, empathy, compassion, being happy for one another…. It’s all automatic. I truly want beautiful things for her. The  Darker feelings like resentment and jealousy haven’t held a place in our marriage in a very long time.  

We are in our 50s. Youthful but older.  And yes, she is very MILFY.  Hot, sexy and with the looks of a 30 year old.  But she’s pretty shy or at least she was lol.  Very petite. A hair over 5 feet tall and 105lbs at most.  She’s really attractive and it always surprises me that she often gets overlooked because of how petite she is. I think that’s largely because she is a “let me disappear into the crowd” kind of person.  Not an attention seeker.  Needless to say, I love it when she gets sex-positive attention like what’s happening now.  I think the attention that she’s getting from this guy has really affected her. 

I love that she’s excited for tomorrow night. It matters to me that she’s excited about it. 

She called around 9:30.  She was getting ready to leave soon and head home.  She didn’t mention anything about Donovan other than he was talking I’m the background while she was on the phone with me. I heard a guys voice talking to someone and I asked “is that Donovan I hear in the back?” She said it was.  He’s got a very masculine voice from what I could tell.  

She doesn’t know that I’m documenting everything. So, after reading all the comments on here; the responses and the questions I’ve answered, I hope I can keep it cool when she gets home.  This week,  I’ve only see her in the mornings and then later at night when she gets home.  I feel like it might be a little awkward tonight.  

I’m only gonna see her in the morning tomorrow.  She’ll be out on her way to meet this guy before I get home. I’m debating leaving work early to see her before she leaves but I’m not sure what good that would do.  More than anything, it might make me have second thoughts though. 

(This Morning)

So here we are. It’s Friday morning. THE Friday of this much anticipated DATE.  We didn’t talk about it at all but I could tell she wanted to. Truthfully, I feel comfortable chatting about from a distance. I think she can tell. Not sure if that’s a good thing or bad.  But we had our coffee together like normal. The kids were up getting their stuff Together for school.  

I left for work like any normal workday this morning. It was business as usual.  I wasn’t going to see Liz later ’cause I won’t get home till about 6:30 and they’re planning to meet at 7, I think, for dinner.  At least I think dinner is their plan.  That’s what she told me.  

So I will miss seeing her by about 30 minutes to an hour or so.  Honestly, I think I like it better that way anyhow. I don’t want any kind of weird moment when she leaves to meet him. 

We will definitely be texting, though,  today and then later tonight.  Actually, One of the guidelines I brought up earlier was that she has to text me and send pics. Not a play-by-play but enough so I know what’s happening.  She agreed but said there wouldn’t be much time to take pictures. Obviously she’s trying to play it the whole thing down. 


I did call her, late morning, to see how she was doing And then texted later this afternoon after not hearing from her for a while.  but I think I mostly called for me. My nerves are shot.  She said she was happy I texted and that She can only imagine how I must be feeling.  Sad face emoji.  ” Are you sure you’re okay with this,?”  She asked 

It almost felt like an apology from her for wanting to go on this date.   I know she’s really excited about it. I know that she’s really turned on about it too.  I don’t know what’s going to happen but I could tell from her tone and little details that she drops in the conversation that she wants to get laid. 

I did reiterate to her that she has to text me. We spoke about that earlier in the week but Don’t want her to get too lost in a moment and forget.  She promised that she would text. 

(Friday Afternoon)

A few days ago I said that I didn’t really expect much would come of this date and I really believed that at the time.  I guess I was trying to convince myself.  I felt at ease and confident about it.  We texted a couple of times when I got to work today. But, my “at ease” feeling about tonight was definitely tested. A little while ago she began texting me pictures of the different outfits she bought and wanted my help choosing which one she should wear.

It was clear that she put a lot of thought into it and was definitely playing into my fantasy.  

They were a few different  dresses that she showed me But three that were her favorites. She sent a bunch of texts and selfies. Some some texts had a few selfies of her in a very conservative looking black dinner dress with spaghetti straps and an exposed back. I liked it and thought she looked classy.

A few minutes later I received more selfies from her.  A second dress.  It was a black sun dress.  Thin as hell.  So light weight and thin. It seemed just barely enough fabric to count as a dress.   It was kind of flimsy but also sexy. It looked hot but, admittedly, my chest was beginning to knot up.  It was clear she was trying to look as flirty and sexy as possible. Definitely not playing it down this time.

Another selfie, same dress but this time she lifted the bottom to show me her stockings and panties underneath.  I couldn’t believe it.  It was so erotic. This is the sexiest thing she’s ever done. She followed that up with another dress, same thing…lifting it up to show me her panties and stockings  Then a message: 

Do you think he’ll like it? Wink wink.  Hold on just a minute.

The next selfie came. It was her taking a close up and I could see her panties that she was wearing.  I could tell that her panties were semi transparent.  I could also tell that she was completely shaved underneath.  My fucking heart sank. She is clearly trying to slut it up.

 You shaved? 

 Of course I did silly. I’m going on a date tonight. Wink.  What did you expect?  Ok one more.  Hold on.

I’m not kidding.  That’s what she wrote.  I was speechless and at work which sucked. I considered taking the rest of the day off and just sit in my car until she left.  I don’t think I was going to be useful at work today.

Luckily, there we’re a few guys from this group that I was chatting with today.  It really helps to keep me distracted. And engaged

To add some context about the photos she sent me: In our whole marriage I think I have about five sexy selfies from her. That’s it. That’s the most she’s ever sent me. In the past I’ve asked her multiple times for her to be more flirty with texting. But she never really tried.  Now tonight I think she sent me like 8 or 9 selfies.  

The last selfie came a few moments later.  A very tight red club dress that completely hugged her body and barely came down below her ass cheeks.  She also sent a follow up pic. It was also a ¾ angle selfie of her lifting it up to show me that she had nothing on underneath.  No panties and obviously no bra.

OMG your not wearing any underwear. Are you kidding me?

Smiley face.  No bra either.  I can’t with this dress.  The lines would show. You like?  Do you think he’ll like it?  It’s not that comfortable though. Which outfit do you think he’ll like most? 

But if you sit, you’ll be on display

Yes, I know.  You don’t like it?  Sad face.   Which dress do you like most then? 

Honey, I’m not sure this is a great idea? 

I’ve read posts from other guys who’ve gone through this first date thing with their wives and they’ve all said that the first date with another guy is definitely the hardest.  That’s me right now. Probably going to get worse tonight. It’s raining. A perfect storm  Feeling torn is typical I guess

She ignored my text and just kept going.

I’m thinking the second one.  The sun dress. a little bit of a tease but not too much, you know.  But the lingerie underneath is the perfect touch.  Don’t you think? I hope he likes it.  Honey. I should  go baby.  Lots of errands to run before later. Text me and let me know which one you like most ok?
Oh baby, one more thing….  Thank you so so so so so much for letting me go out with him tonight. You made me very happy. I’m so nervous and so excited. I can’t believe it’s actually happening. I love you.  

Holy fuck. I chose to ignore it cause I had nothing to say.  I didn’t know how to respond. I am so nervous. Actually, being nervous doesn’t even come close.  It’s more like a new feeling I never experienced before. Nerves are part of it But there’s  jealousy mixed in with it, I’m kind of angry and a little in shock. But also excitement and an overwhelming sexual high. So erotic.  It’s difficult to explain but it’s intense

(5 PM)

I’m writing all of this down as the day goes on.

Paragraph by paragraph.  I haven’t heard from her since she sent me those photos earlier. She knows me so well though.  She knows how much I like it when she dresses up for me. It’s one of the kinks I have, I guess you could call it.  So she definitely was teasing me earlier. Fuck this is insane. It’s a little after 5:00.  Fuck me!


Still no word from her. But I did write her back a little while ago to ask which dress she chose.  I know she asked me to choose for her but that’s just a little weird to me. If it was another guy who was going through this I would have said it was hot but because it’s me….    I am literally light-headed and my heart is pounding.  

Packing up my stuff  to leave work and head home. 

Then, while I was driving, my phone chimed. I had a text. It was Liz.  

Baby, I’ve got butterflies so bad.  I’m so nervous. 

Me too

I’m glad I’m not the only one.  I mean, we’ve hung out so much already at work but this just feels different now, right?


Are you on your way home yet? Are you excited for me? I hope you are.  I want you to know that I’m so happy you are allowing this.  I can’t believe it. It’s amazing.

My heart is pounding.



You want me to call you?

No.  I can’t talk right now. I can’t. 
What dress are you wearing?

Black Sun dress.  I guess you’re texting while you’re driving? It’s raining out

I like that dress on you

Me too.  Honey, I love you.  God this is so hot 

After all these years I can’t believe I’m going out on a date with a 25-year-old man. I’m 54! Is this crazy? It feels so electric. God this is amazing. Thank you. 

I love you too.  

Make sure you text me. Ok? 

Yes. I will.  Smiley face

Be careful.

I will. kiss emoji

(Last update).

She just texted me that she is on her way to meet him.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ujzlwk/mf_a_married_life_experience_part_3


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