An Act of Kindness [MF]

Loneliness and I were old friends. I was an ugly kid with a sense of humor. I had tons of friends but no one ever wanted to hold my hand or kiss me. I was surrounded by people yet never felt like I belonged anywhere. Eventually I met a girl and we settled down but the loneliness didn’t pass. I slept alone every night. She rarely touched me. I felt so starved for affection. Even in a dedicated relationship, I felt so lonely.

You were one of the few rays of sunshine in my life. Every Friday, I walked down to the beer store. Drowning my sorrows had become a weekly ritual. However, if I’m completely honest with myself, I mostly came to see you. I was always disappointed whenever there was someone else behind the counter. I really enjoyed our little chats while checking out and you were definitely a sight for sore eyes. I had never met anyone more beautiful than you. You were down to earth with supple curves and long, dark hair. Your pale skin seemed to glow in the neon light of that little store.

One Friday, you noticed that I couldn’t even fake a smile. You greeted me cheerfully as I walked in but i only responded with a halfhearted wave. After grabbing a few six packs, I placed them on the counter but kept my eyes fixed on the floor.

As you scanned the first barcode, you decided to see what was wrong. You asked softly, “Rough day today?”

I sighed and considered my words carefully. “You could say that. Just feeling low.”

You frowned at my admission. “I’m sorry to hear that. Anything in particular dragging you down?”

I sighed again. “Nothing in particular, I guess. Sometimes life just likes kicking us. I’ll get through it eventually.”

You scanned another barcode. “Well, maybe your wife will know how to cheer you up.”

I looked away and scoffed, “Doubtful but I appreciate the sentiment.”

You cocked your head. You were a bit younger than me and had always assumed marriage just made people happy. Couples knew how to help each other, right? None of this made sense to you. You looked at me with those deep, wide eyes of yours and said, “I thought that’s what partners were for.”

“Yeah,” I responded softly, “Me too. But things don’t always go to plan.” I saw that all my beer had been scanned so I went ahead and paid with my card. The transaction approved, I grabbed my stuff and said, “Thanks for listening. Have a good weekend.”

Your heart broke for me. I always seemed so kind and positive. You didn’t like seeing me without my mask on. You looked around to find the rest of the store empty, not even another car in the parking lot. So you decided to be brave. As I got close to the door you blurted out, “Fuck her.”

I stopped at the door, unsure of what I had heard. I turned back and asked, “What was that? Sorry, I don’t think I heard you.”

Your pale face burned red from embarrassment. “I don’t know. Its just, I guess, when I’m feeling down a nice orgasm really takes the edge off.” You shrugged adorably.

An even deeper sadness washed over me. “That’d be wonderful but unfortunately, she’s not really like that.”

This confused you even more. “What do you mean?”

I sighed again. “She doesn’t like sex. She feels like I shouldn’t like it either. So it’s rare for us.”

From our previous chats, you knew that I had been married for years. The thought of being in a sexless relationship that long sent a cold shiver across your soft skin. “How do you put up with that?”

I responded honestly. “I made a promise. I promised to love her no matter what. Just trying to follow through on my word.” The words felt so pathetic. My shoulders slumped and I turned back towards the door.

None of this sat well with you. You never knew what it was like to feel unwanted. The pain in my bright eyes pulled at your heart. You glanced around one more time and then asked, “Can I help?”

The thought of being with you turned my face bright red. You were absolutely gorgeous; far and away out of my league. I forced an awkward smile and stammered, “Y-you don’t have to do that. It was sweet of you to ask though.”

You decided you weren’t taking no for an answer. You mused aloud, “I haven’t had a dick in my mouth for awhile. Kinda forget how it feels.”

You touched a nerve. I had long forgotten what it felt like to be in someone’s mouth. I missed it so much; the pleasure, the soft wet heat, the passion. It was all so alien to me now. My body screamed at me to stay while my mind tried pulling me closer to the door. I was frozen in place.

You smiled at the effect you were clearly having on me. Then you decided to really double down on your offer. You pulled at your tshirt and flashed me. Your breasts were perfect; soft and round with a wonderful amount of plumpness. You let them hang there for a moment before putting your shirt back down.

My body finally won out in the struggle. It craved connection and pleasure. My mind could not fight back with its arsenal of social pressure and responsibilities. I put my beer back on the counter and whispered, “Thank you.”

You beamed proudly and motioned for me to follow you to the little office area. I rushed behind the counter and was only a few steps behind you. You giggled a bit as you closed the door behind us.

I began to speak nervously. “I’ve never done anything like this so I don’t really know what-”

You placed a single fingertip against my lips. You shushed me softly and said, “It’s okay. You’re okay.” Then you pushed me against the closed door. “Just relax and enjoy yourself.” You kissed me on the cheek and lifted your shirt up again. You took my hands and moved them over your warm, inviting skin. I felt your hard nipples between my fingers. I shuddered from the sheer joy of it all. Even this moment was more than I had experienced in years.

Then you made it better. You sank down and got on your knees. Your little hands deftly undid my belt and pulled my cock out into the open. As your fingers danced along my shaft, it grew larger and larger. I was putty in your hands. You held me tightly at the base and opened your mouth.

I moaned as you took me in. The soft wetness of your tongue glided against my tip and shaft. My cock throbbed inside of you, growing yet larger. You looked up at me with smiling eyes as you went deeper. You gagged a bit when I reached the back of your throat. So you leaned back a bit but then took me right back in. Before long, you were blowing me hard. My tip touched the back of your throat over and over and over again.

You bobbed back and forth beautifully. Your dark hair swayed as you let me enjoy your throat. You moved gracefully up and down my throbbing shaft. The pleasure was incredible. I had not felt such joy in so very long. I moaned louder as you took me all the way in. Your hands rested on your thighs. Your tits bounced perfectly while you sucked my cock.

It was all so much. I had been starving for years and my body wasn’t ready for this sudden feast. I wanted your mouth around my cock forever but my body could only handle this heaven for a short time.

Within moments, my load exploded in your mouth. My entire body quaked and quivered. You were not expecting so much. You pulled away, letting my wet cock dangle in the air. After a bit of swirling it all around, you opened your mouth and let me see the load on your tongue. I smiled at how cute you looked before you swallowed my cum.

You smiled up at me and asked, “Feeling better?”

I nodded vigorously in approval. “You have no idea.”

“Good”, you exclaimed as you rose to your feet. You pulled your shirt back down as you continued, “Don’t expect that to happen again, mind you. Just wanted to be kind.”

I spoke as I got my pants back on straight. “I appreciate what you did and yes, no expectations on my part. Just, thank you so much.”

You gave me a little hug and responded, “No problem. Maybe it’s time for you to move on from her.” You opened the door and were relieved to see no customers waiting for you.

I nodded again as I stepped through the doorway. My gait was a bit wobbly from your act of kindness. “You’re right. I’ll get there eventually.”

I left and we never spoke of it again. I only saw you a few more times. I had heeded your advice and filed for divorce a few weeks after our encounter. That meant moving away and losing my Friday ritual. Although it was a scary road, you were right that it was time for me walk it.

I’ll always remember you. Thank you for everything. You will never know just how much that one act mattered to me. I miss you and your masterful little mouth.
