Our Saturday Night Date With Our FWB [FFM]

My wife and I went on a date on Saturday with our FWB. We met at this small-ish bar that we know that plays nice music and isn’t horribly crowded like the more obvious places on a Saturday evening…we didn’t do anything wild yet, we mostly just talked a lot about what was going on with each other and what happened since we last met over some drinks and had a lot of fun dancing. Afterwards we took a cab back to our place, popped open a bottle of wine and continued to chat for about an hour longer until we finished it off, though with a couple kisses and some risqué touching here and there now thanks to the privacy of our home and the alcohol helping with our inhibitions.

Usually (I say that as if our threesomes with our friend couldn’t still be counted on one hand – they can lol ) I’ll let my wife and our FWB shower first because our stall is nowhere near large enough for all three of us and I prefer to give them a head start anyway in the bedroom, so that they have some time to themselves and get in the mood before I join. We did just that and I got the bedroom ready and prepared everything that we’ll probably need – towels, water, lube, condoms, etc. while also doing some miscellaneous things like muting my phone and turning the lights to a warm, dull, not too intense setting.

Eventually they finished showering and after sharing a kiss with each of them as they settled down on the bed next to me – they smelled wonderful, looked gorgeous naked, and their skin was still slightly flushed and hot to the touch from the water – I told them to play nice with each other until I finished showering, too.

After doing so, I joined the ladies in the bedroom, and the rest is history. It was fantastic. We slept with my wife sandwiched in the middle, until she complained that she was feeling too hot to sleep and switched with me, which needless to say I didn’t oppose in the least lol.

After we woke up I decided to make breakfast for us (scrambled eggs, our FWB’s choice) while they stayed in bed for a while longer as a token of my appreciation. After we finished they freshened up while I washed the dishes and I sorted myself out in the bathroom a bit as well after they were done, then we hit the bed for one more session. The night was draining, but situations like these (or rather, women like them) tend to make a man feel as if he always has one more in him.

For the sake of variety, it was my turn to shower with her afterwards. We didn’t have sex in there, but I thought it was only proper to give her a farewell orgasm with my fingers and my shower head (we use a splitter with my wife when we shower together).

She left after an early lunch with us. After having reclamatory sex with my wife, we checked in with her over the phone and thankfully she got home safe and was just as satisfied as we were. She couldn’t say for sure just yet, but she said she may be free the next weekend, too.

I hope we’ll have many more dates like this one in the future.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uhwo39/our_saturday_night_date_with_our_fwb_ffm


  1. Wow, very interesting… I thought you were maybe a student at the Peay. How ironic.

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