MF Long-Con Crush [Part 1]

An ungodly 14 hour flight, a four hour bus trip, and I’m finally within reach of a bed at a host family’s house. I thought I’d fall asleep standing up until a flash of red hair caught my eye… one of the girls left with her host mom- shit, did I hear her name? I didn’t.

Our first set of classes started the following morning. We’d all been split into different groups based on our grasp of the language, and Jodi was in a different level than I was. I saw her chatting with a group of other girls in the courtyard at lunch, and walked up to her. She introduced me to her new friends.“So you’re all in the same classes together?” I asked.

“We actually met Jodi through-“

“Me.”I turned toward the voice and- red flash from the day before. She held out her hand; it took me a moment to snap back and accept her handshake.

“H-Hi.” I sputtered.

“Colby; nice to meet you… Ken, right?”

“How did you know?” Colby nodded her head at Jodi.

“Jodi and I sat next together in class, and she told me about you.” Colby smiled.

The rest of the girls went to the same fruity, Californian, liberal arts school that Colby did. I noticed they were all… distinctively easier get along with than the girls from Chicago in my classes, so I didn’t mind joining their group. All of us spent our lunches together, and spent our evenings drinking at a bar by the river.

One night, I saw Colby drinking alone on the riverbank. The rest of our friends were chatting with local guys along the bar counter. I took my drink outside to join Colby. She turned when she heard me step on a few twigs.

“Hey, Ken. Nice night, huh?”

“It is. You’re…” I gestured back toward the bar, “not with the rest of the group?”

She laughed.“Nah, not my scene. I like the quiet.” She tapped the ground next to her inviting me to sit down. “What’d you order?” She pointed at the glass in my hand.

“Oh, Belgian beer. You?”

“Red wine. We’re not in Belgium, we’re in Rome, aren’t we? Well… I mean in the sense of the adage. What did you come to study?”

“French Literature.”

“Ah, good thing you didn’t opt for the Australian program.”

I felt the corners of my lips turn into a smirk. “Are you always this quick?”

She laughed “Yeah, I guess I am.” She sighed, and looked back out at the river. I took her cue to enjoy it silently with her. Her glass caught the light from the street lamps and tossed it into back into her eyes, I tried not to turn my head so she wouldn’t catch me staring. She finished her drink, and used my shoulder to stand up. She tossed a smile over her shoulder with a “Bonne nuit, Ken.”“G’night, Colby.”


We moved on to the larger part of our semester a month later, and moved into more permanent host families in Paris. Colby and Jodi became roommates, and I was only a Metro stop away. They hosted a party our first weekend there when their host family was out of town. We all crowded around their kitchen table with the cheapest bottles of wine we could find at the nearest markets, and traded drinking games until they were gone. As the night went on and people headed home, we found ourselves sitting on Colby’s bed listening to music. Jodi went to bed, handing me a half-full glass of-

“Shit, I stayed too long.” Colby raised an eyebrow. I held the glass up and grimaced. “Last person to leave finishes whatever’s left.” She laughed as I took a big swig. “Mmm, not as bad as I thought, actually.”

“White and red mixed together is a cheap table rosé, yeah? Not what you were expecting?” She held out her hand to take the glass, took a sip, nodded, and passed it back. I tossed my head back and finished the leftovers, setting the glass on her nightstand. “Oh, hold on-“ She leaned into me, brushed her thumb along my bottom lip, caught a drop, and wiped it away. I pressed my lips against hers. She inhaled sharply, and scooted away from me. “Whoa- I-“

“Shit, no, I’m sorry-“

“Stop, stop, I-“ I stood up to leave, she grabbed my wrist, “No, I mean-“ I froze. “I… I didn’t know.” Her hand fell away, she whispered “No idea.” I turned back toward her, she looked surprised, and shook her head when she looked up at me. “Uh…” she reached toward my wrist, it floated back into her palm, and she stood.

“I should go-“

“No, I-“ She laughed nervously hiding her eyes, but her cheeks were bright red. Her mind caught up with her, her arms retracted, a hand snapped to the nape of her neck. Still… she took a step toward me. I ran my fingertips up her neck and down her jaw, drawing her into me until my lips mashed into hers and she softened. She leaned into me, pressing her hands into my chest. My tongue chased hers as she melted into me. I laced my fingers in her hair and tugged it gently, she moaned. Just as I dragged a hand up her ass- a board creaking down the hall brought us back to reality. “Shit-“ she whispered

“Jodi-“ we exchanged a deflated look, and fell apart. “Y’know she won’t care-“

Colby shook her head and waved a hand at me “Mmm, we can talk about this tomorrow- maybe you should-“

“Go, yeah.” I slipped through the door frame and walked toward the front door. She followed me and grabbed my wrist as I grabbed the door knob.

“Wait-“ I turned back, she grabbed my face, and kissed me again before darting back to her room.


I barely slept that night. Between recalling the kiss and entertaining fantasies, all I could do was toss. A cold shower and an espresso the next morning helped. I popped down to my metro stop and headed to the Notre Dame to meet our friends for lunch and sight-seeing. I spotted Colby’s red hair first; the unseasonably warm weather put her in a sundress I couldn’t stop ogling until I got close enough to be caught. Jodi called me over. Colby kept her cool, save for a little redness in her cheeks her sunglasses mostly hid. We wandered around the city, shopping and sight-seeing. I couldn’t help but watch the skirt of her dress wave as she walked. We made one last shop stop before lunch; Colby and I were a little “shopped out” and opted to sit on a nearby bench. I sat just far enough away to read “platonic” to anyone passing by. She broke the silence and cleared her throat.

“Should we talk about last night…?” My hand crept closer to hers on the bench seat. “Was that… real?” I nudged her hand with a finger, she wrapped her hand around mine as the redness returned to her cheeks. “Okay-“ she exhaled sharply. “I thought I might have dreamt that or something. So much wine, I blacked out a little bit.” She laughed nervously, her other hand returning to the back of her neck like it had last night. Colby squeezed my hand gently, I saw her lift her sunglasses over her forehead, scanning the shop entrances for familiar faces. When her scan came up empty, her hands fell on either side of my jaw, and she pulled my face into hers, smashing her lips against mine. She broke away as quickly as she’d acted, returning to watching for our friends. “Say something…?” she whispered.

“I wanna get out of here… finish what we started…” I tried to pull her back into me, her head snapped off to the side as she spotted Jodi headed toward us. She scooted away from me and yawned just a little too dramatically. She complained that she wanted to have a weekend nap, and said she’d see Jodi back at home. I said I’d see her most of the way back, made something up about needing to read something for classes.

The Metro was busy for a weekend afternoon. I pulled Colby into a crowded car, and turned to face her, pressing her back against the cool glass of the window. She held my hips to keep her balance, resting her forehead against my neck. I tilted her face up to mine, pressing my lips against hers softly. She nuzzled her nose against mine with a quiet giggle. We stayed like that, drinking each other in, to the point that we almost missed her stop.

I kissed her neck as she fumbled with the keys in her front door. My hands found the dips in her waist over her dress as we tripped through the entry way. She held my hand and led me to a couch in the great room. She sat next to me, her knees tucked underneath her, leaning against the back of the cushions so she could face me.

“So…” Colby tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “How’d we get here?” She laughed lightly. I felt my cheeks turning red. “Not just the wine?”

I shook my head and shrugged.“Liquid courage, misreading body language…?”

She inched closer to me until she could run her fingertips along the outer seams of my jeans. I reached out to brush her cheek with my thumb, her eyes sparkled before they fluttered closed. Our lips met again, sweetly at first, then a little rougher. Colby crawled into my lap, her legs falling on either side of my thighs, the skirt of her dress crumpling into piles where the fabric met mine. My hands traced the straps of her dress down her back as her tongue traced my lips. She pulled my face into hers with a hunger I hadn’t noticed before. My thumbs slipped the straps of her dress off of her shoulders…

She sighed and whispered in my ear, “Still not answering my question…?” I twirled the zipper toggle in the middle of her back between my fingertips.

“This isn’t an answer…?” I whispered back. Her back straightened, she tossed her hair behind her shoulders, slid her hand between mine and the toggle. I could hear the teeth come undone one set at a time.

“Not quite… not the ‘how,’ not a ‘why,’ even…” The front of her dress slowly loosened; I kissed down her neck toward her chest while she took forever and a day to free it. I helped her hand slide the toggle down her back, she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her breasts spilled out of the top of her dress. I cupped one with a hand, gently twisting the nipple between my fingers, covering the other with kisses. Colby moaned softly as her hands floated down to support herself on my knees. My pants were getting tighter as I explored her chest more, I started to grow between her thighs. Colby’s phone chimed, her hands snapped to her breasts, and she rolled off of me. In a frenzy, she whipped down the hallway to her room, dragging me by the wrist behind her. She slammed her door shut, pinned me against it, pressed her lips hard against mine, and… “I’m sorry, Ken-“ in one deft motion, she threw me from the door of her room through the open entry into the sun room she shared with Jodi. I hid behind a pair of drying racks covered in jackets and jeans as she tossed herself underneath the blankets of her bed, Jodi cracking Colby’s bedroom door a moment after, just to check that she was safe where she said she would be. I crept back into Colby’s room before I heard Jodi shut the door of her own; I was safe, for the most part. I snuck into Colby’s bed for a moment on my way out.

“Hey-“ she turned to me,

“Hi, Ken, I-“ I pressed my lips on hers to quiet her.

“It’s okay, I’ll see you soon, yeah?”

“Yeah…” I kissed her forehead and cracked the door open, just enough to confirm Jodi was in her own world enough for me to escape. Before I knew it, I was seated at my desk in front of an open book of Robespierre… day dreaming of what could have happened…


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