26 [F] Apparently guys used our dorm calendar as a playbook in university

For reference this is a follow up to another post of mine: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qw34cj/f_featuring_in_a_sexy_dorm_calender_for_charity/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

Recently I was hanging out with a friend who I went to university with and was in the same form as me. She also happened to feature in the same calendar as I back then. Anyways while we met to catch up that topic came up. She told me that there was a group of guys that used the calendar to take notes on the girls, record stuff, and used it as a form of challenge to see who could sleep with all 12 (I’m not sure if anyone did)

I guess that one of the guys showed her after having fun. Each month/girl he had notes on how to pick them up, how many guys they knew they slept with, what they liked, what they would do and more. It gave me a really mixed feeling of being grossed out and being turned on, especially knowing I had slept with some of the guys she mentioned, which she joked I had a good tally.

I’m very curious now what is written there and may never know, but thought it may make an interesting update for someone. If I ever do find out I’ll let yall know, might trying asking a guy I know.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uiay5v/26_f_apparently_guys_used_our_dorm_calendar_as_a


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