The Butler (Extreme age gap, spanking, watersports, MF)

This will be a multiple part story of naughty fun. Hopefully someone enjoys it.


“Alicia, your father wants me to inform you that you are grounded until you go away to college,” stuffy old Bennet the butler informs me. “You are to stay in the house and only allow visitors that’s on an approved guest list. You may only attend  charitable events or parties where your family is invited.”

“What? this is bullshit, I’m eighteen, he can’t tell me what to do,” I cross my arms but really I want to hit someone. 

“He thought you might say that,” Bennet dryly says, “If you go against his wishes he’ll cut your access off to credit cards when you go away to college this fall and he will not pay for the lavish accommodations he had arranged for you.”

“Daddy is upset but he’ll get over it,” I scoff. 

“Miss Morgan, if I may offer some advice,” Bennet says, “It’s only for a few months you have to play the good girl. This last debacle has embarrassed your father and could have hurt his chances in the upcoming election. When you go away to college, you can do what you want however it’s best not to mess with boys your age. Boys your age have no sense of discretion. Older men who have something to lose know the value of keeping what remains behind closed doors secret. You’re lucky those boys didn’t get much of your face in frame. The one shot that could expose you was one where you had so much cum on your face it helped to disguise who you are.”

I’m a bit taken aback by my father’s long time trusted butler being so frank and using such course language. 

Bennet is a fifty five year old man and his demeanor is that of a stereotypical uptight butler. Though he is an older man, he seems to keep in shape underneath his pressed shirts. He’s about six foot tall so he does tower over my five foot one frame. For an older guy, he has a handsome face. Good cheekbones and a strong jaw. if he wasn’t such a stuffed shirt he’d be a total zaddy. Sometimes I wonder if he’s boring in bed as he is out of it or is he hiding a secret sex fiend underneath the proper exterior. 

For fun I sometimes try to tease him. I’ll make a dirty joke or say something scandalous I’ve done and he never flinches. One time he came up to my room to inquire at my father’s behest why I wasn’t ready for some gala we were attending. For funsies I took my robe off and told him I wasn’t done getting dressed. I was naked as the day I was born. Bennet didn’t even flinch. I put my dress on without putting on the thong I was going to wear because I wanted to get him hot and bothered knowing I wasn’t wearing underwear. Later that night I touched myself wondering if when he was alone he let himself get hard for me.

“I was half conscious during that. If anyone should be scared of their reputation it’s those guys who violated me,” I say with all the indignation I could muster.

I was at an after prom party and I drank a little too much and had a bump one too many. My at the time boyfriend Sam went to another school and his prom was the weekend after mine. Luckily the rumors of my wild night didn’t get much traction at my school.

Sam took me up to a bedroom and we started making out. A few of his friends came in and watched us. It turned me on and I tried to put on a good show and then somehow that turned into me fucking and sucking other dudes. I think it ended up being eight guys. All I know I had a lot of hands on me and a lot of dicks in me. 

Someone recorded on their phone but the room really didn’t have a lot of light in it and other body parts were more focused on than my face. It probably was some kid named Tyler. His dad is a political rival of my father.

Bennet raised one of his eyebrows at me, “Miss Morgan, you seemed to have been more than a willing participant in that video.”

“You’ve watched all of it,” I flash him a naughty smile.

Bennet only rolls his eyes at me, “Only to know what evidence your father’s enemies have on him. It looks like it won’t be released but your father had to pay a pretty penny and make promises that he would have rather not made.”

“Where is daddy? Why won’t he come up here and tell me himself?” 

“He’s left on his trip early with your mother. They’ll be gone for the next week. Your father has tasked me to ensure you follow his rules.”

“I thought you were a butler not a jailer,” I spat out.

“Until you are off to college I am your master,” Bennet’s dark brown eyes fix intently onto me and I’m weirdly turned on.

“Sounds kinky, master,” my voice is dripping with sarcasm.

In a flash Bennet’s professional indifference turns into hot rage. I gasp as he grabs my long brown hair at the back of my head. My hands try to reach up and free myself from his grip but he’s stronger than me.

Bennet drags me over to my bed where he sits down and lays me over his knee. I scream out when he gives my ass a smack. It’s a sting but not that bad. The shock of it all is what gets me most.

“You’ve always been a brat,” Bennet seethes, “your father should have disciplined you long ago.”

Bennet smacks my ass with quick hard movements as I scream out.

“You’re fucking nuts. My father will fire you for doing this to me,” I thrash around hoping to be free of his grip but it’s no use. My ass is really starting to sting and I’m sure it’s red.

“You’re father gave me his blessing to discipline you,” another smack to my ass is delivered. Even though I’m overcome with rage, I can feel my pussy getting wet. “He knows exactly what kind of disciplinarian I am, little girl.”

On and on he makes a blow to my ass. Eventually I start crying from the pain. 

“Those crocodile tears might work on your father but I am no fool. I know you are only a manipulative brat,” he says as he continues his assault. He momentarily stops to push my leggings off. Somehow he is able to hold my arms in one hand and use the other to take my leggings and thong off. I wonder if he’s done this before because even me thrashing my legs doesn’t stop him.

He smacks down harder and harder on my bare ass when he continues his abuse. When I finally stop fighting him, there’s longer pauses between his hits. He raises his hand one more time but only holds it up. I start balling because the anticipation of yet another smack fills me with dread.

“Miss Morgan, are you going to be a good girl now and not fight me,” Bennet says almost softly.

“Yes,” I somehow am able to squeak out a response. Tomorrow might be a different story but right now I’m willing to negotiate.

His hand is still in the air and he moves to lower it which causes me to wince. However it doesn’t come down to smack me again and I am grateful my torture has come to an end.

He stands me up and my legs feel like jelly. He cups my cheek and forces me to look up to him, “you’re lucky my hand was feeling the sting too or I would have kept going.” He uses his thumb to wipe away one of my  tears. “Do you have to use the facilities?”

I shake my head yes and he holds me up as we walk to my ensuite bathroom. I’ve had to pee for quite awhile but didn’t want to embarrass myself by wetting myself. Thinking of it now, I wish I did because this bastard deserves someone peeing on him.

“You shouldn’t be on your ass for at least a few hours,” Bennet says matter of factly, “Get in the tub and take off your top.”

I don’t move right away because it confuses me why I need to get in the tub and take my top off to pee.

“Why,” my voice isn’t as strong as it normally would be but there’s still a hint of defiance in it.

The look he gives me says he is tired of my shit, “You want me to bring out a paddle or flogger?”

I certainly do not so I move to take off the tank top I wear. An odd mixture of arousal and embarrassment consumes my body. Bennet looks at me with no hint of what he is thinking. For some reason I’m disappointed that I can’t get under his skin in a sexual way. 

Men are always looking at my body. From young men to old men since I had developed breasts at a young age. At eighteen they are a full D cup and perky too especially for the size of them. I’ve joked that half of my hundred and fifteen pounds is made up of my tits.

“Miss Morgan I haven’t got all night,” Bennet’s annoyance clings in the air.

Removing my bra quickly, Bennet’s eyes look down to my breasts. Still he shows no emotion but I can’t help but feel turned on at him inspecting me. 

“Your nipples are hard, Miss Morgan,” Bennet says, still looking at my breasts.

“I’m cold,” I lie.”May I take a piss now?” 

“Still with that attitude,” Bennet moves to put a hand over my throat. My hands wrap around my wrist but his hand squeezes a little tighter. He’s nowhere near cutting off air but it still scares me a bit.

“I’m sorry. I’ll behave,” I plead as I try to hold in the pee that wants out of my bladder.

He releases me from his grip, “Squat down,” Bennet says in his regular professional tone.

Not in my wildest fantasies had I imagined Bennet to be this much of a perv. Humiliation washes over as I squat down. He gets down on his knees as if he plans to watch me. Even though I’m embarrassed, I feel incredibly sexy being spread for him while he looks right at my pussy.

“Well?” Bennet asks impatiently.

Having someone watch me pee has caused a bit of performance anxiety.

“Relax and it will come out,” 

It takes a few seconds but eventually my bladder cooperates. A moan escapes my lips from the relief. Instinctually, I move a hand to spread my lips so he can see even better.

“That’s a good girl,” Bennet’s voice is much softer than before.

Hearing his praise causes another moan from me as a long stream of piss still flows out of me. Finally, I’m completely relieved but we don’t move right away. For a few seconds he stares at my pussy while I keep myself spread for him. I want so bad to get off.

“Your clit is on the bigger size No wonder you’re a slut,” Bennet says as if in a trance but then in a flash he’s back to being himself. “Ok now wipe.”

“Can you hand me toilet paper?”

“You don’t get toilet paper privileges back just yet,” Bennet says as if this was obvious. He huffs, “Fine. I’ll do it this time.”

Before I know it he takes his hand and presses it into my pussy. I gasp and don’t want his hand to leave me just yet. He roughly rubs and pulls away his hand way too quickly for my liking.

“Open your mouth,” I’m too stunned to protest so I do as I’m told. He sticks his fingers in my mouth. The taste of my pee on his fingers isn’t all that bad. It’s also mixed with my pussy juices from my arousal. My brain is having a hard time processing this fucked up scene but my cunt loves it.

Removing his hand from my mouth, I can’t help but wish he’d put something else of his in it. “You did surprisingly well, my dear.”

Bennet lifts me up and we walk back into my bedroom. Suddenly I feel exhausted as I lay on the bed on my stomach.

“Now to ensure you don’t sneak out of the house your door will be locked,” Bennet moves to grab an arm as he reaches for something at the corner of my bed, “While you were out, I was given permission to put restraints on your bed. Knowing your rather clever, a locked door may not stop you from sneaking out with friends.”

Rage starts to come back to my senses. I’m basically a prisoner in my own home with this sick fuck as my jailer. No way daddy would have ok’d all this fucked up shit. My arms and legs are stretched out and spread held in place by the restraints put on me.

“Your ass is quite red still,” he caresses my pained ass which causes me to flinch with fear again. He lets out a mocking laugh, “By the time I’m done with you, this type of punishment will barely be an annoyance to you.”

Moving his hand to the top of my crack, he lets a finger trace down between my cheeks. He seems to pause briefly when he reaches my tight asshole. For a moment, I wonder if he’ll stick his finger in but he moves it down and enters it in my pussy.

“Your cunt is soaking wet,” Bennet observes. The finger inside me comes out to move to my clit. Expertly he plays with it causing me to moan and move my hips to put more pressure on my nerves.

“What an easy little whore you are,” Bennet says with venom. 

Despite hating him for having such an effect on me, I can’t help my heavy breaths or my moans. Might as well give in to the feelings since he’s debased me much worse earlier.

“You want to come, slut?”

“Y..yes,” I can feel my orgasm is just out of reach. When I do come, it will be explosive. However, just as I feel my orgasm, the bastard stops immediately what he’s doing and takes his hand away from me. He gives me two hard smacks on each of my ass cheeks causing me to yelp.

“You fucking asshole,” that rage I felt earlier instantly returns.

“Miss Morgan, you really think you deserve a reward when you’ve been a bad girl for so long?”

“Fuck you, Bennet,” I hiss out, “you’re an old pervert. Tying a girl down against her will is probably the only way you get to touch a pussy.”

Bennet only laughs at me, “I’ll see you in the morning, Miss Morgan.”

The anger from being humiliated and the frustration from being denied to get off keeps me up for some time despite myself being tired. I try to hump the mattress but it offers me no relief. My mind wonders what other perversions Bennet is going to make me suffer. It angers, excites and scares me all at the same time. Eventually sleep finally comes for me.



  1. i love this, it’s the perfect style of writing for this too

  2. I just love it girl. I really want this to happen to me. If anyone is interested we can roleplay

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