Sub Auction Chapter 2

[Chapter 1 ](

March 26, 2023


Hey guys! It’s Stephanie again. Sorry for the long info post yesterday I might’ve gotten carried away. Anyways I am waiting behind stage right now. My wonderful friend Madi is my makeup artist and is currently giving me a cute natural look with wings so sharp they could kill. I picked out this skin tight nude dress and a pair of white heels with little silver jewels on them. After my makeup I wait around till first show and I’ll update afterwards!


Okay first show is done! I noticed this one man kinda off to the side that kept eyeing me so fingers crossed. I forgot to mention last post that I did go for the male category so only men will bid. During first shows no one bids. Everyone who entered the auction as a bid walks down this catwalk so that everyone can get a good view. Anyways I’mma eat, fix up any makeup mishaps and I’ll update before the meeting!


I almost forgot! I’m fixing my makeup but I forgot to tell you guys that all the bids start at $15,000and I’m only doing a one night auction tonight. Sorry for not clarifying. I read the comments lol.


The auction ran for about an hour and a half and I got a $37,000 bid from the guy who was staring at me before and damn. He was closer to the stage and this dude is hot! Anyways I gotta go. My escort to the meeting site is here!

8:30 pm

Okay meetings done and I’m on my way to Jerald’s house for the night. My escort always stays outside of the house in case something goes wrong and I want out. Jerald is really sweet and even hotter in person. He’s about 5’9 and 190lbs. He’s got a nice growing beard and black longish hair. He respected every boundary during my meeting and took the time to thoroughly read my contract for the night while eating. In my contract I state that I use the stoplight system and he did have to ask what that was so I’ll go ahead and explain here as well for future reference. I also sent a message to my lawyer to change my contract to include the meaning of the stoplight system to halt further confusion but I’m really happy that he asked instead of assuming he knew what it meant.

Green- I’m okay you don’t have to change anything.

Yellow- slow down or move to something else might be getting too close to be crossing a boundary

Red- stop everything and proceed to aftercare

My old contracts will be shredded and the new one’s should be printed and a stack of 20 should be in my bin by tomorrow morning but imma have to call the auction house tomorrow to see. Contracts are always being updated so our lawyers have to be diligent and quick about revisions and printing at least a sample pack. The shredding of old unsigned contracts keeps from any new boundaries getting crossed as the clients don’t know that there is a updated contract. Anyways I’m at his place and I’ll be back either tonight or tomorrow morning to update on everything! Bye guys!
Love – Steph


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