PARANORMAL UNDERGROUND SPIRIT SEEKERS: A WEEKEND AT ASMODAL INN: PART 2b [bdsm][submission][dominance][hardcore][gangbang][ff][fm][drugs and alcohol][ptsd][coping mechanism][control]





NOTE FROM PAUL (Author’s character, not my real name): I had to break night two into two parts to provide mercy for my dear readers, most of which are reading it one handed on their cell phone. I don’t want either of your hands to cramp and then your phone will fall into the toilet.

As something special for one of my readers, who is also a good friend IRL… Yes, I wrote you and your husband into this one.


Lily stood in the basement and lowered the lights in the hallway to create a darker, more eerie atmosphere for the guests coming for this portion of the haunted tour. She hated being this far away from Joel and Kimmy but it was time to put on her big girl panties, or, maybe… take them off. She laughed silently at her own thought, she wasn’t wearing any. She slipped off the heavy, clunky, thigh high boots, she loved how her legs looked in them but they weighed as much as her legs themselves.

The door to the conference room to the left opened and a thicc, curvy, busty, black woman wearing what amounted to a strippers version of a french maids outfit stepped out. The outfit consisted of basically a black satin bikini top and a matching frilly mini skirt connected by white ruffled lace from the skirt to the bust, all other skin was exposed. Lily was sure that if she had a penis, she would have instantly had a boner. The girl handed her a drink which Lily sipped and put back down.

“Oh, sorry, straight up isn’t your thing, doll?” The girl asked and then took the cup back into the conference room. Lily followed her, still admiring the view. There was a bar set up around the corner with a bunch of plastic shot glasses pre-filled with whiskey across the top of the bar. “I’m Kassie, by the way, I’m here to make sure that everyone that comes down gets at least one shot. They can have as much as they want, but every station has a one shot minimum. You can have as much or as little as you like… And that goes for drinks too.”

It took her a second to catch the play in the girls words, Lily blushed and giggled out a little “thank you.” The bartender handed her cup back to her and she took a sip.

“I added some lime soda to it for you, better?” She asked before and downed one of the whiskey shots.


Lily sipped her drink and looked down at the blood stain on the carpet from Joel’s fall that morning, it looked like someone had at least tried to scrub it up but it just spread the stain. Her radio crackled to life with Jake’s voice.

“Guests are on their way to you now. Once the guests are disbursed, Amber and Steph will join where they see fit.” Lily felt the lump of nervous anxiety rise in her throat. She was normally very shy and relied on her friends to help her find her confidence, now she stood here without them and knew nothing about what happened here other than the basic history.

The guests started filing in. Most of them only ogled her body and made rude comments among each other about splitting her in half with their dicks. Some of the men started taking liberties and grabbing her ass or “accidentally” brushing their hands across her nipples, making her really uncomfortable. The men crowded around her and took her silence as consent. Kassie could only stand behind the bar and made a jack-off motion. Lily smiled at her, still very nervous.

“All right, all guests are in place. Guides, the hotel is yours. I am watching the cameras at the desk. I will alert you if I see anything… odd.”

“Um, well, as you know this place was once the tuberculosis hospital for the entire state. A lot of people died here…” Her nerves were on fire and she tried to make her small body even smaller as the crowd of men pressed in closer around her. The crowd soon parted, though as Steph plowed through the men who were standing unnecessarily close to Lily. She gave her a hug and then looked at the men gathered around with a sensual look in her eye that also seemed to say “If you touch her, I will fucking kill you.”

Steph leaned over and whispered, “Jake saw you on the camera and sent me down to help you.”

“Thank you,” she whispered back, feeling her nerves un-clench now that she knew someone in the room.

Lily looked, again, at blood stain on the floor and imagine Joel laying there with his head leaking into that carpet… and had an idea. “I wanted to start in this room because the carpet was just replaced last week, you can still smell the newness in the air.” She couldn’t believe the confidence in her voice. “Butt… look right here.” She pointed at the red smear in the carpet. “Back in the early 1900’s this room was used to house men who suffered from Hyper-sexual-obsessive-compulsion-disorder. The patients housed in here couldn’t control themselves sexually. Most were convicted of rape but found to be insane because of their inability to control their behavior around women. Well, with this disorder, in the absence of women, their sexual obsession needed an outlet.”

She looked up at Steph and Kassie who looked at her with a kind of shocked pride. “Well, there was a patient named Judas Jones, everyone called him J.J.. He was a small man, about my size from all the descriptions. One night, the other patients’ frustration blew it’s top. They tied J.J. to the end of a bed and gang-raped him so violently his anus split open and his head rammed into the bed rail repeatedly. This went on long after he lost consciousness and, when they were done, he lay lifeless on the floor in a pool of blood. The blood still stains the concrete foundation and any time they cover it, it stains whatever covers it.” Her idea continued to blossom in her head. “Kassie, may I have a glass of that soda and a napkin?”

Kassie poured a shot of soda and handed it to her with a small, white cocktail napkin. Lily took them and poured a little bit of the clear soda on the floor then dropped the napkin on the wet spot. The men all gasped when the napkin started turning pink.

Behind them, Steph grabbed a broom ,wrapped a towel around the end and winked at Lily who continued speaking. “Now, its not just the blood that permeates the floor. Since the hotel was opened, there have been reports from men of being touched from behind.” Steph began lightly poking the men with the towel end of the broom, the men jumped but were too busy staring at either Lily or the almost red napkin. “Some of them even reported being penetrated by a finger in the night. What all the men had in common, every single one of them, there were complaints made that they were touching women without consent.”

The men all took a shot and left the floor. Lily and Steph bust up laughing, Jake’s laughter could be heard from directly above them as well. “Wait, was any of that real?” Kassie asked.

“Not a fucking word, it was just pure genius.” Steph replied. “You almost even had me believing it and I know that the blood stain is from this morning when Joel fell.”

“That’s what made me think of it. I looked at the stain and asked myself, what would Joel do? I knew he’d come up with something, I just wish he could have been here to see that, it would have made him so happy. It was awesome!” Lily said as they waited for more people to come down. Only a few people came at a time and Lily told the same story each time, thankful she wasn’t getting any large groups.

“Damn, I wish Joel could see this! He would be so fucking proud of me! I can’t wait to tell him, I love it when I get to make him happy.” She exclaimed brightly.

“Wait, so you really are that driven to make Joel happy? Like I head Libi and Vidi say you were a sub, but like wow.” Steph asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t even know what that was until this morning but, yeah… and I’m fucking proud of it now that he and I talked about it and I know what it means for him.” Lily wished she could show them the hand prints he had left on her ass earlier but they had subsided and she found herself missing that sting.

Not many guests came down, but each group that did was greeted by her brilliant illustration on the floor but started prepping the small spot the floor with soda between groups. After her speech, she would walk down the hall talking about how the rooms were nurses quarters during the tuberculosis epidemic, a fact she learned before they came to the hotel, but added that men often reported waking up to the feeling of an ice cold mouth sucking their dicks… again, thinking of Joel.

Another few men walked in and Lily started her speech but stuttered half way through when she noticed the size of the growing bulge in one of their pants. She felt a trickle of wetness between her thighs as she stared at it but the size scared her. She stammered through her speech and the demonstration but she couldn’t look away from the mans crotch.

Steph noticed him too, and Lily’s inability to look away, and grabbed both of their hands and dragged them into one of the guest rooms across from the stairs, giving a come along nod to Kassie too.

Outside, there was a loud booming peal of thunder. Lily’s was worried about Joel but Kimmy was right below him. Kassie got down on her knees in front of the man and pulled his pants down, Lily’s eyes got large as she looked at the dick in front of her. Her pussy was soaking wet looking at this monster, she had only ever seen one that was bigger and never taken one. She had to touch it. Her fingers couldn’t even reach around the shaft and she wrapped both hands together to encircle him. She opened her mouth and tried to get her mouth around it but she couldn’t get her mouth wide enough. Kassie moved in and wrapped him with her lips easily but was only able to take about half of him in.

Steph stepped out into the hallway for a minute, then came back in with a black drawstring gym bag. She opened it up and pulled out a massive strap-on and buckled it around her hips. “Don’t worry, sweety, it’s not for you.”

There was a bright flash of light and a moment later, a loud piercing crash of thunder.

Steph pulled Lily’s shoulders up and pushed her back onto the bed and buried her face between her legs while Kassie sucked on the mans third arm. Lily felt her fingers grasping involuntarily at the bed sheets as Steph’s tongue started casting magic spells on her clit and shooting fireballs inside her. Every motion sent waves of warmth and cold throughout her body and every nerve tingled. Steph pulle dthe man over and he stepped between Lily’s legs and began slapping her slit with his log. She felt a mix of fear and desire fill her and her juices flowed down the crack of her ass.

Steph took Kassie to the other side of the bed and bent her over a chair and plunged the giant rubber dick deep into her and began fucking her slowly and deliberately as the room lit up again, followed by a loud crack and thunderous echo from outside. Something thumped against the wall in the hallway.

The man started pushing his tip against her hole and she felt herself start to spread, the pain made tears come to her eyes. The door cracked open and someone peeked in the door, she couldn’t see who it was through her tear blurred vision. Just as the tip entered her, the door closed again.

She felt herself tighten up as her muscles involuntarily contracted and the guy backed off and turned her over. He pulled her up to her knees, pushing her face down on the bed. She readied herself to take the massive cock and looked over at Steph just giving it to Kassie who moaned wildly as she was railed by a strap on that made this man’s monster look small. She wanted to take this massive cock, she wanted to be able to tell Joel what she did. She wanted him to be proud of her.

She began to feel the mounting pressure spreading her lips apart and stretching her out, the harder he pushed the more it hurt. Again, her muscles contracted on their own as he continued trying to push into her. Every muscle tightened and squeezed him out as she collapsed on the bed and curled up on her side. “I’m sorry. I want to but I can’t,” she cried into the pillow.

The guy froze behind her, apologizing profusely. Steph pulled him behind her and let him fuck her while she fucked Kassie. “It’s ok, you tried.”

Lily felt so… bad. She felt like she failed. She felt like… Another flash of light filled the room and she only thought of Joel. She picked up her radio and called him. “Joel, where are you?” she asked into the mic. No response. She ran out the door and up the stairs.

Kimmy stood in the cave themed suite. The bartender stood behind the bar, tall, thin, and perfect perky c-cup breasts. Her glasses and the blue streaks in her under-shave hairdo gave her a nerdy gamer-girl air that exuded hotness. “Can I get you anything to drink, gorgeous?” The bartender asked, smiling at her.

“Sure, I would actually love one. I have no idea what I am supposed to do up here.”

The bartender poured some whiskey into the glass and handed it to Kimmy. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll think of something. I’ve learned enough about you and your team that I know you can be rather… creative. By the way, I’m DeAnn.”

“And I’m Kimmy. So do you know anything about this floor, what it was used for when it was a hospital or if anyone has reported any activity.”

“My grandmother was a nurse here when it was an asylum. She told me about a patient that lived here who would masturbate with a handful of almonds.”

“What? Why would he do that?”

“They never could figure it out, but I think he was just fucking nuts.”

Kimmy stared at her for a second, processing the words when she realized. “Yeah, I guess he was.”

“But, seriously, my grandmother really was a nurse here. This floor was where they put the most violently insane patients. The ones that had to be restrained or they would hurt themselves or others. As far as ghosty type stuff… I have no idea.”

“I just have no idea what to do.” Kimmy said as she set her empty glass on the bar while DeAnn refilled it.

Jake’s voice crackled over the radio telling them that the guests were on the way.

“I think you just need to unwind a bit, beautiful.” She ducked down behind the bar for a second then stood back up and stepped in front of Kimmy, took a swig of whiskey, then grabbed her and pulled her close. “Let me help you with that.”

When their lips met, Kimmy felt a rush of liquid enter her mouth, and somewhere in the mix of tongue and whiskey, something small and round pressed into her tongue and then was washed down her throat. DeAnn’s lips were so moist and soft, Kimmy let herself get lost in her kiss. She wrapped her arms around her neck and unfastened the clasps on the back of her uniform.

Once DeAnn’s breasts were free, Kimmy’s hands began to search her body, massaging and squeezing nipples with one while the other pushed DeAnn’s bottoms down and then they each inserted fingers and began banging each other wildly. Neither one even noticing the crowd of men that had gathered around them nor the message from Jake telling them that the guests were in place.

Kimmy felt more hands feeling her, and her senses shot into overdrive. Every touch, every sensation, every thought was expanded. Her mind seemed foggy but more free to wander as her tongue travelled down DeAnn’s chest and along her nipples on its way across her belly and into her pussy while two cocks slid back and forth through her hands.

Kimmy felt her orgasms come hard, fast, and repeated as the congregated men fucked her into a dick and drug induced euphoria. She laid on her back with her arms outstretched while DeAnn straddled her face and bent down to lick Kimmy’s slit while men had their way with her hole. Looking up between her ass cheeks, Kimmy watched a tall blonde man’s cock into her mouth a few times before taking it out and then shoving it deep into DeAnn. From inches away, Kimmy watched the dick sliding in and out, cum and sweat dripping on her tongue.

The world began to blur and she felt herself being dragged over to her room and a variety of cocks came at her from all sides. She knew she had to have them all, every one of them, inside her. The music blasted in her ears and lights started flashing, her sensory journey intensified and every color, tingle, sound, and taste was an orgasmic experience as man after man fucked her until the cum dripped from her tits, back, and ass. DeAnn came back in the room with a box of whiskey and handed her a bottle which she drank straight out of as cock after cock entered her and then exploded over her body until every square inch of her dripped.

DeAnn sat on the couch and turned on the controls as Kimmy buried her face into her pussy. At one point she could swear that she saw Joel in the door but when she looked again a moment later, he was gone as though he was never there. Every nerve in her body was sending signals, her ears rang, her eyes dilated and watered, she could even feel the radio start vibrating softly on her hip as she went into a sensuous, erotic, ecstatic frenzy, even the world outside the window started flashing. In the back of her mind, something whispered to her, telling her there was something she needed to do, but she just buried her face more deeply into DeAnn’s sweet thighs as she was pounded from behind.

Eventually her high started to dwindle and she got up, kissed DeAnn a deep, thankful kiss and joined three other couples in the shower, rinsing the cum from her skin while they fucked all around her.

“Give yourself to him.” A voice echoed in Lily’s head, a deep, rumbling, masculine voice.

She tried calling him on the radio again and again until a female voice answered. “His radio fell off up in the attic but he left a while ago. I think the storm got to him, he didn’t look so good, and he said he was gonna go look for Kimmy or Lily.”

“I’m Lily!” She yelled as she realized that it was Joel she saw at the door. He saw her ready to fuck that other guys massive dick, he saw her fail. She felt so dirty, so naughty, she needed to find him. She stopped at the front desk. Jake was fucking Amber in the ass while the main monitor was showing a full screen image of Kimmy getting gang banged in their room. She looked at the individual cameras and saw him, curled into a corner right by the door in suite three. Judging by the greenish hue to the image, the lights were completely off. She started walking up the stairs, wanting to run but her stocking feet were slipping on the bare wood.

“You can help him.” That same voice filled her head.

The second floor was filled with the sounds of loud music and louder sex, Tay laid on the floor with half her body in the hall, her large breasts flopping up and down as some unseen man fucked her. She kept running up the stairs.

She threw open the door to suite three and turned on the lights over just the front of the room. The red and black walls did nothing to reflect any light and the rest of the room was dark. All she could see was the large x-shaped cross she had been curious about during last night’s investigation. At her feet, she saw him, curled into a ball in the corner.

“Joel!” She fell next to him and wrapped her arms around him. “I had to leave my group, I, I, I just couldn’t stay there. I tried your radio but you weren’t answering. I looked at the monitor at the desk and saw you here.” She was crying into his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I feel like such a… a… I feel so bad for what I did… actually what I didn’t do.”

“I know, I know what you were doing. I opened the door to see you, and I saw you. I didn’t want to stop you, you looked like you wanted it so bad. I didn’t want to bother you so I left and came up here. I also know that Kimmy is getting fucked and cum soaked, right now, by most of the men in the hotel and Jake is fucking Amber in the ass. I… the fucking storm… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for ruining everything… again.” Another flash of lightning lit the room and Joel flinched back down into himself.

“He needs what only you can give him, Lily.” It started as the same, deep, rumbling, manly tone but with every word, it became a soft, sweet, feminine voice… her own.

Hearing Joel sound so meek and broken, Lily couldn’t believe this was the same man who had taken her with such dominance earlier that day, she realized what had made him so powerful. Her pussy started dripping again at the thought, surprised by the desire that rose within her. “I did want it, Joel… I wanted it so bad. But I couldn’t. He was so big and it hurt so bad, I couldn’t relax enough to let him in. I feel so bad, Joel. I wanted to make you proud but I let you down. I feel so dirty! I’m sorry.” Another flash of lightning and Joel’s eyes didn’t flinch, he stared directly into hers.

What she couldn’t hear, Joel could. A deep, resonating, gravelly, male voice inside his head… “She wants it, take her.”

“OH, have you been a bad girl, Lily?” Joel asked with a new focus to his voice. “How were you bad, were you bad for not being able to take that monster cock!” He stood up and pulled her up with him.

“Yes, I wanted it, but I couldn’t fit him in?” She confessed as the force behind his words lit the fire of desire lit within her.

“Oh, so you teased him? You made him think he would get to fuck that tight little pussy of yours but then you stopped?” He asked as he pinned her arms behind her back and kissed her.

“YES!” She exclaimed as he guided her backward.

“Were you being a bad girl with Steph?” He asked forcefully as he turned her around and pushed her into the cross and pinned her with her chest pressed against the frame.

“OH YEAH!” She exclaimed, the force in his motion and power in his voice made her knees weak and her pussy started to quiver. “I was so bad with her, I wanted her to give me that fucking dildo, but all I got was her tongue.”

Joel unfastened her bra and pulled it off of her then pulled her skirt from her hips, letting both fall to the floor. He stood back up, caressed her face gently then pulled her cheek forcefully, turning her face toward his. He kissed her deeply with his chest pressing into her back. She was thankful that he had her pinned, there was no way she could stand on her own as his hands slid her garter down, pulling her stockings with it. “Did that big dick finally make it into you?”

“YES! A little!” She exclaimed, feeling his hard dick pressing into her bare ass.

Another flash of light filled the room and Joel flinched a bit. The voice that only he could seem to hear filled his ears. “Take control, Joel.”

“Did you like it? Did you like fucking someone else without me?”

“Yeah I fucking liked it, his dick spread me so far. It burned and stretched and I wanted it. I wanted him to fuck me, hard. I wanted to be naughty. I wanted to be able to tell you how naughty I was. I wanted you to know how much of a lustful slut I could be. I wanted to be a dirty little girl for you, but I couldn’t do it. It was too big.”

Joel reached his hand around her face and pulled her lips to his, kissing her firmly. Another flash of light pierced the darkness. “Shes begging for it, take control.”

“Last night, you asked what this frame was for, I’m gonna show you right now!” He lifted her right arm and buckled it to the frame. “This is called the Saint Andrew’s Cross, it was made for naughty little girls like you.” She didn’t resist at all, her excitement evident in her heavy breath. He buckled her left arm to the other end of the cross, she began moaning as his dick continued pressing into her bare ass through his pants. “Are you my bad little girl?”

Her fear fueled her longing “YES… YES I’M FUCKING YOURS!”

He backed away and let her hang there in anticipation while he took off the heavy shirt and thick pants. He reached up with both of his hands and covered hers as he pressed his nakedness into her and bit her neck, just hard enough to sting. The fire inside him burned hot and his breath felt like flame as it came out of his mouth. “I love you, baby,” he whispered into her ear as he slapped his right hand smartly into her left ass cheek and wrapped his fingers into her pussy feeling how wet she was. Her mind too busy with excitement to respond.

“Oh, you are a bad girl aren’t you?” He shoved his soaking fingers into her mouth. “Taste how wet you are for me!” She sucked his fingers eagerly. “Do you need me to punish you?”

She hesitated, it’s the first time that he had said that word but her desire for him and her trust spoke for her. “FUCK YES… PLEASE!”

He buckled her ankles against the base of the cross and then stood behind her so close that his dick tickled her ass, she wanted it. “Please, fuck me?” She whimpered as she hung, waiting for whatever came next.

“Not yet!” He spoke just above a whisper and she found herself thankful for his answer, hoping for what that meant… But he stood there, pressing his skin into hers, teasing her.

“What are you waiting for, please, I need it!” She cried out, he had let go of her face but his fiery eyes held her focus. His left hand was held up, cupping hers, his right hand lowered down, ready, waiting. It had to be when he wanted, not her.

The room filled with light and his hand moved forward, slapping her ass so hard it stung his palm. His fear was replaced as the burn spread from his palm and up his arm.

The sting of his hand on her firm ass cheek coursed throughout her body “UHHH, YES, MORE! I’VE BEEN SUCH A BAD GIRL!”

The voice spoke inside his head again “Yes, Joel, control it. Control her.” Bright white light erupted and his hand flew forward and he felt his fingers warp around her ass. He felt like he was becoming a part of the storm that raged outside.

He backed away and waited. “What are you waiting for, Joel. More, please give me more. I have been so bad, Joel. Please, punish your bad girl.” Lily whimpered.

He picked up the riding crop from the floor and felt the tight leather weave flex in his hands and the supple leather fringe at the tip. He stepped in front of her and showed her the tool he held. Her eyes went wide with an immediate fear but the thought of the sting made her tingle with anticipation. “YES!” She cried, wanting to feel it slap against her bare skin.

He stepped behind her again and waited. The next flash, he swung his hand forward but held back and the crop shifted in his hand but the slap wasn’t very satisfying. “HARDER!” she cried out. In the flash of light, he swore he saw someone watching in the darkness.

Joel waited for the next flash and swung. The handle recoiled so hard his hand stung and the slap cracked like the thunder outside.

“OHHHH FUCK!” Lily screamed in pain and tears streaked her makeup down her cheeks, a red line raised up across her ass. He felt like he controlled the storm and he forgot about his earlier fear.

Joel backed away, guilt and fear filled him again, feeling he had gone too far. He stepped back behind her and started unbuckling her leg, she refused to move.


“I’m sorry, babe. I’m scaring myself here, I’m losing myself in it. I can’t… I don’t want to… I love you too much to…” He pressed his forehead against her thigh as he spoke but she interrupted him.

“PUMPERNICKEL JOEL! REMEMBER THAT? I wouldn’t be standing here if I didn’t trust you. If you went too far, I would say it. Now you’re not going far enough and I don’t like it so I’m saying it. FUCKING PUMPERNICKEL! I need it Joel, I need you to take control. NOW STOP BEING A PUSSY AND GIVE YOUR NAUGHTY LITTLE GIRL WHAT SHE DESERVES!”

Her words reignited him and he buckled her ankles to the cross again. He reached into a chest at the foot of the cross and found a set of nipple clamps with a magnet on the chain and a flail with three inch wide leather straps. He walked up to her and pinched her nipples between the clamps and lifted the chain up until her small tits stretched upward. He snapped the surprisingly strong magnet to a metal plate behind the frame, just high enough that it only pulled lightly if she stood on her legs, but when she hung from her wrists, her nipples would get yanked upward. The pull and the tingling sting radiated out into her body and her breathing quickened into more of a panting. He slapped his hand with the flail a few times, letting her hear the pop. He stepped behind her and ran the handle between her legs and through her pussy lips. Her juices made the leather sticky and gave him a better grip.

“Please baby, I need it so bad. Please give it to me?” Lily quietly begged as he stood behind her, softly running the supple leather straps against her back, ass, and thighs.

“She knows she needs it, she wants you to do it.” The voice rang into his ears just before another flash of lightning.

He swirled the flail above his head waiting for the boom from outside, and swung it down across her ass. Again, he swore he saw someone sitting across the room, watching.

Just as another clap of thunder started to rise, he swung the flail down, careful to make sure the straps hit her in the middle and not the tips. The deep, satisfying pop echoed the booming outside and he no longer felt like he controlled the storm. He was the storm, the thunder that chased the lightning from the sky.

With every swing of leather, the straps popped against her skin, the sound hurt more than the impact but the sensation buckled her knees and she hung by her wrists and her nipples pulled hard against the chain. She wanted, needed him inside her, desire so strong, she started sobbing. “OH FUCK! Please fuck me, Joel. Please, I need it!” She begged as he breathed heavily across her sweat soaked neck.

Her plea made his dick throb and twitch and his own voice rang in his mind. “Yes Joel, fuck her. Don’t let her cum, get her to the edge and stop. Keep control.”

He dropped the flail and stepped up behind her, pushed his dick between her legs, teasing her. He wrapped his hand around her throat and turned her head to make her face him again. The fire remained but there was a gentleness in his eyes while he waited, his tip just barely pressed against her hole and his fingers gently pressing in on the veins in her neck. He watched her eyes water with longing. “I love you.” She whimpered as she waited to feel his dick slide into her.

The lightning flashed and he thrust his hips forward and pulled her lips forcefully into his. Her breathing was so heavy that she couldn’t return the kiss no matter how much she wanted to. His fingers squeezing her throat seemed to keep the sensations locked in her head as he pounded his dick deeply into her. Her legs shook under her while the volcano built pressure within her belly. Just when she was about to burst, he pulled out of her and waited. His lips still just lightly touching hers.

“PLEASE…make…me…cum” she cried between breaths.

“You will cum when I say you do.” His lips brushed against hers as he spoke and she tried to push into them but his hand held her back.

Another flash of light and he thrust into her again. He pounded her hard and kissed her until she quivered between him and the cross. He pulled out again. “JOEL, PLEASE, I FUCKING NEED IT!”

“You cum when I say you do and you don’t cum like this.” While he unbuckled her from the cross, he said, “the point of that is for you to give me control, for you to submit yourself fully to me. I don’t want you to cum like that, I want you to cum when we submit to each other, equally.” He picked her up, cradling her in his arms and carried her to a bed that was so soft, they just sank into it.

He kept his arms wrapped around her as they cuddled on the bed until her breathing returned to normal and he gently removed the clamps, she twitched and quivered as his touch sent shivers throughout her whole body. “Joel, can I please cum now?”

He ran his hand down to her hip and slid the other hand under her and pulled her into position. “YES!” He slid his dick up into her and held it there. “Now you can cum.” He fucked her gently, listening to her, matching his strokes to the quickness of her breath, submitting himself to the sounds of her desire. She began panting quick and heavy and he thrust feverishly into her until she locked onto him in a heavenly explosion of ecstasy. He drove her to cum again and again until he thrust hard into her, grunting, and pushing against her clenched pussy walls as stream after stream of his love entered her and filled her void. He kept his dick pressed into her and let her feel him as his cock emptied. “Thank you, baby.” He whispered gently into her ear “I love you.”

“Now I know what Steph meant, I definitely feel like I got all the sex out of you.” She said as she pushed back into his arms.

A few moments later another person stood at the foot of the bed and then laid down with them. They couldn’t see who it was, but the smoothness of her skin, shape of her breasts, the curves of her body and the her aroma told them who it was.

They wrapped their arms around Kimmy and pulled her into their kitten time. “I’ve been watching for a while now. Someone told me that there was something wrong on the radio while I was in the shower. I called down to Jake and he said you two were in here. I slipped in when he was showing you the riding crop, you guys were just so wrapped up in… that, you didn’t even notice me slip past and watch from the darkness. It was fucking hot, you were so glued to each other and you, Joel… so… powerful! I’m getting turned on again just thinking about it.” She kissed Lily gently. “But, my pleasure palace is closed for the night. I have never taken so much dick and tongue in my life.”

“Ooh, has someone been a bad girl?” Lily asked with a sweet teasing tone.

“OH FUCK YEAH! But fuck no… my pussy is so sore right now it’s punishment enough for me but, mad respect sweetheart. You never stop surprising me.”

Hearing them talk like that, Joel felt his dick swell a bit inside of Lily. He pulled her down on it but before anything more could be done, they were all asleep even though the storm still raged outside.




(PSA) As a combat veteran who suffers from PTSD, I am not recommending the use of the BDSM lifestyle as an all encompassing coping mechanism for everyone with PTSD or any other trauma related conditions, but I could see the appeal. If it works for you, it works for you. I tried it for me and its not for me, though I do enjoy being a fly on the wall at fetish parties. I found my path through writing, music, and art, I encourage you to find your own path that works for you.

Oh, and they still have one more day and night within the walls of Asmodal.
