New to Reddit. My husband and I write short erotica to each other as ways to explore new things.

Hi everyone. Hopefully I can post this here as it’s mostly stories and this post isn’t.

I wanted to say hi as I’m new to Reddit and joined for mum life / working mum advice and support but stumbled across the erotica sections.

My husband and I sometimes write short stories for each other as ways to try new things. It’s been good fun and kept things exciting.

I wondered if anyone else does something similar?



  1. I sometimes do chat role play with my partner if they are away. But I’m yet to right a full story for one but sounds like a funny idea to explore to things.

  2. My wife and I are writing a story together. It’s a lot of fun and definitely lead to some good times. I posted what we’ve got so far and the next chapter is almost finished.

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