Gemma’s unfortunate encounter [M4F]

Limerick was like every city in the world. Crime gangs, drugs and prostitution. Yep Limerick had it all. Not to be outdone by the likes of Dublin, Cork and Belfast in the north, Limericks savage unemployment rate was a scourge. That’s why Gemma was luckier than most. Luckier because she had a job. Now at thirty one and an only child she should have been settled in a relationship maybe even a home to call her own, but no. Not Gemma. Gemma was born a normal child but could not grasp her chance at education. She would’ve been in the remedial classes in school. The nuns would regularly beat her for given the wrong answer to a average question.
So here she was now. Working in town for a local grocery chain. She was never going to excel in life. But she was content. This was it and it was ok. Her father had died when she was a teenager. A massive heart attack at a local GAA match one Sunday afternoon. Her mother was, at the most ok but like Gemma had that slight vulnerability about her. A cruel saying would follow both of them, ” they’re not the full shilling ” or ” they’re touched “. Anyway back to that unfortunate encounter Gemma was about to have.
Darragh Mulvaney was it. He had it. The job, the fast car, the expensive clothes the lifestyle and of course the pick of the women. Along with good looks, confidence and the gift of the gab,Darragh was a successful property developer. Buying knocked down priced properties to rejuvenate them with a revamp and hefty price tag he was a shrewd boy. In his mid thirties now Darragh had no intention of settling down. In fact, quiet the opposite. Work hard and party hard was a favourite motto of his. But Darragh had a dark side. Mr Mulvaney like to control people. Vulnerable people. Not people like Caroline Hennessey, she was beautiful, successful in her own right and would have gladly married Darragh, but she was a strong woman. Independent and didn’t need a man to control her. No what Darragh Mulvaney wanted was someone soft. A willing participant in any of his sick perverted fantasies. Someone he could normalize his depravity to.
Gemma was in work as usual that day. Filling the shelves and fridges like she always did. So she wouldn’t have noticed Darragh that day. But he noticed her and he had a savage dose of the horn. He’d been up all night watching vanilla, inter racial, bdsm and even gay porn just to get himself off. Gemma stood out like a sore thumb. Her uniform was dusty and way to small. Her polo shirt had shrunk because of the tumble dryer was the way she dried it. Her work trousers were a size to small. Her white fleshy belly could be seen sitting over the waist band. The knees of her trousers were shiny from constantly been on her knees stacking lower level shelves and she constantly wiped her dusty hands on the bum of them. She was perfect thought Darragh. He approached Gemma and asked if they accepted card as payment knowing fine well it was a city centre location, of course they would.
He then got speaking to her. The usual small talk. How long had she been working there? ,Did she like it? Did she have a boyfriend? That’s right. Mulvaney wasn’t wasting any time. To him, she was dim and easy. By the end of the conversation he’d handed her his swanky card with his number and told her to call him. Maybe they could go out for a date. Invite a few friends. By the time he’d left, Gemma’s head was spinning. Her face was flushed with guilt. She wasn’t used to this sort of attention, especially from a man wearing a tailored to perfection suit. This was the stuff of dreams. She couldn’t wait to get home. Get home and phone the number on the card. Work couldn’t finish quick enough today..things were finally starting to look up for Gemma. A handsome successful go getter had asked her out, her, Gemma Keane the shop assistant..
