Blue Dress

A “Ding” came from the nearby cell phone that was resting on his office desk. John reached for it. The message from Christy said “Are you coming home for lunch?”. John typed a message back “Yes”. He waited for a response. Another “ding”. Christy said “What time?”. John replied “What time do you want me to come home for lunch?” Almost instantly she messaged back “Now!”.

John hopped up from his desk, logged off his computer and locked his office door on his way out. He didn’t know what to think. Part of him thought something awful might have happened or maybe she just wanted to see him. It only took him ten minutes to get to his house. He spoke to his neighbor briefly, unlocked his front door and entered the house fully expecting Christy to be there already waiting for him. He was disappointed when she wasn’t. He waited patiently. Another “ding” from his phone notified him of another message. Christy said “Distract the neighbor.” John did as he was asked and went next door to smoke a cigarette with the neighbor. He had quit smoking for about a week or so and didn’t enjoy smoking, but it was the best way to distract the neighbor. Once the neighbor was outside and distracted, he messaged back “Go.”. John chatted a bit with the neighbor until he received another message from Christy saying “I’m in.” He told the neighbor he had to go eat lunch and moved towards his house. He got to his front door as quickly as he could and entered the house.

There Christy was waiting for him. She looked radiant wearing a beautiful glow like a fresh morning sunrise. She was wearing a stunning blue sun dress with the perfect amount of cleavage showing and a gorgeous big smile that melted him as soon as his eyes saw it. He moved toward her quickly and then wrapped their arms around each other. She said “I needed to see you!” Their lips met and he pulled her dress up slightly to feel what was underneath. His hands met bare ass cheeks and he was surprised that she wasn’t wearing any panties. He gave her butt a tight squeeze and instantly his cock went hard. She broke away from him, went to the kitchen to grab her phone and looked back with a mischevious grin. Turning back to him, phone in hand, she walked past him to the staircase leading to his bedroom. He walked behind her up the stairs and flipped her skirt up exposing her gorgeous ass as she laughed and pulled it back down.
