Getting Fucked In The Middle Of A Crowded Basement [M] [NB]

AJ and I started hooking up the summer before my senior year of college. He was in an open relationship, so I was his side piece, and we were both very clear with each other about the fact that we wanted something casual. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement – we were both studying for the same major, so I’d tutor him, he’d get me into parties at his fraternity, and we’d both get some very good sex out of it. We didn’t interact much at all outside of this FWB situation, and we were usually pretty cool towards each other when we weren’t in bed together.

AJ and I hooked up consistently throughout the summer and fall, but we both got very busy in the winter and didn’t see each other for weeks. One Friday night in February, though, I said ‘fuck it’ to my responsibilities and showed up on the doorstep of AJ’s frat. It had been ages since I’d gone out, and I was looking forward to a night of drinking, dancing, beer pong, blowjobs, and whatever else a frat party could throw at me. When I got downstairs, though, I could immediately tell something was up with AJ. He was acting much more affectionate than usual. Typically we’d play a game of pong together but otherwise do our own things until the party wound down and we could hook up, but he was practically attached to my hip all night, putting his hand on my thigh when we sat down together and grinding against my ass when we danced.

What was really strange, though, is that AJ and I lost at pong.

AJ and I were unbeatable. We held the record for the longest winning streak at his house since 1979. We never lost at pong.

After the game, I pulled him aside to ask what was going on with him.

“What?” he yelled over the music.

I went up on tiptoe to ask again, leaning in until my lips practically brushed his ear. “What’s up with you, man? I’ve never seen you like this.”

In response, AJ turned and caught me in a deep kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored as his hands drifted down to my hips and pulled me closer. I could feel his erection through his pants. It normally took several minutes of dedicated teasing on my part to get AJ that hard. *Huh.*

I pulled away. “Are you drunk? You never act like this sober.”

AJ shook his head. “You just look hot tonight.”

“I look hot every night.”

“Touché.” He kissed me again, then pulled away with a sigh. “I broke up with Katya. In December.”

His girlfriend. *Oh, boy.*

“Damn, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It wasn’t working out. I’m over it.”

“And I’m your rebound?” I teased.

AJ looked almost offended. “No way,” he said. “I just missed you.”

“You are a little drunk, though, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, a little.”

I laughed. “Me too.”

AJ pulled me in for another kiss, longer this time, and I kissed him back while I thought about what to do. I didn’t want to get too serious when our FWB arrangement had been working out so well, and I sure as hell didn’t want to be anybody’s rebound. But then again, AJ was already turned on, and I was getting there, too. I’d been missing our regular hookups just as much as he evidently had.

Besides, the fact that he was, without a second thought, making out with me in front of the entire party was really fucking hot.

AJ moved one of his hands from my nip to my ass and squeezed, hard. I heard myself yelp in surprise as I registered the feeling, and he took the opportunity to break away from my lips and kiss my jaw and neck instead.

I glanced away from AJ as he moved further down my neck and realized two things:

1. It was later at night than I thought it was. Most of the visitors to the party had trickled out to go to other houses or to bed, and there were only about a dozen other people still in the basement, most of them other members of the frat.
2. All dozen or so of them were watching us.

“AJ,” I murmured, leaning down so he could hear me as he kept kissing my neck. “We’ve got an audience.”

He glanced up, took in all of the eyes on us. Then, into my ear so I could hear him over the music that was still blasting, he said, “Good. I want everyone here to know you’re mine.”

*Shit. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. Except for the part where everyone watches me have sex, which has kind of been a huge fantasy of mine for ages. That’s exactly what I wanted to happen. Which puts me in a tough spot, doesn’t it?*

“I’m not yours, though,” I corrected as gently as I could manage.

“You could be.”

I had a few option at that point: I could shut him down and risk losing out on some of the best sex I’d had in ages. I could go along with it and risk ending up in a relationship I didn’t want. I could give some kind of noncommittal answer and lose out on the opportunity to fulfill one of my biggest fantasies.

“Do you want me to be?” I asked.

AJ nodded.

I took a deep breath and tilted my head towards everyone else in the basement. “Well, then,” I said, “convince me.”

He didn’t need to be asked twice. AJ pulled me closer, kissed me, grabbed my hips, and pushed me gently backwards until my shoulder blades hit the wall. He followed me back, pressing his whole body against me and rocking his hips so his cock, still impressively hard in his pants, rubbed against my stomach, just above the band of my underwear.

I’d chosen to wear a skirt to the party, thank god, so it was easy for AJ to slip one hand underneath it and start rubbing me through my underwear. His fingers danced around, never staying in one spot for too long. Just as I would start to feel myself getting wet, he would circle around my asshole instead, leaving me grinding desperately against his hand in minutes. He kissed my neck and collarbones before pulling my shirt up to kiss my chest, too.

I heard cheers from the rest of the basement and opened my eyes – I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them – to find that, although a few people had left, there were still half a dozen frat boys in a loose circle around us, clearly enjoying the show. All of them were visibly turned on, and a few had already unbuttoned their pants and were openly stroking their dicks. They were a real audience now. And I’ve always enjoyed putting on a show.

I pushed myself harder against AJ’s hand, tilted my head back, and let out a loud moan. As I did so, I fumbled with the zipper of AJ’s pants until I could pull his cock out. Out of habit, I started by teasing the head of his cock, just barely touching it as I circled my thumb around it. But clearly the public setting was driving him crazy, too, because he couldn’t stop himself from bucking his hips and pushing his cock into my hand, and soon enough I gently disengaged him from where he was licking my nipples and dropped to my knees.

Another cheer went up as I took AJ’s entire cock in my mouth in one motion. I almost gagged but I think I hid it well. I bobbed my head up and down on AJ’s cock, closing my eyes and listening to the sounds of several different people moaning at once. I had soaked through my underwear at that point and was pretty sure I’d be leaving a wet spot on the floor, but as AJ put his hand on the back of my head and started fucking my mouth, faster and faster, I couldn’t find it in me to care.

When it seemed like AJ was getting close, I pulled his hand off my head and stood up. I leaned in so only he could hear me and whispered, “I’m still not convinced.”

AJ nodded and, so quickly I almost didn’t realize what was going on, turned me around so my hands were on the wall, pulled down my soaking wet underwear, and pushed his rock-hard cock inside me.

“Oh, *fuck,* that feels so good,” I moaned as he fucked me in a stuttering rhythm. It felt like he was trying to go slowly but couldn’t help himself, which is exactly what I wanted. I flattened my palms against the wall and pushed myself backwards onto his cock, feeling him fill me and enjoying the feeling of having his cock deep inside me. I didn’t hold back the noise I made, moaning and gasping as he fucked me harder. I heard some of the other people in the room moaning louder, and I felt AJ’s grip on my hips getting tighter.

“Fuck, I’m close,” he groaned.

“Cum inside me.”

“Are you sure you-”


That *please* was all it took. I felt AJ come apart. His hips jerked and his cock began to pulse, and a hot wave of cum shot deep inside me. I opened my eyes and watched the other guys jerking off. Some of them had already cum, and the rest of them looked like they were getting awfully close.

It was the audience that did it for me. My legs began to shake as I let loose, too, cumming on his cock and down my thighs, moaning as he rode out the last of his orgasm inside me, until both of us were exhausted, spent, and barely able to stand.

Someone wolf-whistled as AJ pulled out of me and pulled his pants back up. Somehow I managed to stand up, pull my skirt up and my shirt down, and take a little bow for everyone. They clapped and cheered, and I decided I would be regularly getting off to this memory for a long, long time.

The floor between the audience and me and AJ was covered in cum, which nobody seemed fazed by. I found myself wondering how many of these shows had been put on in this basement.

I found myself wondering how soon I could do it again. But that’s a story for another time…



  1. Well written, made me feel like I was audience👏👏 🔥

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