Downfall – An Erotic Invasion – Chapter 6: On the Run

They lay like that together, naked and entwined in the afterglow of their first lesbian experiance. Lisa worried in silence that she was doomed to become a dyke now that her first time had been with another woman. She felt the desperate need to pray for forgiveness, but naked and reeking of sex was hardly the right moment to talk to God, and she couldn’t bring herself to disrupt this perfect moment. Eventually their perfect little silence was broken when Margaret asked “So what the hell is going on?” Those seven little words shattered the bubble that they’d been sharing and brought her back to the real world.

Lisa sat up on one elbow so she could look her lover in the eyes, and after resisting the need to kiss her friend again in one last attempt to try to ignore the horror story that had become their life, Lisa told her everything she knew. It poured out of her, and once she started talking, she just couldn’t make herself stop. For the next half hour they just lay there while she told her about Chad, the aliens and all the details she knew. She told her about how dangerous the pheromones were and how quickly the eggs seemed to mature inside their hosts. She told what had happened to her mom and their friends, and when there were no more words they just cried together with the fear and the loss of it all.

“We need to get out of here,” Margaret said finally. “We need to call the Army or the Marines – someone.”

“No one’s going to believe us,” Lisa countered, “We need to get away, but I think after that we should just hide—”

“We don’t need to tell them the truth exactly…” Margaret interrupted, “Just that they need to know there’s a problem. A chemical spill or terrorist or something. Anything to get the state troopers or the national guard in town. They’ll see how strange everything is then, and the rest will take care of itself.”

“That makes sense,” Lisa nodded, “So then I suppose we should get dressed…” The sentiment hung there for a long moment, and then Margaret gave her a quick peck on the lips and started looking for her clothes on the floor. For the next couple minutes they dressed in an awkward silence. Now that their tryst or whatever it was, was officially over, the things left unsaid overshadowed everything else. Once they had all their clothes on and climbed into the front seats things got better though. They both laughed when they saw how fogged up they made the windows, and they giggled at that while Lisa started the car and turned on the defrost.

Those giggles turned into gales of laughter though, when Margaret slapped her hand against the passenger window, moaned, misquoting the Titanic “I don’t know how to quit you Jack… until I find out the door is only big enough for one of us at least…” That was why Lisa had always loved Margaret. She could find the bright side of anything. Lisa on the other hand was too focused on trying to use this manual transmission to think of a clever response. Chad had shown her how to do it a couple times before everything had happened, but even so, it took a couple tries to get the car into second gear. Once she got the hang of it though, they were on their way.

They chose the quickest path out of town, and then the plan was to take the gravel county roads from there to get to the interstate. If her phone had worked they might have been able to come up with something better, but this plan was simple and straightforward at least. Even in the countryside things looked off though. The houses they passed by should have been nothing but porch lights and dark windows at two in the morning, but that wasn’t the case at all. It seemed like half the people in town were still awake even though it was the middle of the night. She drove slowly, keeping just above twenty miles an hour to be cautious as much as to avoid shifting too much, but when they passed by the Anderson place and found an orgy spilling out of the brightly lit barn that was so large they could see it from the road, Lisa decided to speed up.

“What the heck is going on,” Margaret said, mostly to herself as they passed the place “It’s like the whole world has gone crazy in less than a day.” Lisa didn’t know what to say – her friend wasn’t wrong. It had been less than 48 hours after whatever had happened into the woods to Chad, and now they knew it wasn’t just the town proper that had gone crazy. Lisa had secretly hoped that when they got out into the boonies they would be home free even though she’d know it couldn’t be that easy. She hadn’t known she would be this wrong though. The only thing the girls had going for them was that it was night, and they were able to breeze past those that had already fallen victim to the aliens while they were distracted by the prey they’d already managed to find. With a little luck they could be in the next state before sunrise, and then this could be someone else’s problem.

After another 10 minutes on the gravel road they found out that luck wasn’t with them though. Almost as soon as they’d turned right on the quiet interstate so they could start putting distance between themselves and the nightmare that had become their hometown, they ran into a roadblock of orange cones and blinking barriers. “Damnit,” Lisa swore as she pulled to a stop and evaluated their options. Doing a U turn would just take them back to town, but without a map it was hard to decide what the right answer was.

“Maybe we could find another county road that goes around all this,” Margaret offered helpfully. Lisa shrugged, put the car in reverse, and started making a three point turn so they could look for a likely candidate as it was the best option they had. That was when a patrol car with its lights off materialized out of the darkness and made this awful moment even worse.

“Maybe if we ram them, or try to run the barricade…” Margaret said, her voice quavering with fear. For a moment Lisa thought about it, but by the time the police vehicle came to a stop it was perpendicular to her car. If she tried anything, they could put her in the ditch without too much trouble, whereas she had no chance of pushing them out of the way. Instead she sighed and lowered her head. That was it, she thought, they had lost.

The police car hit the drivers side window with their spotlight at that moment, blinding them both, and by the time they recovered, a deputy was at the window. She looked at the silhouette fearfully, and for a split second she considered trying to gun it anyway, but then he knocked on the window.

“Miss,” he said, one hand on his gun, “Don’t you know the bridge is out? Construction. You’ll need to go around to route 149.” It was a remarkably normal statement. No threatening to fuck her or demanding she strip or anything terrible she’d feared.

“No? She answered, suddenly unsure. “I’m sorry officer, I hadn’t heard.”

“Well you need to turn around, but before you do I need to see your license and registration.” Could it be that they were far enough out that they’d run into a real cop? Had they finally gotten passed the worst of it?

“Well, you see officer,” she said, rolling down the window as she fumbled through her purse for her license. “This is my boyfriend’s car, but I have my driver’s license right here…”

“Alright,” he said, taking it from her and looking from the picture to the girl several times. “Why don’t you girls shut off the engine and wait here while I check this out.” Then he walked back to the vehicle, and turned off the spotlight, leaving the girls to breathe a huge sigh of relief.

“Why didn’t you just tell him,” Margaret whispered.

“I didn’t seem smart,” she whispered back. “He might have been one of them.”

“He still might be,” she whispered back. “He might…” She trailed off at the sound of the car opening as he came back. Now that the light wasn’t in her face, she could see that he was middle aged, and handsome except for the mustache and the sunglasses he was still wearing at night that made him look like he was a gay porn star.

“Looks like we got a problem here Lisa,” he said seriously, not offering her ID back to her. “There’s a BOLO out on this car – it says it’s been stolen…” She swallowed hard in the silence after that. She’d been so worried that he was an alien she hadn’t considered that more mundane legal trouble might follow her.

“Well, you see officer it’s complicated, I didn’t steal it or anything I—” She started.

“Save it,” he barked, “I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle. Now.” Lisa thought about offering some sort of explanation, or maybe just crying and pleading, but she could see that offering anything that looked like resistance would only make all this that much worse. With a helpless glance at her friend she undid her seatbelt, opened the door, and got out of the car.

“You wait here,” the officer told Margaret before turning his attention back to Lisa. “Do you have any weapons on you? Anything that could cut me while I conduct a quick search before I put you in the back of my car?”

“A search?” Lisa asked, utterly blind sided by the request. She started to turn around, but he grabbed her by the arm and pinned her against the cold metal of the car, “But officer, you don’t understand. There’s something terrible happening. Aliens have invaded and we—”

“I asked you a yes or no question,” he interrupted.

“No Sir,” she answered, suddenly feeling foolish for not answering his question the first time he asked. It was a strange pivot in her head though, and it left her wondering. Was she always so compliant, or was it just this crazy situation that was putting her on edge?

“Spread your legs and assume the position,” he ordered her, as he started patting her down. Lisa’s heart started pounding in her chest as he started patting down her sides and her pockets, looking for whatever it was he was looking for. It started normally enough she supposed, though she’d never been in this position before. It seemed to be going the way these things went in the movies at least. That was when she felt the handcuffs snap around her wrists before he grabbed her right.

“Aliens huh?” he laughed, “Let me guess, they’re all sex crazed monsters, bent on taking over the planet.” As he talked, his tone made it sound like he didn’t believe her, but his hands reached around and started to grope her tits hard through her shirt.

“Officer,” she whined as she struggled slightly. She was helpless though, and being helpless strangely made his completely inappropriate touch feel better.

“And you girls,” he continued, “You’re the last one’s left, trying to escape with your pussies intact before those big bad aliens take advantage of you like they’ve already done to all your friends…”

“How did you… Ahhh,” she moaned, as his right hand slid down her side and then up her thigh while his left squeezed her breast harder, twisting it slightly. The pleasure short circuited her brain slightly, making it hard to think, but then everything clicked.

“Oh my god you’re one of them!” she exclaimed. “Margaret, you have to run. You have to… Ohhhh…” When his hand made it into her panties, that was when she lost the ability to speak. Just the barest touch of his fingers as he clumsily played with her clit made her knees go weak and her vision blur at the edges. She was screwed, and she didn’t see a way out of this. Lisa’s only hope was that Margaret might be able to make a break for it, but as she watched, her friend just sat there, like she hadn’t heard her.

“What’s the matter, slut?” the officer growled in her ear, “Confused? I’ll bet you’re asking yourself why your friend isn’t running away right? You would be if you were her, right?” He laughed as he toyed with her body again, making her moan and tremble beneath his unwelcome touch.

“She can’t disobey me Lisa, and neither can you. I told her to stay there, and she’d rather die than try to escape now. It’s a neat trick don’t you think?” he was back to whispering in her ear now. Strangely that intimacy felt like a worse violation to Lisa than a stranger’s hand playing with her pussy. “It’s not the coolest thing I can do now. Not even close. Here’s a real magic trick for you: cum for me like the whore you are.” For a split second Lisa’s conscious mind was sure that there was no way that could work. Even the strange alien mind control ability had to have limits right? Then her world exploded in the white light of pleasure like she was at ground zero in an atomic blast. Her legs and arms went boneless and she was supported entirely by the police officer that was molesting her as ecstasy consumed her flesh. It was better than any orgasm her boyfriend had given her, and he’d done it with nothing but a few syllables. She wanted to be horrified, but that was just a facade. What she wanted was for that to happen over and over again.

“Pretty cool, right?” he gloated, as he stopped groping her breasts long enough to reach back and unzip his pants. “But that won’t feel nearly as good as when you’re finally seeded. Nothing can compare to that.”

“No,” Lisa whimpered, “please don’t I’m a virgin, I—”

“Shit,” he cursed, frustrated. “Really? You’ve never had a dick inside you?”

“No, never.” she said, surprised that it mattered at all to him.

“Fuck,” he exclaimed, pulling his fingers out of her panties. “What about your friend there?”

Lisa wanted to lie and tell him that Margaret was also a virgin. If that was all they had to do to avoid this terrible fate then it would have been the easiest lie in the world to say. She just couldn’t do it though, and instead she blurted out “No. She’s had sex with her boyfriend before. Several times I think.”

“Perfect,” he said, suddenly excited as he pulled Lisa up to her feet and started marching her over to his squad car. “I would have rather fucked you, but she’d not bad either.”

“Wait…” Lisa exclaimed, unsure what was happening. “What’s going… Why does that matter?”

“While the rest of her men are in town seeding any women they can find, she instructed a few of us to guard the ways out in case anyone tried to get away. My orders are to kill the men, breed the women, and to bring any virgins to her.” He pushed her in the back seat and slammed the door. “So I might not be able to fuck you, but at least I can show your friend what you’re missing out on before we take a little drive.”

Lisa watched helplessly as he walked over to her car, and pulled Margaret out without any resistance before walking her back over towards his car with the friend in tow. Lisa couldn’t quite hear what he was telling her, but once she was in the headlights, she began stripping off her clothes without offering any sort of resistance so Lisa could see everything. It only occurred to her once her friend was down to her bra and panties that he’d brought Margaret to the hood of his cruiser so he could torment her. He was going to force her to watch as he did unspeakable things to her friend while she was powerless to stop it. That impotent rage flowed through her even more powerfully when he bent her over at the waist and shoved his alien cock inside the poor girl without any preamble or foreplay.

Lisa couldn’t see when he entered her friend, but it was impossible to miss the moment he did. One moment Margaret’s face was slack and full of lust, and the next her eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth opened in a moan that was audible even through the closed windows. Lisa didn’t have to see what was happening to know exactly what he was doing to her friend though. It had been burned indelibly into her mind when she’d watched Chad fuck one of those terrible eggs into her mom. She started to cry then, but she couldn’t turn away. “I’m so sorry Margaret.” she said, barely above a whisper, “I tried. I tried so hard to save someone, but I couldn’t.”

Margaret didn’t hear her though. She was past understanding or caring. The vacant glassy look in her eyes made it clear that her whole world centered on what that monster was doing to her pussy while she just lay there, battered by wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. It was a heartbreaking sight, and Lisa tried to get angry at it. She wanted to feel rage at the way he was using her friend and rubbing it in her face, but all she could do was squeeze her legs together and try to ignore the rising desire building up inside her. “You see how much she loves my dick?” he yelled while he continued to pound her friend. “You love it, don’t you slut. Tell your friend how much you want me to claim your womb.”

“Oh fuck Lisa…” she panted, trying to talk before another orgasm shattered her train of thought. “It’s like… It’s Ahhhhhh… “ In this moment she was actually grateful for the handcuffs he’d put on her. Being forced to watch this was bad enough, but she knew that if she’d been able to, she’d be playing with herself to this sick little show. It was a terrible thought, but an irresistible one all the same.

“Soon she’s going to be just another broodmare for our queen,” he grunted, obviously getting close. Lisa imagined that egg moving a little closer to her friend’s womb with every thrust. She couldn’t help it. She wanted to close her eyes and cry, or kick out the window and try to escape, but all she could do was watch her friend take his abuse and imagine that terrible golf ball sized alien invader traveling inexorably to her very center. When it reached it, and squeezed past her cervix, both Margaret and the Police officer gasped and moaned in an ecstasy she prayed she would never know, and for a couple minutes he just leaned on her, crushing her against the hood of the car while they both gasped for breath.

When it was done, he buttoned up his pants and then half dragged, and half carried Margaret’s nearly insensible form to the backseat of his cruiser before pouring her in without bothering to put her clothes back on. “Your friend looks lonely,” he said sardonically. “Why don’t you give her a taste of all the bliss I shared with you. It’s a long drive back to town, and you girls need something to pass the time…”

Margaret perked up a little, and smiled weakly at Lisa then. “Of course…” she whimpered. Lisa wanted to push her away then… to retreat as far as she could in the back seat from her friend. This wasn’t her choice afterall, and she shouldn’t take advantage of her in this state. She couldn’t though. She was weak, and as soon as Margaret leaned over to kiss Lisa, she kissed her back hungrily. Something terrible was about to happen to her too, and in this moment all she wanted to do was drown herself in her friend’s embrace one more time.
