Daddy/Daughter romance.

Please give me feedback on this. I somewhat new to writing erotica so I could use it.

These hot summer days are a killer. Emily just finished her senior year of high school. She is extremely underdeveloped for her age, being 4’7, 70ibs. She had always been small for her age, but I thought she would end up normal eventually. She didn’t get accepted into any of the colleges she applied too so at this point were just gonna live like we always have. Our house is a cabin in northern maine, miles from anyone else so its mostly just me and her this time of year. Trying desperately to beat the heat we don’t wear a lot of clothes. This gets more and more uncomfortable the older she gets, but we are close so we don’t bother to cover up. I typically spend the whole summer in boxers and a t-shirt. Usually a set of small panties and a crop top for her. No bra as she has never really needed one.

I haven’t had a woman since her mother died roughly 5 years ago, we’ve become closer since then. Some days its lonely but Emily is always there to keep me company. I’ve never seen her have a boyfriend either, I suspect it was because of her lack of breasts, plus her size in general is a turn of for most guys, they think of her as a little sister and it frustrates her. She complains to me often about her lack of boys, as a father I can’t complain but I do want to see her happy. I’m worried whatever guy she does find will hurt her, she is basically defenseless with her size.

I flop down on the couch, its mid afternoon so the heat should be cooling down soon. Still the only A/C in the house is in Emily’s room, thats where she spends most of her time. Some nights we’ll stay up late watching old movies together, I hope tonight’s one of those nights.

I hear light footsteps coming down the stairs, and I start to feel excited. Its rare for her to come down but I enjoy her company. Her eager footsteps round the corner as she bursts in smiling. She’s wearing her typical summer outfit, just her small pink panties and yellow crop top. “Wanna watch some movies tonight?” She said what I had been waiting for. “Of course.” I reply. “I’ll get the popcorn!” She walks out and runs to the kitchen as I start to look through my CD collection.

A couple minutes later she walks in with a large bowl of popcorn and sits it on the bed before sitting down and laying back next to me. I catch myself staring at her body. The sweat highlight her tight midriff as my eyes move along her legs. I quickly turn away and look back at the television. She giggles as I do. “Watcha staring at?” She teases. I blush at her sudden boldness “Sorry.” I say not able to utter anything else. “Its fine.” She laughs playfully before the movie grabs her attention. “Its only natural you’d stare at a beautiful goddess of fertility such as myself.” She continues jokingly. I playfully punch her shoulder. “Shut up.” I laugh. “I mean, you can look if you want. I don’t mind.” I recognize more serious tone in her voice. “What do you mean?” I ask hoping she will pull it back. “I mean its okay to look at me, its just us out here and we are close right? We don’t have to hide anything from each other.” Emily say wuth no humorous intent in her voice. “I… I guess so honey.” I say trying to move off the subject. “I don’t even care if you jerk off on the couch. We have nothing to hide from one another.” She giggles but she still sounds serious. “Really?” I ask trying to suppress my excitement and bring out my inner parent.
“I’m an adult, your an adult, who cares.” Emily days a little annoyed. “Uh… okay.” I say unable to argue with her about it and unable to say no to that kind of request. “We’re close so I guess its fine, but don’t tell anyone okay?” I say nervously. “No shit dummy.” She laughs.

I hope you liked it, I look forward to your feedback.



  1. Keep going. You have a good start and wonder how far you are willing to take this.

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