Slut Wife, Taboo Life [cuck/NTR] [cheating] [incest] [his pov] [her pov]

Slut Wife Taboo Life

Island of Temptation

Lindsay Miller

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2021 Lindsay Miller

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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Day 1

“Are you sure your work is going to be fine with this? I don’t know why but, I just have this bad feeling,” My wife Jessica asked, seeming a little worried as she packed her suitcase.

“Ya, babe. Don’t worry so much. It’s a free extended vacation. Not like they said I couldn’t have you with me,” I replied.

Famous last words and the irony is I was the one that should have been worried. There was no way I could have seen the landslide of events that were coming and crashing down on my life, changing everything… even myself…

I guess I should give you a bit of backstory so, hi, I’m Jared and I’m a… pushover I guess, but I suppose you could call me a cuck and this is how I got to be this way.

I always considered myself to be more of an alpha type. I fit the bill pretty well. High School jock? Check. Dating one of the hottest girls in school who was also a cheerleader? Check. Getting said cheerleader pregnant in senior year? Check… Ya I wish I paid more attention in Sex Ed. Oh well, here I am, mid-thirties, advancing in a well-paying career, two kids, and a wife that has me wrapped around her finger.

My wife Jessica has been the love of my life since day one in high school. Long dark hair and green eyes that made my knees weak. The thing that got me about her though was she wasn’t like the other pretentious cheerleaders on the team. She always maintained this modest innocence that just made her feel so real to me. That and a body that would make even the most popular insta hoe jealous.

After two kids you would think she would lose some of that but if anything, her bigger tits just made her even more perfect. The other mothers she hangs out with are convinced that we must have adopted every time they see her in a bikini. My wife wasn’t one to flaunt it though. She was always the conservative type.

I sometimes wonder if she was so conservative because she never really got the opportunity to live her life the way she wanted. Being a mother, she had to sacrifice a lot for many years. She’s an amazing mother though and I could never fault her for that. While she was at home taking care of the kids, I was in university getting my marketing degree while working a full-time job to pay the bills.

We got through it though with some ups and downs along the way but fast forward ten years and I’m working for one of the best tech companies in the city, we have a beautiful home that we are hoping to flip, and a wonderful family.

Enough back story? Ok, well fast forward to the start of my tale. My work often holds team building retreats. Usually, they are basically just a weeklong vacation with some pointless activities strewn throughout. This retreat was happening in Mexico, and I thought it would be a good idea for my wife and I to turn our one-week vacation into two. I booked a resort for the first week, and then we would switch to the company provided accommodation for the second week.

Makes sense, right?

Unfortunately, this retreat was a little different from the rest.

“You’re right,” Jessica replied as she zipped up her suitcase, looking a little sad to be leaving the first resort that I booked for our trip. “You know me, just overthinking.”

“It’s gonna be great Jess, don’t worry. My company probably got us put up at some place even nicer than this one,” I said as I snuck behind my wife and wrapped my arms around her before kissing her neck.

We got our things and headed to the airport to meet the rest of my team from work. For some reason the organizer was not very forthcoming when it came to details. She was new so we just figured she was a little incompetent. We often joked that she must have gotten the job on her knees. She seemed the type, so you never know.

“Jar Jar!” Shouted a voice as I pulled our luggage out of the back of the taxi. I hated that nickname, but it stuck. Probably the worst Star Wars character there is.

“Hey…. Nick,” I replied with a bit of disdain.

Nick was our office “bro”. That guy from college that never seemed to leave college. He was a bit out there but one of the heads of the company was his uncle’s friend’s cousin, or something like that. Needless to say, as juvenile as he was, he was my superior… technically… so I always played along.

“Yo bro! Have you seen some of the ass floating around he…” Nick started but quickly paused as my wife stepped out of the taxi. He was staring at her like a fat kid staring down an unattended cake. “Bruh… bruhh… who is that?” Nick asked as he tapped on my arm with the back of his hand.

“Nick, this is my wife, Jessica,” I replied putting extra emphasis on the word wife.

Jessica shook Nick’s hand to greet him. Nick seemed to only react instinctively as his attention was clearly focused on Jessica’s cleavage that was peering out from her low hanging loose grey tank and being squeezed together by the white string bikini under it, creating a sexy and inviting crevasse just begging to be motorboated.

“Up here,” said Jessica with a wave to get his attention.

Nick finally snapped out of his daze and tried to subdue his “bro-ness” as much as he could.

As if she was summoned to break the awkward tension of the moment, Natasha, the organizer, showed up and greeted us. She seemed proper and pert but something about her always seemed to exude sex.

“Umm, I’m sorry I thought I knew everyone already. What department are you from?” Natasha asked my wife.

“Oh uh, this is my wife,” I said as I intercepted the question and explained the situation.

“Ohh, uhhh, ya…. That’s going to be a problem…” Natasha replied.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Well… you don’t have private accommodation. I’m not sure what kind of team building you guys did before, but this isn’t just going to be a vacation. I wasn’t planning on letting this out until later but, you guys are all going to be sharing a hut type thing and there isn’t really space.”

Jessica already looked panicked as she wandered off mumbling to herself.

“Ok, well there is a hotel nearby, right?” I asked feeling a little stressed out. “I mean we can work this out, I’m sure.”

“Actually… no there isn’t. We are on a small island but…” said Natasha, pondering something. It was weird but for a moment, she seemed to have the same look Nick had when he first saw my wife. Wide eyes and a sly smirk as she watched Jessica pace in the distance. “She can share my villa with me,” Natasha finally spoke up.

“Seriously, you don’t mind? I mean I’ll have to talk to her about it but, I don’t think it would be an issue. I really appreciate you doing this,” I replied feeling a wave of relief.

Jessica, unfortunately, wasn’t so keen on the idea. After a lot of apologies and begging, she finally came around. She didn’t seem happy about it though.

The group finally assembled, we got on a bus and headed to a boat that took us to the island. Upon first glance, it was amazing. The villas were all set up on docks above the crystal blue water with a shallow sand bar. The island didn’t look as small as Natasha had described but I wasn’t about to complain as we walked down the dock towards land. To my surprise though, some vans there waiting.

“What are the vans for? Is this not where we are staying?” I asked noticing everyone seemed as confused as I was.

“Well, the senior staff will be staying here but the rest of you will be on the other side of the island,” Natasha clarified.

I felt devastated knowing that also meant my wife was going to be here without me. I tried to remain optimistic thinking the island couldn’t be that big and I would be able to sneak out to spend some time with my wife.

I approached my wife to try to give her some affection before I had to leave but she wasn’t having it. Every new development seemed to just upset her more and more. And to make things even worse, there was no cell service.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her and bring her by to see you when I come,” Natasha said to me as my wife stormed off, dragging her suitcase behind her.

“I would appreciate that,” I replied feeling a bit deflated. I hated the idea of being away from Jessica, and I also hated the idea that Nick would be gawking at her the entire time without me to save her.

The ride to the other side of the island was not as short as I thought. It felt like thirty minutes before we finally reached actual huts on a beach, complete with walls made of sticks and a roof that looked to be made of dried palm leaves. It was a hole and this trip just seemed to be getting worse and worse.

A bit of time went by as we all settled in before the sounds of a vehicle could be heard in the distance.

Everyone seemed confused and had a lot of questions, so the possibility of someone with some answers might be coming was a relief. I was also hoping my wife would be coming as well but I was met with disappointment as a jeep with Natasha and the other department heads showed up. Including Nick who of course felt the need to reassure me of my wife’s wellbeing in the most concerning way.

“Don’t worry Jar Jar, I’ll take care of her, you have my word,” Nick assured me in what seemed like a very creepy tone.

I gritted my teeth as I tried to seem grateful while I watched Natasha and Mark, the head of finance, pull a crate out of the back of the Jeep.

“Okay, gather round everyone!” Natasha shouted as she stood on the crate. “Welcome to survivor, corporate edition.”

The entire group groaned knowing full well what stupid things we were going to have to accomplish. The senior staff didn’t stay long as they left us to build a fire and create a cooking apparatus so we wouldn’t starve through the night. Some of the guys got into it and usually, I would be all over taking charge, but it just wasn’t in me that night.

Morning came and I felt like I didn’t sleep a wink. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could think of was Nick making my wife miserable. I was feeling horrible, and I was already thinking of ways to make it up to my wife… Probably another vacation.

As I sat there wallowing in guilt and watching my co-workers argue about whether they could eat the local fish raw, I saw the Jeep approach.

I jumped up with joy as I saw Jessica in the passenger seat. My joy turned to confusion though as they got closer and I noticed she was sitting much higher than Craig, the head of sales, who was driving. I strained my eyes, squinting to get a clear view until I finally realized that she was sitting on someone’s lap.

I tried not to overthink it. I couldn’t help but get an uneasy feeling wondering whose lap she might be sitting on. My suspicions were quickly confirmed as I saw Nick waving from behind her.

“Look what I brought you bro!” He exclaimed with his hands holding onto her bare waist.

My jaw dropped as my wife slid from Nick’s lap and dug her bare feet into the sandy beach. Her legs looked longer than ever in the mini denim shorts she was wearing, that were unbuttoned, exposing a bit of her red bikini bottoms. Her perfectly flat stomach was in full view with her breasts barely being covered by a white Hollister crop top. And to my surprise she didn’t seem upset at all. She actually seemed to be in a very good mood.

I had never seen her dress in anything this revealing before, aside from a bikini, and I knew those clothes were not hers. I put it out of my mind as she pranced over to me, throwing her arms around my neck hugging me tightly.

“I missed you boo,” she said before giving me a tequila flavoured kiss.

Has she been drinking already?

“I missed you too babe,” I replied hugging her back and enjoying the embrace. At least until I saw a very fit and very topless Nick step out of the Jeep, wearing just a pair of swim trunks. I had been too busy with work to spend much time in the gym, so my body had gotten a little… soft…

I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous as I grabbed my wife’s arms and pulled her off me. It wasn’t hard to tell that she had been drinking and I know that she opens up a lot more when she’s drunk. Enough that it probably wouldn’t be hard for someone to take advantage of her.

“Why were you sitting on his lap? And are you drunk?!?” I asked in a very stern voice, trying to make my disapproval known.

Normally, this would get my wife’s attention but not this time. Her smile quickly disappeared as she shot me a glare.

“Where else was I supposed to sit? They only have one jeep with four seats and five people to move. What? Should I have let him sit on my lap? Would that make you feel better? And ya I had a drink, Jared! I’m supposed to be on vacation, remember?!?” Jessica scoffed as she walked off to go help Natasha get some things out of the Jeep.

I was stunned as I didn’t expect that reaction at all. I had never seen her snap like that, and I realized that maybe she was just trying to make the best of a bad situation which I was only making worse. This was probably a very awkward situation for her but looking at how her and Natasha and the other heads interacted, you would think that they were all best friends.

I tried to shake it off and focus on something more real, and something more real presented itself instantly as I finally got a good look at Natasha’s butt, wrapped in a tiny pair of shorts even smaller than the ones my wife was wearing. They looked like they were painted on as they revealed every curve and crevasse. I got a little lost as she turned around, finally showing her fit and toned body that probably got her the job in the first place. Her small breasts bounced with every step she took as did her little blonde ponytail.

I realized that I had been looking a little longer than I should have when I finally noticed my wife, once again glaring at me knowing full well that I was just checking out another woman.

I felt like I was just making things worse between us and waited eagerly for Jessica to come back over so I could apologize, instead though, she broke the heart piercing glare, whispered something into Natasha’s ear, and hung back with the guys at the jeep.

Natasha’s first activity for us was learning basic first aid. It made sense, being in a survival scenario that knowing first aid would be critical. Jessica watched us from the distance as she chatted and laughed with Nick and the other heads. I couldn’t help but be distracted as I tried to eavesdrop on the conversation with no success.

“Ok now we are going to practice CPR,” Natasha said as she looked around the area. “Mark did you bring the dummy?”

“Of course,” Mark pointed to Nick as everyone laughed.

Ha…ha…mother fucker…

“Seriously though,” Natasha chuckled. Everyone looked to Mark who just shrugged. Natasha hung her head clearly disappointed by the missing dummy but then she got that pondering look again. “Ouuu, I got an idea! Jessica! Would you please be our dummy?” Natasha asked with her hands together and pleading eyes.

I almost choked when I heard the suggestion and I tried to stop things from progressing, “My wife is pretty shy when it comes to stuff like that,” I said with a chuckle while trying to hide the fact that I wasn’t happy about the idea.

Jessica shot me that glare again and responded, “You know what? Ya sure why not?” she said as she approached the group. She was obviously just trying to get under my skin because she was still upset so I stayed quiet hoping not to make things more unpleasant.

“Ouu ouu, can I go first?!” Nick shouted jumping and waving his arm in the air.

Natasha chucked, “This is for the team! You can practice later.”

Wait, what? What does that mean?

My mind was all over the place as that jealous tingle kept creeping up my spine. The tingle became more intense as I watched Nick give Craig a very bruh high five.

I turned my attention back to my wife who was laying down on a large blanket in the sand. I couldn’t help but notice my wife wasn’t wearing a bikini top under the short crop top that seemed to become even shorter as she stretched out, allowing a bit of my wife’s underboob to peek from the fabric. I started to put two and two together as I closely examined the fabric of my wife’s bikini bottoms and Natasha’s bikini top. They looked Identical in colour, and it dawned on me that my wife didn’t even own a red bikini. She was wearing Natasha’s clothes.

My mind raced trying to find a reasonable explanation as to why, only interrupted by Natasha as she started her lesson.

“Ok, since we don’t have dummies, how about you all pair up.” The group of men all stared at each other and then to the only two women in the group. I was the only one who was probably happy about this since it meant the men wouldn’t be touching my wife. Well… Me and Ken from finance who we all know is secretly gay.

The men all pounced on Lindsay from sales, who was the new hottie in the office, in hopes of getting her as their partner. She gasped as she narrowly escaped the hoard and latched onto my arm. Probably because I was the only man that she knew wouldn’t try anything because my wife was there… Well… Me and Ken of course, but Ken seemed to have his own prize in mind.

Like a school of fish changing direction, the men then turned their attention to Melissa who seemed less than impressed about being second choice. She was a good-looking woman but a little older and had a reputation for being… A bit of a bitch. With a sigh, Melissa grabbed Ken who didn’t seem to be having much luck with the partner he was after. The remaining men stood there lost and reluctantly paired up with each other.

We all got into position as Natasha started with compressions. I stood over Lindsay as I watched the demonstration. Natasha’s hands seemed to wander all over Jessica’s chest as she explained how to find the heart. I could see my wife’s nipples harden and start to poke through the fabric as Natasha’s fingers brushed over them.

Is she enjoying this?

Lindsay groaned as I started to unintentionally crush her chest.

“Oh, sorry,” I apologized as I tried to regain my focus.

“Just don’t kill me while trying to revive me please,” Lindsay replied. Normally I would be cherishing the fact that I had permission to have my hands on Lindsay who kinda reminded me of a younger version of my wife with the same long dark hair and full chest. She had one of those faces that was hard to judge. She could pass for fifteen or twenty. Since she was working here, I was going to go with the latter. Maybe if her body wasn’t hidden under a bland grey t-shirt and sweat shorts, I would have been able to get more enthused.

I tried to pay attention but then Natasha mentioned mouth to mouth and at this point, my focus was gone. All I could think of was Natasha and my wife changing together and groping each other. Again, that jealous feeling but, it was also turning me on a bit.

“Ok so you want to make sure you have a good seal,” Natasha said as she leaned over and put her lips to Jessica’s. They seemed to be taking their time when Jessica’s eyes suddenly burst open. I could see something was going on and I could only imagine that Natasha just stuck her tongue in my wife’s mouth. I shook my head again assuming I was just overthinking it. I couldn’t help but watch so intently that I almost didn’t notice Natasha’s hand briefly cup and squeeze my wife’s left breast.

“Are we going to do this or what?” Lindsay asked, bringing me back to the task at hand.

 I tried to get it over with as fast as possible so I could continue watching Jessica, but by the time I got back up, it was already over. I saw the two girls chuckle as they got to their feet then Natasha went around to help everyone’s form.

I looked back down to Lindsay who had a very distinctive “what the fuck was that” look going on.

“Everything going ok over here?” Natasha asked as she approached us.

“Oh, uh, ya, we already did it,” I replied as I glanced over to see my wife staring at us.

“Well, show me again please,” said Natasha as she knelt beside me, hoping to get a better look.

I gulped and looked down at Lindsay who looked terrified about having to experience my attempted lifesaving technique again. Even though I was watching so intently I wasn’t paying attention to the actual process. I leaned down and placed my lips to Lindsay’s since it was the only part I kind of understood.

“Wait wait,” Natasha said as she adjusted Lindsay’s head and gave me more instruction. I glanced over to Jessica who I thought would be upset that my lips were going to be on Lindsay again, but she wasn’t even looking. She appeared to be more interested in watching Nick, Craig, and Mark, who seemed to be having a push up competition.

I would have actually preferred if she was upset with me instead of paying attention to them. Feeling a little jealous I leaned down again to focus my attention on Lindsay. My mind was still overthinking with thoughts of my wife and her new attitude. I realized I was probably spending a little too much time attached to Lindsay’s lips. I was expecting Natasha to stop us when we did enough, but she just seemed to be enjoying the show. Seems I had also gotten Jessica’s attention again. Her glare immediately made me regret wanting her to be upset with me.

We all switched partners and completed the exercise with much reluctance before breaking for lunch that was finally brought to us by some locals on a food truck. I was starving since we didn’t fare too well with the cooking the night before, but I had to clear the air with my wife first.

“Jessica!” I shouted as I waved to my wife to come with me to one of the vacant huts. She didn’t look impressed, but she came anyway. We slipped into one of the huts and I closed the rickety door of sticks behind us.

“Babe, you’re right, I’m overthinking and I’m really sorry, you know I trust you right?” I said sincerely.

“Trust me? You brought me on a vacation and then abandoned me with a bunch of strangers.” She retorted with a disapproving tone as she crossed her arms.

“Jess, I had no idea, okay? I’m really sorry but it is what it is,” I stumbled, trying to find the right words for the situation.

“It is what it is …” She repeated sarcastically. “Well, if it is what it is then I’m going to enjoy myself the best I can and I don’t need you bothering me about it.”

I knew I was digging a deeper hole and I needed to stop but, I had so many questions and so desperately needed clarity to ease my mind.

“Is that why you are dressed like that?” I asked as gently as I could.

“Dressed like what? You don’t approve of my attire today?” She said getting more annoyed.

“No, no, it’s not that, it’s just …” I started.

“It’s just what Jared? I wore this for you, you know. Natasha and I were talking a lot last night and this morning. She felt horrible for splitting us up, so she suggested I give you a little eye candy today, and I got to admit, I like it. I like feeling proud of my body. If you don’t like it though I’ll just let other people appreciate it then,” Jessica ranted.

“What do you mean let other people appreciate it?!?” I bursted, confused by what that was supposed to imply. “And I never said I don’t like it, it’s just…”

“It’s just what?!?”

I already knew this was a losing battle. She was upset with me and when she gets like this, I can never figure out the right thing to say, so I tried to tread as carefully as possible… and failed instantly.

“Jess, are you drunk?”

Out of all the things I could have said to make the situation better, that’s what came out. The second those words left my tongue; I knew I was in trouble.

“No Jared, I’m not drunk… but I’m gonna be because I’m on fucking vacation! Maybe you should go practice your CPR some more…” Jessica shouted before storming out of the hut and back to the Jeep. I was about to follow when Natasha grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“Just give her some space Jared, she needs to cool down and you know it,” Natasha said as I watched Jessica climb into the back of the Jeep quickly followed by Mark. “I’ll talk to her, okay? And I’ll see if I can’t arrange some alone time for the two of you?”

I felt lost and frustrated as my wife’s mood seemed to flip instantly as her and Mark started chatting and giggling. “Thanks Natasha.”

We did a couple more things as a group until Natasha cut the day short. I was hoping for another quick opportunity to talk to my wife, but by the time we got back, her and the other guys were already gone.

I spent the whole night trying to think of what to say to make things right and rehearsed it over and over in my head so I would be ready the next morning.

Day 2

The next morning though, Jessica didn’t come. Only Craig and Natasha showed up and got us to spend the morning trying to make rafts out of driftwood. Natasha wouldn’t give me much info either, only saying that Jessica didn’t feel like coming today.

The lunch truck came with a self-serve taco bar. As I waited in line for some food, I couldn’t help but overhear the locals chatting with each other. Luckily for me, I knew enough Spanish that I could get the gist of what they were saying.

(In Spanish)

“The blonde is hot but, the brunette, wow.”

“I don’t know, I would still take the blonde. I like small breasts.”

“Bah, I like a handful. Did you even look at the brunette? Her nipples look like lolly pops for me to suck on. Too bad her boyfriend is always around otherwise I would be right up in there,” the man said as he made a motorboat sound.

Jessica was topless?

I prayed that I was misunderstanding them but the next comment I understood loud and clear.

“Which one is her boyfriend? They all seem like her boyfriend,” the man chuckled.

“¿qué?” I interrupted, unable to hide the fact that I understood them.

(In English)

“Oh, nothing muchacho, just a funny movie,” the man replied dismissively. They seemed shocked that I might have understood them as they disappeared behind the truck.

I couldn’t take this situation anymore as I pulled Natasha aside in search of answers.

“Ok what is going on over there?” I asked.

“Over where?”

“On your side, with my wife? What’s going on?”

“Jared, you need to take a deep breath, nothing is happening, okay?” Natasha said as she placed her hand on my bare chest.

“Come on Natasha, I just heard the food truck guys, comparing who has the better nipples between you and my wife.” I kinda expected her to be troubled knowing they were talking about them like this but as a devious smirk grew on her face, I knew that wasn’t the case.

“And? Who did they say had the better nipples?” Natasha asked.

I was floored and without words. It was not at all the response I was expecting. “Well… uh… it was kinda divided…” I stammered. I couldn’t help but look at her pert mounds being hidden by a black bikini top.

Natasha moved her hand from my chest and hooked her finger in her top, pulling it open revealing her small pink nipples. “And whose do you like better?”

I lost my breath as she exposed herself to me, just out of view of everyone else. “I… uhh.” I didn’t know what to say and I couldn’t look away, so I just stood there staring like an idiot.

“Here, touch them,” said Natasha as she grabbed my hands and placed them on her naked chest. In a brief moment of weakness, I gave in. I lightly kneaded her softs lobes on her petite frame. With all the effort I had, I pulled back and ended my seemingly involuntary groping. “Wait, I can’t do this… I’m married.”

“You’re a sweet guy, but I think your package gave me the answer.” Natasha replied as she nodded to the bulge in my shorts while she fixed her top. “Stop worrying so much, they are just boobs,” she said as she turned and walked off.

What just happened? I thought to myself as I stood there, trying to process the situation. Not only did I not have any answers but, I had also just fondled another woman. Her comment about them just being boobs resonated with me as I tried to justify to myself what I had just done.

It’s just skin, it’s not cheating… just boobs.

“You, ok?” Lindsay asked as she noticed me staring off into nowhere.

“Oh, ya I’m fine, just thinking…”

“Thinking about Natasha?”

“What? No, I’m a married man,” I responded hoping she didn’t see what had just taken place.

“Uh huh, sure… I mean she’s hot as fuck so…” Lindsay replied as we spied on her and Craig inflating a buoy that I could only assume had something to do with the rafts we were working on.

“I really wasn’t, I was thinking about my wife actually,” I said, so stuck in my head that I didn’t even realize Lindsay was checking out another girl with me.

“What about her? Is everything okay?”

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Lindsay Miller
