Remembrance of encounters past: Amiable Amy (Part 1) [Mf]

Disclaimer: Though these stories are based on my real life experiences, these are just stories. The names and other details of the women and girls are change to protect their identities. I believe in discretion and safety of everyone. I am sharing these for enjoyment. Not here to hurt or harm anyone.

Introduction: Before we start, let me tell you a bit about where I am coming from. They say if you do not know where you are coming from, then you will never find where you are going.

I am a 48 year old white man. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in a suburbs of middle America. It was not all white, but mostly white neighborhood. And all middle class. My idea of and exposure to girls were different shades of white – from pale to ginger to tan – and black. When it came to black the shades did not register: someone was either black or not. So my experience and options for dating in my was mostly white with rare exception of black girls. Black girls were exciting but at that time a too large contrast for comfort. So my first wife was also white. We were normal couple: happy with normal things and normal sex life.

It was not until in 90’s when my first marriage was falling apart (for mainly practical and personality reasons) I came to California, I started to get exposed and experienced the diversity of women: from personality to protectives, from size and shapes to skin tones, from sexually curious to adventurous. I realized women are like books: you cannot judge them by how they present themself on one situation. Some have hidden surprises. Some needs the right encouragement. Some blossom in right conditions.

In my experience, if you make them feel comfortable, safe, and reasons to trust you, they can open up and show you sides that otherwise I would have never imagined. I admit my race, professional and financial success, and the use of internet at first and then smart phone did surely help.

By by the end of my 30’s my second marriage ended like a car crash, and I decided to give up on long term committed thing. That gave me new found freedom to explore more short term and physical arrangements without any guilt or hesitation. Also I got better at knowing myself and my interests.

So over the years I did meet a wide range of exciting and fascinating women – mostly women and girls of color. I have fond memories of those encounters and thankful to the women for the experiences.

## These are some of their stories.

It was the time I was working out of our Santa Clara office close to the Kaiser hospital. It was before free lunch became common in tech companies, and though our office as a cafetaria, we used to go out for lunch occasionally both for some social and culinary reasons. One of them were a cluster of Asian restaurants in a small strip mall. I first met Amy there.

First saw her would be more accurate. She used to come to the Vietnamese sandwich soap regularly. Where I visited it infrequently. And first few times, I just saw her with her loose blue nurse’s outfit and tight knit group of friends. So I did not even speak to her.

Not sure what about her that caught my eyes. May be it was the contrast of her short body with pronounced curves which was noticeable despite the loose nurses’ apron. She was short and skinny with sweet face but had noticeable curves. Reminded me of overly developed teens. Or may be she seemed shy and quiet but animated at the same time. Or may be I just was fascinated by the ease she would shove the end of Banh Mi in her tiny mouth. The way she wold devour the dry white baguette with her watering brown mouth.

May be it was all of them.

Firs time we talked was on a Saturday. I went to office to do a few last mins things before a trip on coming Monday. I was along and went for a late lunch. The place was mostly empty and only one table was set up outside. She was there and I walked and sat on the opposite side. We got chatting.

“I have seen you before a few times”, I said trying to establish connection.

“Yes, I come here often for lunch,” she said with a friendly tone.

“If I have to guess, I would say you do work in the hospital. That must be very satisfying.”

“What gave it away?” she feigned surprise.

“Just my power of deduction,”

“Nothing to do with this…” she thrust her noticeable chest over the table forward and pointed at her blue apron.

“I did not even notice…” as I looked down at her chest more noticeable since she pushed it forward.

She pushed herself back on the chair. There was an awkward silence. There was the sound of me unwrapping my sandwich. The sound of me opening the can of drink.

“So what do you do?” she asked.

We got chatting again. We had a longer lunch and nice chat. Got to know more about her and shared about me. That is how I started to know Amy. Well, it took a while for her to share her Vietnamese name Mai. By that time, I came to know her as Amy. So she is Amy to me.

I started to go there little more frequently. She started to share her schedule for the weekend. I would go to office on weekends just around the lunch time. On weekends we were alone to chat.

We shared our bad memories of marriage. She married her husband to come here. He got into gambling. That led to financial trouble. She had to work hard to pay off debt. She was till married but live separately. I told about my marriage and how I miss the excitement. And how I enjoy the company of women with personality and look like her instead of my white wife. May be bit one sided since my wife was not there keep the story straight.

She enjoyed our chat and that I listened without judgement. That I had my share of things to get off my chest. I told her I was not looking to change anyone’s life. Just no risk fun. We hinted about things we enjoy. I shared my theory about he oral skill. She played coy. I told her how I like traditional gender role with a submissive woman. She told me how she longs for a man who can take charge and she does not have be the responsible one.

It was not long after that, I told her my wife would be out for the weekend. If she wanted she can come by my place. We agreed to meet at the sandwich place, come to my place, and I will give her ride back.

She was nervous in the parking lot but once we started to drive she was okay.

“Are you ok?” I asked as soon as we left the parking lot.

“Yes…” she was still looking out the window. I could see the side of her face.

“We will be there soon. It is not far.” I tried to assure her.

We did not talk much until we walked inside my house.

“This is really nice house,” she said visibly surprised as she entered the living space. I closed the main door.

“Do you have time for a tour?” I offered like a gentle man.

She smiled. “May be another time. Today I have to go back soon.”

“Yes, I do not want you to be late.” I agreed and sat down on the couch.

She looked at me.

“Here…” she said. I knew she needed me to tell her.

“Yes, this is as good as any other room. And I do not want you to be late.”

She smiled. “Right,…” She walked closer and about to sit on the couch.

I grabbed her right hand gently and look at her.

“How about there?” I pointed to the floor.

“You mean…”

“Yes, do you mind getting on your knees. I will like that a lot for oral.” I was direct.

“Do you want me to take this off” she pointed to her apron.

“No, keep it on for now. Just get on your knees.”

She pushed her hair with her fingers with her left hand. I firmed my grip on her wrist and pulled her. She slowly got on her knees.

“Get comfortable,” I took a throw pillow and gave to her for her knees.

She took it and placed it with ease and experience.

“You have done this before, right?”

She smiled.

I put my right hand on her shoulder.

“Are you ready for your Banh Mi?”

She laughed hard. Put her hand on her mouth to control herself.

I slide my palm from her shoulder to the back of her neck and grabbed firmly. She stopped and looked up.

“Take it out!”

She did with elegance and dexterity. I was almost erect. She looked at it as it stood in front of her face. And then look up at me.

“How would you like?”

“Take the whole thing as I imagined. Take my whole white cock in your brown mouth like you do to a Banh Mi.”

She nodded and look down at it. She used both palms to wrap around it. I could feel her cool soft hands. Then her wet lips.

She stared to suck the tip. But I was impatient.

“Take it all the way.” as my hands gripped the back of her neck harder and I pulled her bit forward.

The head hit her teeth but she open her mouth and the head slid in.

“Ahhhh” I closed my eyes and felt her lips wrapping around the base of the head.

She quietly stroked the shaft with both of her palms as she sucked the head with eagerness for a bit.

She pulled her mouth out.

“Are you enjoying it?” she asked for approval or attention?

I did not have time to analyze.

“You know what I want.”

“What…?” she wanted order.

With my left hand I peeled off her hands.

“No hands. Just your mouth. And do not stop. Take the whole thing.”

She nodded.

“Then open wide.”

She opened her mouth and tried to smile but I did not have time. I pulled her head towards me and pushed my hips forward until I could feel the back of her throat. And then I trust forward.

She gagged and pushed back instinctively.

It was expected but I was ready.

“Do not fight. Just relax your throat”, I pulled her back and did it again. Only this time with more deliberation and force.

She gagged but did not move back. I pulled out and pressed again until the head slide into the throat.

Her body shivered and jerked under my firm hand. She was making that muffled noise. But as I suspected she had done this before.

And despite her discomfort and struggle, she was amenable to my thrust and very amiable.

I grabbed her head with both hands. And was ready to take full advantage of it.

(To be continued…)
