Cherry Tops [M/F] [2]


=== **RENEE** ===

“I can’t believe you let him cum in you.”

I couldn’t really show how I felt that night when we went our separate ways, but the next day was when I got my sense of clarity. “You really let him cum inside you.”

“What, what’s the big deal?” Brie kind of laughed as she poured herself a glass of water and grabbed an apple from our fridge. Then, she kind of laughed, shook her head, and then looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. “Oh, I get it. You wanted it.”

“No! It’s…. we just met him, and already you let him do that?”

She juggled the apple one-handed and then took a strong bite. “You’re just jealous,” she said in a sing-song fashion, “you *wanted* him to cum inside you instead!”

We know where he lives, he’s dorming right now in the state college, so we can’t exactly just go into his place.

“A-Anyway, we need to get a morning-after pill,” I changed the subject and she agreed.


It’s been a couple of weeks since that night. I often lay in my bed and just stare at his number and wonder if he’s thinking about me. Or Brie. Why hasn’t he called yet!?

Working as a cop is frustrating about 90% of the time. What’s worse, we’re working in a time where the police is under so much scrutiny from the public. We have to watch out because we’re always being recorded.

Working in the same unit as my ex is giving me so much added stress. Jerome’s not afraid to flaunt his new girlfriend, the girl he cheated on me with, in front of me and him and his douche buddies would often laugh amongst themselves. I can’t help but think they’re talking about me.

Thankfully, I have a few friends in the force in addition to Brie. One of them, Vicky, has been a great friend to me. The three of us graduated from the academy together a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, her partner is my ex’s current girlfriend. While she and her has a good professional relationship, that’s where Vicky keeps it. After work, she, Brie and I would often go out for drinks.

“Have you heard from him?” I asked and Brie shook her head. “Why is he not texting us!?”

“He’s a college student. He’s probably busy. Give it time, it’s April so it’s finals month.” Brie reasoned.

I stared at my phone for a minute, looking at the photo I took of Brie’s creampie’d pussy. I’ve been so horny since that night that I find myself aching for him.

“Motherfucker…” I grumbled softly. Frustrated. Slightly angry.



Brie flinched a bit, “Renee, what the hell!? Why are you yelling!?”

“That asshole should’ve called us up! That motherfucker should have been begging for more! Why the hell… why the hell…”

I… I don’t know what’s happening. “Why am I… looking for him? Waiting?”

“Jesus, just text him then,” she chuckled as she dug into her cereal, “it’s a Friday and if you want we can go and pick him up.”

“You think Vicky wants to come?”

She chuckled again, “I mean, maybe? I don’t really know how she is sexually, that’s not the type of thing she talks about. Who knows, maybes she’s a nympho like you are.”


I could see him walking towards the gates of the school, talking to another guy. Brie, Vicky and I, dressed in our uniforms, quickly walked up to him with several students looking on while whispering hushed words. When he got a look at us, specifically me, well I could see his throat sink a bit as he swallowed his nervousness.

“Anton?” I asked, knowing full well who he is.

“W-What do you guys want?” he asked.

“We need you to come with us,” I said as I approached his flank. Brie went to the opposite side with Vicky right behind him. We’ve got plenty of onlookers, murmuring and whispering, and Anton is holding his head high.

“What do you think they’re going to spread about you, Anton?” I whispered to him and he gave me no answers. “You’re not in cuffs, so its not criminal. They probably think you’re a witness or something.”

“I hope so, but now I have to come up with some bullshit about this. Couldn’t you guys just text me or something, just so I wouldn’t have anything else to deal with?”

“We could, but we didn’t, so suck it up.” I responded, not bothering to look at him and I kept a pretty steady pace forward. When we got to my cruiser, I opened the rear passenger door and basically pushed him in, Vicky joined him and Brie and I sat up front where I drove.

“Where are you taking me?” He asked and I huffed.

“Motherfucker wants to talk now, huh? Why didn’t you call or text me? You know how long I’ve been waiting for your call!?” I bellowed angrily.

“What? It’s finals week! What the — I needed to focus on my classes! Why were you waiting for me anyway, couldn’t you get someone else?” He reasoned.

“Ooh, that doesn’t fly for her. Renee is a one-dick kind of girl, and she already picked you,” I hear Brie explain with a sharp hiss.

“This… you still haven’t told me where we’re going!”

“Shut up! Just shut up!” I roared while slapping the steering wheel.

“And who is she?”

“Me? I’m Vicky. You’re kind of cute,” I hear her say coyly. I just shook my head. Vicky’s already trying to sink her fangs into him.


As soon as I slid my keys in, my radio started blaring. Apparently there’s a hostage situation and all hands are needed.

All hands, except for Vicky because, technically, she’s on vacation starting today.

“Fuck! God damn it!” I growled. I glared at Vicky and Anton and turned my heel and walked back toward my cruiser with Brie hot on my tail.

“Renee takes her job very seriously too,” I hear Vicky explain, “she likes being a cop.”

=== **VICKY** ===

I’m not very open in discussing my sexuality. I know Renee and Brie likes sex, well a majority of the women in the force do if I’m being honest. Those two have me pegged as a prude.

In truth, I’ve probably been craving for some action. I haven’t had any in a couple of months, ever since my FWB moved to another state.

I’m Asian. Vietnamese to be specific. Half Vietnamese half Japanese to be even *more* specific. Im fair skinned with straight hair and almond shaped eyes. I’m not tall, I’m barely clearing 5ft and I usually weigh about 100 lbs. after lunch. So when I told my parents I wanted to be a police officer, well, they were skeptical if I can even perform as one. In this job, you just gotta learn how to handle yourself and not bite off more than you can chew.

Anton kind of walked around Renee and Brie’s apartment like how you would when you walk around a museum. There’s plenty of pictures of us during our academy days. Hell, there’s even pictures of us pre and post taser. Brie is pretty proud of the only one not having cried that day.

I sat on the couch and called out to him. Anton is pretty cute. Half black and half… white? It’s kind of hard to tell nowadays, but whatever it is worked out for him gene-wise. He’s fairly tall, maybe 6ft or so, and he’s pretty fit. “You play basketball or anything?” I asked, using my cute voice.

“No, not really. My hand-eye coordination doesn’t lend itself well to some sports,” he answered as he wandered closer to the living room. “Y’all get paid well or something? This is a pretty sweet apartment.”

“I don’t live with them. Well, sometimes I crash on the couch. Come on, sit with me!”

He took the seat next to me and set his backpack down. “What the hell do they want anyway?”

“C’mon, you know what they want. I mean, you’re all they talk about,” I giggled softly.

“Really? Man, it feels weird having girls pay attention to me,” he followed up, “it feels… great!”

“Yeah, I bet. Speaking of, what are you going to college for?” I folded my leg under the other and turned towards him. I took my shades off and placed it on the coffee table and leaned in closer to him.

“Nothing major. I’m just getting some general education and then I’ll decide where to go from there. Speaking of which, why didn’t you go with them?”

“Oh, it’s because I’m on vacation,” I answered, “so, Renee told me that you’re… well, packing.”

He got shy. It’s cute. “That’s what she said, but… but I dunno.”

“Oh? You don’t know? Let me see, c’mon!”

He got flustered. He’s so adorable. “I… I don’t know.”

“It’ll be our secret. C’mon, they’ll be gone for a while! If it makes you feel better I’ll strip.”

I was still wearing my uniform and so I decided to do a little show for him.

I stood up in front of him and slowly unbuttoned my top button, then I did a little dance for him. I swiveled my hip, and gyrated my ass for him, and he’s watching me intently. Slowly, I got all of my buttons off and soon, my top came off.

Now, I have a fairly modest breast. A c-cup bust, but for my petite frame they’re actually a nice size. Enough to squeeze and suck on and big enough that I don’t look flat.

I’m also pretty confident about the rest of my body. I’m proportioned, as in I’m not stick thin nor am I fat. I have a slim waist but a nice, juicy and fat ass. Fat enough that I can twerk properly. I turned my back and undid my zipper and the buttons of my pants, bent at the waist and slowly slid my pants down.

“Damn,” he said, “you’ve got a really nice body.”

“Well thanks!” I sat next to him, in my bra and thong, and started rubbing his arm. “Now, it’s your turn. C’mon, stand in front of me. I’ll even help!”

He was hesitant at first, but a pouty lip and letting him squeeze my tits did the trick. He got up and started unbuttons his jeans, and my impatient ass basically bat his hands away and did it myself. I roughly pushed his pants down until it’s between his knees, and I could see that huge bulge tucked in him.

“Oh my goodness,” I softly mouthed as I looked up at him with a mischievous smile. “Can I?” I asked and he nodded. I started rubbing the bulge softly, biting my lower lips softly, anticipating what Renee calls the “biggest cock she’s ever seen” or whatever.

It’s thick. I can tell that much from rubbing it over his underwear. I reached in and I could hardly wrap my hand around it. It’s absolutely thick and meaty, with thick veins running up towards the thick, bulbous head. It’s about the size of my forearm!

“Oh my god,” I swooned as I look up to him. He kind of looked uneasy, “what’s wrong? Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy having a girl hold your meat rod?”

“It’s-its- not that. I just… I’m not… are you single? I kind of don’t want to be a home wrecker.”

“Well that’s mighty sweet of you, but I’m single. We’re all single.”

I’ve had a few FWB’s to satisfy me. Not any of them is someone I could classify as boyfriend material. They’re fine, in bed, but other than that they were mostly insecure, dishonest, and a little narcissistic.

I held his cock up against his abs and pushed my lips down to his balls. I started licking and sucking on one after the other, taking care of each orb carefully while I stroked his shaft.

I spat at that thick rod of his and spread it all over with my hands. I started kissing it while making my way up, then I started licking and flicking my tongue against it. “Sit next ti me baby. You’ll get tired standing.”

He nodded excitedly as he took his pants and underwear off and kept his shirt on. I rubbed my little hands eagerly, waiting for him to sit and when he did I laid across his lap with his cock right in front of my face.

The smell. It’s intoxicating. It’s so manly, so musky. I cannot remember my FWB’s having any sort of smell or anything. It’s making my mouth water, to be honest that’s a good thing, and I rubbed his cock slowly.

“Renee told me that she was your first,” I said then I started licking the head, licking up the juicy precum that leaked out from the slit. “How true is that?”

“H-How tr-true? What – shit – do you mean?” He moaned. It’s refreshing to hear a man make some noise in the bed. All of my FWB’s seem to not want to make any, so I don’t know if I’m doing well or not.

“Oh, you know. BJ, Vaginal…. Anal… that sort of thing,” I teased the head by dragging my fingernail all over it, especially the sensitive underside, which made him hiss a bit.

“J-Just… BJ and, uh… vaginal,” he answered with a slight flinch. I pressed his shaft against my mouth and I started running it up and down. I noticed his hands, they’re just stiff, next to his hips.

“What’s wrong, you don’t want to touch me?” I asked with a pout.

“Uh… I, erm… I…”

“What, you need consent or something? Jeez, I’m over here slobbering all over your cock and you’re worried I’m going to put you on blast in Twitter or something? Put your hand on my ass and the other you can rub my tits, shove my head down your cock, do anything! Something!”

I had to take his hand and place it on my ass. “Rub it. Squeeze it. Pinch it. Slap it. Come on, I know you want to do it, so just do it.” Still, he’s hesitating, so I bit his shaft and that made him yelp. “Do it! You have my consent!”

I felt his hand come off my ass, and then he strikes me. That made my pussy twinge a little bit. I moaned softly, then he did it again, this time a bit firmer. That noise whipped across the room, and I got shivers running down my spine. His other hand caressed the back of my head, using his thumb to softly and slowly rub the area between my neck and my head. Somehow, that brought me a sense of calm that I haven’t felt before.

Finally, I move towards the head. That big, thick head. It sort of looks like a bit like a mushroom, but the tip is longer. I spat a couple wads of saliva onto it and I made sure it’s nice and slick, then I opened my mouth and helped myself to him.

“Oh, jeez! You…” he moaned. Honestly, my mouth is on the smaller side so his entire cockhead is able to almost fill it up. After a few bobs, I came away and just looked at it.

“Sorry. I’m not used to something this…. hmmm… big,” I said with a sigh, “the men I’m usually with are usually, well, on the smaller side. Well, thinner… not necessarily smaller.”

I could feel myself slobber all over his cock. Just hungry, like an animal. I mean, truthfully the last time I had sex was a month or so ago. I had to reorient myself. I was laying on my side with the back of my head facing him, but I had to get on both knees. His hand stayed on my ass and I could feel him squeezing me gently, softly.

“Finger me,” I told him with a hungry tone. At first he was hesitant, but I pulled my thong aside, “do it!” I damn near begged, and he brought his finger up to his lips, but before he could I went up and started licking his finger, sucking it. Then, he and I started kissing.

I don’t kiss. Not normally, or rather not with someone I don’t have a romantic interest with. But this man, Anton, I couldn’t help myself. I sucked on his lips, and he did the same with mine. Our tongue darted against one another, flicking and fencing, while my hand stayed on his cock and stroked it. I felt a rough, wet digit go inside my moist cunt and I couldn’t help but moan eagerly in his mouth.

“Christ. I don’t… I don’t…. Fuck…” I stammered.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, “am I doing something you’re not comfortable with?”

“No, no… not that. I… hmm… Never mind.”

I could barely take past the head. His dick fills my mouth up so much that I’m choking on it. I just looked at him, a bit embarrassed. “Usually, I can deepthroat pretty well but… I’m a little embarrassed,” I explained but he just huffed at me.

“I don’t really… care? It’s not something I need or want, if I’m being honest, so don’t beat yourself up about it.”

For once, a guy isn’t trying to shove his dick inside my throat. For once, he’s not trying to hold my head down to his crotch, where my nose is literally pressed against his pelvis. For once, a man isn’t making me do things I’m uncomfortable with! Something I feel like I’m forced to do just so he keeps having sex with me. Just so I feel like I’m *allowed* to approach and be with him.

Having said those things, I still want to. I still want to choke on his dick. I still want to try and deepthroat him and I still want him to shove my head down his cock. And when he’s standing up and I’m kneeling in front of him, I still want him to fuck my face. What’s the difference? Well, this is what *I* want, not what *he* wants!

“Shove my head down!” I told him.

“What? Won’t that hurt you?” he reasoned.

“Do it! Shove my head down, as far as I can go. Fuck my face, fuck my mouth! Please, I need it!”

“I… I…”

I took both of his hands, while looking right into his eyes, and placed one on the back of my head while the other right at the crown. “Push it down, alright? Alright?”

He nodded quickly. So, he did as I asked and I felt the head taking a little bit more into my throat. More and more, and I gagged and choked. I felt his hips thrust up into me, and I’m salivating and drooling all over his crotch. Fuck, I’ve never had a cock this big in my mouth before, let alone my throat! I could feel my mouth just widen past its limit, my cheeks stretching wider. I can feel his fingers twiddling down inside of me, pressing my buttons in passing but never really paying attention to it. I can’t blame he, he doesn’t really know what he’s doing.

“I can’t. I can’t take it down my throat. It’s too big,” I laughed a little at that while looking down at the monster in-between his legs.

“I said you didn’t have to. I don’t know why you insisted on doing it,” he clarified but I’m not about to hear that. Whenever someone tells me I can’t do something, it makes me want to do it. Not that he said I couldn’t handle it, just that I shouldn’t feel the need to.

I climbed on top of him then I took my bra off. I pinched my erect nipples between my fingers while I could feel his cock throbbing while it’s pressed up to my crotch. I pull my panties aside again and got up on my feet as I arched back. The head stretched my poor pussy wide, wider than ever before, and I couldn’t contain my shocked gasp. “Fuck, that’s big! Fuck!”

I watched him clench his jaws as my walls clamped down around the head. “Holy shit you’re tight,” he murmured under his breath, “d-don’t go too fast, don’t hurt yourself.”

Feeling that thick head scraping up my insides made me cum! It’s pushing my buttons, both of them, even the one further inside, and when I looked down he’s only halfway in! I slouched forward and he held me close while a hand held my ass cheek. I can’t help but pant and moan as I lower myself down.

Then, I bottomed out. I hit the end, and he’s only halfway in. I started rising up slowly, just so I can get used to him, and I could really feel him digging into me.

“Why… why do you girls like cowgirl so much?” Came a question from him, uttered with slight difficulty.

“W-Why? Because we’re… we’re in control. We can go as fast or as slow as we want.”

“Oh? That makes sense,” he said with a slight nod.

I’m shorter than him, but I’m tall enough that I can reach his lips. We kissed again, and it didn’t feel weird at all. It felt natural, it felt right.

I started moving faster as time goes on, and he kept his hand on my ass. Then, he kind of grunts a little bit. “I think I can go deeper,” he said which shocked me.

“Deeper? No, this is it. You’re as deep as you can get,” I laughed a little.

“No… I can go deeper,” he pressed. He took me by my hips and when I slid down onto him he pushed me down more and more, and god damn he’s right. He did go deeper.

Then, he pressed into a spot that made me orgasm instantly. I felt my body shake. I felt my throat dry up and my mouth felt like it has cotton in there. My legs felt cool, and my arms felt a bit tingly. This warmth just washed over me and I could feel an electricity take my entire body over. My mind went blank. I couldn’t think. All I could feel is his arm around my waist and his cock throbbing and thumping inside my moist cunt.

“Fuck… I’m c-c-cumming… Hoh….. oh shiiiit oh… fuuuck,” I groaned like a zombie. He held into me, softly kissing my neck and sucking on my tits while I rode my orgasm to completion. We’re sitting upright with me on his lap, and all I could think of is… pure bliss.

I’ve never orgasmed like that before. None of my FWB’s really reached that far into me, my deepest spots. Needless to say I kept riding and riding him and he kept smashing and punching that spot over and over, and it’s making a mess in my head! I couldn’t hold my moans back! Sure, sometimes I faked my moans so my FWB’s wouldn’t feel bad, but right now I’m actively trying *not* to moan!

“You okay?” He asked, and I swallowed just to get some moisture down my throat. I nodded in response.

“I just… came, like, super hard.” I said in a shaky voice.

He sat back a bit to let me work his meat log. He kept his hands right in my ass, pushing down just a bit. I had to lay on his chest while my ass bounced on him. I could feel his well muscled chest when my nipples rubbed against him, and even that is turning me on too. Everything is! From his hand squeezing my ass, to the small kisses he would give me, to feeling his hot breath against my neck or my breast.


He’s making me cum so hard. I have never cum this hard before! My pussy had never been stretched like this before either! I mean, I’ve read internet articles about a woman’s “g-spot” and how there’s three of them, but I often put that in the same vein as men who can’t please their ladies and, therefore, they just made up this pleasure spot as a scapegoat for their short comings.

“I… I’m going to… get-get off,” I hear him say softly.

“You’re going to cum?” I panted and he nodded, “o-okay… okay.”

I slid myself off him and I could feel the head literally *pop* out of me. I kneeled down between his knees and wrapped my lips around the head, tighten it up and then jerked him off. I looked up at him and he kept his eyes tightly shut while muttering something under his breath.

I hear his breathing quicken, and the hand that was on the crown of my head came off and I watched him flex it for a bit. Then, a short whimper came and his hip extended up towards me.

Then, I tasted a salty mess and felt a gooey explosion. I moaned with surprise but I kept my lips latched onto him tightly, furiously stroking his cock and milking him for all he’s worth. With every deep grunt from him he sent a mouthful down my mouth and into my throat, and I gladly swallowed it. He kept cumming and cumming, grunting and groaning and thrusting his hip up into me. I kept swallowing his load.

When he was done, I fished out the rest of his salty-sweet load. I kept a big mouthful, swishing it around my mouth. I opened my mouth and presented myself to him, letting the murky white goo mixed with my saliva churn around in my mouth. Then, I knocked my head back and threw it down my throat.

“You came so much, so thought I would have to spit you out,” I laughed. Then, I wasn’t laughing anymore as I could still feel his cock in my hand, stiff like a statue. “You’re not… done yet?”

Usually, my FWB’s are done after cumming once. But here’s a beast in my hand, still raring to go. He just shrugged at me.

Now their couch is a sectional couch which means one part has a long part. He grabbed me by the hips, carried me up and laid me on my back. I looked down to find him rubbing my pussy with his cock, glistening with my spit and his semen.

“You’re going to fuck me again?” I asked and he nodded. He’s not satisfied, not even remotely close!

While his cock is still slick and wet, it still felt incredible feeling it slide inside of me. In one slow thrust he filled me all, all the way deep inside. “It’s so deep! You’re all the way inside!”

He pulled it back then slowly pushed it all the way in. He watched my face while doing so as he looked down to me.

“You’re… pretty,” he struggled to get the words out, and I felt my heart leap to my throat. He just pushed into me hard again and all I could do is cry out his name while scratching at his arm.

“Faster. Fuck me faster,” I begged through clenched teeth and he gave me a slight nod. I felt him slam his hip down to me in long stroked that blurred my mind. I couldn’t help but cum every time he slapped himself against me. He grabbed my hands, interlocked our fingers together and he held it up over my head while he kept fucking me fast and hard.

“Am I too rough? Tell me if I’m hurting you,” he said but all I could think about is how I should tell him if I’ve had enough. My thighs wrapped around his hips and my ankles locked over one another. He propped himself on his elbows and each grunt and groans from him were making me even more and more horny.

“Shit, I’m gonna… I’m gonna fucking cum again. Let-Let me go, open your legs up,” he grunts but I had no intentions of doing so. I wrapped my arms down and up under his arms and tightened my legs. “What-What are you doing? Let-let me go, I’m about to burst!”

“I want you to fill my pussy up. Fill it up, come on! I need it, I fucking need it so bad!”

He grunts in an effort to dislodge himself from me, but it was too late. He couldn’t stop his hips from continuously bucking into me and I soon felt that warmth flooding my pussy. It felt wonderful, and I couldn’t help but climax again while milking him.

“God that feels so hot! I want it, give it to me, give me all of it!”

“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so hard,” he moaned softly under his breath. In that moment, our eyes locked together and we couldn’t help but kiss again. Each slap of his hips gave me more as he came again and again.

This is the first time I’ve ever had a guy creampie me. Normally, my FWBs wear condoms. But dear god it felt amazing.

Then, he slapped my ass. “Oh, daddy,” I moaned softly, instinctively almost. Guys like being called that, and I usually moan it out when my FWBs slap my ass.

“On… on your knees, please,” he softly said and I complied.

“Not satisfied yet? Go ahead and use me like the slut that I am,” I sighed contently. “Younger guys have so much energy, Jesus Christ.”

With cum leaking out from my spent pussy, he shoves his thick cock back inside of me. His hands clasped around my hip and I felt it grip me tightly.

His energy didn’t let up. He kept slamming himself into me over and over until I caved and fell to my belly. Then, he laid against me and kept going. Holy shit, I came again and again! Little orgasms that came one after another, making my abs ache a bit. These orgasm sometimes would happen WHILE the one before it was happening. He reached over and turned my face to the side where he would kiss me softly and sometimes his tongue would slither inside my mouth and then I’d suck on it a little.

“Fuck, I’m gonna —“

Without even a hint of pulling out, he pressed himself against me again and kept his pulsing cock inside me as he emptied another load into me. I felt that warmth wash over me again as the chorus of his moans, the skin-on-skin slapping and my own screams of pleasure muddled my mind. I’m not even saying words anymore, I’m just mindlessly screaming until his lips shut my mouth.

Our labored breaths were in sync. I held his hand while he slowly pulled himself away from my sopping wet hole, gooey and fully filled to the brim with his semen.

“Holy… I’m sorry, I didn’t know what came over me,” he offered an apology. I just rubbed his hand.

“I… I need to go. I need to…”

“Wait,” I said, “give—give me your phone.”

He reached into his pants pocket and got his phone and hands it to me. The first thing I did is ask for his cock. I sucked on it a bit, tasting his and my fluid and loving it. I took a selfie of that. The second thing I did is take a picture of my filled up pussy. The third and final thing I did is dial my number and save it in his contacts.

“Don’t make me wait like you did with Renee. Call me in a couple of days,” I said with a wink.

“I don’t… what?” He asked. I’m starting to think he’s kind of uninitiated in all of this. All I did is just lay down and soak in all of the new experience he gave me. He got dressed, kissed me on the cheeks and left the apartment as soon as he got confirmation from his Uber that it’s here.


About 20 minutes later, I hear the door open and Renee came in.

“What the… what the fuck!? Seriously!?” She shouted. I’m still laying in her sofa, still undressed, with cum seeping out slowly from my spent home.

“W-Welcome back,” I stammered a bit, “so… how was the hostage situation?“

~ End of Part 2 ~



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