An unexpected swim with my best friend [FF] [wetlook]

*If you’re unfamiliar with wetlook, I suggest you read my* [last post](*.*

It was an unusually cloudy and chilly summer day. My friends and I were in the hotel pool, splashing around — our first summer break after the first year. Among the three of us, I was pretty easy to recognize, because I had been the only one in the pool wearing clothes; a black shortsleeve with a white logo, tucked into blue cutoff shorts, both becoming shiny and tight every time I would emerge from the water.

My friends had no idea this was a fetish for me, and I had no idea how they would react if they found out, which is why I defaulted to my standard excuse when it comes to bathing in clothes — “I feel more comfortable”.

Later in the afternoon, Anna and I went for a walk along the shore. Ivonne stayed in our hotel room because she felt it was too cold. And she was right — we ended up getting back to our room to put on jeans because it was too chilly for shorts.

Regardless of the cold, the beach was full of people, and a good chunk of them was in the sea. We sat down on some rocks and threw stones into the water.

Then we noticed people in the water gathering around something. Some of them waded out onto the shore to pick up their phones, only to get back into the water to take photos of whatever they were looking at.

— What are they looking at? — Anna asked.

Whatever it was, it was too far out to make out.

— I don’t know. Wanna go see? — I asked.

— I’m not wearing my swimsuit. — Anna said, disappointed.

— Who says you need one? — I asked, wading into the sea up to my knees. I was immediately greeted by the incredible sensation of water surging through my running shoes, socks and jeans. I turned around and saw Anna with a wide smile.

— I only wish I was that brave. — Anna laughed nervously. — Go on, then you can tell me what it is.

I waded out to the place where people were looking at something. The water was now well above my waist, soaking the bottom of my T-shirt, teasing me. As I got closer, I realized the people were gathered around — a dolphin. The woman next to me commented how there was nothing wrong with it, and that it must have come this close to the shore out of curiosity.

I turned around with intent to report this back to Anna, only to see her right next to me. Fully dressed, up to her waist.

— I changed my mind. — Anna laughed.

I gasped. Her black jeans were completely submerged, and the lower bottom of her beige T-shirt was drenched, wrinkled and turned brown, sticking to her body.

— Earth to Lotte, are you there? — Anna asked teasingly.

— Uh, yeah, sorry. I was just shocked. — I said, barely catching my breath.

We observed the dolphin for a little while and then the people started to disband, returning to the shore. After a few moments, it was just the two of us, fully clothed in the sea, up to our waists.

— At this point, we might as well swim. — she said, lowering herself into the sea. She made a few strokes and then emerged, streams of water pouring down her soaked, now brown, T-shirt.

I was mesmerized, aroused at my best friend.

I dunked myself into the water, going completely under. I opened my eyes and realized that Anna didn’t bother to take her shoes off either, which made me even more aroused. When I emerged, I noticed the outlines of her undershirt poking through her drenched, sticky T-shirt. I couldn’t contain myself.

I swam over, wrapped my hands around her soaked body and kissed her.

And she kissed me back.

A moment passed when I realized what I had done. I pulled slightly back, looked into her eyes and then we both nervously laughed. We waded out of the sea, onto the beach, and headed for the hotel, sopping wet, without saying a word.

When we finally reached the hotel, Anna said:

— We probably shouldn’t mention this to Ivonne.

— Yeah. — I said.

I think we were both confused that night. But a few days later, things became more clear…

[to be continued]



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