A new World [dystopian future] [multipart series] [multiple women] Part 2

Sorry for the long Delay but i had some personal matters to take care of. So annyway please enyoi and leave a comment on what you think.

I take Jacob’s trailer to a workshop and tell them who owns it and where it is so they can return the trailer. After a delicious lunch I ask Alina what cargo she wants to transport. She asks what will bring the most money and I laugh. She seems discouraged but I quickly explain that I expected such an answer and that’s why I had to laugh. She now looks at me questioningly and I explain that she is from a merchant’s family and was therefore always brought up with an eye on money and that is exactly why I was waiting for this answer.

But to answer the question most money bring orders that are morally questionable or completely illegal. She asks which ones they are and I explain that they are the orders you get in the brothel. She gets curious and I offer to take her with me. She asks me if this is a good idea, since she is a woman and not that one confuses her. I reply that this is the risk she has to take to survive out here. She asks if you can’t make money with legal cargo and I explain that you can just about cover costs with grain and meat. But if something goes wrong, you have to pay for it yourself. She asks shyly if her father was also involved in such business and I reply that he didn’t want to have anything to do with this business, although he got good offers to load goods under false papers. She looks sad and I ask her what she wants to do. She says that she wants to do what I think is best. I reply that we can also run normal cargo and come back later or not at all on black market goods. She asks me to show it once and she thinks about it after unloading if she wants to do something like that again. So we drive to an access into the city. We park and go into the decontamination chamber. After decontamination, we walk into town. Alina clings to my arm. I stroke her.

We go to the next brothel and the bartender looks at Alina. I make it clear to her that Alina is not there for her mother but belongs to me. The bartender is satisfied and takes care of another guest. I go with Alina in a corner and order a coke for her a beer and a water with ice that I just put on the table.

Alina asks me at some point what the ice water is for, and I explain that the water is a sign that I am looking for jobs. The ice means that I also transport people. At that moment, a gentleman in a suit sits down with us and asks me how much I cost. I answer that I take 100 crown corks per kilometer per 100 kilos or people (a liter of diesel costs about 2 crown corks, a kilo of bread 0.1 crown corks).

He is satisfied and explains that I should bring three girls to Rome. Alina wants to say something, but I grab her leg and signal her to be quiet.

She remained silent and he explains that they are his daughters and he had to sell them because he has debts. He has tears in his eyes but I reply coldly that tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. we leave in front of gate 5 and to get food and drink. He thanks me and leaves. A little later a woman sits down to us I recognize her as the brothels mother. Before I can say anything, she speaks to Alina: “The three girls took you, didn’t they? If you want to save them, maybe I can do something for you.” I interrupt her: “What’s in it for you Maria? I’ve known you for four years, you’re a businesswoman before anything else.” She tries to calm me down: “I know the man who wants to buy the daughters. And if you two start driving for me and only me, I will leave the three with you.” I ask Alina what she thinks of this, knowing that mother owns at least one brothel in every town. Mother Maria calmly explaines that her last driver is in the hospital and will probably be dead soon, so she needs a new driver and from what she hears about me, I’m the best. What Alina doesn’t know is that this is the second time I got such an offer from Maria. Alina looks at me and I tell Alina that I still want to know what is in it for both parties. Maria asks me if I know how much the man owes, to which I answer in the negative, I don’t know. Maria tells me that he owes one hundred million crown corks. I am surprised and Alina tries to imagine so much money. I ask Maria how the girls are going to work it off. She doesn’t say anything, the man who wants to buy them knows that they are immune and wants them to do business for him without dying, because in Italy apparently more and more people are being killed on purpose with Omega. I understand what Maria wants and what we both would get out of it, but I ask her how she will deal with the father’s debt. She explains to me that these debts are with her and that she will forgive them when he hands the girls over to you. Alina says that the girls should choose what they want and not be forced to me, to which Maria replies that the man in Rome only wants to pay half of the debt and the man is left with the rest. But this way he is completely debt-free and his daughters are in good hands.

What the daughters can choose is whether they want to come to my brothel or go with you. Maria knew she had won when I asked what we should transport.

She answers that we are responsible for food and drink as well as occasionally transporting one of her girls. I give Maria a questioning look and she expands that we might also be used for a new business idea. Alina asks what the idea should look like. Maria explains that she could imagine trips where the travelers are accompanied and cared for by her girls, for an additional charge of course. I look in Alina’s direction and see interest and amazement in her face. I ask how much freight we are talking about and learn that we are talking about 60 tons. As a last condition I want 2 more trailers because otherwise I can’t transport everything, whereupon Maria laughs and says if that’s all and you agree drive with the girls and the man to gate 27 and let the man get off there wait in the bus and drive off when someone knocks on your window drive to Hamburg unload at gate 24b and load at gate 24. When you have done all that come back with the girls.

Alina asks what will happen to the man, and Maria answers that nothing will happen to him and that you will find him at home when you return.

I thank Maria and walk back to the bus with Alina. Arriving at the bus, I ask Alina what she thinks. She looks depressed and asks me if everything out here is so bad and all people take advantage of others. I think about it for a moment and ask Alina why she thinks that all people take advantage of others? She answers that what we are doing is no better than what Maria is doing and that we are also just taking advantage of the three sisters. I ask Alina where we are taking advantage of her, to which she replies that we are separating her from her family. “Would it be better if we took them to Rome, where they would never see their father again and where their father is still heavily in debt?” I coldly reply and go to the refrigerator to get food. Tears come to her eyes and she lies down to sleep. Contrary to my expectations, she does not lie down in her bed but in mine, leaving enough space for me to join her.

After a bar of cereal, honey and dried meat, I lie down with her.

She snuggles up to me and I hug her.

We fall asleep peacefully and wake up the next morning when there is a knock on the window of our bus. I quickly get up and grab my gun. Here, near the bunker towns, there are many desperate people who want to attack us. I calm down when I recognize the face of the man from yesterday and can only see 3 other figures with him. Alina wakes up and startles, apparently having forgotten that she has nothing on and presents herself to all as God created her. I have the first time to look at her completely and must say that I like what I see. She is about 1.70 meters tall and well-toned, has C-cups and is a feast for the eyes which is completely tanned without lines. After her initial shock, she realizes how she is dressed and disappears back under the covers. I have to laugh and she gives me a nasty look and I counter with the fact that I was also woken up. I get another evil look, but I ignore it and want to open the door, which won’t open. I look at the air pressure in the air system and find that it is empty. I make a mental note to seal the system later and start the engine to let the three of them in. The father hugs the three of them one last time and wants to leave, but I close the door in front of him. He turns around and looks at me questioningly but I just point him to a seat. His daughters sit down on surrounding seats. I speak, “You didn’t give me a name yesterday.” “Is that relevant?” :he replies. I explain that Alina and I know about his problem and have a solution. The three sisters look at each other and fall into each other’s arms.

The father is skeptical and asks me if I realize how much money is at stake. I answer coldly, “Do you want help or not?” He answers in the affirmative and I tell Alina to go to Gate 27. She looks at me and I tell her that she has nothing to be ashamed of. She gets up and drives off. I go behind and make breakfast. The four guests seem a little confused by the sight but say nothing so I ignore it. While waiting for the coffee I ask the three sisters if they know they don’t need the suit here. I get an embarrassed yes back and on inquiry I find out that they have it on in order not to attract attention. The father is surprised and asks when they were infected I answer coldly if he does not know it then the mother has been immune whereupon with him the realization breaks in why his daughters are worth so much. I laugh and offer everyone a coffee. He refuses but everyone else takes one. Upon arrival, Alina opens the door and Maria comes in. She takes the father by the arm and tells the sisters that they should listen to me if they want to stay alive. Maria takes the father away and before any of the sisters can run after her, Alina closes the door. One of the sisters looks at me and I reply, “Before you call me a monster, think about who made the decision to sell you and who needs to make a living.” She collapses and I just manage to catch her and put her on the bed. There is a knock on the window and Alina, still naked, drives off. One of the sisters still sitting there introduces herself and the other two. “On your bed is Taylor she is very emotional and attached to dad, next to me is Linda she is shy and doesn’t like to talk to strangers, and I am Melissa.”: she explains while we finish our coffee. “And what makes you special?” I ask. She answers that she’s not special, but I counter that everyone is special somewhere.

She tries to divert from the subject and asks me what I am going to do with you. I tell them that I won’t do anything they don’t want, but that I should take them to Hamburg and then back here where they will meet their father again. “What happens after that is up to you,” I add. She seems satisfied and lies down with Linda to Taylor.

I think about how lucky I am. I find Alina who wants to go with me and I have found an employer who seems to be very reliable. Let’s see how the whole thing ends. I lie down on Alina’s bed and after a few hours we stop and Alina lies down with me. We kiss intimately and she begins to undress me. I caress her and kiss all over her body. She starts to moan and squirm. I go between her legs and start licking her and she moans louder and louder. She comes very quickly and soaks me with her fluids. I come back up and we look at each other in love as a voice pulls me out of my relaxation. “Well did you have fun?” asks Linda. I startle and turn around. Linda, Melissa, and Taylor are looking at us. I can still see the tears from earlier in Taylor’s eyes. Alina is dozing and hasn’t quite caught on to the whole situation yet and looks like she’s about to sleep away. I kiss Alina on the forehead, put something on and get up to talk to the nurses. Linda looks at me like I murdered Alina and asks in a threatening tone, “What is she and why is she here?” I slump a bit and explain, “Alina is the daughter of a friend of mine, more like ex-friend now.”

“Because you’re fucking his daughter?” interrupts Melissa.

“No because he burned to death. In his store, I think arson” :I answer not sure how to gauge the mood : “She lost everything and I offered her to come with me.”

“And then you take advantage of her like that?” : Taylor asks me with difficulty suppressing the reproachful tone.

Before I can answer comes from Alina, “How can he take advantage of me when I want him to?”

The sisters look at Alina in confusion, and ask her in unison why she would willingly have sex with a man she barely knows.

Alina seems intimidated and retreats under cover. I tell the sisters not to treat her like that. Yes we had sex and could have been a little more discreet, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are two adults and both consentet.

I go to Alina and hug her. I feel her tension fade away.

The sisters are satisfied and we all lie down again.

I wake up in the evening and hear Linda talking to Alina. I think to myself that she is not as shy as Melissa said when I hear the topic of the conversation. It’s about how good I am at pleasing Alina and how much she liked it. I also get that Melissa might want to have sex with me but doesn’t know how to tell her sisters.

End of part 2.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uf7wbk/a_new_world_dystopian_future_multipart_series


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