A Father’s Struggle 45 – Files (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I didn’t know what to expect when I ***FINALLY*** opened Abby’s *ADULT* folder but I sure as fuck wasn’t expecting what I found…..organization.

Just once I would like some type of *gimme* like a note that basically said *These are your culprits daddy*.


Of course it wouldn’t be easy.

So I started navigating each folder that pretty much either confirmed that my daughter was your stereotypical *deviant* as it outlined her *interests* with folders like *Shorts* or *Movies* but the folder that interested me was *Amateur*.

That seemed like the spot that would net me my ‘*evidence*’ as the rest either scared me or intrigued me. *Yes I didn’t know which it was and was too afraid to look*

I clicked on the *Amateur* folder thinking it held **my** performances and *hopefully* contained my *spy(s)*.

I blinked in shock as the *Amateur* folder did indeed hold my ‘solo’ performances only to find ONE folder. I blinked in astonishment wondering if there was only ONE folder why name the folder *SOLO* and not something else. Like *Dad’s Solo Performances* or something.

Why **SOLO**?

And why was there only ONE folder in *Amateur*?

It made no sense.

Like if it were *me* I would just name the folder or have all the files here once clicked on *Amateur*. I wouldn’t want to **organize** the folder unless I had multiple angles **OR** multiple dates or something.

I blinked at the *obvious* allusion of my daughter’s *need* to organize as her other folders, that I’ve seen, were *very* organized. I just stared at the folder just questioning the single folder not seeing anything more in the folder.

I sighed thinking I was probably **OVER THINKING** the single folder and chalked up the single folder as part of my daughter’s need to organize her drive. I clicked and navigated inside the solo folder to find dated folders and thought *I’m sorry it goes back **HOW** far?*

I navigated to the oldest folder in question and found only ONE file. I clicked on the file in question that dated back nearly a year ago to open it. I blinked as I watched that the angle looked like the camera was right in front of me as I stood in frame, looks like this was the camera in my TV, as I watched what was in front of me with a sly smirk and not a shred of clothing on me beyond the noise cancelling headsets.

I was glad I currently had on my headsets as the camera immediately caught my *naughty* talk to the TV before I reached behind me and slipped my toy on and started talking to the TV in a low murmur. Something about someone being a naughty girl.

I rolled my eyes at the obvious video I was watching at the time and simply clicked around until my performance’s ultimate dramatic finish as I arched my back and holding my toy to the hilt my groan muffled as best as possible but I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary….beyond that I was being recorded without my knowledge.

I closed the file and navigated out of the folder with the one file. I navigated to the folder in succession and once again found one file. I clicked on the file that seemed to be a few days later……once again it was from the TV angle.

Looks like that was the first camera installed without my knowledge.

I kept pulling up each ‘newer’ video *hoping* there was a secondary star in the video beyond **me** but only to find I was the star in each video.

Fast forward about a month, after at least thirty or so videos, when a **new** angle showed up as THIS time it was above me. Looks like this was the camera installed as my light that was above me.

I blinked as I saw this camera gave a more WIDER view as it showed slightly above me. I could see the *majority* of the room but the camera focused on one thing….me. So most of the scenery outside, especially at the edges of the video, was hard to make out.

That video was much like its predecessors as I stood about a foot from my bed watching whatever film got me riled up, me grabbing my toy, me slipping the toy on, and going to town until my eventual finale. Then I put the toy away and the video lasts a few seconds longer as I clean up. Then it’s end.

I moved onto a few more as NOW there was the camera above me and the camera in front of me…..but no others in frame to show me WHO my spy is.

After about twenty more files I decided this MASTER folder only held **my** performances and subsequent dates were my solo dates….at least I think they did. By the time I clicked on my sixty-th file, I think I was approaching sixty, I had now five different angles. One above me, one in front of me, one behind me that must be the camera installed in my bed rest, one by my bathroom entrance, and a secondary camera above my door.

Once I found the camera above my door where I was on the outside of the focus of the camera is where I started to notice *extra* appearances.

Finally I was getting somewhere.

The first video where I saw an *extra* in my solo the camera didn’t track **WHO** the person was as the only thing I saw was a foot and maybe some leg.

I instantly cursed under my breath as the camera didn’t focus on the *extra* that was on the edge of the frame cursing my luck wanting to SHOUT at the laptop but due to the time I might WAKE someone up as it was now nearly one in the morning….well passed my bedtime. The only people awake that I knew of was Savanna and *maybe* Mackenzie with some friends that had spent the night that might hear me and know I’m still awake.

So I kept my cursing to as light as possible. Don’t want ANYONE knowing what I’m doing at the moment.

I clicked on the next video until I found another angle that was above my door hoping this time I had an *extra* that came into focus so I could confirm a *spy* but this one didn’t have any extras.

The next five videos that were above my door didn’t show any *extras* during my ‘*solo*’ performance and I was getting more and more frustrated.

After the ninth video that was above my door and wasn’t giving any fruit other than MY performance I was finally forced to escape OUT of the SOLO folder finally residing to myself that this ONE folder that held MY performances.

I sat there just looking at the *SOLO* folder while I was in the *Amateur* folder thinking that something about the folder was *odd* but I couldn’t exactly quite place the oddity.

Then something made me double check something.

I *knew* Abby’s *Adult* folder was 2.12tb in whole. What I didn’t know was the size of EACH folder.

I Navigated ALL the way back to the main area that showed me the entirety of the drive. I saw that out of 16tb there was 8.43tb used.

I right clicked the *Adult* folder and clicked ‘*Properties*’ hoping that it yielded some results. After a few moments the ‘*Properties*’ of the *Adult* folder told me the size was 2.12tb, which I knew as I saw this *briefly* last time. **BUT** unlike last time I didn’t notice that there were 4,976 folders and 97,214 files.

I blinked at the numbers and thought *JESUS! Someone’s organized*….. and *I’m afraid to see **WHAT** is in here*.

Ok….curiosity is getting to me.

I moved into the *Adult* folder and re-entering the password to get in I then repeated the process on ‘*Shorts*’ semi intrigued trying to figure out a *hunch*. I right clicked the folder and pulled up its properties…… 2,643 folders, 55,214 files.

Let’s see here that **was** 4976 minus….2643….which left……*sigh*.

I pulled up a notepad and redid what I just did, entering the numbers into the pad and then pulled out a calculator to make sure I didn’t mess anything up.


*Yes, I couldn’t remember what numbers I **JUST** saw. I’m old…..not senile!*

I punched in the numbers from the notepad and calculator and got a remainder of 2,333 folders and 42,000 files.

Then I redid the process on *Movies* giving me a remainder of 1347 folders AND 38,056 files.

***FUCK!!*** *That’s A LOT of porn!*

Now was the moment of truth as I clicked on *Amateur* to see if my math was correct. I brought up the properties and sure enough within a few moments the numbers read 1,347 folders and 38,056 files.

I navigated inside *Amateur* and right clicked *Solo* to confirm my *hunch* that something was amiss but I couldn’t tell what.

I clicked on properties……and……..

1,127 folders and 36,002 files.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uf1x00/a_fathers_struggle_45_files_fiction_family_bond


  1. Why do I feel like Abby has a folder that’s invisible probably containing porn of max with Maxine and Lola and he’ll need George’s help uncovering the folder

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