My time abroad [M/F]

This story takes place almost twenty years ago when I was 20. I’ve forgotten some of the details, but I’m recalling it as best I can. Images are not mine, they belong to elenas.caprice. They’re just the closest I could find. Again, this is completely true, the only inaccuracies are things that I couldn’t remember, such as the exact conversations. Enjoy!

I was a college student at a small college in Pennsylvania. I was close to graduating and I wanted to have some fun, so I signed up for studying abroad. Normally my degree doesn’t require it, but I guess I convinced the board and they let me do it. There were a number of great choices, but I eventually went with Spain because I knew a little Spanish and I thought it would be fun.

I don’t know how many of you have studied abroad, but generally you either live in a residence hall, apartment, or with a local family. I was put into a residence hall where I lived with a couple other students, some from my college and some from other colleges. The rooms were laid out like normal college dorms. There were two bedrooms, each with two beds, attached to a single bathroom, and that made up one dorm room. Dorm rooms were same gender, but the residence hall was mixed gender. The hall itself was basically a square building with two floors. The first floor contained a couple small classrooms, bathrooms, and the lobby. The second floor had two rows of dorm rooms facing each other, roughly four on each side, and a kitchen at the end.

The plane ride and bus to the residence hall weren’t special. There were a dozen or so students with me, and we were all pretty nervous about visiting a new country. When we reached the residential hall, we were told our rooms where we would meet up with our roommates and unpack.

My dorm was on the end, right next to the kitchen. Inside, there was a bathroom ahead and a door on either side, which I assumed led to the bedrooms. It had been a long flight and I wasn’t really in the mood to negotiate which bed I got, but luckily I beat any of my other roommates. I opened the door to the left. Going inside, it immediately struck me how small this room was. It was maybe twelve feet by twelve feet, which wouldn’t be bad for a normal room but there were two beds and two desk crammed in there as well as a couple small dressers and a closet.

I unpacked and got in one of the beds. Tomorrow I would introduce myself to my roommate, but today I was too tired.

I feel like now would be a good time to describe myself. I was pretty tall, about 6’3” with shoes on, and in pretty good shape from going to the gym a few times a week. I had a six pack and some muscles, but I wasn’t overly buff. By this point I’d had some luck with girls, but this was one of the first big stories I’d had. If you want, I can post some of the shorter ones later.

My alarm went off at nine in the morning. We would have orientation at ten, so I had planned to give myself an hour to get ready. I sat up and looked at the bed across the room. It was empty, and there were no bags. I was a little confused so I got up, got dressed, and went out of my room. The door to the other room was closed, so I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I finished at about 9:30, and I heard an alarm going off in the other room. It was quickly shut off, and I could hear someone getting up. While I probably should’ve stayed and introduced myself, I was still tired and hungry.

Now, most colleges give you some sort of access to a dining hall while you study abroad. Because my college was so small, they just gave us vouchers for a local supermarket and basically told us to knock ourselves out. I planned on buying food later that day because we were promised free food during orientation.

The hallway was empty except for a couple of students standing in the kitchen and talking. I went in the other direction, then down the stairs. It was still twenty minutes or so before orientation was scheduled to start, but there were already five or six students milling around. Orientation was held in the lobby with a bunch of folding chairs facing a whiteboard and a breakfast table on the opposite side, near the check in desk. Weaving my way through chairs and students, I checked what was available. It seemed pretty nice. Some bagels, muffins, and bread as well as some fruits in a bowl and a coffee machine. No Spanish food, but definitely enough to fill my stomach.

I filled my plate with a couple muffins and a banana, then made a cup of coffee. The other students in the room were still pretty reserved, leaning against walls with their food or sitting in chairs. This was a time before cell phones, but if they had been around, I’m sure we all would’ve been on them.

Looking around the room, I gauged the rest of the students. Two of the boys were talking in chairs in the back row, a few girls standing around looking down, and another girl reading in a chair. I took a seat and enjoyed my food silently.

Over the next ten minutes or so, the room filled in. I say filled in, but there were really only about fifteen students there. Keep in mind that it was still early and the coffee hadn’t kicked in yet, so most of us just sat quietly until the presentation started. I won’t bore you with the details, but it was basically just rules and scheduling.

We were given the rest of the day to go out on the town and do whatever we wanted. Before I did anything fun, I went back up to my room to grab make a grocery list. I went to the kitchen area to see if anyone had bought anything that I had on my list. A girl was crouched at the fridge, looking for food despite it being practically barren. As I walked in, she turned around and stood up.

The first thing I noticed was her face. She was stunning. She had wavy, dirty blonde hair going down to her shoulders, full lips, freckles, and a little bit of eyeliner that made her green eyes stand out even more. Her body was just as good. I hate to be one of those r/MenWritingWomen guys, but that’s what you’re all here for, so I’ll give my best description. It was pretty hot in Spain on this particular day, so she wore an olive-green tank top. Her tits were big, maybe C or D cup, but I couldn’t tell too well. She had an hourglass figure accentuated with the tight tank top and black shorts she was wearing. The shorts were, well, short, and they showed off her ass in a way I can’t describe. [She could’ve been a model](

She looked at me. “I don’t really like bagels,” she explained. “I’m Jessica. Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand, and I shook it, looking into her beautiful green eyes.

“I’m Andrew. Nice to meet you too.”

“What’s up, Andrew? Not looking for food I hope?”

I smiled. “No, I ate downstairs. I mean, I’m going shopping in a minute.”

She smiled back, showing her perfect white teeth. “I was about to do that! I don’t trust anyone else to get good food. I guess I’m a bit of a picky eater. Want to come with me?”

I was surprised by her forwardness. “I mean, sure. I could use some company.”

“Cool, let me grab my stuff. I’ll be right back.” She walked past me, and I took one last look at her ass before she went in the second door on the right, directly diagonal to mine. I already had everything I needed, so I waited for her to come out.

Five minutes later, we were walking out the door. She kept the same clothes on but had grabbed her purse. We walked for a few minutes down the dense roads until we reached the shop. It was smaller than I had expected, but it had everything we would need. I grabbed some ingredients to cook, and I splurged a bit as the school was paying for it. Jessica bought some stuff for salads.

I was surprised when, after checking out, Jessica asked me to hold her food and went back in the store. She didn’t tell me why, but I didn’t mind standing outside for a few minutes in the beautiful weather. When she came out, she was holding a bottle of cheap liquor.

“Woah, hold on, I thought you couldn’t get that?” I was surprised for two reasons. One, I was twenty (I assumed she was too), so still underage, and two, the school would check our purchases.

She put the liquor in one of the bags I was holding. “I paid cash. I converted a few dollars into euros before coming here, for this exact reason.”

“Aren’t you underage?” We started walking back.

“Not here!” She smiled. “You just have to be eighteen. Gotta love Europe.”

I shrugged. “I guess so. How will you sneak it in?”

She looked me in my eyes and raised her eyebrows. “Does it look like this is my first time?”

“I guess not. But be careful, I don’t want you to get kicked out already.”

She laughed an adorable laugh. It was the first time I had heard it. “I won’t. Worst that’ll happen is I get yelled at, at least I hope.”

I didn’t really believe that, but whatever. We made it back, and she took the bag with the liquor and covered it with a bag of rice she had bought. She read my facial expression. “I doubt they’ll even check it. They can’t check every bag of groceries.” And she was right. She made it up to the dorm rooms.

“Thanks for coming with me, I enjoyed the company.”

“No problem!” she said. “Want help cooking tonight?”

It was hard for me to hide my smile. “I mean, it wouldn’t hurt.”

It was still pretty early around this point, so we went our separate ways. It turns out that I didn’t have a roommate, which explains why the bed was empty, and I also met the guys in the other room in my dorm. I won’t go into too much detail, but their names were Charlie and Jeremy and they both seemed pretty nice. They’ll come back in another story, but for now I’ll leave it at that.

At around eight at night, I started making dinner. I know it’s pretty late, but I was young. I had decided to make fried rice because of Jessica’s rice purchase. As I was getting all the ingredients ready, Jessica came out of her room and saw me. She came over, wearing a new outfit, this one more relaxed. It was a white tank top with grey short shorts, showing off her butt. She looked like [this]( but with slightly longer shorts that made it more ‘school appropriate.’

I must’ve been making a face because the first thing she said was, “What’s that face for? You look like I’m missing an eye.” She probably knew the actual reason I was staring because she giggled.

“Nothing, nothing. Glad you could join me, I’m making fried rice. Mind grabbing the rice you bought?”

She turned around and went back to her room, then came back out with the bag of rice. We started cooking. I hadn’t thought about it at first, but usually fried rice needs a wok, which we didn’t have. We ended up using a pan and just making multiple servings of it.

Throughout the cooking session, I noticed her getting a little closer to me. She would reach over me to grab ingredients, give me friendly punches if I made a bad joke, and overall just stand close enough that I could smell her lavender perfume.

We put the finished rice in a few large plastic bags someone else had bought. By this time it was later, about ten at night, and we were getting tired. As we were cleaning up, she yawned. “Do you want to come to my room for a bit? I’m sure my roommate wouldn’t mind.”

I hadn’t met her roommate at this point, but if I had I definitely would’ve said yes. Instead, I made a brave counteroffer. “What about my room? I don’t have a roommate so we can stay up and talk for a bit, if you want.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Sure. Want me to bring the liquor?” I nodded and she left me to finish cleaning up.

Five minutes later, we were in my room. We were sitting on the little bit of open floor that was there between all the furniture. She opened the liquor bottle and took a swig, then put her head back down and handed me the bottle. I’m not much of a drinker, but there was not way I was messing this up. I took a drink.

I was leaning with my back against one bed and she had her back against the other bed, facing me. After we took our first drinks, she scooted over and sat next to me, leaning against me with her legs folded. She smelled so good and the way she was sitting let me see right down her shirt. At first I tried to hide it, but after a while of drinking I gave up and just did it openly.

After sitting in silence for a while, she turned and laid on the ground with her head on my lap. It was hard to keep my dick from stabbing her in the head. Neither of us were drunk, just a bit tipsy.

She rolled so her head was facing away from me, the side of her head on my lap. There was no way she couldn’t feel my dick now. I was rock hard, and her cheek was pressing against it. It took all my effort not to make a move, but I didn’t have to. Her tongue left her mouth and started licking my dick through my shorts. I was so surprised that I let out a little moan. At this point, I knew what was going to happen.

She rolled fully, put her face completely down on my lap. She put her mouth around the side of my dick and started going up and down. I reached for my waistband to pull down my shorts, but she stopped me. She sat up, smiled, and pulled her tank top off, then stood up and pulled off her shorts. She had [a thong and no bra](, and I was at a loss for words. Her tits were perfect. They were round and perky, and her nipples were hard. Her tank top must’ve had a bra built-in because there’s no way it would’ve been able to hide them otherwise.

She sat back down and looked at me. “You ready?” she asked. I couldn’t even respond, just sat there and nodded. She forced her mouth onto mine and we started making out, her tongue in my mouth and mine in hers. She paused and pulled my shirt off over my head. As soon as my shirt was on the ground, her mouth was on mine again. After what felt like five minutes in heaven, she pulled her mouth off. She kissed my chin, then my neck, then my chest. She went all the way down and pulled my shorts off aggressively, then bent back over and put her mouth on my hard dick through my underwear.

By this point my dick was as hard as it’d ever been. I was hard enough that she could basically blow me through my underwear, but fortunately she just pulled my dick out. Immediately, she put the entire thing down her throat. Now, I’m not a small guy. I’m not big either, but I had six inches at my disposal. This was the first time a girl had managed to put the whole thing in her mouth right off the bat, and I wasn’t complaining. She was on her knees with her ass in the air, her aggressive sucking making her ass move up and down.

I was in heaven. As much as I wish we could’ve gone further, I knew I wouldn’t last. I felt her lips grip my dick just hard enough, and she was making me go crazy.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer, so I let myself release into her mouth. Her beautiful face just bobbed up and down faster, and her tits bounced as she swallowed it all. She kept sucking until I pulled her off. She lifted her head, made eye contact, and smiled.

Want a part 2? Let me know!
