[M]y Biggest Regret

I loved my first year at university. I had a great time and made some friends for life. I was also in a relationship in what should have been the prime of my life. The relationship was really good, but as with most romances in the early 20s it fizzled out after 3 great years, we were different people with different life goals by the end.

I moved back to my parents for the summer while my then girlfriend lived far enough away that it would have required a flight to see her.

I hung out with my school friends back at home, and people who I’d grown up with. I had a full time summer job, and my parents house basically to myself as they spent the summers at our holiday home by the sea.

Often I had friends around, we’d smoke weed, drink beer and talk crap. Sometimes friends would invite friends, often without needing to offer permission it was all pretty laid back.

One of the nights one of my ex’s appeared at the door while we were having a BBQ along with a few of her friends. Before I started dating her I’d hooked up with a few of them same friends before, as had she, with a few of my friends. She was hot. Her friends were hot. We got talking, reminiscing, it was a little flirty if I’m honest, but it was good clean fun. We chatted on and off throughout the night. I was doing most of the grilling with a few beers, and joints being passed around. At one point I went to use the bathroom in my bedroom. When I walked in I found my ex and one of the friends I’d hooked up with on my bed, while another was smoking said contraband out the bedroom window.

My ex was a little wild, and had absolutely no filter, she had no problem telling me how she had just finished telling the two girls how we both had lost our virginities to each other in this very room, and afterwards how often we had taken advantage of my parents being away. How often we did it, and how great the sex was at the time.

Honestly, I found it hot, weird, uncomfortable, but hot. At this point I didn’t know what to do, so I just made up some excuse about the food, laughed off what they had said and left.

A little while later I’d noticed the friend at the window had joined the rest of the group but there was no sign of the other two. I got a little curious after a while as there was still no sign of them. I went back up to my room, and when I opened the door the two of them were on my bed with their lips locked together.

I froze, I didn’t really know what to do, I wasn’t expecting it. They kinda just looked at me but I closed the door and just sort of laughed it off and went back to the garden.

Now, thinking back now this is probably the biggest regret I’ve had in my life. I see my ex about 10 mins later, walking toward me. Causally as you like, standing right beside me, leans into my ear and asks if I want to come up to my bedroom and fuck both their brains out.
At this point, I feel like I should tell you how cool I reacted to it. How I followed her back up the stairs, pounded them both like an absolute champ, and walked back into the garden to cheers, rounds of applause and all the high fives.

But no, not at all.

I was in love, I was sensible, I’d never cheated on anyone in my life. I was responsible. I was a dick.

I told my ex the truth, that I was flattered, and as hot as it sounded that I wasn’t interested. It didn’t bother me that much at the time, but recently I started to think back about that night, and what I would do.

If Doc Brown pulled up in the Delorean, I know exactly where I’d be going (Disclaimer: I know this method of time travel would not put me in the same body, with what I now know).


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uepyx6/my_biggest_regret


  1. If you were in a committed relationship at the time, then you did the right thing. I applaud you sir!

  2. I think we all have at least one of those regrets. Did what one thought the honorable thing and the relationship on last legs. But did the “right’ thing.

  3. I had several similar regrets and now I capitalize on every similar situation. Learn from your lesson and learn to read the situation. I had dozens of threesomes now. You definitely gotta makeup for it to put it behind you

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