Alexander Thorrson. Making Each Blast of Jizz Worthwhile

***I realize more than half the readers of erotic literature do not have cocks….*** So jizz is not a complete measure of spiritual value for tens of millions of sexual encounters. Satisfied vaginas are every bit as useful and worthwhile as blasts of quivering viscous semen. Salty cream and honey-thick vaginal fluids are equal holy sacraments….like those Catholic wafers and shot-glasses of wine. The Eucharist. Quivering blasts of semen gushing into a joyful girl’s mouth, a vibrator buzz, buzz, buzzing inside her delirious vagina… ***holy sacraments!***

Oh, God… now I will have the Socially-Sensitive Thought-Control Police ***(SSTCP)*** deleting everything I post! Any equivalence between every day worldwide fucking and religious ceremonies is simply not allowed! I will lose my Liberal Agenda Country Club membership card, and lose my invitations to all Democratic Party parties, and be forced to hang out with loud, gun-toting self-confident Trumpsters!! ***Just for stating an obvious truth.***

***Making each blast of jizz worthwhile is very much like making a religion***…. any old religion. Pick your favorite: Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Zoroastrianism Taoists, Ba’hai, The Jews, The Christians, and even those few lusty remaining Bhagwan Shree Rajneeshies in the purple robes! (***Of course, The Bhagwan approved of many joyful ass-slapping orgies*** ….even those having no connection at all to any spiritual experience.)

***To make fucking spiritual,*** there needs to be some rational thought to go along with the lovely orgasms. Orgasms alone, as cheerful as they may be, are only half the story. When a girl wants a full burst of cream on her face, or two boys gushing semen into her mouth…any polite gentleman will plan ahead, to make sure there has plenty of semen in the holding tank, sufficient to her joy. And make sure all the people in the room care about each other. ***At least a little bit.***

At least enough to remember the names of the girls and boys involved. the next day, and even a week later. Wham! Bam!
Anonymous fucking is good entertainment, but holds no spiritual value. ***Spiritual value starts when you remember the other person’s name a week later.*** And wonder if they are doing OK. If you want to take them out for coffee or dessert, that is even better. Some tenderness has been achieved.

Fucking without tenderness is as worthwhile as mangy flea-bitten dogs fucking behind dumpsters, outside expensive restaurants in New York City, ***dogs and cats fucking behind Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and never remembering each others names.*** Those howling oblivious cats and dogs behind Lincoln Center, and inside Lincoln Center in the box seats, are busy, busy, busy as if the property was still San Juan Hill, the slum of West Side Story.

I have met people with good jobs, plenty of money in the bank, and every reason to treat the people around them with courtesy and kindness. People who fuck each other in the ass, because they can. For no good reason. Why do they behave that way? ***What causes people to be asshole rat-bastards?***

Many of us have the presence of mind, and comfortable monthly income, comfortable enough for some sense of dignity and ***playfulness and tenderness toward the other people in the room.***

That is what matters most, on most days. How much do we really give a fuck about the other people in the room? ***That is not a casual sexual question.*** That is a religious question.

[Alexander Thorrson](
