The best day of my 9-5 ( PART 2 )

*My god, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me.*

I was staring straight into perfection. With her legs ajar, I could see her lips spread open to reveal the opening where I had been dreaming of sticking my cock ever since the mornings train ride. I could feel the warmth emanating onto my cheek like hot breath as if I had just entered the humid tropics.

My face was being drawn in, it was hypnotic and I had lost all control of my motor functions. Not even meditation could give such clarity of mind, I had one thought and one thought only, I needed to taste her. I wanted to tease her, to remain composed and show her that now I was running the show. I wanted to make her squirm with anticipation and beg for me to give her my tongue.

This was what I wanted, but what I did was very different.

I buried my face straight into it and stuck my tongue directly into her hole. She let out a gasp and grabbed that back of my head gripping a handful of hear and pressing me deeper into her. I began to use every bit of range of motion my neck would provide to bury my tongue deeper and deeper into her. God she tasted amazing, I knew she would. I used my tongue as a scoop inside her and pulled my head back while scraping her pussy juice onto my tongue then spat it onto her clit. Instantly I polished it back off collecting every drop as I drew shapes round her clit, I could see her leg begin to quiver and shake. I knew I had found my mark and my predatory instincts took over me, I sharpened my tongue to a point and focused it right on that perfect spot.

“FUCK ME, YES, RIGHT THERE!” She screamed out.

Holy fuck, did that just happen? That can’t have been as loud as I thought right? *Fuck it*, I kept going. I had to hold her leg now with my arm just to keep her upright and I used that to pull her in closer to me as I pulled back sucking her clit and shoved my tongue back into her. My other hand reached round and I used my thumb to circle round her clit as I kept tongue-fucking her pussy.


There was only one wall separating us from the office, it wasn’t like it was completely empty and people were going to be back any minute too. My rational mind began to kick in, *fuck, what am I doing, what if we get caught?* Before my brain had a chance to continue trailing off I felt a sharp tug ripping my hair back.


I grabbed two fingers and stuck them deep inside her, curling upwards and back with each stroke. I sucked up her clit between my lips and began to lightly chew on it as I fingered her. I could feel she was close, her spongy G spot was pushing back against my finger and I could hear her pussy splashing and sucking. I fixed my fingers in place like a towel hook and began to vibrate my forearm back and forth.


I doubled down, my arm was going back and forth like a piston and I had her whole pussy in my mouth, sucking, licking, nibbling.


She groaned as she collapsed forward, no longer able to sustain her standing position. Her legs were shaking violently and she was slumped across my legs. I looked down at the hot sweaty mess I had created, her body still pulsing and writhing around. *Fuck, if this is what foreplay is like god knows what fucking her would be like.*

“Is everything okay in here?” A strange voice came through from the doorway as the door to the toilet opened.

Fuck. I knew it. We were busted. It wasn’t my imagination, she really was shouting at the top of her lungs. Maybe we could get out of it still, say she hurt herself and I was helping her? It may not be that believable but at least I might be able to keep my job.

“Fuck off and mind your own business.”

Time froze for a moment, did that come out of my mouth? Had I thought that or said it? I heard the door close and everything fell silent. She burst out laughing and proceeded to sit upright on my lap and fix herself up a bit.

“Well, that sure told him.” She let out another laugh. “I’m Amber by the way, in case you didn’t know.”

What was I meant to say to that? Please to meet you? Thank you for the best moment of my life? I was just looking at her, she look beautiful with her red flushed cheeks and her sweaty hair all messy. I would say anything if it meant I might have the chance to do this again or better still, get the opportunity to fuck that tight little pussy. I had hoped the fact I had made her cum was at least points in my favor.

“I think I just lost my job.”

*Fuck, was that really the best response I could come up with?* I had hoped I could come up with some smooth line or at the very least something remotely sexy but it seemed to play to my favor. She let out another laugh and then kissed me, sticking her tongue in my throat, searching around and hunting for a taste of herself.

“Well, was it worth it?” She asked, looking at me with her eyes gazing into my soul.”


No hesitation this time, jobs come and go but shit like this happens once in a lifetime. I felt like the luckiest guy on the planet.

She stood up and pulled her skirt back down opening up the cubicle door and stepping out in order to give me some room to piece myself together. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, there was no hiding it. My hair was fucked up, I was bright pink and sweaty, the second I walked out that door everyone was going to know what happened.

She stood beside me at the next sink and we both were trying to make ourselves look presentable. She seemed to be able to reset back to this perfect office girl in an instant and I was still desperately battling with my hair to try and wrestle it into place. She grabbed my hand and yanked me away from the mirror and held it tightly as we pulled me towards the door. *Is she crazy? I can’t go out like this!* She flung the bathroom door open and everyone in the office was staring straight at the doorway. By the time I got to the doorway all I could see was a sea of eyes looking right at me.

She had a huge grin on her face and she looked around the room gleefully smiling at all our colleagues. She pulled at my hand leading me over to my desk and when we arrived she grabbed my bag off the table and handed it to me.

“C’mon, let’s pack our shit and get out of here.”

Everyone comes to a crossroads at some point in their life, we can’t always plan every move or make the rational decision, sometimes you just have to say fuck it. If I didn’t leave now I was never going to know what that pussy felt like and I wasn’t going to trade that for some job I hated.

I packed my shit and turned my back on that company for good. It was the best day of my 9-5 and also the last.

[PART 1](



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