Sub Auction Chapter 1

This is my story and I do update it on [Wattpad ]( but I also wanted to share on Reddit. I would love comments or questions that I could post within the story because am writing it like a online blog. Anyways here’s the story for those who don’t want to read on Wattpad!

Hi! So, my name is Stephanie or Steph for short. I’ve been working at this auction for two years now. I started a few months after I turned 21. My best friend Madison suggested I should start making a diary online of what my life is like as a auction bid! I have always loved working here but I’ll give you a little run down of how things go!

First off, is background checks. All the men and women who place bids go through a background check. Anyone with domestic violence, or any sexual assaults on their records are not allowed to participate in the auction. This includes people who are being bid on as well as anyone who places the bids.

Secondly, you can place your self in a specific category and you don’t have to stick to one. There’s three categories.

1. Male bidders

2. Female bidders

3. All bidders

I usually switch around between the three only choosing the third category if I can’t decide. My main preference though is male bidders.

Third, there is a mandatory 2 hour meeting between the bidder and the bid. This ensures that you are comfortable with who you are going home with that night, and if the bid chooses to not go home with the bidder 90% of their money is refunded.

Fourth, I get 50% of all bids. So if someone bid $100,000 for a night with me and the meeting goes well. I get $50,000 and the auction house gets the other 50%. If a meeting doesn’t go as planned I get $5,000 and so does the auction house. The bidders know that 10% of all bids are a down payment incase the meeting goes sour.

Fifth, I know you guys see the loophole, but if a bid decides to turn down after every meeting they are banned from the auction house. You are only supposed to turn down a meeting if…

1. You can’t come to an agreement.

2. You get a bad vibe.

Or 3. A boundary is broken before any agreements are made

Getting a bad vibe can be hard to explain but if you don’t abuse that the security will believe you and run another background check before allowing them back into the auction house. Security understands that sometimes things slip through the cracks and you should always trust your gut.

Sixth, you can choose your own schedule! This is by far my favorite part of the auction. You are not forced to participate everyday of the week year round. You could come once a year, or set your own fixed schedule.

Oh I almost forgot! There’s different timed auctions. Higher starting bids for a longer stay. There’s the one night, one week, two week, and month auction. I’ve only done up to the one week auction and I was so sore I didn’t go back to the auction house for another week! It was so fun though I might try it again soon!

Anyways I think that’s all for now imma get some sleep since I have a auction slot tomorrow! Wish me luck!!
Yours truly ~ Steph
