Soccer Mom – Part 1

A repost since I finally have gotten around to continuing the story and wanted a fresh starting point. A few minor changes from last time but nothing earth shattering. Will be posting part two in the next couple days but have bit more editing to do first. Enjoy!


I’m starting to regret taking a gap year.

On paper it sounded great. Graduate high school and spend a year traveling and finding myself before taking the next big leap into adulthood. But that’s not what happened. I forgot, traveling costs money, which I don’t have. It’s also best to travel with friends, but they all went off to college.

So now my gap year has turned into me being my family’s errand boy. Pick up dad’s dry cleaning. Run to the grocery store. Wash mom’s car. Take your little sister to her soccer game. And like the sap that I am, I do it all. I guess it’s the only way to be seen as something other than a freeloading mooch. Something my parents like to remind me of constantly.

That’s why on this beautiful summer day, I’m sitting on some dirty bleachers and watching a bunch of nine year olds pretend to play soccer.

To be honest, out of all the chores, I don’t mind this one so much. My little sister is one of the few people who don’t drive me nuts. She’s almost obnoxiously sweet. Seriously, I’ve never met a more sincere and well behaved little girl. She’s even too polite for soccer, she just stays near the ball, never wanting to hit it out of fear of stealing the spotlight from one of the other kids.

One of us must be adopted.

“That’s it baby, you’re doing great!” A woman’s voice yells out from the other side of the bleachers. I shudder when I hear it. That is what turns a nice evening watching my little sister adorably run around a field into a nightmare. Soccer parents.

Dozens of loud mouth mom’s and dad’s, most half drunk, screaming their heads off and getting into fights like it’s the World Cup. It’s a bunch of snot nosed kids who don’t know the first thing about soccer, calm down. Half the time they’re kicking it in the wrong direction. This would be tolerable, dare I say even cute, if it wasn’t for all of the hard-o parents.

“That’s it, baby, just like we practiced. Mommy loves you!” The same woman screams out again, bolstering the same obnoxious enthusiasm as before.

At least I’m not the only one annoyed. Everyone seems pretty quiet except for cheer mom. Hell, everyone seems to be staring in her directions, most of the moms are doing so with a scowl on their face. Seems a bit dramatic but I’m just as annoyed.

Then a loud whistle echoes across the field. It seems cheer mom knows how to whistle into her fingers, at peak annoying levels.

I stand up to try and locate her. If we’re bringing ear-piercing whistling into this then I am going to join in on the group stink eye. I can only partially see her, we’re both in the front row so I can’t get much of a vantage, but I can see she’s tall, thin and blonde.

I stand on my toes to get a better look but still can’t quite see her. Then the little rascals do me a favor and almost kick the ball in the direction of the goal. This sends cheer mom into an excited frenzy, jumping and cheering. What I see I almost can’t believe. She’s tall and blonde as I first saw, but not only that, she has one of the biggest busts I’ve ever seen. It’s not hard to see either, with the tight, skimpy tank top she has on. Her jumping sends her large breasts bouncing in jubilation.

I’m so enthralled by her excitement that I barely notice her long, smooth legs leading up to a short tennis skirt. At most it goes a couple inches past her ass.

Suddenly, nothing else exists. There’s no soccer game, no little kids or parents, it might as well be pitch black out because now all I see is her. She looks like a private helicopter from Beverly Hills just dropped her off to watch a game in our dinky little town. She has curves like you only see on reality tv. I have to get a better look.

I climb a row back and start walking to the other end of the bleachers. Fortunately, no one is sitting by her so I’m able to get in right behind. I pay no mind in being subtle, everyone knows I’m moving in to get a closer look and I couldn’t care less. When would I ever have the chance to see a woman in person who looks half as good as she does?

I sit to her back left and just stare. From the angle I can see right down her tight top. I have no clue what size they are but they’re definitely bigger than double d’s. Do cup sizes even go higher than that? They must because I can see she has a sports bra on under her tank top, which is doing a marvelous job at squeezing them together. Creating a grand canyon of cleavage.

She lets out another holler but I’m too entranced to even notice what she said. I do notice that when she starts clapping, I can see the ripples move along her breasts, causing them to bounce ever so slightly. If her boobs were the sun, which they may be comparable to in size, I would have gone blind.

My peripheral vision must have gone blind though, because I didn’t notice for who knows how long that she had been looking back at me through the corner of her eye.

In a panic, I stand up straight and start clapping as if I’m intently watching the game. I get a half dozen claps in before I realized the game had taken a timeout. I awkwardly lower my hands between my legs and slump down in shame.

I take a quick glance back to her and see she is still watching me out of the corner of her eye. I instantly redirect my gaze back forward. I uncomfortably stare forward for a minute or so, until she breaks the awkward silence.

“Which one is yours?’ She asked. I immediately freeze and my palms get clammy.

“Number six.” I said, my voice hoarse like I just walked across the Sahara desert.

Her face beams with excitement, “She is such a sweet girl!”

I relax a little, perhaps she is actually curious and not gauging whether or not I’m a peeping tom who stumbled in to get a look at her.

“Really, all of the parents just adore her. Are you her…” she pauses and looks me over with an inquisitive stare. “Brother?”

The best I can muster is a nod.

“I thought you were too young to be her father, but you never know in today’s world.” She lets out a sweet laugh, the kind that calms your whole body. “That’s so kind of you to come to her games. Most kids can’t get their parents to come let alone a sibling.”

I’m drawn in by her bright smile and kind eyes, they relax me enough to regain motor function of my brain and talk like a human being. “Who are you here with?”

“Number 12.” She points out to the field towards a small girl, crouched on the ground picky dandelions, showing no interest in the game. “My little angel. She gets her athletic spirit from her mother.” she said, bowing her head in a shameful laugh.

“Is she your sister, too?” I said, managing to turn on more brain cells and say something halfway slick.

She blushes ever so slightly. “No, assure you, she is my daughter. But that is sweet of you to say.”

She stares at me for the next several seconds, almost like she can see right through me. Like she has me somehow figured out. I can’t muster anything else to say, I just awkwardly stare back, occasionally glancing at the field to break eye contact.

“Would you like to have a drink with me?” she says.

I stutter over what few would consider words. It’s more of a mumbled mesh of sounds than a sentence.

“It’s ok if you’re not 21. I promise not to tell anyone.” She says, her bright smile now replaced with a mischievous smirk. “These games can go on for hours and as much as I love my daughter, I need a break from the monotony of it all.” She then scans the bleachers behind us. “I also like to get away from the judgmental stares, too.”

My brain is once again mush. I don’t know the words to put together so I just nod again.

“Good, follow me to my car. It’s in the back.”

We get up and walk out. At no point did I think this was a bad idea; to follow some strange woman back to her car. Frankly, I didn’t care what she wanted, I would have followed her anywhere. She could be covered in blood and carrying a severed head and I would have followed wherever she wanted. I was completely mesmerized by her.

I follow closely behind as we make our way to the parking lot. I stare at her long, smooth legs, admiring how the light shines perfectly off them. I follow the long trail from her tight calves up to her thick thighs and stop at her short skirt. I’m praying to any god that would listen to provide even the slightest up draft. Just enough to give me a peek at her perfect ass. But I have no such luck.

She suddenly stops and turns around. My eyes locked onto her huge, barely covered chest and forgot any other part of her body exists. After a couple seconds of bliss I finally look around. We are in the back corner of the lot, she stands with her back to a black Mercedes SVU. Like her legs, it shines in the sun.

“This is me.” She said with a smirk. Looking like the cat that just ate the cannery.

She opens the back and pulls out a small cooler. Inside are a few hard seltzers. She takes them out and hands one to me. She opens hers and holds it out, waiting for me to cheers her. I crack mine open and oblige.

I hate seltzer, even when it has alcohol in it, but I wasn’t about to begin to complain. I take a couple hard swallows and smile back at her.

She looks down and thumbs the lid of her can. “Thanks for coming out with me. It’s so much nicer to drink with company.” She looks up with her patented smirk. “Especially when the company is so young and handsome.”

I freeze in terror, nearly allowing my drink to slide out of my hand. My brain works overtime to allow me to utter two words, “Me too.” I cringe as soon as the words leave my mouth. She’s lobbing me pitches and I’m completely whiffing.

She giggles, hiding her laugh behind the can. “Glad we’re on the same page.”

Her expression turns sour as she looks back at the field where the game is going on. “I’m sure the rumor mill is turning back there.”

“I’m sure you saw the way everyone was looking at me.” She said, a hint of anger behind her voice. “The other mothers, surely you saw the daggers they were staring into my back?”

I gave her a begrudging nod, agreeing but not wanting to upset her.

She takes another drink. “I’m sorry but why is it my fault you can’t keep your husband’s attention off of me? Maybe they should try doing something to get their attention instead of blaming me for looking like the girl they secretly want.”

I nod like a mindless bobble head.

“You know one of the moms had the balls to come up to me after the game and tell me I should wear less revealing clothing? That it’s inappropriate for the children?” She scuffs. “I mean, I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, what do they want, for me to wear a damn burka?”

She takes another angry sip and then laughs. “Ever since then I have been wearing the skimpiest outfits I own to the games.”She gestures to herself. “Believe it or not, this is not how I usually dress. Maybe I’m being immature but that kind of backwards thinking really pisses me off.”

“They’re just a bunch of jealous old hags.” I blurted out, having no clue where I pulled those words from.

She throws her hands up, seltzer splashing out of her can. “Exactly, thank you. Just a bunch of jealous bitches.” She smiles and stares at me again, completely disarming me.

“I guess my petty attitude has its perks. Making me wear this skimpy outfit certainly helped get your attention.”

My heart drops, she did see me. I had actually started to think she didn’t notice my stares with how cool she had been despite how obvious I had been. Is this why she brought me back here, to scold me in private for being a pervert? The wave of shame I feel is almost unbearable.

“I figured you would have asked the questions all guys ask me by now.” she said.

“Wh..what is that?”

Her mischievous smirk returns. “Are they real?”

The mere mention of her perfect breasts sends my eyes diving back down her top. I had been actually maintaining reasonable eye contact since we got back here but I can’t look away if they’re brought into the conversation. It’s like time slows each time I see them. Watching them slowly drop and fall with each sensual breath she takes.

She giggles. “Stare as hard as you like but they won’t tell you.”

My eyes shoot back to her piercing blues eyes. “I’m really sorry. Maybe I should just go back to the game.” I said in a panic. There is nowhere I would rather be in the world right then right here with her, but my flight over fight instincts are starting to kick in.

“Go? But you haven’t even finished your drink yet. Besides, don’t you want to know the answer?” She said with a playful concern in her voice.

My eyes drop back to her chest and I nod.

“Why don’t you guess.” she said.

I simply stare up at her with a dumbfounded look on my face. I’m scared that giving the wrong answer will ruin whatever may be happening right now.

“I suppose it isn’t fair for you to guess by just looking at them. Go ahead, feel them.” she says, puffing out her chest towards me.

My mind goes completely blank. There’s no way this is actually happening. I lift one hand shakily up and stop halfway. I glance up at her, almost expecting her to laugh in my face for taking her seriously. But she doesn’t; she just smiles and nods.

I extend my hand the rest of the way and gently place it on her left breast. I hold it perfectly still, feeling the warmth build in my hand. My grasp gets firmer as she takes a deep breath, compressing its perfect softness into my hand.

“Oh come on, you’ll never know resting your hand on it like a dead fish. Here.”

She reaches out and grabs both my forearms and thrusts my hands into her bosom. Pushing her chest out at the same time to ensure I get a firm grip. They are the single most perfect things my hands have ever, and probably will ever, feel.

They’re soft and warm, perfectly expanding around my hands. In a brief moment of bravery, I begin to gently squeeze and massage them. I feel her hard nipples poking through her shirt and can’t help but rub my fingers around them, causing them to become fully erect and practically stab out her top.

She closes her eyes and arches her head back, letting out a soft moan. “They’re so sensitive.” she said.

Afraid I took it too far, I pulled my hands back. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” I said with my eyes shamefully buried at her feet.

“Don’t be sorry, it felt wonderful.” She looks down and points at my waste. “Looks like you enjoyed feeling them, too.”

I look and see my erection is attempting to burst out of my pants. I pull my shirt down to try and cover my shame.

“Don’t cover up, we’re both just getting acquainted. Besides, it’s rather impressive”

She can’t be talking about my dick, can she? Impressive? I assume she’s just being nice, I’ve always assumed I was average at best.

“So what’s your answer?”

My answer? I have no clue. I mean, I don’t even know what breasts that size should feel like, let alone ever felt fake breasts. The biggest I felt were Cindy Waller’s c cups at last year’s New Year’s party and I was drunk. But breasts that feel this amazing have to be real, don’t they.

“Real.” I said, a complete lack of confidence in my voice.

“You just made my day.” She said with a snicker. “No, they’re not real, but I’m glad they were done well enough to fool you. Only decent thing my ex husband ever did for me was pay for these. To be truthful I love when other men feel my tits. It’s like a personal fuck you to my ex every-time someone feels the tits he paid so much money for.”

“Now, I let you feel mine. I think it’s my turn to feel yours.”

“What?” I said, my nerves paralyzing my body.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” she said softly.

She walks up to me, so close her perfect, fake tits are now pressed against my chest. She’s a few inches taller than me so my chin is practically in her cleavage. She then slides her hand down and rubs the outside of my cock through my jeans. Her fingers slowly trace along the outline of my bulge.

She lowers her head close to mine, I can feel her warm breath on my ear. She then whispers, “Even better than letting another man feel my tits, is letting them slide their cock between them.”

I practically melt in her arms. She has complete control over my body now and there is no one I would prefer at the helm of the controls. She grabs my hands and guides me to the back of her SUV. She sits me down in the back, my legs dangling out just above the ground. She kneels down and places her hands on my knees and slowly rubs her breasts in my lap.

Eager to move things along to their inevitable conclusion, I start to frantically unbutton my jeans, but before I can make any progress, she grabs my hands.

“No, no, no. You just relax, let mommy take care of you now.”

“Yes, mommy.” I responded. I should feel completely stupid saying something like that out loud, but I don’t, I love it. I’ve had so few sexual experiences in my life that I still don’t know what I am into, but apparently the mommy kink is right up my alley. This whole thing is starting to turn into a sexual awakening for me.

Her fingers work their magic on my button and fly, easily opening my pants. She then gets a firm grasp in the waistline of my jeans and underwear and yanks them down to my ankles. She disappears momentarily under the car, only to pop up with my pants and underwear in her hands, which she throws into the back of the vehicle.

She gazes at my half naked body and lets out a satisfying moan. “Oh my, it’s even bigger than I thought it. I figured the fabric had to be adding some extra girth but no, it was all you this whole time.”

At first I thought she was just being nice, but she actually be serious, she thinks I have a big dick. I guess I’ve never really compared it to anyone before, outside of the monster dicks you find on the internet. My two prior sexual partners never made any mention of it, but then again, the experiences were so awkward that nothing was ever really said.

Somehow I manage to be even more turned on than I already was. Dick size is such an insecure thing that I , like a lot men, struggle with. So hearing someone adore the size of mine is a turn on like nothing I have felt before. My sexual awakening continues to grow.

Before I can adore myself any further, she pulls the attention back to her when she pulls her tank top off. Her enormous breasts are now almost fully exposed as they are now only held together with a small sports bra.

She hovers her mouth above my dick and puckers her lips. Not long after, a stream of spit comes out and cascades down my erection. Her warm spit rolls down my shaft but before it can get to the base, she grips my cock in her fingers and rubs it all over every inch.

She then guides my dick between her breasts. Her sports bra has them squeezed together so tight that even with her saliva dripping all over my hard cock, it’s a struggle to get it all the way between them.

When I finally make my way inside them, my cock almost disappears. The only thing left of my supposed big dick is just the tip of the head poking out the top, almost like it is gasping for air while it is crushed between her soft, perfect mounds.

Then, without the use of her hands, she starts to bounce her tits up and down. She starts slow, her tight sports bra the only thing being used to keep them tightly wrapped around my suffocating dick.

Clapping sounds echo out each time she brings her massive tits crashing down into my lap. I can see the impact ripple out along each breast. It’s as if the sheer weight of them is too much for her to hold up, so they must come crashing down in force.

Somehow, she seems to be enjoying it as much as I am. She has a look of ecstasy on her face. Her deep blue eyes looking up at me, as if they have been longing for this. She gently bites her lower lip, seemingly to hold back the pleasure that is erupting out of her face.

Her pace quickens. She braces herself on to the bumper of the car as she begins to increase her bounces. The energy she uses begins to cause the sports bra to droop, revealing the tops of her pink areolas.

She then lets out an audible moan, as if she was holding it back for as long as she could. “Fuck, i love the feeling of a cock pressed against my chest. Yours is so big and thick too, I can feel the pulse of it against my chest. Do you like having your huge cock in mommy’s tits?”

I frantically nod my head, the pleasure beginning to boil over. Her pace quickens even further, her tits frantically bouncing in my lap, the sports bra now barely containing them. It’s like there is an earthquake on my lap and her breasts are absorbing every shockwave. Her moans are getting louder and louder.

A bolt of pleasure flashes through my body and I completely lose control.

“I’m..” I blurt out as the pleasure completely takes over. My cock begins to convulse and just before I erupt, she plunges her mouth down onto the tip of my dick. I can feel her tongue swirl around my cock as I empty my load into her mouth. She gags for only a moment and then begins to swallow each burst. The pressure from her swallowing seems to extract every drop from my body. She holds her mouth on my head for a few more seconds after the final convulsion, then comes up and takes in a deep breath, whipping her mouth in the process.

“My oh my, I suppose I should have expected a huge load.” She smiles as she wipes her finger across her mouth and licks whatever cum is left off her finger.

She stands up straight, releasing me dick form the choke hold of her enormous tits. It lifelessly falls limp against my leg once released.

I make a motion to start pulling myself from the back of her Mercedes but before I can get more than an inch out, she stops me by putting her hands on my knees.

“Where are you going?” she asked, a twinkle of sadness in her eyes. “You’re not done already are you?”

“I…well, I thought. Shouldn’t we be getting back?” I said.

“I suppose we could. Or…” Her hands begin to fiddle with the frill of her skirt, playfully pulling her it high enough for me to see her pink panties. Her hands wonder from her skirt and begin to rub along the front of her panties . “Unless you would rather know how wet you made me?.”

She begins to rub in full circles, closing her eyes as a soft moan escapes her lips.

She looks down at me, her blue eyes now looking like sad puppy dogs. “Don’t you want to go inside mommy. Feel how soft and warm she is. See how much your big dick can stretch out mommy’s tight little pussy?” She smirks. “Looks like the answer is yes.”

I look down and my dick is already fully hard again. I do want her. I want to fuck her.

“Yes, mommy.” I said, still not a care in the world with how ridiculous I must sound.

“Why don’t you lower the back seats, make some room for me.” she points at the back row of seats. I crawl further into the back and lower them, creating a large flatbed in the back of her Mercedes. Once done, I turn around and am hit in the face with a piece of fabric. I grab it and see it is her panties, the front of which I already damp.

Now, with just her short skirt and sports bra on, she crawls into the SUV, hitting a button on the side that lowers the back door behind her.

I lay back as she begins to crawl up my body and straddle my waist. She grabs the bottom waistline of her sports bra and pulls it over her head. Her large breasts practically explode from confinement, bouncing in elation as they drop out the bottom. They look as perfect as they felt. Full and perky, no stretch marks or bulging veins to be found. Whatever her ex paid, it must have been a lot.

“Now give mommy what she needs.”

She grabs me dick and then lowers down on it. She rubs the outside of her pussy with my head a few times first, giving me a small tase of how warm and wet she is. She then presses it inside her and lowers a few inches.

She throws her head back and moans. “Fuck, you’re so big.” She holds there for several seconds, adjusting to the size. After a few seconds, she lowers all the way to the base. Her face briefly expresses pain but is soon consumed by pleasure. She starts thrusting up and down at a constant pace. Each rotation lets out a wet smacking sound. She is dripping wet.

Her perfect fake tits bounce in rhythm with her, so in unison with her body you would think she was born with them.

I’m just glad she sucked me off first, had she not gotten the easy one out first, I would have blown my load in less than five thrusts. I’m guessing this was her plan all along. Get the easy one out of the kid and then go to town. I doubt I’m the first young guy she has seduced.

She grabs her breasts with each hand, massaging them while bounces to her delight. They’re so massive that they pour out the sides of her hands.

“Yes, give mommy that big dick. Give me all of it. Fuck mommy with your huge cock.” she said, barely able to enunciate the words through her loud moans.

She clearly wants more and so far, I’ve just laid in the back of this SUV like a dead starfish. I may not have near the experience as she does, but I can do better than I’ve done so far.

Determined to contribute, I grab her hips, holding her in place, then begin thrusting upwards. She grabs the ceiling to brace herself, pressing against it like she is trying to burst through the roof. It’s all she can do to help control the immense pleasure coursing through her shapely body.

Her pleasure filled screams cast a spell over me, causing me to pump faster into her. I manage a perfect rhythm, pulling her hips into mine with each thrust. The clapping of our bodies together rings and echoes in the vehicle. It’s so furious that her massive breasts are now bouncing uncontrollably.

I keep this pace for what feels like several minutes, but neither of us have any real grasp on time. Both of us are fully enthralled into the moment. Time feels as though it is standing still.

“Oh fu…oh fu.” she can barely finish her sentence through the immense amount of pleasure. “Oh fuck…I’m cumming!” She finally manages to scream out.

Every muscle in her tight body begins to tense, her eyes roll into the back of her head as she climaxes. Her screams are almost primal, like she has been fucked back a few evolutionary steps.

As her screams begin to quiet, I slow down with her. She collapses on top of me, stopping herself by bracing her hands just above my head, her voluptuous breasts now dangling in my face. Unable to resist their perfection, I grab them and massage them with each hand, still slowly thrusting inside of her.

“That’s right, be a good boy and grab mommy’s tits. You must be famished, go ahead, nourish yourself in mommy’s bosom.”

I know nothing is coming out of these plastic balloons, but that doesn’t stop me from sucking on them like a starving infant. Squeezing them tightly with my hands, I suck on her hard nipples, pulling them into my mouth and rubbing my tongue all over them. Not to make either jealous, I rotate between each breast every few seconds. If she was capable of lactating, she would have been sucked completely dry.

After I’ve had my fill, she climbs off of me and crawls on all fours to the front of the vehicle. She wraps her hands around the driver’s seat, holding it tightly like a long lost lover. She squares up her hips and presents her ass to me, which is just sticking out of the bottom of her skirt.

Her enormous breasts had stolen most of the attention that I forgot how incredible her ass is. Toned and firm, it’s clear she never skips leg day. Hell, an ass that built, everyday must be leg day.

I waddle on my knees until I am right behind her. I rub my dick between her ass cheeks, causing her to shiver in anticipation. After several rubs, I position my penis head just outside of her vaginal lips which are poking out the back. I have no issue slipping back inside of her, she is a well oiled machine at this point.

Her fingers tighten around the custom leather seat as I push all the way in, all the way until my pelvis is firmly pressed against her ass. Her shaky moan grows in volume with every inch that is pushed inside of her.

Picking up where we left off, I began thrusting, hard and fast. The wet claps ring out even louder and more furious than before. It sounds as if I am receiving a standing ovation for my performance, her loud screams of pleasure only adding to the illusion.

“Yes, mommy is such a filthy slut.” she said, her voice muffled by having half of it buried in the seat. “She is such a naughty slut who needs to be punished. Mommy deserves a spanking.”

As if this was something I’ve done before, I spank her big firm ass, causing an even louder clap than the thrusting was already generating. Her back arches down and she yelps out in what starts as pain but ends with pleasure.

“Yes, harder, spank mommy harder. Mommy is such a naughty slut who needs to be spanked while your big dick is inside her.”

Like rubbing your stomach and patting your head, it is a bit awkward at first. The rhythm is not quite sinking up. But after the fifth loud smack rings out, I get the motion down. I’m fucking her, just as powerfully as before, but now I’m connecting with a strong spank every few seconds. Hr ass begins to glow with a bright shade of read after several strong smacks.

I was wrong when I said this experience has been a sexual awakening for me, it has been a sexual renaissance. All of the mommy talk, being called a good boy, fucking someone in public and spanking them while balls deep inside of them has never once crossed my mind as something I would be into, but I absolutely love it. I love it just as much as she does, the blissful look on her face as she struggles to hold herself up is a dead giveaway.

I’m enjoying it so much that it has brought me to the brink of cumming, again. I can feel the beautiful ache fill my body as I get ready to burst.

“I’m cumming.” I said, mere seconds away from exploding inside of her. This being the first time I had sex without a condom, I feel an obligation to warn her.

My instincts are to pull out but before I can, she screams out, “Cum inside of me. Fill mommy up with your huge load. Mommy needs your cum.”

I don’t argue, I grab her hips and pull her in as tightly as I can, compressing her toned ass against me.
The fire inside my body is even greater than before. I feel my cock fill with pressure before exploding burst after burst of cum.
Once finally finished, I pull out and collapse onto my backside. I can see a trickle of my cum slowly leak out of her as I sit back.
She turns and rests her back against the seat, a look of peaceful bliss on her face as she relaxes back.

“Don’t worry.” She said, after who knows how long of quiet breathing between the two of us. “I had my tubes tied after I had my daughter. One was enough for me.” She lets out an exhausted laugh.

Post nut clarity was starting to set in so that was a welcome relief to hear. Even though I would do it again in a heartbeat, it’s comforting to know I will not be a dad before going to college.

We scrounge through the back seat and put our clothing back on. We dress in silence, maneuvering around each other in the cramped back seat as we dress. Unable to find her panties, she goes without them. Otherwise, we exit fully dressed from the car.

I awkwardly thank her, unsure of what one is supposed to do in this situation, and begin to make my way back to the game.

As I turn, I begin to desperately run through everything that just happened, doing my best to commit them to long term memory for use in my spank bank for likely the rest of my life.

I get only a few steps away before she stops me.

“You know, my little girl is going away to summer camp next Monday. I sure could use a little company. I get so lonely in that big house all by myself.” the mischievous smirk now drawn all over her face again.

She holds out her hand and asks for my phone. She takes it and types something in and hands it back.
“There, I just texted myself so now we have each other’s numbers. I’ll be in touch, real soon”

I take the phone and simply nod in agreement. I stare at my phone like a zombie while walking back towards the bleachers. I read her text she sent to herself, just three emojis: an eggplant, a peach and a kissy face.


1 comment

  1. For your first post in over 100 days, and my first time reading your writing style I can say I’m hooked.

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