Femtopia: A Women’s World Christina Part 1 – [Fantasy] [Dark] [Dystopia] [Femdom] [Trigger: Slaves] [Male Free Use] [Breeding]

This is a continuation of my Femtopia world in which women lead and are the dominant and superior gender. I’d recommend reading my original stories first (at least my first one) for information on how the world works, though I’ll still be delving into it here a little.

**Trigger Warning: Slaves (Male)**


Christina had lived in Femtopia her entire life. Femtopia as it was known, was a place in which women were considered to be the superior gender. Women held all the top jobs, all the top careers, all government jobs, and were seen as being superior to men in all aspects of social life. For this reason, women were dominant and they led in all aspects of social affairs over men, ordering them around, demanding things of them, and really just controlling everything, with men being unable to stop it.

This was the dilemma Christina had. She was not naturally dominant as all other women seemed to be. Of course, she knew there were other stragglers like her, but it was rare. It was expected that she be dominant and lead as a woman. And yet she had trouble doing so. She felt uncomfortable, out of place. She had to really force herself to be dominant, and even then she was really just pretending, putting on a face so that other women wouldn’t notice or think lesser of her. It was her regular dilemma. Especially now that she felt immense pressure from the women in her family to select a male mate.

In Femtopia, once women reached the age of 19, they were eligible to go to male mate auction houses where they were able to auction for their ideal male mate, a man whom they would purchase to be brought into their homes for both domestic support, and most importantly, for breeding purposes. This would be a man whom they’d choose to provide them with their seed and impregnate them.

As such, at the same time, once men reached the age of 19, they were brought out on stage completely naked for women to ogle, admire, and ultimately auction on if they liked what they saw. The tallest men and the men with the largest penises were the most sought after and went for the highest bids. Shorter men on the other hand, often went unwanted for months or even years, before someone would auction for them. Ones who weren’t bought, ended up at brothels, or became homeless. Christina was disgusted by the whole process, but she knew she would have to undergo it if she wanted a male mate.

Christina was 25 years old, black, 5’5″ with long black hair and brown hair, on the chubbier side and with 36d breasts. She was comfortable with her figure, and felt like she had a nice body. That didn’t change her fears and anxieties regarding picking a male mate. Plus she was still a virgin and that added to the anxieties.

So here she stood, sitting in the seats of the male mate auction house, as one man after another was brought out and bid on. She wasn’t high up in standing or in income, so her options were limited as far as who she could afford. She wasn’t like many of the other women who could shell out money like it was nothing. Christina had to be smart, efficient, selective.

She didn’t really have a preference for a male mate as far as age or ethnicity went. Obviously, she wanted a tall man, but she wasn’t confident that she could afford one. So she was going to just book it and see what happened. One after the other, man after man came out and was sold and Christina’s hopes became lower and lower.

Next another man was announced, Steve. He was white, on the shorter side, only about 5’8″ with short dark brown hair, freckles lining his face. The auctioneer announced him as 21 years old, which meant he’d gone unclaimed for 2 years. She looked down at his groin. His cock was a little larger than average, she thought. Then she looked back at his face. He stood there, unmoving, a dejected look on his face, expecting no one to bid on him.

Something changed then and there for Christina. She didn’t know if it was pity, or if she felt a connection, felt like they were both uncomfortable in the positions they were in. But something changed in her, and she felt drawn to him. She raised her hand to signal her bidding on him.

Upon doing so, Steve turned and looked at her, his face showing a combination of confusion and awe, as if surprised that someone had bid on him, that someone had picked him. She looked around her at the other women. They looked at her in surprise, looks of like “*what are you doing?*” Christina blushed deeply. She didn’t like all the eyes on her.

“Going once. Going twice… And sold,” the auctioneer announced.

Christina felt a rush flow through her once she heard him say sold. There was something about it that gave her a thrill, a sense of accomplishment. Steve continued watching her, until finally he was herded out to be prepared to be brought to her home. Christina made her way out the auditorium and up to the reception where she provided the receptionist with her contact info, including address, so that Steve could be driven to her home later that day.

After that she made her way back home awaiting his arrival. She felt like a nervous wreck, not knowing what to do, what to say. She still couldn’t believe that she chose him. As she got ready, she heard a knock at the door and opened it up. There he was. Right at the door. Clothed now as protocol permitted, with his suitcases in hand. He still had that perplexed expression on his face, like he couldn’t believe he had finally been auctioned, that he had been chosen.

They stood looking at each other in the doorway for what felt like hours until Christina finally ushered him in.

“Um. Welcome. Come in.”

Steve entered her home.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/udorcp/femtopia_a_womens_world_christina_part_1_fantasy