The Test[First Time][CarRide][Hand Job]

Here I was again at another speed dating events and there was the last chime of the bell. And again, I had not had one decent conversation amongst the twenty or so women I met. I was just too into my head, I was so nervous that I could barely complete a sentence, at least a coherent one anyways. I don’t know what it was with me, talking to women in every day life wasn’t an issue, but once there was even a hint of flirting and my brain turned to mush.

At least this event was kind enough to hold it in a restaurant with a pretty nice bar. So I moseyed my way to the bar and decided to drink some of this demoralizing feeling away. All the while muttering a vow never to do one of these again, as was my ritual. I found an empty stool at the far end of the bar and called the bartender over, which happened to be a woman, but of course I had no issue ordering or just making small talk with her. When she left after setting my drink on the bar, I shook my head, thinking why couldn’t I just do that at one of these stupid events.

A few moments later, a woman approached me from the side and asked, “Excuse me, is this seat taken?”

When I looked up to see who was talking to me, I saw one of the most beautiful women I had ever laid eyes on. Her lips crested into a bright, gleaming smile that showed perfect white teeth. Her light brown eyes showed a warmth that I thought I wished I could bathe in. Her white short dress was showed off a generous amount of smooth bronze skin that shone even in the dim lighting of the bar. My mouth refused to open to give a response, it was as if my brain had focused all its power into trying to sear the image of her in my memory, so I’d never forget.

Instead of waiting on my answer, she sat herself next to me and turned her body to face me and crossed one long leg across the other showing a generous amount of thigh. “Hi. I’m Janice. I’m one of the coordinators of the tonight’s event and I noticed you had had some, well lets say, difficulties with the other participants.”

Oh so she was just going to tease me, well I didn’t really need to hear it. I was fully aware of my faults and didn’t need some stranger reinforcing them, especially from someone as beautiful as her. Nope I think that would just make me feel worse about myself if that were even possible. So I turned back to the bar and my drink. “Yes, I already know. Now if that’s all, I’d like to get back to my pity party here.”

“Well that’s good you know you have a problem, but do you know how to solve it? I’m sure the answer is no. So what would you say if I could take you to a place to help you with that?” she said as she leaned in close. So close that I could feel the heat of her breath against the edges of my ear. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I felt a tingle of electricity race down my spine. Flashes of images of her dashed through my brain. She was straddling me in one, then another showed her ripping my shirt open. Another she was pulling my hair as our breaths heaved in unison, then her head was thrown back and I swear I could hear her screaming out, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” More like them blazed through my vision until the next thing I knew, I was back at that same bar. My breath was hard as though I had just finished a five-mile run. I turned to her in confusion as to what had just happened.

“Wh-what did you… What was… Did we…” I couldn’t gather my thoughts together.

“Shh. I had only shown you a glimpse of what could be. If you come with me I can show you what will be.” She was already standing, holding a hand out to me.

All I had to do was grab hold of it and follow her. My body had started moving before I could think, and she beamed that electric smile at me once again. The next thing I knew she was holding onto my arm with both of hers, pressing it against the side of her body and her head was leaning against my shoulder. A mixture of fresh shampoo and gardenias filled my nostrils, intoxicating me causing my knees to buckle a bit. Or that could have been the softness of her breasts pressed against the side of my arm as she squeezed it against her. Or even her tender fingers clasped between mine while her other hand traipsed up and down my arm.

The warmth of her body started to spread to the rest of mine and I swear I felt steam waft from the top of my head. My heart beat so hard, I thought it was about to burst through my chest and that wasn’t the only part of me that was pulsating as it tried to find a way out. How I walked out of that restaurant to the street was practically a miracle. My legs felt like jelly and I noticed one of the waitresses walking by and looking down to see what I could only presume was my cock fighting its way out of my pants. I mean I knew it was there, but I didn’t dare look down to see how obvious it was. I kept repeating “one step at a time”, like a mantra, until we had made it through the doors of the restaurant.

Once we were through the restaurant’s doors, I could see there was a black town car and chauffeur waiting by the back door. The chauffeur was dressed in a fitted black suit. Her hair was tucked neatly under the chauffeur hat and she gave a curt nod as we approached and opened the door. As soon as we were close enough, Janice pulled away from my body, but her hand still gripped firmly in mine, pulling me in right behind her. She was a lot stronger than I would have imagined or maybe it was because I was caught off-guard. I barely got one foot over the threshold and tried to balance myself with my free hand holding onto the roof the car. My hand slipped from the polished exterior and I got into the car more clumsily than I had wished and reached out my free hand in front of me to brace me. Fortunately, I only bumped into her slightly and moved away a bit.

“I’m so sorry. I’m so clumsy. I hope you’re ok.” I said frantically while chastising myself for being a complete klutz.

“If you’re going to apologize that much for just a little nudge, I’m very curious what your apology will be like once I’m through with you.” She said with a devilish smile then licked her lips as her eyes traveled to crotch.

I could feel my face flush and I tried to respond but brain could not come up with an appropriate response and my mouth just kept opening and closing with every thought. Then her finger pressed against my lips, stopping their movements and she said, “There’s no need to speak. I’d rather your mouth be doing something else anyways.”

Her finger began to trace my lips and I found myself in complete darkness as my eyes closed and my mouth opened when she pressed my bottom lip down. Next thing I knew my tongue was twirling its way around the tip of her finger and the feeling of nails were scraping my scalp. It was as if I were in a void and the only things that mattered were fingers sending shivers through my scalp and down my neck. But just as fast as it all happened it stopped just as suddenly. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to remember where I was and what I was doing.

“Look at that, we’ve barely got you on your way and I’ve got your mouth working exactly as it should.” She said as she slid her finger down my chin, tracing a sharp nail along the contours of my throat, all the way down my chest. I could feel the warmth of her palm through my shirt as she gently nudged me back into the seat.

All sense of where I was and what I was doing seemed to creep back into me as I looked out the windshield to see us pulling out onto the street. My nerves started getting the better of me again and I stared straight ahead not sure what to do now. Then I heard, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. And I thought we had made some progress just now. Oh well, I’m nothing, if not patient.” She said as she turned to me and began closing the gap between us.

I felt her knee bump into my hand as she moved closer and I quickly picked it but had no idea where to put it. So, I crossed my arms feeling it would be too awkward just to hold one arm across my chest. Though in reality this whole situation made me feel awkward and the way things were moving it didn’t seem like that feeling was going away anytime soon. I mean the closer she came the more I had to fight the urge to not move away though, I was in the backseat of a town car, where would I go anyways. Also, why was my flight response kicking in now, she was gorgeous, felt great to be next to and smelled incredibly intoxicating. Wasn’t this the type of situation I was going to those stupid speed dating events, and mixers.

No sooner had I crossed my arms did I feel her body tight against mine and a sliding hand glide across my forearm. Then I felt a weight pin my leg down, not a heavy weight per se, but a restraining one nonetheless. I kept my head still but moved my eyes down to spy a long tan leg atop of mine. Her short white dress had already showed a generous amount of it before, but now it had slid up even further and I could see just a hint of cheek starting to be exposed. While I was looking down, I hadn’t even realized that she had pulled my hand away from chest. Only when I felt smooth velvet beneath my palms did it occur to me that she had laid my hand on her leg. She guided my hand in a circular pattern up and down her long thighs from her knee all the way to just below her slightly exposed cheek.

My breath quickened to short ins and outs, my heart was fluttering uncontrollably. Oh my god, I was having a panic attack, wasn’t I. I closed my eyes and tried to get myself under control, but the situation was just too much. But then I felt a tugging on my ear and warm breath whispering something that I couldn’t quite discern at that moment. However after a few seconds, my body started to relax some and then I could hear what Janice was saying.

“Just breathe Thomas. Deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. There you go dear, just like that. Good. How about you just answer some questions while we ride?” she said still tugging on my ear to great calming effect.

I didn’t trust myself to answer aloud just yet, so I just nodded, concentrating on my breathing.

“Good. I’ll ask some questions and please be truthful, I absolutely hate liars. I assume you’re a virgin, but please I need to hear it from you.”

I closed my eyes and let out a long breath and gave depressing short nod.

“Oh there’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact that’s exactly what I like. I’m an instructor of sorts and teaching is my passion, you could say.” She undid the top button of my shirt as she spoke and began to rub the top of the now exposed portion of my chest. Heat began to spread through my body and my heart slowed a bit. The muscles in my shoulders and neck began to ease and I felt my body fall into the seat a little more.

“Now when I say virgin, I mean that no one has even made you cum with any body part. Hand, mouth, feet?”

I shook my head in answer and she responded with soft comforting whispering “Good” into my ear. She was so close to my ear I could almost feel the flick of her tongue against her teeth as she emphasized the “d” sound. She continually moved her hand in circles across my exposed chest filling me with a calming warmth.

Then more questions came and every few answers she deftly undid a button of my shirt. And each time my heart slowly picked up its tempo, however this time anxiety was replaced with anticipation. I wasn’t nervous of what was to come, I just knew that she would guide me through this process as slowly or as quickly as I had wished.

Soon my shirt was completely unbuttoned, exposing the front of my torso and her fingers gently played with the little trail of hair between my belly button and pelvis. My head tilted back enjoying the feel of her nails brushing against my skin through the patch hair. Soon I felt tiny jolts pinprick from my neck as her lips began to explore the side of my neck just under my ear. And then I let out a quavering breath as I felt teeth begin to nibble on my ear lobe.

My brain struggled to think of what to do in this situation, but my body had no such problems. My arm instinctively moved from the front of me and slid its way behind her. My arm flexed and pulled her into me as the rest of my body turned to her and instantly my other arm had wrapped around her. Before I knew it, I had pulled her onto my lap and I could feel the weight of her on my thighs. My hands clenched to grasp a firm grip on each cheek and pulled her into me.

There was no resistance to her movements, in fact it was as though she were waiting for this moment to come. Her hips slowly gyrated against my cock still in my pants and her lips instantly found mine. I could taste a hint of mint upon her tongue as it slipped through my lips and wrestled with mine. There was a pleasurable feeling of pain as both her hands clutched my hair. I could feel nothing but warm silky skin under my palms as my hands ascended from her cheeks up her back under her dress. I felt as though there was supposed to be a couple of things that should have been in the path of my hands as I traced every contour of her back. Soon my hands were up to her shoulders and felt the light weight of her dress alight on my forearms.

Then there was a sense of longing as she removed her lips from mine, but it had dissipated as quickly as it came when I opened my eyes to see her bare body in front of me. Only then realizing that I had stripped her of her dress. Then it also dawned on me that I had not struggled with a clasp of any sort and looking even further down showed that there was only that thin white material hiding what I could only describe as perfection.

The tiny bumps of the car ride provided to demonstrate the fluidity and jiggle of her shapely perky breasts. Her hard nipples only further accentuated the perkiness of them. My hands moved in a flash, each in a different direction. One cupped a breast and began massaging it while the other grabbed hold of her satiny curls and pulled back. Her neck became exposed and my lips moved in with a fervor. My mouth alternated between long sucking kisses and little nibbles as I moved lower. I could feel firm hands urge me farther down until I was upon her nipple. I gave a slight bite and I heard an intake of breath and then a moan once I unclenched my teeth.

Her hips were grinding harder and faster the more I kissed, sucked and nibbled on her breasts. I could tell that if not for my pants I would have exploded long ago yet still might with the way she was grinding on me. I don’t know if she sensed it as well because at that moment, she shoved me off her and back into the car seat. I tried to make my way back to her breasts, but she held me where I was with surprising strength.

I looked up with a pleading look but her eyes were down focused on my crotch. I felt the pressure of one hand lessen upon my chest but still she held me back with the other. My eyes traveled back down to see her free hand loosen the buckle of my belt and with a flick of the wrist the rest of my belt was whipped free from their loops. I heard the clatter of metal against the inside of the door as she flung my belt to the side. Then her hand was back loosening the button of my pants.

My breath started to quicken yet again as she tugged on the zipper head and pulled down slowly making for a rather peculiar yet satisfying vibrating feeling. The anticipation was at an all time high as my pants opened showing the waist band of my white boxer briefs. The feeling of nails dragged down my chest and swerved to the side as it passed my stomach. Then she begun to lean into me and lifted her weight from my thighs.

“Now begins your first lesson.” She whispered into my ear and then I felt her fingers hook under my waistband and slowly she pulled down.

I could feel the temperature of my body hitting an all-time high as I felt my cock be free of its imprisonment. And then rise again as she lowered her weight back on my bare thighs. The feeling of her bare thigh against mine was indescribable. The surroundings swirled and faded until it was just the two of us in a void of white space. Nothing else mattered but to join our two bodies into one. Then the scene changed again as though matching how I felt and we were surrounded by red and orange flames.

They didn’t seem to burn us at all but rather fuel my desire and I could tell it was fueling her too. I could feel her hair brush past the front of the my face as her head snapped back. As a long sensual moan slipped past her lips as both of her hands reached down to grasp my cock between them.

The flames slowly started to change from the red and orange hue to a blue and white one as she stroked her hands up and down my shaft. Her soft delicate hands like silk against my cock moved ever faster and the flames around us grew infinitely and more intensely. I looked up to see her eyes concentrating on each stroke of my cock, her tongue tracing her upper lip as though she were a cat ready to pounce on her next meal. Then her lips puckered up and parted to show the slightest of slits and saliva began to flow from them. The strand of saliva extended until it couldn’t hold its own weight and fell directly on the tip of my cock.

Her hand quickly moved to cover my tip and she began to spread it so that it covered every bit of surface of my tip slowly worked it along my shaft. Her hand glided along my shaft so effortlessly now. My skin pinpricked with jolts across the entirety of my body. A few moments of this and my breath stopped. The flames that were all around us began pull within me until we were back in the white void. All my muscles tensed, and it felt as if I was a lone star in the expanse of space just at the moment of going supernova.

Then as I was about to release, the scene changed back, and I was there in the backseat of the car again. Janice was still there looking at me from her position on my thighs. I must’ve looked as dumbfounded as I felt because she gave me a sympathetic face, her head tiled and lower lip sticking out.

“I’m sorry about this Master Thomas. That was a necessary test before I could admit you on the grounds of the temple.”

Master? Test? Temple? What the fuck was she talking about. I just sat there even more confused and now the frustration of being taken to such a high only to be brought back down so abruptly was beginning to overtake me.

“I know how you must feel but once the ceremony starts you will find that this was all worth it. I promise.”
