PARANORMAL UNDERGROUND SPIRIT SEEKERS: A WEEKEND AT ASMODAL 2/3 [trigger warning][emotional][ptsd][coping][bdsm][haunted][hotel][exhib][alcohol][raw][visceral][orgy][ffm][mf]



[Part One Here](

Author’s note: This story is primarily about Joel learning to cope with new realities. PTSD is near to me since I am a combat vet. A lot of the things that Joel experiences are my own… Granted, not in such a sexy environment. No, I am not Joel, I’m Paul… not my real first name.


There’s something about a thunderstorm that reaches into us and touches the deepest, most primal parts of our humanity. The full fury of mother natures wrath on display in all its beauty, at least for most. In his younger days, he would love to sit and watch and listen to natures fury. Now though, he had witnessed, first hand, man’s fury against man after man had learned to harness natures power, giving him no control over either. His heart pounded within his chest and his skin prickled and sweat poured from every gland, every flash of lightning, every crash of thunder, detaching more and more of his reality. His control over his world and over himself slipped away into nothing.

He wanted to curl up into Kimmy’s arms, to feel her body against his as she whispered in his ear, but she was shopping in Twin Falls with Amber, Steph, and Lily before the guests start arriving this afternoon. He walked out into the hall and down the stairs to the basement. He expected the basement to insulate him against the onslaught of the storm but he found that it only amplified the sound. He stepped into a large open room just off the stairs, the placard said Conference Room. The door closed behind him. His vision filled with white and the crash of thunder was immediate, he felt his knees hit the floor and the carpet dug into his forehead.

He pulled his head out of the sand and looked up. Across the square, he saw their naked bodies, bound against a wall. Kimmy and Lily cried with their arms stretched above their heads. He ran to free them but before he could get to them another flash of light and a loud explosion blew him back. He was powerless to save them.

He felt two hands on his shoulders and he felt himself being lifted off the ground, his head was pounding. He opened his eyes and saw Jake standing in front of him. “Hey, are you okay?”

“What the hell just happened?”

“I saw you come in here on the camera. There was a really close lightning strike and you fell. At first, I thought that maybe you got struck but you just kind of passed out and hit your head pretty hard.”

Joel got his feet under himself and stood. “Yeah, I’m okay, I think. I used to love storms, but after Iraq, I just can’t… I can’t…”

“It’s okay, buddy… you don’t have to explain anything to me. I can’t imagine how many things have changed for you since you were there… Lets go get us a drink, the girls should be back any time and the guests should start arriving soon too.” They walked slowly up the stairs and to the bar. Jake poured them both a glass of whiskey, on the rocks, and then packed some ice into a towel. Joel put the ice on his forehead and sipped his whiskey.

“Jake, how do I know any of this is real. I know what happened to you here. How do I know that I’m not just gonna wake up on that floor or in the hospital?” He asked.

“You know, there is one thing I didn’t feel the entire weekend.” He grabbed a fork from behind the bar and pressed it into Joel’s hand, Joel jerked his hand away. “Pain, well, physical pain. Yeah some things hurt but only mild stuff and emotional pain was excruciating but no actual physical pain. I walked barefoot through the gravel outside and felt nothing. You could feel that, it’s real.”

“You know, that makes a lot of sense. When I dream about when I got shot, I never feel it.”

“Wait, Paul never told me you were shot!”

Joel lifted his shirt and showed Jake the scars on his belly and back. “Oh, shit! I bet that hurt.”

“Well, I know it hurt but I don’t really remember the pain, I mean it hurt like fuck when it first hit me but then every thing kinda went fuzzy after my buddy stuck me with morphine. I saw people working over me and fighting and then I was in a helicopter and a plane and a hospital. It wasn’t until the next week that they stopped giving me morphine and I felt it.”

Joel felt arms wrap around him from behind and he put the ice pack down. “Oh fuck, what happened?”

“I had another flashback and fell in the basement.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have left you…. fuck, baby!” Kimmy’s arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders.

He wrapped his arms around her even more firmly. “Baby, you can’t always be by my side. You went shopping and had fun with the girls, I do not and can not expect you to stop everything because I might have a problem. You had no idea, I’m okay. This is just something I have to learn to control.”

She sat next to him and Jake poured her a drink too.

“I bought a surprise for you for later. Amber made me buy it, well, she made me let her buy it… She wouldn’t let anyone spend a penny.”

“I’m glad you had a good time, you needed it.” Joel kissed her lips and then rested his head into her shoulder.

They finished their drinks and excused themselves to go upstairs. Joel curled up into Kimmy’s arms and fell asleep hearing her whisper sweetly into his ear.

He woke up to both Kimmy and Lily curled into him talking to each other quietly. He could hear voices downstairs, the sun still streamed through the window. They got up and he watched Kimmy slip some shorts over her bare ass, shorts so short that her ass hung enticingly from the bottom and the legs were cut shorter than the crotch which was only covered by a thin strip of denim. She pulled the tags off a brand new shirt and slipped into it, the bottom of it stopping just longer than her breasts which pushed the fabric away from her skin, promising, but not providing, a view of her offerings. She handed him a new pair of jeans and a tight tank top. He got dressed but didn’t notice Kimmy leave nor Lily walk into the room.

As his head popped through the neck of the tank, two lips attached themselves to his. It took him a second to realize that it was Lily. He ran his hand down and grabbed her ass but felt that it was bare, he pulled his hand away and then slapped the bare skin grabbing firmly to her flesh.

“OWohhhh!” She gasped in surprised but the utterance turned into more of a sigh and her lips pressed even deeper into his. She parted from him, seemingly reluctant to let go, then grabbed a pair of shorts, identical to Kimmy’s, only smaller. She pointed her ass at Joel and then bent down and started sliding the shorts up her legs. Joel seized the opportunity and slapped her ass a bit harder before her cheeks were covered. His hand stung and at first he felt guilty for slapping so hard, but also felt something stir deeply within himself.

“YOWnnuuuh!” She stood quickly, her gasp said pain but her face showed that she kinda enjoyed it… Well also the fact that she tackled Joel back onto the bed straddling him. With both hands he cupped her ass forcefully, more of a pop but enough to make her fall forward on top of him pressing her small breasts into his face which he gratefully nibbled. “You keep doing that and we may not leave the room. We have to go greet the guests.” She kissed him again and got up, he looked at her ass with pride as he saw the red outline of his fingers that had formed on her skin. She walked out the door after putting on a loose fitting white midriff tank and then went downstairs, leaving Joel to put on his shoes by himself, a task made much more difficult by the raging boner in his tight jeans.

He stood on the stairs over the lobby and saw new people milling around. Two women kissed their hello to each other in the hall obviously previously acquainted. He heard Kimmy’s voice from the area of the dining room and went to join her. Her, Amber, Lily, and Steph all wore the same shorts. Amber and Steph’s full round asses made Kimmy and Lily’s look downright small. All four of them did nothing to reduce the mounting pressure in his pants. He dodged his way through the throng of people and found Jake standing near the ladies talking to a couple.

As he approached, Jake made eye contact with him and opened the doors to the dining room. Everyone walked in. All the women were dressed in a style that Joel could only call just barely. Breasts spilled from too tight tops, half-ass skirts and shorts left little to the imagination. The men had more variety. Some wore jeans and t-shirts, some wore suits, a few wore leather vests and chaps. Everyone sat at tables and Jake led Joel and the ladies to a table at the front of the room.

Once everyone settled, Jake stood and grabbed a microphone. “Welcome everyone to our first ever haunted weekend. As you all know, we found a great, and sexy, paranormal team to help us make this happen. Tonight, we will have a reception party, right here in the dining room, after which, we will all split off and the team will lead you all on a haunted tour.” Jake introduced the team and the guests applauded then the kitchen staff wheeled out two large carts covered in white bed sheets.

The sheets started to rise, seemingly on their own until they took on a human form like a kids Halloween costume. Libi and Vidi revealed themselves from under the cloths and stood on the tables, naked before they stepped down and sat next to Lily. “Bon Appetite” Jake said before he put the mic down and went to the buffet table.

Everyone lined up at the table but Joel felt the anxiety of the crowd press him firmly back into the chair, his legs refusing to move. He could handle it if they were spread through the room, but all pressed into one place was too much. He sat and watched them file through the line until a plate slid in front of him, he followed the hand that held it, up the arm to Lily’s face. “Here you go, I saw you sitting here so I got you your favorites so you wouldn’t have to stand in line.” She smiled and kissed his cheek and then went back to her seat by the imps as they ate and chatted.

Once the plates were cleared people started to disburse, wives kissed their husbands and then left the room with another man or woman. Joel was amazed at the freedom these people had. Lily came over and sat between him and Kimmy.

“Kimmy,” Lily whispered privately as they watched people move about. “What did Libi and Vidi mean when they said that I am such a good little sub? Like am I just a substitute when Joel can’t have you?”

“NO! That’s not what that means, sweetheart. You aren’t a substitute for me, Joel loves you for who you are and when you and him are together its because he wants YOU.”

“Well, what do they mean by ‘sub’?”

“Do you see how they are always doing what they can to please Jake? How they really enjoy making sure he’s happy?”


“And right now, other women are leaving with men they didn’t come in with. Libi and Vidi are just sitting by Jake’s side.”

“Okay, yeah?”

“Well, they are his subs or submissives. They see you as Joel’s. That also means that they see you as being protected by Joel because he is your dom or dominant. Are they wrong?”

“Well, I guess… I just didn’t know what it meant… but actually, yeah… I really like it when I get to do things for him. Even doing simple things for him, like getting his plate, it kinda turned me on to know that it pleased him. When I fucked Paul at the prison, I only let it happen because I knew that Joel was watching. Is that what it means?”

“Precisely. Joel never asked you to do it, he doesn’t expect it of you, he just appreciates it and he loves you.”

“But aren’t I your sub too then? I do all of that for you too.”

“Yeah, I guess so, but you please me to please him. Everything you do with me, you check back with him.”

“I guess you’re right, but I still love you too, not just him.”

“And I love you… But you have fucked Joel on your own, without me, and not to please me, only to please him and yourself… You still love me but you fucked him only for him. Here’s another way to phrase it. Since you met Joel, have you wanted to fuck someone else without him knowing?”

“Well… no, not really.”

“If you were to fuck someone else, without Joel knowing, how would you feel?”

“Ummmm, I don’t know. It’s hard to imagine doing that without him, I feel so safe with him. The thought of doing it without him just feels… dirty… and not the fun kind of dirty.”

Kimmy kissed her cheek as Joel finally got up and walked to the door with them in tow. They walked back out into the lobby, greeted by Paul and Tay standing there.

“Hey guys, Jake called and told me that you had a crowd. I got covered at the bar so we could come and help out.” Paul said as they all hugged hello. “He also told me that you aren’t using the second room in your suite. I haven’t been here since they finished the renovation, the place looks amazing.”

They went upstairs to the suite and Lily pulled her clothes out of the extra room. Joel and Kimmy got into the shower together. Paul and Tay sat on the couch and Lily came out of the room and whispered something to Paul before she joined in the shower. Joel laughed when Paul touched the button on the couch and Tay’s eyes went wide and she almost immediately began to moan her approval of the couch.

Lily grabbed the soap and lathered both Joel and Kimmy while they watched Tay’s shirt come off and her giant tits bounced as her hips rocked uncontrollably. She got up quickly and dragged Paul into the room.

Joel got out of the shower when there was a knock at the door, he peeked out and saw Amber standing there carrying two boxes. He opened the door, still naked and hard. “Hey, this is for Paul and Tay. I picked them up when we were shopping earlier. Paul called and told me they were coming.” They listened to the moaning and slapping flesh in the bedroom for a moment. “Well, could you give these to them when they’re done?”

“Will do.” Joel took the boxes and a quick kiss from Amber. A woman walked by out of the cave suite next door and stared at his rock hard door stopper. Joel closed the door and laid down in the bed, listening to the action resounding from the other room. His dick pulsing in time with his heart beat as he closed his eyes. He felt something warm and wet slide over him and looked down to see Lily laying between his legs with her mouth spread around him. “Kimmy is still in the shower, she turned on the floor jets. I saw how hard you were and wanted to help you with that.”

Joel sat up and picked her up by the shoulders and threw her face down on the bed next to him. He got to his knees behind her and pulled her hips up to meet him. He pushed his dick into her hard and then pulled back and held it just inside her, waiting for her to want it.

She pushed her hips back. With one hand, he held her away from him, with the other he slapped her ass, and held the contact for a moment before he wrapped his fingers around her hips and pulled her forcefully.

“OH HOLY FUHUHUHUCK!” she screamed as she bit into the pillow. He plowed into her over and over until he stopped and waited. She pushed back into him and he slapped her ass again and then thrust back into her, her pussy immediately clamping down over him and she screamed into the pillow. He pulled out again and waited. Her body started to quiver, waiting, anticipating, she thrust back into him hard, he slapped her ass with just as much force but waited to thrust his cock into her.

“PLEASE JOEL, I want you inside me.” She pushed her hips back again and he stopped her and slapped her ass then thrust up into her and railed her hard.

“That’s a good girl,” Joel said calmly. “Tell me what you want.”

“Fill me, let me feel how much I please you.” Her voice quivering.

He started pounding so hard that her whole body shifted with every thrust and her teeth just clenched into the pillow, any sound she made was muffled. He slapped her ass again, even harder, she grunted loudly into the pillow and her pussy clenched down again. “I said let me hear it.”

She let go of the pillow and turned her head. Her loud moans, screams, cries, and grunts filled the air and drowned out all other sounds. “That’s a good girl. Let me hear what I’m doing to you.” Immediately her pussy clenched hard and almost sucked him deeper in. His dick pulsed suddenly and then he felt violent, forceful jets shoot out into her.

“AAAAAAAH FUCK YES! FILL ME!” She screamed through her sustained orgasm, he kept pushing her to multiple orgasms that seemed to be just one massive cum fest until his dick went soft and slipped out. He laid down and pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her shoulder and waist, cuddling her gently as she cried into the pillow. Whispering and whimpering “thank you” and “I love you” repeatedly every few breaths and pushed herself back into his warmth and care. He looked up and saw Paul, Tay, and Kimmy in the shower, Paul firmly inserted into Kimmy from behind, fucking her while she fingered Tay… All of their eyes were fixated on the room though as they watched the show that just ended.

Joel had no idea what had come over him. “That was intense! I’m sorry if I went a little over board there, sweetheart.” He whispered into Lily’s ear. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

“No, don’t apologize. That was… a lot of things… but what it wasn’t was bad. I trust you to never hurt me, Joel.”

“Still the thought of actually hurting you terrifies me, the intensity of my feelings in that moment… I was afraid I would lose control. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“Well, neither have I, I never even thought that it would turn me on so much. Every time your hand slapped my ass, I came almost instantly. So, if we ever do that again… what if I give you some kind of a signal?”

“A safe word… It’s a code word that you use to stop me if you’re too hurt or you aren’t comfortable anymore. Something you normally don’t say.”

“Wouldn’t ‘no’ be enough?”

“Well it could be but what if ‘no’ is part of the play. You say ‘no’ but you really are okay.”

“Okay… ‘pumpernickel’.”

“Okay, but only use it if you really do want me to stop what I’m doing. You say that word and everything stops until you say otherwise.”

“Wait, so, no matter what, I can stop everything?”


“But Kimmy told me what being a sub is, and that you are my ‘dom’, but it sounds like I have the power. How does that work.”

“In a true sub/dom relationship, it’s always the sub that has the real power. The sub submits willingly to the dom, the way you do for me… but at any time, you can take it back, even if it’s just for a moment. You are the one with the true power, I only have any power because you choose to give it to me.”

She turned around and snuggled into his arms and pressed her face into his chest while Kimmy, Paul, and Tay finished their shower session.

Kimmy came into the room cautiously. “Is it safe? I don’t want to interrupt kitten time.”

“Kitten time?” Lily asked.

“Yeah, its just a gentle time for you to recover and rest… A sub is also called a ‘kitten’.”

“Oh, well yeah, I’m okay… That was fucking amazing. I’ve never had it so rough before.”

“Well, maybe we can show you more later. But for now, Joel needs to get dressed for the party and the investigations. And then we can get his surprise ready.” She tossed Joel a pair of black faux suede pants with no button and a zipper from the waist to the knee. She put a pair of black riding boots by the door.

Joel got up and got dressed, reluctantly. He loved to watch his ladies get dressed, especially here, at Asmodal.

Once he was dressed, Kimmy shoved him out the door. “Go downstairs and wait for us in the lobby, we’ll be down in a bit.”

Paul came out of his room, dressed in an identical outfit to Joel’s and they went downstairs and found Jake standing, waiting in the same outfit only in red. The imps stood to either side of him in Chinese dragon dresses that accentuated what little curves they had, Libi in red and Vidi in blue. “Oh, good, I see Amber still hasn’t failed to come up with a good uniform option. We wanted you guys to stand out so the guests know who you are. All the guests are already in the dining room. The party’ll start as soon as we walk through the door, but I have been told that we have to wait for the ladies.” They sat in some chairs in the entry way and waited.

All five ladies came down together and the view made the men wonder how they were going to be able to walk as their dicks thickened against their thighs. Patent leather thigh high boots, stockings and garters, latex mini skirts that were only big enough to say it was a skirt. On the top they wore latex “bras” that consisted of an open breast under cup held in place by three straps, one on the outside of each breast, and one in the center, the straps attached to a ring from which another strap formed a collar around the neck. Tay’s massive bags hung down over the black latex, still perky despite their overly large size. Amber and Steph, wearing red, must have used some kind of anti gravity technology, despite their d-cup size, they barely dropped lower than perfect half spheres with nipples that pointed a little higher than straight forward. Kimmy’s perfect Cs stood proud over the black latex under-cup. Lily’s small but perky chest begged to be kissed and nibbled as they poked out between the black straps.

The five walked down the stairs in almost perfect unison alternating, black, red, black, red, black. The men finally found their legs and stood, their erections pushed down into their tight faux leather pants.

They strode down the hall and opened the door, a cheer lit up from the gathered guests and music started pumping from the speakers. The girls grabbed drinks from a service tray and hit the dance floor together, the guys and the imps headed to the bar and watched.

Joel sat, gathering courage to join as Kimmy and Lily beckoned him with their fingers. He started to get up but Jake put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back into his chair. Joel was thankful for the reprieve and pointed at Jake and shook his head while shrugging his shoulders. Over time, each one of the ladies found a dance partner, Kimmy and Lily opted for each other.

Jake put his hands up on Joel and Paul’s shoulders and pulled them toward him. “Watch Amber, this is one of her favorite things to do at these parties and it is SOOO hot!” They watched together as Amber began grinding into her selected guy, pushing her nearly naked ass into his crotch. Steph danced her way behind the guy and reached around him and slid his zipper down then returned to dancing with her own partner. She paid close attention to Kimmy and Lily taking turns sucking each of their exposed nipples. Tay was on her knees in front of some dude, all they could see was the back of her head but her motions suggested her true actions.

Amber’s eyes never left Jake while her ass dragged skillfully across the man as her skirt pulled up and his dick appeared between her cheeks. His about average cock began sliding up and down through her crack. His hands slid from her hips and up to her breasts. She held his hands to her as she rocked her hips up and then spread her legs showing the head poised at her hole. With a single thrust, he disappeared inside her and she continued her dance while getting fucked. Kimmy and Lily almost looked shocked as more guys came in all around them and Joel lost sight for a moment before they emerged from the crowded men and came and sat, one on each of his legs, to watch Amber fuck on the floor. Couples and groups all over began fucking in what Joel could only think was a warm up for later.

Tay got up off her knees and also came over to join at the bar, sitting back between Paul’s legs. Amber’s motion lost any timing with the music as she rammed herself into her dance partner. She reached up and grabbed Steph’s arm and pulled her in front of the man as she slipped her pussy off his dick. Steph bent down in front of him and sucked for a few strokes with his hands pulling her head. She stood back up and grabbed a drink and swallowed it down. They then came over to the group at the bar and rested as Jake got up and walked to the DJ booth and grabbed a microphone and came back over to the bar.

“Okay everyone, I hope you’re enjoying your night. Are you people ready for some ghosts?” The crowd cheered. “These five people over here are ready to take you on your haunted tour. They’re gonna to go prepare, one on each floor and on the second, one for each wing. In about 20 minutes, the tours will start, go to your rooms and grab anything you want to take with you, cameras, recorders, whatever you have and then choose your start point. I will message the guides when I see that everyone is in place and then you will be free to rotate from host to host.”

The five team members walked out and down the hall. “This is going to be hell, guys, there’s over 80 people here!” Joel said as they stood at the front desk and gathered emf meters. “Don’t bother with audio, we have to dismiss any voices we get because there are so many people, but don’t tell the guests that. Just have fun, and play up and with anything that happens.” Paul and Tay volunteered to take the second floor, Lily took the basement, Kimmy took the third floor, and Joel took the Attic. Joel and Kimmy walked up the stairs as Jake sat down behind the desk with the imps, Amber and Steph guided the guests to either the location or guide they chose.

At the landing to the third floor, Kimmy grabbed Joel by the arm. “If anything bad happens, get on that radio or have someone get on it. I don’t care what I’m doing, I will come get you.”

Joel kissed her deeply, “I know, I love you! I took the biggest room for a reason.” He turned up the stairs and into the large attic space. The only light in the room illuminated the rings on the floor which now had long leather straps attached to them, the dust in the air lit in an eerie glowing ray from the dim light above. He could also tell that the floor had been swept for the first time since who knows when. Right next to the door there was a small bar with a nearly naked female staff member who held a drink out to him. He took it and grimaced when he realized it was straight bourbon but downed it and then asked for another. “Hi, I’m Kasey. I’m just here to serve the drinks. Every guest has to take a drink every time they switch to a different host. Of course they can have more, but they must take one, they signed a waiver. You can have as much as you want and of course I’m available if you need me for… anything.”

“Thanks, but I think I should stay mostly sober. One more can’t hurt for now though.” He took another drink and downed it before his radio crackled to life.

“Guests are on their way to you now. Once the guests are disbursed, Amber and Steph will join where they see fit.”

Joel heard the footsteps coming up the stairs and filtering to less and less as the guests split off to their chosen floors. A group of four naked ladies walked through the door, took their shots and joined him in the center of the room followed by three couples. One more set of foot steps came up the stairs.

“All right, all guests are in place. Guides, the hotel is yours. I am watching the cameras at the desk. I will alert you if I see anything odd.”

Amber waked through the door, having lost her skirt somewhere along the way. Her perfect curvy silhouette filled the door frame, looking like something you would see on a truck’s mud flaps.

Joel looked at the group around him and knew he had to create a story about the room starting with an element of truth. “This room was used during it’s hospital days as a fresh air resting room for the patients who were bedridden. They would open the windows and allow the patients to breath the dry desert air.” A stiff breeze blew through the room and the shutters on one of the windows at a far end blew open, eliciting a scream from most of the ladies present. “Most of the patients didn’t survive since tuberculosis was such a nasty disease.”

He stood in the center of the metal rings on the floor, pulling Amber with him. “During the time that this was a mental hospital, it was used as a restraint room. These rings were used to secure the sexually deviant patients to the floor.” He puled Amber down and had her lay on the floor. He tied each of her arms and legs to one of the rings. “During the 1930’s, there was a doctor here who would use that opportunity to take advantage of women in the name of curing them of their sexual addictions.” He reached between her legs and inserted his fingers into her, her back arched and her hands pulled against the leather straps, almost untying the loose slip knots. “As you can see, it was quite counter productive, often only deepening their urge for more… socially reprehensible behavior.” He leaned forward and sucked one of her nipples. He stood back up and a woman came over and repeated his steps then buried her face into her pussy. She then got up and pulled a man from the side and made him kneel between Amber’s legs. He pulled out a smallish cock and pushed it into her as she writhed and bucked beneath him.

New people came in and some people would leave, their intoxication increased through the night and their inhibitions decreased. Women would tease Amber and men would fuck her.

In a quiet lull between groups Joel knelt by her. “Let me know if you want me to let you go.”

“Oh, don’t worry…” She showed him the straps that were now just looped around her wrists, untied. “I’m only holding them in my hand, if it gets to be too much, I can get up. But I will be going down to check in with Jake soon, after all of this, I need him. That first guy was like what, four inches, that’s why I appreciated your dick so much the other night. Speaking of your dick… Get it out.”

Joel pulled his dick out and put it in Amber’s face. She took it straight into her mouth and the bar tender came over got down between her legs and chowed down on her pussy. Amber slid him out of her mouth and gestured with her eyes behind the girl. Joel moved behind her and readied his head by her hole before he pushed forward and began fucking her when the next group walked in. There was a bright flash of light and Joel fell back onto his butt. A guest lowered her camera and the bartender sighed her frustration as she walked back to the bar.

“I was just illustrating to them what the rings in the floor were used for during the time that this was a mental institution. If you want to experience it for yourself, feel free.” He pulled the straps from Amber’s hands and another woman laid down while Amber crawled up and began eating her well trimmed pussy. Joel told the story again. This time, when the group left, Amber left with them, leaving just him and the bartender. He moved behind the bar and took another shot of bourbon then bent the girl over the top of the bar and shoved his dick back into her.

“You didn’t seem happy that we had to stop earlier.” He said as he fucked her, she only moaned her agreement. He knew he didn’t have long and made sure his strokes were long, fast, and hard. She came quickly, thrusting her hips back into him then dropped to her knees and took him all the way into her mouth until he felt her uvula tickle his tip, he grabbed her hair and pulled her into him then began face fucking her as she sucked him back in.

He felt the explosion rising and pulled out of her mouth and shot his load across her chin and tits as another bright flash filled his vision. Only the silhouette of a large man with what looked like animal heads on his shoulders could be seen in the bright white light. When the room darkened again, there was no one there, the only sound he heard was the heavy breathing of the freshly fucked bartender and the loud peal of thunder. He fell back against the wall and his radio fell to the floor as his vision flashed again and the floor turned, momentarily, to sand. He got back up and dusted himself off and headed toward the door. Another flash filled his vision and the silhouette of the large man returned, he stumbled sideways into the door frame and caught himself and sat on the top step.

He jumped as another flash of lightning filled his vision. A deep, booming, gravelly, male voice filled his ears “You need to take control, Joel.” followed by a loud crash of thunder. He flinched each time the light flashed and his heart began to pound. He waited for more guests but none came up for about an hour of his solitude.

From all around below him, the sounds of pure, unadulterated adultery rang out. He looked for the radio on his hip and only found an empty belt loop. He went downstairs and into his own room. A crowd of naked men gathered around the couch, stroking themselves. Between the bodies, he saw a woman on the cushion with a dick in her mouth and stroking two others. Between her legs, Kimmy was bent over with her face buried in pussy and a man railed her from behind, both women dripping with cum. Their loud cries of pleasure indicating that they were lost in ecstasy only stopping momentarily to drink straight from the bottle. The music played loudly in the shower and someone had found strobe lights. Overwhelmed by his senses, he backed away and closed the door, feeling guilty for even thinking of interrupting her having such a great time.

He walked down to the second floor, another flash of lightning buckled his knees. Through the open doors he could hear the parties to either side, and some even spilled into the hallway. He went further downstairs. At the front desk a few people gathered around, watching, as Jake had Amber on her back on top of the desk, her legs spread into the air and his dick buried deep into her ass. He continued down to the basement. Another flash of lightning and he fell backward into the wall.

Directly across the hall, he heard Lily’s voice. “God, I just feel so naughty. Oh, oh it feels so dirty, uuuh, god damn. Yes, fuck me… make me a bad girl!” He peeked in and saw Lily laying on the bed with a rather well hung man between her legs, about to push into her while Steph railed another woman with a huge strap-on. Lily’s eyes were shut tight, anticipating the pain of taking such a large dick. Tears rolled down her cheeks as it pressed into her. Joel closed the door and went back upstairs. Another flash of light, his heart racing in his chest. He pinched his skin making sure this was real.

“Take control, Joel.” The deep voice filled the air again before the thunder crashed once again. He moved as quickly as he could, back up the stairs and to the third floor. He found the only door he could without any sound from behind it. He opened suite three, the lights were off and only darkness awaited him. He collapsed into the floor and curled up into the wall.

Another flash of light filled his sight and he looked in front of him, there was a woman tied to the large x shaped cross. When the flash darkened, a single light shown down from above, only lighting her highlights. He could tell by the profile that it was his bartender. “Control her, Joel.” He heard the voice say and then a slap followed by a faint whimpering moan from the girl.

Another flash of lightning and another slap followed by her moan of painful pleasure. “Take control Joel.”

Joel stood and then felt a leather handle press into his palm. He felt the handle and the stick it was attached to, it was a riding crop. Another flash of light and he flung his hand forward, lightly slapping her ass but a faint tickle in his loins. “No, Joel… Punish her, take control.” He heard the voice but didn’t see anyone there.

Another flash of light and he swung harder, but still held back. His crop smacked her ass and he felt his dick rise and her painful cry filled his soul. Guiltily, he dropped the crop. He didn’t know this girl, he had only fucked her to get off, he had no right to do this. Another flash and he crumbled back into the corner.

The lights turned on and Lily stood over him. “Joel!” Her arms wrapped around him. “I had to leave my group, I, I, I just couldn’t stay there. I tried you radio but you weren’t answering. I looked at the monitor at the desk and saw you here.” She was crying into his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I feel like such a… a… I fell so bad for what I did.”

Joel felt the same feeling stirring within him that he felt earlier.

“Uummm, what is that frame thing for?”

He looked back into the room, they were completely alone.

-to be continued-
