Tammi and The Bully – Part 3 [MF]

This has been burning a hole in my drafts folder and figured I should just post it. Not sure when I’ll get to part 4, but I can guarantee it’ll be the spiciest installment.

Tammi stepped out of the shower and reached for her towel as the steam that filled the bathroom swirled around her soft, damp skin. She dried herself off and threw the towel to the floor, confidently walking back into the bedroom and heading towards her closet. “What does one wear to confront a bully?” she asked herself. She looked at the small opened box that sat on her bedside table and smirked to herself, the thought of Rick sending her naughty underwear made her smile while at the same time confused her as she thought about his intentions. What was he hinting at by sending them to her? How did he think that this night was going to go? Tammi could only ponder on her actions and how she intended to achieve her goal of getting Rick, as confident and handsome he was, to stop bullying her son Timmy.

“Hellloooo” she said as she lifted the piece of clothing from the hanger, “This looks perfect.” She had decided on a blue form fitting one piece skirt, if you could even classify it as that. She slid it over her head and slowly pulled it down her body, her nipples getting hard as the fabric grazed her beautiful bust and stopping at her midsection to adjust her mounds into the deep cut of the dress. Her lightly tanned skin seemed to glow with the contrast, the thin straps straining to keep from popping off behind her slender neck. Satisfied, she pulled it down further past her navel, slowly down past her pronounced hip muscles and finally over the impossibly round humps, stopping just below where her toned thighs met her otherworldly ass. Looking over her impressive shoe collection, she stopped at a pair of lighter blue fuck-me heels and chose a small, diamond studded necklace with matching hoop earrings. After slipping her delicate foot into the remaining shoe, she reached next to her on the padded bench for a slender gold anklet she bought earlier, inspired by her dream, and slipped it around her ankle and clasped it shut.

Tammi was no idiot. She knew how she was dressing and given the way her messaging with Rick went earlier and the present he sent, this was the way she’d get him to do what she wants. Besides, she thought, at least this was an excuse to dress up sexy and flirt for a while and Rick wasn’t hard to look at. Probably the most exciting thing to happen to her in quite some time.

As she strode down the steps and into the kitchen, she started to feel the anxiety growing in the pit of her stomach. Although she was exhibiting a supreme confidence, she was also the most nervous she’s been in a long time. She grasped the refrigerator handle and pulled it open, reaching for the bottle of white wine she had chilling and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. The liquid filled up the dainty glass about a quarter of the way and as she reconsidered, she filled it up more before bringing it to her glossy pink lips and taking a long sip.

She looked at the time on her phone. 9:25. Tammi let out a dramatic and breathy sigh before hauling the wine glass back up to her mouth, this time for a healthy gulp. Or two. The reality of her impending night started to creep up on her.

“God, what am I doing?” she whispered to herself, “Is this really the right thing to be doing?” Similar thoughts started to race around in her head, still petrified that this would somehow come back to bite her. She looked at her phone nervously again. 9:29. Her heart felt as if it was going to jump through her chest as she started breathing a little heavier, but it all seemed to fade when she heard it.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

She set down her phone and her glass of wine on the island counter and looked over at the kitchen door. While she couldn’t see anyone at that particular angle, the shadow from the exterior flood light cast just inside the kitchen and she knew it was him.

Another deep breathe. “Here we go,” she thought. Reaching for the door handle, she pushed it down and pulled the door in.

“Well, at least you’re punctual.” She said, her eyes searing into the man standing opposite her.

Rick was leaning up against the landing railing, hands in his jacket pockets and a wide grin on his face, “I do aim to please, Mrs. Blaine.”

She fought to stifle the smile that the obvious innuendo brought on and gestured for him to come inside, “Whatever. Please come inside before anyone sees you.”

He brushed past her, never breaking eye contact with her before she shut the door behind him. Before turning around, she couldn’t help but bite her lip and smile. He smelled so damn good and looked even better in the tight fitting jeans and white t-shirt. Pulling herself together, she put on her serious face and turned back around to catch his wandering eyes pull up from her ass. Tammi subtly rolled her eyes and strode back over to the island and her glass of wine.

“So, let’s not make this last any longer than it needs to and get to the point,” she said as she sipped her wine again, “I need you to stop bullying my son and we need to come to some kind of agreement tonight…”

“You’re not going to offer me anything to drink?” he interrupted, his confident smile gleaming as he pushed his hair back from his face.

“…wha…ugh…can I get you something to drink Mr. DiPonzio?” she asked in a frustrated tone.

“Oh Mrs. Blaine, please, call me Rick. And I’ll have what you’re having.”

Tammi knew he definitely wasn’t the legal drinking age, but couldn’t have cared less at this point. She grabbed another glass from the cabinet and poured him the original amount she gave herself. As she walked over to him, she broke and finally reciprocated with a smile, his shit-eating grin in constant state apparently.

“Thank you Mrs. Blaine,” he said in a soft but husky tone and continued to look deep into her eyes.

“You’re welcome. And Tammi is fine. So, back to what I was saying. I love my son and I would do anything for hi….”

“Did you get my gift?” he asked with a wide smile after taking a sip of his drink.

Her face nearly turned red, not because she was furious he kept interrupting her, but because of the nature of the gift. She would never admit that the thought of him picking those out with her in mind turned her on, not to mention the thought of showing it to him. But she had to acknowledge the gesture.

“Y..yes. I got the package you sent me. Though I don’t quite understand your intentions for it Rick.”

“Oh, I think that you can imagine just what my intentions were behind…my package,” he smiled and took another sip of wine. His confidence was palpable and it was working it’s wonders on Tammi. She let out an abbreviated but very audible snicker.

“Heh.” she smiled again, “You know what I mean’t Rick. Just what were you expecting by sending me underwear? That are a size too small for me, by the way.” Tammi’s eyes got a little wider when Rick set his glass down and closed the gap between the two of them. She felt the marble countertop digging into her back as she realized there was no where for her to back up, her mouth opening slightly in shock as he reached out with one of his muscled arms to lean on the island behind her. Leaning in closer to her ear, he said softly “I’m expecting you to put it on the most incredible body I’ve ever seen.”

His breathe on her earlobe sent shockwaves tingling down her spine. She could tell that her nipples were starting to get hard and she confirmed by looking down slyly. She didn’t have a bra on, or panties for that matter, the seductive dress she planned out just couldn’t accommodate undergarments.

Rick’s hulking body towered over her and lingered for a moment, before Tammi reached up and placed her seemingly miniature hand on his chiseled chest and pushed him lightly away.

“Rick,” she started “it was a very nice gift and I’m sure I might wear them sometime. But I’m a married woman and you’ve been tormenting my son. What makes you think I’m going to parade around in a skimpy thong for my son’s bully?”

He looked down and smiled at her hand still on his chest, her other hand looking as if it was gripping for dear life on the countertop. She realized where her hand was and quickly withdrew it, grabbing her glass of wine and finishing it’s contents. Rick followed suit as she slipped away and poured herself another glass.

“I don’t see why we can’t come to some kind of agreement, isn’t that why I’m here?” he asked, holding out his glass for another round. She poured him another glass and asked, “Is that what it’s going to take for you to leave Timmy alone? I just need to put on your gift for you and it’ll be done?”

Sipping his wine and grinning at her, Rick replied “I think that’s a fair compromise. I did go through the trouble of picking it out anyway, it would only be fair I get to see if I made the right choice.” Tammi took another long, drawn out sip of her wine and weighed it over in her mind. She couldn’t show herself off like that to another man, she was married, it would be wrong, she thought. Then again, it was probably the easiest way to get him to stop bullying and she was comfortable with herself and very proud of her body, what’s the worst that could happen?

She sighed, “Ok. Deal. But! You can’t tell anyone about this. No pictures or any other funny business, do you understand?”

Rick nodded his head before finishing his glass, “Yes Mrs. Blaine. Sorry, Tammi.”

She winced slightly and pressed the bridge of her nose before grabbing the rest of the bottle by the neck and heading to the hallway. “I’ll be back down in a few minutes. Please just go sit in the living room and wait for me.”

Rick followed her before she started up the stairs, her calf, thigh and ass muscles all well defined as she climbed in her heels and her tanned skin shining in the light of the hallway. He could have sworn he saw her give him a cheeky smile over her shoulder as he watched her disappear. The sight of her body in that dress and the thought of what was to come all had his package tightening in his jeans, finally adjusting himself before sprawling out on the deep couch of the living room.

Tammi brought the bottle up to her lips and took a swig before setting it down by the box on the night stand next to the bed. It was all just a bit of fun, she reassured herself, all in the name of protecting her son. She kicked off her heels and grabbed the bra and panties from the box, bringing them into her closet. Even if it would be brief, she still wanted to leave a lasting impression on him, so she thought she better change her shoes into something that match more closely. She decided on a pair of black platform heels with a strap that went around the ankle. She grabbed the shoes and walked to her bed, setting the items down and lifting the skirt up from the bottom and off to the floor. She clasped the bra tightly behind her and pulled the thong up by its tiny straps, her nipples covered completely but still visible through the sheer fabric. She hooked her fingers under the thong and pulled them up tight to her hips, letting it go with an audible snap. Stepping each foot into the shoes, she bent down at the waist to clasp the ankle straps, taking a moment to appreciate the way the tiny black straps bound around her hips and disappeared between her heavenly ass cheeks in the mirror opposite her. As she was about to open the door and head back down, a light went off in her head and realized she needed the perfect item to complete this devilishly sexy outfit. She walked over to her dresser and removed her diamond necklace and set it down, picking up a black velvety choker about a half inch wide and clasping it behind her neck before walking out of her bedroom and back down the stairs.

Rick was sitting on the couch and looking at his phone while he waited. Looking at the picture Tammi had sent to him earlier in the day, he felt the blood starting to flow to his shaft. He couldn’t get enough of her. She wasn’t like any of the girls in school, especially not his stuck up girlfriend and she clearly wasn’t afraid to show off her perfect body. Rick started to feel the mound growing under his jeans, thinking of the way she’d look in that outfit or naked but recoiled as he was interrupted by the sound of Tammi making her way back to him.

*Click, clack, click, clack, click, clack.*

It took everything in Rick’s make up to not turn around and gawk at her walking to the living room like some kind of eager puppy, and he was soon rewarded. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her shadow followed by the sight of her sun-soaked skin only covered by the small pieces of fabric he picked out for her. He watched as her thighs and bubble butt jiggled uncontrollably as she strode in front of him, stopping and turning to face him with her hands on her hips. His mouth gaped open as he felt the familiar sudden rush to his groin immediately return

“You like what you see?” she asked in a sultry voice while placing her hands at the top of her constricted breasts and bounced them up and down before reaching for the thong and snapping it back on her hip. Eyeing the bulge in his pants, she turned slowly to reveal her ass cheeks swallowing up the strings of the thong.

“Jesus Tammi you loo…” Rick started.

“I look fucking good, don’t I Rick?” as she cupped her ass with both hands before sliding them up and slapping herself. Rick smiled and watched as the waves of her tanned ass rippled as she shook her ass like a seasoned stripper.

“You look like the hottest little slut I’ve ever seen.” It was like a record scratched and almost halted Tammi’s next moves. She was so confident and powerful in those beginning moments, but that reassurance that she was in control now slowly started to fade away. Not trying to look bothered, she kept up her sexy little tease and walked closer to him, swaying her hips from side to side. She noticed that he was starting to fondle himself over his jeans and she had to double take when she saw how much it had grown.

She bent down slightly and started juggling her tits inches away from his face. “Mm, you like that Rick?”

“Yea baby, your tits are fucking amazing. Now, turn around. I wanna see that ass shake some more.”

She squeezed her juicy mounds together while complying with Rick’s demand, spreading her legs about shoulder width and bent down at the waist slowly while shaking it from side to side. She felt awkward but also a little turned on when she heard Rick pawing at himself. Tammi bent her knees and braced her hands on them before shaking her ass up and down, the sound of her skin clapping together faintly filled the room.

Rick’s eyes were glued to her ass as his mouth stayed open and his hand slowly picked up the pace. “Mm, it looks so sexy bouncing like that. Why don’t you come bounce it on my lap for a little?”

Tammi was conflicted. “God, am I really about to give this little shithead a lap dance?” she thought. Even though she was having a great time teasing Rick, she still couldn’t help but feel like this was all wrong. Then she remembered how Jake reacted to her last night and his near dismissal of her this morning and that she should enjoy the attention she was getting. Then her mind wandered to the picture Rick sent back to her of his cock while glancing over at him, his hand running up and down the front of his pants. “Fuck it” she thought “why can’t I have a little fun grinding my beautiful ass into an attractive guys meaty package?”

“Ok Rick. This is the ass you want?” she asked as she brought herself closer to him. Rick spread his legs as Tammi shimmied herself in between, slowly moving her hips. Rick reached up and softly caressed her hip and she quickly smacked his hand away. “Uh uhh, no touching” she said as she planted herself down onto his lap, rolling her hips and grinding hard. “Holy shit” she thought to herself “this kid’s cock really is enormous.” She could feel the lump shift to between her ass cheeks as she was grinding, Rick’s hands grasping the top of the couch with his head turned up in pleasure at the sight of Tammi’s fat ass bouncing up and down on his lap.

She could start to feel his cock hardening as her pussy lips rode up and down the length through the sheer fabric of the panties. Her hands grabbed at Rick’s thighs and she clenched the fabric of his pants for leverage as she slammed herself down on him. She could feel herself letting go of any worries or inhibitions and just at that moment she heard Rick’s hands leave their perch on the couch. “Mmm fuck it” he said and with deafening speed, both his hands came down on Tammi’s asscheeks, grabbing and spreading so he could see her tight puckered hole behind the thin piece of fabric.

Tammi gasped but didn’t protest and brought her hands up and over her tits to her mouth. This was the naughty point of no return. She had to see his cock. She had to feel it in her hands and taste it in her mouth, no other thoughts went through her head. Rick watched her ass meat jiggle as he let go and grabbed again, but with one final bounce in his lap, Tammi stood straight up and turned around.

“Lose the clothes” she said reaching back to unclamp her bra “if we’re gonna do this we’re doing it right.” The bra hit the ground just as Rick looked up after tossing his shirt aside. Tammi looked on in astonishment as he undid his belt and dropped his pants, his lengthy member springing out as they hit the floor. “It’s perfect” she thought as she viewed his girth and the shiny, suckable head and giant balls. There didn’t seem to be a hair on his body below his head and Tammi licked her lips as he sat back down on the couch, turning his cock up so it rested on his belly.

“Let’s do this right then, Mrs. Blaine.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ucd3t0/tammi_and_the_bully_part_3_mf