Cucked Sissy Slut at my girlfriend’s Birthday party. nsfw

If your new to my stories then you can get caught up by reading my past posts. My posts involve sex, crossdressing, group sex, bondage, gay sex, cuckolding, public sex, polyamory, and other taboo subjects. If those subjects offend you, leave now. If the only thing you do is leave a negative comment, you’ll be blocked, no warning and no questions asked.

I’m Ben, 23 male from USA, and I’m a bisexual passable crossdresser. My fem name is Becky, and I’m a geeky sub who enjoys sex with my girlfriend Gwen (23) and our boyfriend Zach (35).

Sorry for not posting this story sooner, I have been busy lately, but I’ll go into more details about that later. So for everyone paying attention, Gwen, Zach and I all had our birthdays. We jokingly call ourselves the winter trio. Zach turned 35 in Dec, I turned 23 in Jan and Gwen turned 23 in late Feb. For her birthday, Gwen asked for a sex party since we didn’t do anything kinky for Valentine’s day and we decided not to do anything for the Superbowl since only Zach cares about that and he doesn’t even care that much.

So for her birthday, I took Gwen out for a nice romantic lunch dressed as myself (but with some sexy lingerie under my guy clothes) while Zach relaxed at home cleaning and playing videos games (he’s been obsessed with KoF15 since it came out). After that, the 3 of us had fun at our apartment playing Monster Prom. We laughed so hard and had a blast, but I took some time out to take a shower, shave and get dressed. I got a new sexy bunny suit that is so tight in the crotch that I can’t wear a chastity cage with it. It either pulls in my dick so tight that I look like I don’t have one at all, or it is a very obvious bulge. It’s a red strapless one piece with a thong back and a bunny tail on the back, and I wore it with the white collar and tie, cufflinks, bunny ears, red high heels and thigh high fishnets that I connected to the garder belt under the one-piece.

By the time I finished putting the outfit and my make-up on, Zach and Gwen and changed and were ready to go out for their romantic dinner together. I stayed home and cleaned until the door rang and our guests showed up, Matt and Jack. I let them inside and they loved my outfit, but unfortunately one of our neighbors was passing by when I opened the door and he got a good look at me. It was really embarrassing and I really hope that he doesn’t tell everyone what he saw. Anyways I let them in and I showed them Monster Prom since I knew they would enjoy the game. They got a kick out of it and I laid across their laps sucking Matt’s cock while Jack played with my ass and brand new camel toe while they played and I came up for air every now and then to give them tips and stuff, then I switched around to suck Jack’s dick and let Matt have fun with my booty.

Almost 3 hours after they left, Zach and Gwen came back to find us on the couch, and she went to take a show while I got down on my knees and started sucking all 3 of the guys cocks to get them all hard for Gwen. She came out into the room wearing her silk robe and had a vibrating anal plug, double bullet vibe, a ballgag and cuffs for me. Zach lubed up my ass and pushed the vibe in, pushed the bullets into the tight front and then gagged and cuffed me to a chair to watch.

The guys all stripped down and Zach started kissing Gwen while the other 2 took off her robe and started licking and kissing her naked body. She moaned loudly and asked Matt to eat her out while she kissed Zach more. He enjoyed licking her pussy while the vibes and scene in front of me drove me insane. The bunny suit was so tight that I couldn’t get hard, but he vibes caused me to lead a lot of precum. Zach smirked and said “look honey, your boyfriend’s pussy is getting wet.” They said it really did look like a pussy at that moment. Jack put on a condom and laid down on the table for Gwen to mount his dick with her ass, and she went balls deep in one motion. She cried out and laid back for Matt to fill her mouth and Zach started fucking her wet pussy. He held her legs wide open as the 3 men filled all 3 of her holes and fucked her for 20 straight minutes (maybe it was only 12 but I wasn’t watching the clock so I’ll make them sound good). Matt and Jack came and let Zach fuck her by himself as the two guys came over to me and took out my gag so I could suck their cocks clean.

Gwen had a smile on her face and said “Babe, my sissy boyfriend needs some privacy, why don’t you and I have some alone time while our guests give Becky the only sex she’s getting tonight.” Zach picked her up and took her into the bedroom, closing the door. They had never cucked me that hard before and it actually did make me feel jealous, but super turned on. They guys uncuffed me from the chair and recuffed me to take me to my bedroom and they enjoyed fucking me for the next hour. After they licked and teased my body for while, I got on my knees with my ass up for them. Jack ate out my asshole (which was fucking amazing!) while I sucked on Matt’s cock. Matt was taking pictures of me with his dick balls deep down my throat, and joking about how his friends would want me to suck them once he showed off the pics. I turned about and started sucking Jack’s cock while Matt put on a condom and fucked my asshole. my hands were still cuffed behind my back and Matt was pulling my hair back to keep my body up and straight for them to splitroast me. Fuck even with my tiny cock in a strangle hold from the bunny suit, I was rock hard and cumming hard. Both guys finished on my face and laid down to rest after so much sex. Jack actually kissed me and rubbed my dick which felt nice. They let themselves out and I laid there in my bed, covered in cum, dressed like a slut, sore cucked and still handcuffed. I felt like I was everyone’s bitch and it was so hot. Zach came in after he locked the front door, and he took off my cuffs and kissed me goodnight. Gwen slept in his bed that night.

The next day, Gwen pampered me and was very affectionate towards me to make me feel better after the burtal cucking the night before and make sure I knew she was just doing it for the kink. Zach was also very nice to me and even cooked me dinner that night. They admitted that once they woke up the morning after the party, they were afraid that they might have hurt my feelings. Things like that make me love those two so much.

Anyways, so time for the real life updates. I have been going through a lot of work related stress and drama for the past few months and it has been boiling over for the past month but now I finally have a new job and I start next week. I’m so happy. I’ll be working from home again so that is a big plus. The three of us have begun looking into getting a place together for and we are looking at big apartments or possibly a double wide mobile home, but we’re not sure yet. I’m really sorry that I didn’t post this story sooner, I have been sitting on this half way done for almost 2 months now, and I’ll try to make my stories more often. Anyways I hope you enjoyed my story and have a great day.
