Beer-Cart Girl [FM]- part 2

[Part 1](

Kylie’s lips parted as she brought her mouth to the tip of my dick. Her pink, pillowy lips grazed the head as if she was using me to gently reapply lip-gloss. I inhaled sharply and she glanced up at me, studying my reaction. She cocked her head to the right and slowly kissed down the side of my shaft. As she reached the base of my dick she casually cocked her head to the left, her perfect little nose brushing the underside of my shaft. She began planting small, slow kisses up the other side of my shaft until she reached the head. She traced her lips again, the head of my dick gliding around her lips in slow circuits, clockwise then counterclockwise.

She took her lips off of me and tossed her ponytail behind her. She released my dick from her grip and started to rub the inside of my thighs up and down with both hands. “Are you going to relax for me?” She asked.

It was only then that my mind could assess any other nerve systems outside of the ones between my legs. My attention had been acutely fixated on the blonde angel that was on her knees in front of me. I noticed my breathing first: shallow, irregular breaths; sudden, silent gasps desperate for air. Then it was the inside of my thighs, taut and strained. But with Kylie’s small hands rubbing the inside of my legs I slowly felt the pleasant pain of release as the lactic acid build-up subsided.

A soft “yes” escaped my lips. My eyes darted everywhere: her breasts, her legs, her lips, her eyes. Always back to her eyes. I could see the whites of her eyes all around her honey-brown irises. Big, brown eyes set rather far apart, slowly blinking her dark eyelashes. It was hypnotizing.

“Did you have a bad day?” she whispered, her voice soft and high. I nodded slowly.

“Are you going to let me take care of you?”

“Please,” was all I could manage to say. She grinned and grabbed my dick and slowly started stroking.

“Lay back and relax.” She purred.

It was then that I realized how tense I was. My back, shoulders, and neck were craned forward to see Kylie. I allowed myself to sink deep into the cushions of the couch. Kylie brought her mouth to the tip of my dick, kissing it lightly before enveloping it with her slick lips. Her warm, wet mouth welcomed my dick. I groaned as her lips receded and pushed down on the top of my dick. Tides of pleasure rose and fell over me in response to the light suction of her mouth.

I closed my eyes and let my head fall back onto the couch cushion for a moment. Maybe it was the beers but there are times in your life where the mind pays extra attention to the moment. It’s as if there is a little “RECORD” button that is pressed and the brain dedicates all of its processing power to documenting every nuanced detail: the smells, the colors, the tastes, the sounds, the feeling. Time slows so that every detail can be captured for posterity.

My dick was swelling and I could feel the pressure from deep within slowly start to build. The pressure traveled up, up, up from my loins and into the base my shaft. Kylie’s slow, sucking sounds came to the forefront of my senses. A slow front of saliva started to run down my shaft as Kylie sucked on the head of my dick.

*The beer-cart girl is sucking my dick in her shed. The beer-*

I was still holding the beer, the beer Kylie had handed me when we first entered. I opened my eyes and realized that I had a death grip on the bottle. My fingers were cold, numbed. This small distraction helped to stifle an early finish. I brought the bottle to my lips and drank, allowing the lager to wash into my mouth and down my throat. I set the beer down on a side table and stared down at Kylie.

Her eyes were closed now and she seemed to be enjoying herself. She rotated her mouth as she went further down on my dick and made small vibrations closer to the base. As she came up her tongue flitted over the tip and then to the underside before she moved her mouth down again. I placed both of my hands lightly on the side of her head, following her head’s lead. Feeling the rhythm as she went up and down, corkscrewing my dick with her mouth. The pressure was starting to build again.

“Oh, Kylie…” I let out.

“Mmmmhmmm,” she mewled and she started to go faster and deeper. My left hand grabbed a handful of couch cushion. My right hand went to the top of her head grabbing her ponytail as I pushed myself deep into her mouth.

The pressure was building; I could feel the swelling rise to the tip of my dick, painfully awaiting a release. She must have sensed that I was close. Her eyes flicked open and once again I was caught in those eyes, those beautiful eyes that demanded your full attention. She was bobbing the length of my shaft now, a quick, wet, rhythmic pace.

“Kylie, I’m going to come…” I said.

“Mmmhmm,” was the only sound she made, not breaking her gaze on me as she bobbed up and down, up and down.

“Where do you want me to come?”

She just raised her eyebrows twice at me in quick succession. *Fuck*.

The tingling at the tip of my dick was in full crescendo. I was past the point of no return. Kylie’s mouth and hand maintained a perfect suction on me, wet, warm, and tight. Suddenly her other hand, grabbed my balls and I tensed. My feet pushed into the ground and my hips rose up from the couch. Kylie went all the way down to the base of my dick and she tugged gently on my balls. My legs shook and my dick throbbed. Then I pulsed, and I pulsed, and I pulsed. Ropes and ropes of my jizz shot into this girl’s mouth. I groaned, almost crying from the release and then collapsed back into the couch, deep breaths gasping for oxygen. Kylie was humming and “mmming” as she glided up and down my dick, cleaning the semen that had escaped her mouth and swallowing it. She locked eyes with me again licked me clean.

“That was amazing…” I said. “Thank you.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she said as she rose to her feet and reached for my beer. She took a quick swig as I pulled up my pants. She straddled me again and I brought her face close to mine and gently kissed her. She reciprocated, and lightly nibbled on my bottom lip. My hands reached around and grabbed her firm bubble butt, massaging it. My dick throbbed again. My mouth moved from hers and then to her jaw, and then to her neck but that’s when she stood up.

“It’s getting late, we should probably head out.” She said.

“Of course,” I paused. “Maybe I can see you soon?”

She smiled and said, “Maybe.”

*Dark, 75 degrees. Humid and foggy.*

I parked my cart behind the club and left the keys in the mailbox as Jenn instructed. I threw my clubs in the back of my SUV and sat in my car for a little while. I was still processing what had occurred in the last hour. My dick was still swollen and dulled but my brain kicked into analysis mode. I didn’t know what this was: a fling? A one-off? Was this the start of something bigger? What did I want? What did Kylie want? Who was Kylie? Why did this happen? Many questions, few answers. I started the car and drove home in silence.

If the ride lasted longer I wouldn’t have minded but by the time I got home I was beat. Remember what I said about the brain focusing all its energy on recording the details of a special moment? It takes a toll.

I dragged myself up a flight of stairs, my heavy feet muffled by the carpet. I dug through my pockets searching for my keys, a dull throb from my dick reminding me of the surreal evening. I found my key, jammed it into the lock and leaned into the door.

The cold air washed over me and my feet automatically took me to the fridge. I retrieved a water bottle and as I closed the fridge, I was reminded of Kylie’s ass, round and firm, stretching against the white cotton booty shorts she had worn today. How she had snapped her head around and caught me looking at her.

I slowly paced my condo, from one room to the next, taking a moment to stand in each room. It was an okay place. It was nothing high-end, just spartan and clean. A functional pad that lacked in character or charm, like it belonged to single man in his early-thirties. I sighed and retreated to the bathroom and took 2 aspirin from the medicine cabinet. I popped them and chased with water. By the time I kicked my shoes off, it was all I could do but to walk over to my bed and collapse on it, surrendering myself to whatever dreams would come.



  1. Nicely done!

    Banging the beer cart girl is on the Mt Rushmore for golfers along with the obvious hole in one and double eagle…

    Is this Rolling Hills in Palos Verdes?

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