Alexander Thorrson. Telling the Story no.8. “Truth”

Alexander’s saintly behavior is sometimes found in his own words. Sometimes, not. We know people often lie to themselves and to each other, but sometimes, in unguarded moments we think, write, or speak the lovely truth, *and we value those moments as they are so infrequent.*

In chapter four, Alexander writes: “When sexual actions are considered sacred ritual, detailed plans can be made, plans to insure all participants have the best time possible, using our warm human bodies to their fullest and most satisfying potential. I save up my semen a full week for Codie. I save up my semen a full month for Kim. Knowing I will not have opportunity to orgasm with these women until a specific place and time, I prepare. Of course, I masturbate while watching videos of my girls playing with vibrators or sucking my erection, or sucking the erections of other boys. Or the girl bringing each other to orgasm with fingers or dildos slippery fast. I masturbate joyfully, fully erect and moaning, but I do not spurt my cream. I save my cream to spurt fully when with each woman.

Being over 60, the semen-production facility is not what is used to be. In my 20s and 30s, I was never concerned about saving anything for any purpose. There was always enough jizz to go around, around the entire block, down the street and into the next county!! Ah, the good old days. Oblivious. Limpid jets of love as easy as breathing fresh air!

*Back then*, my aching cock worked by physical propulsion, like a good sneeze, or a satisfying long pee. I had little self-control, and never even thought about larger goals, and larger purposes for my erections and my blasts of jizz. All that is fine for young men with nothing better to do. But it achieves little, and wastes irreplaceable amounts of time, money and energy. Time, money and energy requires by our civilization for the accomplishment of most anything worthwhile. Love… Well, love is nice too. But it does little good on its own without time, money and personal energy.

Laziness is one quality found most everywhere, among all humans. Even when they love each other. And that does little good, long-term for anyone. For this reason, my deliberate effort, to save my modest loads of semen, to enhance the joy I share with each specific woman… that is worthwhile, making a difference, making a religion.

When a girl wants burst of cream on her face, or a gushing stream into her mouth, a polite gentleman plans ahead, to make sure he has a sufficient quantity for her pleasure. Also, I find, saving the semen makes my own orgasms more ecstatic, with wild abandon, like the orgasms of my youth, except now with deliberate purpose and control. And of course, those hours of cock-stroking, those hours of saving my cum, were also full of joy, sustained joy, well-controlled. The elderly gentleman’s erections do not pop up in a split-second as was normal in my youth, but the erections *last longer* and are entirely within my consciousness control. Yes. Think about that. Add that to your bag of tricks!!

Yes. Yes. I know this sounds like middle-school sex education for many grown-ups. But for others my ideas and my way of life are *disruptive.* They have church sacraments and rituals, but have nothing similar in their sex lives, and cannot even imagine a joyful, orgasmic religious purpose in their sex lives. Or, they have nothing sacred at all in their lives, and do not believe in actions or ideas which are sacred. Those smart, self-confident people are the worst. Nearly impossible to talk to, because they believe they already know everything, and already have a rational and accurate descriptions of Reality…. without anything being sacred, eternally relevant, spiritually glorious and religious.

There is nothing I can think, write, say or do to open such closed minds. When I describe beautiful burst of sacred semen, such people believe I am exaggerating. As if nothing sacred exists among erection cocks, aroused vaginae and all the gallons of semen shot daily across the surface of our planet. More semen is spent each day than all the holy water in all the Christian churches. Tidal pools of semen.

Disruptive ideas like mine will most likely be buried and ignored, never seen on the New York Times Bestseller list, never mentioned in any print or online magazine. Buried deep. And I truly have no control over that. And I truly do not care. I make no money from the words I commit to paper, nor the words I commit electronically to my 8,000+ daily readers. **I want nothing from any of my readers, except a few moments of their time. So I might entertain them, or give them a few new ideas to toss about.**

I laugh at the impossible, attempted micro-management of government and corporate control-freaks. The current. attempted corporate control of both print and online media, a vain, self-glorifying wish to make the spread of any new ideas to a large audience impossible, impossible for the unanointed plebs, the serfs, the economic slaves. But, I still manage to attract a large audience. Imagine my monthly audience of 60,000 to 80,000+ people all gathered in one place, like an outdoor amphitheater concert by some loud and cheerful rock band! What a fine party that would be! And they might drink beer and smoke weed, and discuss my ideas in detail with each other! And have an orgasm or two.

**Printed Books** like mine will be read by five people, maybe ten. Printed books no longer reach the massive adult audience. I write these words, my religious ideas, from personal necessity, knowing the ideas will never be enshrined in university libraries, nor city or county libraries in printed books, and never make any money for New York publishers, nor any publisher of printed books.

Two, three or four decades from now, other people will think similar thoughts for themselves, and go looking for sexual religions on their version of the internet–

Good luck to them. The internet may be totally controlled and censored by then, in most places. Perhaps a few will talk about their ideas with each other, and ignore the invented and false views of Reality pushed by their overlords. Those future young people might laugh about our current widespread view, of non-spiritual orgasms, orgasms familiar to tens of millions of people, and never considered more important than a sneeze.

This truth exists, like the Rings of Saturn, not effected at all by what people say or write, nor by experts, nor political nor religious leaders. Not effected at all by government or corporate control of the internet. The Rings of Saturn are what they are, and do what they do.

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