Wife goes on girls trip

For a little back ground. My wife , Sally, commutes to work about an hour and 45 minutes each way. She been working at the same hospital for many years. She’s became very close to 3 of her coworkers and about every two months she will commute to go out with them for a girls night. On the last girls night they decided that they wanted to go on a girls trip. In the 15 years together my wife as only taken 2 trips without me and they were very early on in our relationship. I on the other hand have had to travel many times for work and have taken a few boys trips. Granted I haven’t taken a boys trip in over 7 years since our son was born.

Whenever I travelled I looked forward to it as typically Sally would send me sexy messages and pictures through out the day and we’d usually get each other off at night sending dirty pictures and messages. With the shoe being on the other foot I wasn’t sure what the 4 days she’d be gone would bring but was looking forward to it.

It came to the day she was leaving and she was packing her outfits. When she opened her panty drawer I stepped in front of her and said, “I’m picking out your panties, if I get lucky and you decide to send me some naughty pictures, I want you to be wearing my favorites”

Sally responded, “You’re wasting your time, these girls have a full itinerary for us and I’m not going to have no time for that”

I stood my ground and pulled out a pink wide lace thong that had strings laced back and forth on the back triangle, a black lace g string that has the double straps on the side, a pair of satin green boy shorts and blue cotton thong and tossed them into her suitcase.

I said, “it’s better to be prepared and not need them then need them and not have them” I gave her a little smack on the ass and let her finish packing. I watched her put way the rest of her clothes in the suite case and she went to the bathroom to get her skin care and toiletries. As soon as she was out of sight I grabbed her purple rabbit vibe out of her panty drawer and buried it between her clothes.

Sally swears she hasn’t used it by herself since having our son. Pre kiddo that girl would masturbate more than me. On her days off she always started the day with getting herself off with it in the shower and would usually have another round by lunch time. I LOVE watching her fuck herself and see it move in and out off her but it’s been years now and was hoping after a few days with the girls and no kid she might feel up to it and FaceTime me while she played with herself.

She came back in and finished packing none the wiser she had a naughty little surprise tucked away.

She gathered her finally things and I loaded up the car for her. She was driving as their destination in the mountains was only about an hour from us but about 2.5 hours for the rest of the girls.

I kissed her goodbye and said, “if you miss me so much that you can make it, just call and I’ll come get you” in a joking tone.

Sally responded, “leave my first girls trip early, ha! You got better chances of winning the lottery. “ she grabbed my cock through my shorts and continued, “don’t rub this raw while I’m gone, I’m sure I’ll need it when I get back”

I was surprised at he level of fowardness as I hadn’t seen that from her in quite some time.

“Don’t worry, it will be ready” I responded. I shut the door for her and watched her turn out of of the drive way and thought to myself this might be a fun few days if that was any indication of how thing were going to go.

It was 9am so I went in and made breakfast for the kiddo and myself and worked around the house getting something that I had put off for too long done. I told myself that I wouldn’t check up on her and to leave her alone until she was ready Tom text me.

About an hour and 20 minutes later I got a simple text from Sally, “made it”

I responded, “great! Be safe and have fun”

I went about my chores and lost track of time and went and checked my phone. About 2 hours ago I got a text with a string of angry emojis and it said, “I was unpacking while talking to Ash and the vibe feel out and hit the floor! I was sooo embarrassed. Ash just laughed and i quickly hid it away. Mortifying!”

A second message said, “really? You’re not going to respond to that” from about an hour ago.

I responded with a laughing emoji and said, “I know you girls talk about all types of details about each other sex’s lives. I’m sure it wasn’t that embarrassing. Have fun with it tonight”

I instantly got an another text with another string of angry emojis.

I laughed to myself and went on with my day. I didn’t hear anything from Sally and I got the kiddo in bed.

About 930 pm i got a Text. “We’re at this wine bar and all we’ve done today is eat, drink and talk about sex. I’m so fucking horny I’ve soaked my panties and I can’t drink any more without getting sick. I hope the girls give it up soon so I can back to the house and some relief”

I was instantly hard thinking about her being so wet and realized I didn’t see what panties she put on on this morning. So I asked, “what panties do you have on?”

She responded, “just the plain white cotton thong”

I normally would not have been thrilled in the choice but knowing that it would be pretty damn sexy wet and clung to her pussy I just had to see it.

“Show me” I responded

I rubbed myself with anticipation.

About 10 minutes later I got got a picture.

It was Sally standing up presumably in the bathroom. She had her dress pulled up and her legs spread and her white thong was almost see through from how wet she was. I could her little landing strip and each of her lips perfectly.

Ding a second picture. The angle was reversed pointing down now and her panties were pulled down about half way down her thighs. I could see her bare pussy and 3 clear strands of her juices stretching from her pussy down to her panties.

Holly fuck she wasnt kidding. I love eating pussy and there’s nothing better than when she’s already sloppy wet when I get my mouth between her legs.

I responded, “omg you look delicious. Too bad it’s going to waste, I’d die to have your juices dripping into my mouth. What have y’all been talking about about that has you so worked up?”

I got nothing back….

I was about to bust but I stopped rubbing myself in hopes I’d get something better later.

About 1 am my phone rang. I barely got to it before it went to voice mail.
“Hello?” I said half asleep.

Sally whispered, “holy fuck tonight went crazy. We left the wine bar shortly after I texted you and came home. Ash,Jess and tori kept drinking when we got home. And……”

I waited for a minute then prompted, “and?”

“Well I was sitting in the arm chair, and ash and Jess were on the love chair together and tori was laying across the long couch. Our conversation was mostly about sex and such. I was dying so I grabbed a blanket and slipped my hand down my pajamas and started to rub myself trying To get some relief”

I cut in and said, “wait you mean to tell me that you we’re fingering yourself in the room full of your friends?”

She responded still whispering, “yes, I’m pretty sure Tori was too. I could see the blanket rising and falling slowly, it felt so naughty and my heart was racing from fear of being caught”

This got my attention fully. Out of 3 Tori was the most attractive. She was ultra petite with long jet black hair. She had these super long thin legs that begged to be crawled between. She had small perky a cups that I’d kill to see.

“Damn, I can’t believe it but now I wish I got to go” I said

Sally just continued as I didn’t responded but I heard her rustling and heard the familiar hum of her vibe. Then it got quieter and I knew Sally was fucking herself. I started to jack off too.

“I was watching Tori and her eyes went wide and I thought I was caught and jerked my hand out of my pants and tried to play it off. I followed her eyes and gasped out loud. Jess had straddled ash and they were making out with each other.”

I gasped too at her words and said, “holy shit please tell me you got a video or something?” The words left my mouth before my brain could filter them.

Again she just kept talking as if I didn’t speak. But

“They both told me to relax at the same time. Ash said, “it’s no big deal, we’re just blowing off some steam” and laughed as she started to kiss Jess’s neck. I couldn’t believe it. I watched them for a couple minutes before I could pull my eyes off of them and looked back at Tori and she was no longer being discreet. She had sat up an had her legs spread and had her hand down her pants feverishly working herself. Jess looked back and noticed too and said, “relax Sally enjoy the show like tori.” Then she pulled off ash’s shirt and started kissing her breast. I shoved my hand down my pants and pushed 3 fingers in me as I watched. Ash as amazing tits”

Sally paused around a moan.

My god did my wife just refer to another women tits as amazing? And tell me she just had some lesbian group masturbation session?

“I was so close to getting off when Jess got up and led ash to her room. I think they are fucking in there. I can hear the occasionally moaning. Thank god You packed my toy. Tell me something dirty.”

I knew she was close so my questions would have to wait.

“If you were here I’d have you grinding that soaked pussy over my face” I said

“Dirtier” she demanded

“I wish I could eat your ass while you fuck yourself”

“Dirtier “she demanded again

Hell with it I thought. Time to let a secret out of the bag.

“The other night when you were on top, and I had you pulled to my chest with my hands squeezing both your ass cheeks and I said to you, “I want to fill both your holes” I wasn’t thinking with my finger or toy. I was thinking about another cock in you pounding your ass as I had your pussy and feeling you contract around me as you came and I unload in you as the other cock filled your ass” I said

I heard her cumming and I came with her.

We laid there without speaking. My mind race with everything she just said listening to her breathing return to normal. I was about to speak when I heard a knock and a voice say, “hey sal you up”

Sally clearly panicked said, “oh shit Tori is at my door, I got to go . I love you. Goodnight”. She hung up before I could respond…..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ubqvbk/wife_goes_on_girls_trip


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