Prince of Lust outtake [MM]

“Luke take it *now*,” Asmodeus pleaded.

Luke watched his lover intently as he stroked himself. This was a luxury Luke had never been able to witness. The only reason Asme was indulging him was because Luke promised to take over when he was told, but the rapture on Asme’s face had Luke entranced. Asme whimpered as his strokes got faster. He kept going as if he couldn’t stop. Luke smiled slyly at him, enjoying seeing Asme’s hand glide up and down his cock. Luke was stroking his own half-heartedly.

Asme pressed his forehead to Luke’s and kissed him urgently, “Please, Luke, I can’t hold out anymore.”

Luke shrugged, “Then don’t on my account, I’m enjoying this.”

Luke brought their lips together again. Asme groaned in frustration against him. Luke wrapped his arm around Asme’s body and brought him close. Asme fell into him, keeping just enough distance between them to continue what he was doing. Luke’s hand wandered down his body, clutching his firm ass cheeks. Asme moaned loudly. The demon buried his head into Luke’s neck and nipped him.

“Hey!” Luke shouted with a laugh, “That *almost* hurt.”

“Good,” Asme snarled. He started rocking his hips into Luke’s, “Because this *does* hurt.”

Luke let himself go and reached over to Asme, tracing his finger over the tip of the demon’s cock. Asme hissed at the contact, “Is this what you want?”

Asme let out what sounded like a strangled cry into Luke’s neck, his pre-cum dripping over Luke’s finger, “Yes, *please*.”

“This situation is usually reversed, love,” Luke pointed out as he circled Asme’s cockhead once more, “Don’t think I’m not going to draw it out.”

“Fucking human,” Asme groaned as he thrust his hips into Luke’s hand.

“Horny demon,” Luke countered.

Luke stiffened as he felt some of Asme’s power rise in the room, his lust for the demon amplifying to a level it hadn’t in a while. He sucked in a deep breath as he tried to ignore Asme’s probing. The need for his partner was overwhelming him. The need to see his release, to feel it over his body. He moaned as he felt it tickle his more intimate parts, arching his back and grasping Asme tighter in his hand.

“That’s a dirty trick, Asme,” Luke whispered, “But you forget that I know how long you can hold out, I can keep you here as long as I want to.”

Asme lifted his head and glared at Luke.

“You are a dirty trick, human,” he huffed, “That mark on your chest has given you far too much confidence.”

Luke kissed him softly, biting his bottom lip as he moved back. Asme groaned.

“But you love it, demon,” Luke said, “Don’t ever forget that.”

“Don’t remind me,” Asme rolled his eyes. His thrusts into Luke’s hand were getting more frantic.

Luke bumped his hand against Asme’s as he tried to take over. Asme seemed a little reluctant, though Luke knew why. He was teasing the demon with trust issues. Luke let him go and took hold of his hand instead, guiding the demon’s movements. Asme shuddered under the touch.

“Let go, I’ll take it from here,” Luke whispered in his ear.

Asme relented, and Luke did as promised. There was no need for any lube, the demon was slick with his own pre-cum. Luke groaned at the velvety feel of his lover’s cock in his hands. Asme continued to thrust into his hand, rocking Luke on the bed with the power. Luke moved his other hand to Asme’s waist, squeezing him, and loving the feel of the demon’s muscles under his hand. Asme lifted himself up onto his elbows and dropped his head beside Luke’s ear.

His shuddering groans filled Luke’s body, echoing through him. Luke tried to pull him closer, but Asme stayed put, his body quaking with the need for release. Asme crashed his lips against Luke’s and moaned softly into his mouth. Luke had never felt his need this urgently.

“*FUCK*,” Asme roared. He threw his head back as his release splashed over Luke’s stomach, across his chest, and leaked down his hand. Luke braced himself as Asme’s body spasmed over the top of him. The demon’s chest heaved with the strength of his orgasm until he finally collapsed on top of Luke, breathing hard and limp.

Luke let Asme go and brought his arms around Asme’s torso, hugging the demon as close to him as he could. Asme was whimpering against him, the aftershocks of his orgasm still taking root in his body. His head rested on Luke’s chest right on the mark over Luke’s heart. Luke smiled as he dragged his hand down Asme’s back.

“Now *that* was worth the wait,” he remarked. Asme growled.

“I’m never doing that again,” Asme complained.

“You seemed to like it just fine.”

“Like it? You tortured me!” Asme pinched his side playfully.

“No, you’re just used to getting an orgasm whenever you demand one,” Luke laughed, “You didn’t like not being in control.”

“Well I am a…”

“Prince? Were you going to say Prince? Because technically so am I,” Luke reached up Asme’s neck and wrenched his head up. Asme looked amused, to Luke’s relief.

“I was going to say ruler, but that works, too,” Asme broke free of Luke’s grasp, “You, human, are the only being on this planet that can get away with doing what you just did.”

“I know,” Luke grinned, “And I will keep doing it, because in here, you are not a prince, you are not a ruler, you are my husband.”

“If you insist,” Asme said, “But know, I will not give you release now because you denied mine so long.”

“Ahhh, you can’t take what you give,” Luke smiled, “But that’s fine. I got what I wanted.”

Asme cocked his head, “What could that possibly be?”

“Seeing you, desperate, begging for me to make you come,” Luke shrugged. Asme frowned and stood from the bed.

“Humans are weird,” he shot Luke a glance out of the corner of his eyes, and then looked pointedly at Luke’s crotch, “You’re still hard and you’re saying you don’t want release?”

“I’ve been a priest for years, Asme. I can ignore my dick,” Luke slid to the corner of the bed, grimacing as the cum on his stomach started sliding down his body, “What I can’t ignore is this sticky mess.”

Asme laughed at that, “You can ignore your dick, but not cum on your chest?”

“Priorities,” Luke joked.

“You know, if you were willing to swallow it, there would be no ‘sticky mess’.”

“Look, I just got used to the whole being married to a man thing, let me ease into the swallowing cum thing,” Luke smiled at Asme, knowing the demon wouldn’t press the matter.

“As you wish,” Asme chuckled, “You’re lucky I actually like you, though. I’ve never tolerated this much insolence from a lover.”

“But I’m not just a lover, am I?”

Asme pressed his body against Luke’s, “No, you will never be just a lover.”

Luke shivered as Asme dragged his hand down the side of Luke’s face. Asme leaned forward and kissed him, a gentle reminder of what they were to each other.

“I’ve outcast myself from my territory and travelled across realms for you, and I would do it again in a heartbeat if you wanted. I’d stay here with you in your realm for eternity if you wanted,” Asme whispered, “Don’t ever forget that.”

“I won’t,” Luke said, “If I had known someone like you was out there in the world, I never would have joined the priesthood. But I would repeat everything again just so I could meet you all over.”

“You would have met me regardless.”

Asme’s conviction filled Luke with warmth. He settled against Asme’s body, letting his lover encase him with strong arms. Luke had never thought himself to be weak or submissive, but he was perfectly content being both around Asme. Anything to keep his demon happy.
