How to Cucc a Succ Day 01 [Fantasy, Succubus, couple, MFF, public sex, teasing, challenge]

Hello fellow readers! This is a continuation; the first part is titled “Day 00” and should be read first.

Hope you enjoy it!

I have arrived at the target location and have settled into the guest bedroom with no troubles at all. As you know, I have been doing this kind of thing for a long time and can get a pretty good idea on how well I’ll do in the first few moments. I can say with utmost certainty, we’ve got this one in the bag! Though Penny will be a tough shell to crack, Nick is already hanging by a thread. As soon as I can get him alone, it’s over! But I do have to be aware that Penny is on to me. She won’t let him out of her sight for long. Anyways! I’m sure I’ll see you in a day or two and then we can work out what to do with this house. It really is kind of cute.

Yours Indefinitely,

Kelly held out her hand. A tightly rolled scroll sat balanced on her palm. She closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated on her master’s drop box. One of her elven ears twitched and then the scroll burst into a controlled plum of blue fire. It vanished in an instant and Kelly wiped her hands in a job well done gesture. Now that she was out of the sight of Nick and Penny, she put on a loose fitting silk robe and admired her current figure in the vanity mirror.

She was short this time and that was not surprising. The couple that summoned her were not tall people. She ran her hands over her wide hips and then turned to see how the curve of her round ass complimented her body shape. Her breasts were heavy but that was a common thing that happened when humans summoned her. Kelly pinched her pierced nipples and shivered at the feeling it gave her. This body was designed to fit the desires of the couple that performed the ritual. They did not even realize that her biological chemistry was already working against them. She was made for them.

‘Not bad,’ Kelly thought as she finished her inspection. She could not wait to see how fast these poor fools would break.

How to Cucc a Succ Day 1: Let it Win

Monday morning started normally enough. The couple woke up early with 5am alarms blaring from their smartphone speakers. It was a groggy hour to be waking up. Both Nick and Penny forced themselves out of bed with much protest and many grunts. The previous night felt more like a fever dream than anything based in reality. They did not even speak of it while dressing and preparing for their day. It was not until Nick was dressed and walking towards the kitchen, that they were reminded about the deal they made.

Nick opened their bedroom door and the scent of coffee wafted in. The living room was already lit up with strategically placed lamps. Their furniture was stacked neatly in the center of the den. All of it was covered in protective plastic. Heavy cloth sheets covered the hardwood floors and blue painter’s tape could be seen on every edge. How this had been accomplished in complete silence was a mystery. Nick was a light sleeper, any of this should have woken him.

Kelly was standing in the middle of the mess. She was wearing a set of overalls covered in colorful paint smears and her blonde hair was done up in a high ponytail. She was wearing nothing underneath the overalls; her generous bust was spilling out the sides and her cleavage looked deep enough to drown in. Kelly was holding paint swatches and eyeing the walls critically when her purple irises landed on a very stunned Nick.

“Good morning, Nick!” Kelly said, her face radiating good cheer.

“Coffee is in the pot, I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself?”

“Oh, not at all,” Nick replied. “Feel free.”

“Thanks babe. Which do you think is better?” Kelly asked.

She spun away from him and her black wings could be seen under the overalls. They currently looked more like tattoos than limbs. They were pressed to her back, motionless and did not seem to bulge out from her skin at all.

Kelly held up two paint cards with nearly similar colors. She did not really want an opinion, the color was already chosen. Her real intentions involved a slow sway of her tail. Kelly had ripped a place in the overalls, right at the top of the ass seam. Her tail was poking out of the denim hole and that was provocative enough on its own but, the ass beneath it was also swaying slowly. Kelly took a peek over her shoulder and saw that Nick was looking where she wanted him to look. His eyes were following her tail like he was hypnotized.

Slowly, Kelly moved her tail closer to Nick and brushed his bare legs lightly. He was wearing gym clothes and Kelly knew how to take advantage of comfortable clothing.

“Nick,” Kelly whispered. “The colors?”

“Huh?” Nick asked.

He shook his head to clear the fog that watching her tail made.

“Oh! The left one,” he finally said.

“You didn’t even look!” Kelly huffed. “Come here!”

Kelly’s tail quickly wrapped around Nick’s waist and pulled him closer. He was damn near pressed against her ass and just barely stopped himself from doing that on his own. Nick’s hands rarely needed a constant invitation to start groping someone but he held them stiffly next to his body. Being this close caused Kelly’s pheromones to infiltrate his senses. It was like vanilla cream on an autumn breeze. The smell was causing Nick’s brain to misfire with lust.

Kelly moved her body back, pressing cheek to cheek with Nick like she was just innocently lining up their perspectives.

Nick felt the heat of her skin soaking into his far deeper than it should. One of her curved horns gently scratched the top of his scalp and caused a chill to go down his spine. Kelly held the color index up again while her tail slowly curled around Nick’s right leg. It began to slither up to his very open shorts leg.

“Focus up, babe,” Kelly whispered. “These colors are very unique. You need to really take them in.”

“Yeah?” Nick asked, sounding far away.

His heart was hammering in his chest. Kelly’s firm ass was pressed against his crotch and he was already rock hard. The feeling of her tail climbing up his leg was sending goosebumps racing over his skin. Though he felt compelled to grind against her, Nick did his best to stay still. He needed to at least look at the colors.

“I still like the left one,” Nick answered.

Ever so lightly, almost gently enough to be considered accidental, Kelly began to move her hips. This caused just enough friction between them to be noticed. She felt Nick shudder, his resolve cracked a little more. His hands twitched as if they longed to be on her.

“I agree. The left one is better.”

Penny’s voice was like a bucket of ice water being dumped on them. Nick flinched back in guilt but Kelly only smiled widely. Penny was standing with an amused look on her face, hands crossed over her chest. She was dressed in tight pants that made her round ass pop and a tank top that showed off her colorful tattoos. She was ready for the gym while Nick appeared to be ready for eternal damnation.

“You’ve got excellent taste!” Kelly said, winking at Penny.

“I know,” Penny responded flatly.

She was trying to cover her real feelings. Nick being teased by the succubus had done something for her. Penny felt her own loins heating up while watching her husband sink further into Kelly’s trap. She only spoke up when she felt like Nick was in real trouble. Even then, she considered letting it go a little farther. Just to see what Nick would do next.

“Nick, honey? Are you ready to go?” Penny asked.

She had to pull her own head out of the gutter.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Nick responded, sheepishly.

Nick and Penny drove to their local gym in separate vehicles. They normally begin their day with a work out before heading off to their jobs. Although their lives were not exactly normal at the moment, routine is what makes the world go around. They figured the easiest way to get through this week would be to keep it as close to their usual habits as possible. They considered the possibility of having to spend more time outside of their house. It had not even been 24 hours and Nick was already cock-to-ass with the succubus. With that trajectory, they would be doomed in no time.

Penny felt sweat run down her face and shook her head to clear the drop away. The bar in her hands was padded with foam that her fingers squeezed into when she pulled the weight to her chest. The swirl of water was normally satisfying but Penny was not focused on her actual surroundings. She was thinking about Nick pressed against that succubus. Penny tugged the bar of the rowing machine again. Her body worked on autopilot while her mind kept the image locked in place.

Penny glanced around and saw Nick on a treadmill. He was casually jogging while watching the televisions mounted to the ceiling. She felt a bit annoyed by how carefree he looked. He had been the one who got all touchy-feely with the succubus but, here she was, having to be the one to overthink it. The more she thought about it, the more worries began to mount up against her. A drop of sweat seemed to be resting right on her temple, just beneath her glasses. She shook her head a little more aggressively.

Penny tugged the pull bar harder.

‘The problem isn’t just Nick,’ she thought. ‘The problem is how much I want her too!’

The cyclone in front of Penny roared to life and died down.

‘The problem is I want that fucking tail wrapped around my leg!’

The same drop of sweat began to crawl down the side of Penny’s face. It was creeping and mocking her. Just there on her face and not moving away. Penny bared her teeth and pulled the bar again. The burning in her arms was almost enough to make Kelly’s taunting smile leave her mind. Almost.

‘The problem is, we’re fucking doomed!’

The drop of sweat moved another inch and that was all Penny could stand. In a silent fit, Penny let go of the bar and nearly slapped herself in the face in frustration. She aggressively removed the offending drop of salty water from her skin. A red rage fell over her for just a second and she pushed it away. Feeling no satisfaction in the miniscule victory, Penny snatched her stuff off the equipment and stomped towards the treadmills. The frustration inside her was making her reckless.

Penny absorbed the look of fear in Nick’s eyes when he saw her approaching. He thought he was in trouble. She would not dispel his assumption just yet. She hopped up on the machine next to him and did not even wait for him to come to a complete stop.

“My car. Now.”

Penny walked out of the gym without further explanation.

“What’s going on?” Nick asked.

He sat down in the passenger seat and closed the door.

The car was already running. Penny put it in drive and aggressively maneuvered them through the parking lot. Without a word, she drove to the dark side of the building without many lights and pulled under a tree. Penny threw the car in park. She looked at Nick with a stern face and then got out of the car.

Confused and scared of what might be coming, Nick got out of the car too.

“Penny, What the hell?” Nick asked.

He watched as Penny circled the car like she might want to fight him.

“Is this about this morning?”

“You’re damn right, it is!” Penny answered, sharply.

Penny threw her face into Nick’s and kissed him. There was no warm up, her tongue was just in his mouth and moving like a live wire. Her body pressed into his with enough force to nearly push him over. The car saved them from falling backwards but even if they had, Penny would have still gotten what she needed. She finally broke the kiss but held her husband close.

“You need to fuck me. Right now,” Penny growled.

She nipped sharply at Nick’s lips.

Nick grinned widely at Penny and assumed the position. They were not, quickies in a dark parking lot, amateurs. By now, they both knew how this would best work. Penny bent at the waist and waited. Her arms were crossed in front of her on the hood. She smiled to herself and wiggled her ass slightly, imitating Kelly a little.

Nick let out an amused sound. He recognized what she was doing and gave her a playful pop on the ass. Nick reached up for the waist of Penny’s tight workout pants and hooked his fingers under the band. He slid them down quickly. Penny’s big, white ass was suddenly bare in front of him with goosebumps puckering her skin. He squeezed her soft flesh with one hand while fishing his cock out with the other.

Nick stepped up behind Penny and reached forward. He grabbed a fist full of curly brown hair and pulled it back. Penny hissed out a moan through clenched teeth. With his other hand, Nick aimed his cock for Penny’s waiting pussy. Without much effort at all, he slid all the way inside of her. Penny was soaked and moaned out again as he sank into her.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Penny moaned, her voice muffled by the car.

“Holy shit. You’re soaked!” Nick exclaimed.

“Your fault. Playing with Kelly this morning. That was fucking hot.” Penny said in between thrusts from Nick.

“I know! Oh fuck, baby!”

“What was her tail like?” Penny asked and squeezed her nipple through her shirt.

“It was soft, kind of like silicone. It was really warm too,” Nick answered.

His hips were moving in a good rhythm now.

“I want to feel it,” Penny gasped.

A familiar pressure was gathering in her lower stomach. Nick’s cock was in a good angle and knocking against something inside her. The friction was causing the pressure to rise and Penny cried out and moved her hips to keep Nick hitting the right spot.

“Fuck! I’m close! You’re on the spot!”

Nick, knowing what she meant, kept his form steady. He did not want to do anything that would disrupt the orgasm that was just seconds away. The damn catch was, this was the first thing in the morning. Nick always woke up ready to put his morning wood to work with a quickie. He never lasted long in the early hours of a day. Plus, when Penny starts to behave like this, it drives Nick nuts. Seeing his wife orgasm has always been the best way to make Nick blow his load. It became a bit of a challenge for Nick to hold out just long enough to send Penny over the edge.

“So close!” Penny moaned.

“Fuck!” Nick responded.

He pumped harder, the spot be damned.

“Oh shit!” Penny cried out as it finally happened.

The change in pressure broke the dam and the orgasm flooded Penny’s system. The radiating waves of pleasure crashed against her breakers and she shook from the force of it. Penny’s mind went blissfully white and for a few precious seconds, her thoughts were completely blank.

As Penny’s body began to tremble, Nick slammed his hips forward. His cock was as deep as he could get it and that was where he always wanted it to be.

“I’m cumming!” Nick groaned and threw his head back.

He held Penny’s ass tightly pressed to his lower stomach. He wanted to make sure she could not move for the next few seconds. Nick held the rushing cum back for as long as he could and was finally defeated in the best way possible.

“Oh. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!” Nick cried out.

His cock was like an over pressurized soda bottle finally being uncapped. He felt each pulse of hot cum as it shot from his twitching cock.

“Fuck yes, give it to me!” Penny breathed.

She moved her hips to force some more stimulation on him.

After feeling the last ebbing wave of the orgasm fade away, Nick pulled away from his wife and flopped his back against the cool metal and glass of the door. A dribble of cum dangled from his shrinking cock for a second before splashing to the asphalt.

Penny felt Nick’s seed, slowly seeping out. If she did not clean it up soon, she would likely have a stain on her workout pants. She did not hurry; without the sexual frustration, the wetness on her skin did not bother her as much. She doubted it mattered because she no longer felt like working out. There was a shower stall in the gym, seducing her with cleansing promises.

Both of them were breathing hard and letting their bodies feel the rush of the endorphins. The morning air was crisp and refreshing after the heated moment.

After a few seconds, Nick said, “we’re uhh, in real trouble here, aren’t we?”

“No. We don’t have to be. We just have to make sure we don’t have anything left for her.” Penny said, smiling wickedly.

She wiggled her hips and pulled her pants back up.

A musical chime came from the speakers of Penny’s still running car. It was a text message notification. Curious about who could be texting her at this hour, she ducked into the car and grabbed her phone. The message was from an unknown number but she instantly knew who sent it. Feeling a chill crawl up her spine, Penny turned the screen so Nick could see the massage.

‘I hope you guys are enjoying the morning workout! ;) <3 Kelly’

Nick’s eyes went wide and he asked, “how could she know we did this?”

“I don’t know,” Penny answered. “But I want to change my answer. We are in big trouble here.”
Nick sat in his car, unsure with what to do next. He could drive home but that was a bad idea. Penny was not due to get home from work until 6pm. He could not safely spend two hours alone with Kelly. No man was that strong. He could not deny that he kind of wanted to go home. It would be dangerous but being pressed up against Kelly had been amazing. Nick rarely went a moment throughout the day without that on his mind.

The way she smelled kept creeping into his recollection. Every time he thought of her firm ass pressed against his groin, he would begin to stiffen in his work slacks. He could not forget the overwhelmingly erotic feeling of Kelly’s warm tail caressing his leg. Nick wondered what she would actually do with it during sex.

Nick shook himself, clearing away the haze of lust that was trying to overcome his good sense. No, he would not be going home right now. Kelly was too new and eager for him to risk his eternal freedom just yet. Besides, Penny and Nick did not have a traditional relationship. Having sex with strangers was on the table in their marriage. The biggest rule to that though? They were a package deal. If one of them was going to hell, the other would be right there in the passenger seat.

Nick decided to go back to the gym. It was a good way to get rid of extra energy. He also figured that exhaustion might be an effective tool against the succubus. Nick may have good stamina but he was just a human.

With a heavy metal playlist in his ears, Nick hopped on a treadmill. He set a good pace to do a 7 minute warm up mile. Just a couple minutes into his run, Nick caught a glimpse of a blonde ponytail flashing in his peripheral. He quickly turned his head and saw a stranger using an elliptical machine. She did have blonde hair but that was the only similarity to Kelly. Nick took a gulp of water and tried to get back into the right headspace for running. He heard someone pass behind his machine and then the scent of vanilla filled his nose. He looked again but only saw more ordinary people.

‘Oh no,’ Nick thought just before his phone buzzed in the cup holder.

He slowed the treadmill to a light jog. Nick had a pretty good guess to who might be texting him. None of this felt like a coincidence.

‘Before and after work? Jeez, are you training for a marathon?’

Nick recognized the number from this morning. He wiped his hand and responded, ‘how in the hell do you know where I’m at?’

‘Because I’m here too! Lol Look up.’

Nick looked up and did not see Kelly. He swept his eyes across the crowded room and could not make out anyone who looked like her. He was about to respond when she texted him.

‘Just kidding! I’m far too busy to leave the house, duh! I can scry through electronics. Anywhere that has a camera is wide open to me.’

‘Oh. That’s cool.’ Nick replied. He was suddenly aware of the camera attached to the front of his screen.

‘It’s very cool! Are you avoiding coming home for some reason?’

‘Why would I do a thing like that?’ Nick responded, feeling an exciting tingle.

‘Beats me. Don’t you want to see all the hard work I’ve done?’

‘I’ll see it soon.’

‘Here, I’ll give you a peek. ;)’

The following message was a picture. To her credit, it did show a little bit of a wall that looked freshly painted. However, Nick’s eyes never made it to that detail. Most of the picture was Kelly’s bare breasts. She was holding one of them, the pierced nipple squeezed between her fingers. A smear of teal paint was on her pale skin. It indicated she was naked while painting the walls.

‘What do you think?’

Nick debated for a moment and then typed his reply. He decided to be a little flirty back. What could that harm?

‘That color looks great on you.’

‘Yeah? A splash of white looks even better on me.’

Nick tried to swallow the lump in his throat. It would not clear so he took a shot of cold water. He was far out of his depths here. He was trying to figure out what to say when his phone buzzed again.

‘I know what you mean. I could eat pussy all night. Lol’

Nick stared at his phone in confusion. The message came from Kelly but it was disjointed and random. He deleted the measly response he was trying to form.

‘Uhh, what?’

‘Oh shit! My bad. I’m texting Penny too and got mixed up on who’s message I was on. Sorry!’

Texting Penny? About eating pussy? Nick’s heart skipped a beat and he nearly stumbled on the moving belt.

‘That sounds like an interesting conversation.’

‘Bet your ass, it is!’ Kelly responded and then a couple seconds later, ‘oh wait! You already did that! LMFAO!’

Nick cracked out a laugh and got a few looks from the people around him. Kelly then sent Nick a few screenshots. It was the conversation between his wife and the succubus. Nick started to read through them but stopped before it got too spicy. He was in thin shorts in a crowded gym. Getting an erection now would be quite embarrassing. Nick turned his music up and screen off. He threw himself into a rigorous workout that would hopefully drain him. Kelly was making too much progress, he would not lie to himself about that.
Penny sat in her office chair with her eyes on a computer screen and mind in the clouds. The faces of clients all blended together as the day wore on and so did the words on the monitor. Penny went through the motions of her job and wished the clock would move faster. She knew it was a bad reason to feel excited but Penny could not wait to go home. The danger involved around the challenge they found themselves in was not scaring her enough. In fact, it was turning Penny on. On top of that, she and Kelly have been steadily texting each other throughout the day.

The conversation started off innocently enough. They talked about the house and Kelly’s plans. Then they chatted about themselves and some interests. Out of nowhere, Kelly sent Penny a picture of her bare tits with a paint smear on them. That’s when the conversation became steamy. It was now raunchy enough to make Penny tilt her screen away from her coworkers.

Presently, Penny picked up her phone and opened the latest text from Kelly.

‘That sounds like fun! Did you enjoy it?’

‘I did but it was with his Ex. It was a little weird but I liked eating her pussy while he fucked me.’

‘You like eating pussy?’

‘Hell yes! It makes me feel strong and I like making people cum.’

It took Kelly a little longer to respond this time but she eventually did.

‘I know what you mean. I could eat pussy all night. Lol’

Penny bit her tongue and tried to come up with something witty to say. Kelly was a master of innuendo and Penny was struggling to keep up with the superior flirting. She never was too great at this kind of thing though. Nick was the wordsmith, Penny preferred action. Still, this sexting fun was helping make her day go by smoothly. She did not want it to dry up.

‘I can’t even imagine what someone with your experience could do,’ Penny said. Her fingers were trembling in excitement, making it a little harder to type the words.

‘Who knows, you might get to find out…’

Penny just barely contained a laugh that tried to escape. She covered the moment by coughing into her arm. Her phone buzzed again.

‘You know better than to leave a girl hanging. I showed you mine! And it better be a fresh one. I will know.’

Penny flushed as she realized what Kelly wanted. She glanced at the public restrooms that did not lock. That would be too risky. Instead, she excused herself with the pretense of having to check something in the back. The other C.S.C. barely acknowledged Penny, she was likewise stuck inside her own world.

Penny quickly stepped into a vacant surgery sweet and shut the door. There was a small mirror on the wall above the stainless steel examination table. She wished she could take her time and really make this a good shot but time was ticking. Any moment, a doctor or different nurse could walk in on her.

Penny grabbed the bottom of her blue scrub top and yanked it. On the way up, she hooked her fingers under the hard wire of her bra and pulled it up with her shirt. Her triple D breasts tumbled free from the restraining clothing. Her nipples were hard, half from excitement, half from the cool air in the room. Penny pulled her phone up and aimed the camera at the mirror.

‘Hot damn!’ Kelly replied after receiving the picture. ‘Your nipples look like they were made to be sucked on.’

Penny beamed at the compliment. She responded, ‘I fucking love having my nipples sucked.’

‘Are you going to let me try em or is that going to be crossing your line?’

Earlier in the day, Penny and Kelly talked about how they could have fun by toeing the line. It did not really feel like a good idea to Penny. However, getting through this without playing with the succubus in some way was not possible. They would have to be careful. Penny suddenly realized that it still has not been a whole day yet.

‘Hmm. I don’t think sucking my nipple counts as fucking you. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens,’ Penny texted and then looked at the clock.

4:30pm. Penny’s eyes widened when she realized Nick would be home by now. Home alone with Kelly. She furiously began a text message to him but her fingers slowed before she got too far. She was worried about Nick being alone with the succubus but it felt wrong to text him now. It might come off as her not trusting him. Which she did. Right? Right! She trusted him.

To help ease her mind and also to check in a little bit, Penny sent Nick the same toppless picture she sent to Kelly. He answered quickly which did help ease her mind. When Nick was busy or occupied, he rarely texted back until he was finished. That would be doubly true if he was wrapped up with Kelly right now.

‘Nice! Someone’s feeling frisky today.’ Nick responded.

He sent her a picture of himself. He was standing in front of the big mirror in the gym. His tank top was soaked, his pale skin was flushed and he was smiling through an exhausted looking face. Nick had one of his tattooed arms curled up to show off the bulge of his biceps. It made Penny’s stomach flutter.

‘Fucking sexy ass. I can’t wait to see you later.’ Penny replied after saving the picture to her gallery.

‘Same here, baby. See you soon.’

When her shift finally ended, Penny was buzzing from the sexual energy of the day. She was half tempted to play with herself in the car on the way home. The stimulation she got from squeezing her thighs together was not doing nearly enough. Penny knew she was coming home hot and that was probably a mistake. She could not help it. This succubus was lighting a fire in her pussy and Penny wanted to feel it burn.

When she pulled into the driveway and saw Nick’s truck, Penny felt certain that she was about to walk in the house and find out that they were to be demon slaves. The mental image of her husband thrusting into Kelly was so clear, it could have been real. She could see the black tail as it caressed his pale skin. Penny shivered in delight and hurried to put her car in park. Damned or not, she was not going to miss such a hot moment.

“Damn. You in a hurry?”

Nick’s voice came out of nowhere and made Penny stumble. He was standing with his back against his truck and looking at her with an amused smile.

“Shit!” Penny exclaimed. “You scared me! I thought you were already inside.”

“That did not seem like a good choice to make. I thought I’d wait here until you got home. You know, so we can go in with our combined will.” Nick said and chuckled.

Penny answered, “right. And our willpower is so strong. We have no reason to worry at all!”

Nick laughed. At least they were both aware of the danger involved. Both of their hearts were racing in anticipation of what they were about to be faced with.

“Shall we?” He asked.

Penny took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat. She nodded and they walked into their home together.

Both Nick and Penny were immediately stunned by what they saw inside. Though they entered their home through the kitchen, the living room was visible. Their completely new living room. The walls were crisp with fresh teal paint and the white trim gleamed. The hardwood floors had been restored and stained a dark, earthy shade. The half wall that used to divide the den and dining room was completely gone without leaving a trace of its existence. Even their furniture was new, modern and perfectly placed like a magazine picture. The room felt more open and energetic. The perfect kind of vibe for a room meant to entertain guests.

Kelly was lounging on the new grey colored loveseat with her bare feet over one of the armrests. Her toenails were painted red, of course. She was back to wearing the black silk robe with nothing underneath it. Nick and Penny both traced her tantalizing legs with their eyes. The edge of the robe stopped the ride just before the couple could see where her thighs ended. It was too perfect to be accidental.

Kelly looked at them with a wide smile on her cute face. She tossed her phone to the side and gave the couple her full attention. Her robe parted as she sat up and then the couple gave her their full attention.

“It’s about time! I was starting to get bored.” Kelly said.

“How?” Nick asked with his mouth open. “This should have taken weeks.”

“Well, you guys only gave me a week to do the whole house! What did you expect?” Kelly said and then laughed.

“Magic, Nick. I used magic.”

“It looks incredible.” Penny said and moved slowly around the room. She marveled at the details. This felt more personal than something that could be done with magic.

“Thanks, babe!” Kelly said. “I live to please.”

She winked at Nick who immediately began to flush.

“I know you two had a long day and probably want to relax. How about you two get comfortable, do your thing and I’ll cook some dinner?” Kelly asked them.

“Oh no. That’s too much! You just did all this,” Penny said and waved a hand over the living room.

“With magic, remember? Believe me, talking to you today did more to wear me out than all this.” Kelly made a crude, two finger gesture that suggested she had been “entertaining” herself throughout the day.

It was Penny’s turn to blush.

“That sounds great, thanks for offering.” Nick answered.

“You got it, babe. Take a load off, or out! Whatever you want. I know you both are horny as fuck! I’ll be in there, cooking up a little something. Don’t mind me!” Kelly said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Nick was impressed by the living room but thought the strip of flesh showing through the slit of Kelly’s robe was far more interesting. He caught a flash of red and realized that she was wearing some kind of underwear. He felt his cock stir in his pants and tried to think about something else. His strategy did not seem to be doing enough to keep his body from wanting Kelly. He watched her ass sway while she walked towards the kitchen.

“Nick! Look at our living room!” Penny exclaimed. “It’s better than I imagined!”

She was practically bouncing in excitement.

“This is pretty awesome,” Nick agreed.

Though Kelly was right about them both being horned up like teenagers, they resisted the temptation to have a quickie before dinner. Nick was actually tired from the hard workout he put himself through. He relaxed on the comfortable loveseat and admired the updated room with Penny sitting next to him. She seemed to be a little more energetic than he was. He saw the text messages the two of them exchanged today. Penny was probably worked up over that but did not seem too pushy for action.

As they relaxed, their home filled with the scent of cooking meat. It was hard to tell what exactly Kelly was cooking and the succubus did not feel compelled to explain herself. On the plus side, it did not seem to take her very long to finish the meal. Perhaps this was another one of her magic tricks?

“Come and get it!” Kelly shouted playfully.

“I’m a little nervous,” Penny whispered.

She clutched Nick’s arm as they walked towards the kitchen.

There was no way this could have been done without magic. On their dining room table sat a literal feast. There was a beef roast in the center that looked charred to perfection. All kinds of vegetables sat around the roast, adding steam to the air. A basket of freshly made dinner rolls were baked to golden brown perfection. There was nothing on the table that looked unappealing. Even Kelly’s feet!

Kelly was sitting at the head of the table, leaning back with her feet up. The weirdest part about the gesture was that Kelly had placed her feet, crossed at the ankles, on a plate with steamed root vegetables. Far from being gross or distasteful, her small feet with red toenails looked delicious. The soft carrots and potatoes accented them perfectly and Nick felt it stirring up something inside of him.

Though Nick liked feet and was not opposed to sucking toes, he rarely made an effort to find feet based porn. His foot appreciation came rarely and usually only during intimate moments. That would change today. This image alone would be the holy grail of foot pictures. It was like being young and seeing that certain set of titties. The ones that make you realize that there was something more there. His mouth suddenly felt very empty. He could imagine his tongue running through toes and over soft soles.

“Dig in,” Kelly said, smiling right at Nick.

Penny was not really big on having feet on the table. It did seem a little over the top. Then, she realized Kelly did not do this for her. Nick was unable to take his eyes off the dish.

‘Feet, huh?’ Penny thought to herself. ‘I didn’t know he was into that.’

Penny suddenly felt a little annoyed about falling behind on seducing her husband. It was like every move that Kelly made was specifically designed to pull Nick closer to the edge. Penny was ready to make her own moves. She would be damned if she let Kelly get what she was after. Literally. A sudden flash of inspiration came to her. She decided to play into the succubus’s tactics.

“Don’t mind if I do!” Penny said.

She picked a fork up and speared one of the baby carrots that was near Kelly’s feet. Knowing that Nick was watching closely, Penny lifted the veggie and deliberately held it above the plate. The steamed root began to drip water on exposed skin. A few drops slowly ran down Kelly’s feet and she wiggled her toes in response.

This very suddenly backfired! Penny looked into Kelly’s eyes to gauge the succubus’s mood and found the purple irises looking right at her. Kelly’s eyes usually looked happy and playful. Right now, they were full of lust. The succubus was breathing a little harder and seemed to be ready to pounce on Penny.

Penny felt afraid of the expression. Kelly was magical and ancient. Though it was probably against the rules, Penny would not be able to stop Kelly if she decided to take them by force. Penny had not expected her actions to be this provocative. She accidently turned the tables on Kelly and knew there would be consequences. The purple eyes told her so. But only for a second. Kelly cleared the promise of revenge from her eyes and watched for what the human would do next.

Penny said, “oops! Sorry!”

She used her pointer finger to scoop up the trail of liquid running down Kelly’s sole. Penny made eye contact with Nick and sucked the finger into her mouth.

“Mmm, not bad,” Penny hummed and then ate the carrot.

Nick’s mouth was slightly parted. It was like he could not get enough air to his brain.

With a wicked smile Penny said, “come here, baby. You’ve got to try this.”

***Continued in comments due to word limit!***



  1. Nick walked like a zombie to stand next to his wife. Feeling more bold, Penny reached down to the plate and picked up a carrot. She gently caressed Kelly’s right foot and then placed the root between two of her toes. The succubus smiled as she realized what was next and sat patiently for it. Penny lifted Kelly’s foot by her ankle and looked at Nick.

    “You heard her. Dig in.” Penny said.

    Nick did not so much as give it a second thought. His mouth lowered and he took the carrot and as many of Kelly’s toes as he could in one bite. The soft carrot became mush in his mouth and he very easily swallowed the vegetable. With that out of the way, Nick ran his tongue through the sensitive webbing between Kelly’s toes. She wiggled them in his mouth as he sucked them and cleaned all the juice left behind.

    Penny was holding Kelly’s ankle and watching her husband gorge himself. Like him, she suddenly saw merit in feet fetishism. He certainly was making it look good to receive. Penny caught Kelly’s eye again. The succubus was obviously enjoying the service, her breasts were heaving with the deep breaths she was taking. Although it was Nick serving her, Kelly’s attention was locked squarely on Penny. The attention was palpable.

    Something brushed Penny’s thigh so subtly that it could have been imagined. But it was real and warm. Penny swallowed. Before she looked down, she knew what she would see.

    Kelly’s tail was wrapping itself around Penny’s leg, just like she wanted. This whole play had been a trap! Penny assumed this was a move against Nick but in reality, she maneuvered both of them into Kelly’s gravity! Penny felt the trap closing and could do nothing to stop it. She could feel how warm the tail was through her scrubs. It was caressing a spot on Penny’s inner thigh that was making her head spin.

    “Mmmhh. All this good food is going to get cold.” Kelly said.

    She was watching the humans with a greedy smile on her plump lips.

    Kelly could end this right here and now. All she needed to do was spread her thighs a little. Nick’s eyes looked fogged over while he lapped at her toes. She knew they would focus up real quick if she showed him her pussy. From that point, the deal would be as good as finished. Two more servants for her master. Nick was under her spell and Penny was close enough to tug right over. Kelly tasted victory for a moment. She savored the attention from the humans and then pulled back. She wanted to play with these two for just a little while longer.

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