Forbidden Affair (Ember & Corruption XII) [M/F]

[Fantasy] [Snippet]
(I am new to reddit. This is a snippet of a story I have been working on. I just wanted to see what people thought. Any opinion, criticism or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.)
Unannounced, she jiggled the handle to the door. That was the only other place she could imagine him being. Happy that it opened, she entered. At first, corruption was nowhere in sight. The corridor was dark. She pulled out her phone, turning on the torch. The internal wood work was wonderful, but needed a coat of paint. There were electrical cables sticking out of the wall, where switches, plugs and light placement would go.

The warm nature of the house was a comforting contrast to the dark aboding atmosphere. Some furniture and lights is all it would take to make this a home. Decorating was all she could think about to distract herself from the fear that rumbled in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t feel close to corruption here, not even to the garden. If she was killed or kidnapped, would anyone know where to look for her?

All that fear dissipated as she noticed a familiar glow around a door. She had already passed this door and was only glancing back to hope that someone wasn’t behind her. The glow could only be seen faintly when her torch wasn’t shining on it. The purple hue reminded her of corruption. She opened the door to him sitting on a couch. Across from him was a brick layered fireplace, lit with corruption fire.

Ember couldn’t help but stare in awe at the interior. The charred wood planks on the walls would make you think the whole house was made out of wood. This room, unlike the others, was well lit. Ember entered the room, not taking her eyes off corruption as she shut the door behind her. He didn’t flinch or even look in her direction as she entered. She could only sum up that he was mad.

She proceeded to sit on the couch next to him. His position still hadn’t changed. He held her hand out to place in his own, but hesitated. She didn’t want to hurt him anymore than she believed she already had. Or worse, think that the only reason she was touching him was to make up for what he had seen. She knew it was wrong, but she wanted to touch him, she wanted to feel his touch; to feel him inside her.

“I’m sorry…” She stated, choosing to keep her hands to herself.

“You and I both know you have nothing to be sorry for.”

As shocked as she was that he replied, she didn’t jump. His words were sharp, to the point; slicing across her heart. She couldn’t agree with him, she had lots to be sorry for, and a lot of people to be sorry towards.

“I’m sorry because I never wanted to hurt you, or see you hurt because of my actions.”

“I am a jealous person. I want you all to myself. As long as that’s the case, a small amount of pain is guaranteed. It’s not your fault.” Corruption did his best to get the image of her boyfriend holding her out of his mind. But it was all he could see, and his words only amplified the image.

Ember glanced at corruption, he sat there, exhausted, with his eyes closed. Not even looking at her. She couldn’t tell if it was because they had walls now but she felt confident enough to give him what she felt he deserved. It was more than that. He didn’t just deserve it, she wanted to give it to him even if he didn’t. Even if it was wrong, because no matter how bad she knew he wanted it. He wouldn’t take it. He wouldn’t let himself have what he wanted. And the only time he would, was when he wasn’t in control; when his raw subconscious would operate without restriction. As much as she enjoyed that about him, she wanted him to remember their first time. This would be special. The image she wanted him to have whenever he thought of the bond they shared.

She swallowed her saliva as she gulped, unsure of how her next actions would be taken. Her hand trembled as she reached over to his belt and pulled the strap out of the buckle. Corruption quickly grabbed her wrist. She glanced up at him, shocked to see the purple glow in his eyes as he looked down on her.


“Don’t. I won’t corrupt you anymore.” He let go of her hand, looking away.

Her plans were ruined, but at the very least, she could spend some time with him. She climbed on top of him, forcing him to look deep into her eyes.

“I will stop if you tell me you don’t want this.”

“I…” Corruption dared not look into her eyes. He wasn’t even able to lie to her. She offered him less places to turn when she sat on him, she moved her head into the direction of his gaze. She still expected an answer, but all she would get was corruption glancing between her lips and eyes. His thoughts were obvious for once.

Just feeling her thighs resting on his own was enough to get to him. He rested his left hand on her knee, sliding his hands up her thighs. His right hand quickly did the same till both of his hands had reached her hips. He held her in place, trying to give her a kiss. She smiled before accepting his gesture, merging her lips with his own. Getting consumed my the feel of her body, he gave in to his desires sliding his hands under her top. She stopped him, gripping his hands.

“I know you want to go further but, I want you to remember it.”

The glow in his eyes faded as he looked dead into Ember’s.

“I’ve not lost control, I am just learning to control it.”

He brushed his hand along her cheek, before wrapping his hand around the back of her neck and pulling her closer for another kiss. His dick grew underneath her as he held onto her, kissing her as if he would never get another chance. His grip around the back of her neck, made her feel like he would never let go of her. The grip on her waist was more for his control. He dared not even move his dick into a more comfortable position for fear of ruining the moment.

Ember did not share his sentiment. The moment couldn’t be ruined as long as they were together. She couldn’t tell how, but she could feel how uncomfortable his dick was under the trousers. Ember climbed off him and once again tried to remove his belt buckle. The atmosphere was quiet, they could hear nothing but the sparkles of wood charring beyond recognition in the fireplace, and the flames, flickering amongst the wood pieces.

Her heart pounded out of her chest as she faced him. She pulled her top over her head, the warmth from the fireplace, soothing her skin as she did so. She considered removing her bra, but her insecurities stopped her before she could. Ember was afraid of disappointing him, this had been long overdue for the both of them, they constantly drifted ever so closely to doing this before. What if he was disappointed in how she looked? She asked herself. She looked up to see him, patiently staring at her, his eyes darted all over her body, as if he wasn’t sure what to take in first. Blood rushed to her cheeks. She was exposed. No where to hide. Her heart rate increased. She took deep slow breaths, afraid that she would pass out with how hard and fast her heart was beating.

Determined not to have her plan derailed by anything, she took a step forwards. Her hands trembled as she removed his trousers and then his pants. His dick flicked out as she did so, standing tall for her. She swallowed the saliva in her mouth, hoping corruption couldn’t tell how much she was drooling for him.

Her staring, caused by both anticipation and fear of messing up, gave corruption some time to come to his senses. He enjoyed what she was doing. His dick screamed out to him not to say anything, twitching in anticipation. His whole body did, but this wasn’t something he deserved. He couldn’t shake the feeling that she was doing this as a way to repay him, and as much as he wanted her to, it wouldn’t be right.

“If you are doing this because of yesterday, stop. You don’t have to corrupt yourself. I don’t want to corrupt you.” He said, kicking himself immediately after. “Thank you, you’ve helped a lot, but you have to go home.”

His statement killed the mood. Corruption was right, it was getting late and she did have to go home.
“But I want to corrupt you.” Ember answered. “I’ve wanted to do this since before you helped me. I’m sorry I took so long.”

Before corruption knew what hit him Ember had gone down on him. A whole range of senses washed over him. His head fell back. His hand, reverting back to instincts, brushed through Ember’s hair.
She did her best to go as deep as she could; in turn, his dick pulsed in her mouth. She found herself partly afraid he would cum too soon. His unsteady breathing made her think it would happen at any moment. She couldn’t blame him. When was the last time he had been touched.

Ember found herself being slightly selfish as she sucked his cock. She pulled back, once again standing up and leaving corruption confused. It took him several minutes to regain his posture.

Once he had calmed down enough, ember slowly undid her Jeans button. A sadistic smile graced Corruption’s eyesight as she turned around, bending over as she slid her jeans over her ass and down her legs. His dick pulsed uncontrollably as he watched. He wanted to Stand up, to hold her.

“Stay there.” She ordered as she unhooked her bra, still faced away from him.

He sat back down, his eyes, staring at her as if she were the first meal he had eaten in months. It took everything he had to follow her order. But he was afraid she would retreat if he did. A decision he would not regret as she removed her panties.

Her heart now pounded stronger than ever, as if it were looking to detach from mortality. She took deep breaths nervous to turn around. She was naked. Even if she tried, her hands wouldn’t cover enough to make her feel less exposed. She turned around, her entire body trembling as she did so.
Corruptions smile made the whole thing easier as his eyes now took a slower tour of her body. To her, he seemed pleased with what he saw, and although it wasn’t something he had control over, his staring went a long way to making her feel at ease.

Ember took slow steps towards him, something he considered was done to tease him but was actually because she was nervous. She once again swallowed his whole dick. Before pulling off and sitting on him. She couldn’t tell why she sucked his dick again, she was already wet enough for it to go in with ease. She could tell by how smoothly his dick slid between her pussy lips. She looked deep into his eyes as she moved her hips back and forth, grinding on his dick.

Unable to resist her, corruption massaged her thighs, this time grateful that he got to feel her skin. He ran his Hand along her calves, curving around her knee and making his way up her back, all the while, kissing her passionately. He ran his fingers over her arms, that were wrapped around him. Which was enough to bring Ember to her boiling point. She rose ever so slightly, giving herself enough space to aim it at the entrance.

The line in the sand was right there, Ember stopped, looking dead into corruptions eyes. He did the same, once they crossed this line, there would be no going back. He smiled at her; a gentle smile that told her, he would stand by her. That he wouldn’t be hurt if she decided not to go through with it. Unintentionally, it was that smile that reminded ember why she wanted to cross the line.

She sat down, ever so slightly, allowing the tip to slide inside of her. Corruption gripped her waist as she moved, his senses flared up, even the fireplace seemed louder, like fuel had been thrown into the fire. She couldn’t help but enjoy how much she could get to him with just the tip. She rose, ever so slightly, so that it wouldn’t fall out, sitting back down she went further, allowing what she felt was another inch of his dick, inside her. A gasp left her mouth as she started to also be affected by this. With each extra inch she took, she felt herself on the brink of an orgasm. They had barley even done anything. As she struggled to catch her breath, she noticed corruption also struggling to keep it together.

He leaned up, kissing along her chest, but this action had caused even more of him to penetrate her. Corruption wrapped his hands around her as he kissed along her collar bone. She had done her best to control the situation up until this point but corruptions dominant nature constantly offered her challenge.

“Just…. Relax….” She did her best to catch her breath.

She pushed corruption back down, unintentionally causing another inch to slide into her. This was supposed to be his treat and she was getting just as flustered. Unfortunately her attempts at controlling the situation were ruined by her inability to escape the ecstasy she felt. It wasn’t long till the last few inches had found their way deep inside her. Corruption made it even worse by thrusting upwards, causing Ember to have to hold on to the back board of sofa for support.
Her moans only added fuel to the fire as now, fully into it, corruption rammed his dick into her for four strokes before giving her four slow strokes. The on off nature of his actions frustrated her as she struggled to keep her balance. With all the pleasure she felt, she found it hard to even keep her balance.

Fortunately she wouldn’t have to for much longer as corruption’s movements became irregular. As he came, ember found herself shocked to feel her entire body warming up, from her head to her toes.
Her eyes, glowed purple. This feeling, was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Wanting it to last just a little longer, she mustered the remnants of her strength and continued to grind on his dick. A mixture of their cum, dripped out, sliding down her leg and on to him. The dirty feeling, only made them both hungry for more.

Corruption matched her tempo, thrusting his dick into her as she grind downwards. The entire endeavour was getting too much. She wanted to feel more. She smothered him with her breasts. Unexpectedly, he spanked her ass. She let out a gasp that once again threw her breath out of sync. She couldn’t keep up anymore. The long day had drained her of all her energy. She collapsed on top of him, unable to even take his dick out of her. It still throbbed uncontrollably inside her.
