Worship In The Woods (MMMM) (Med)

Jack and Steve had been out for a long walk all afternoon in the pine forest. The end of summer was approaching and the pine needles had begun to scatter on the ground and under foot. The smell had been subtle but under the cooling air, also invigorating. They had returned to the airbnb cabin plot that they were staying at and proceeded to use the accompanying Sauna. They had brought a clump of pine needles back with them and were using them on the hot coals, infusing with lavendar and rosemary already present. The sauna was of a good size, square shaped and the wooden seating arranged like the vertex of said square. They didn’t sit next to each other, rather slightly apart and facing the two glass walls in perpendicular directions. They were naked as was customary in Scandinavia and their curved butt cheeks were slightly sticking to the warm wood. The owners of the plot were also a gay couple and one of them, Mika, had seen them go in. He wanted them to experience their Sauna in the most relaxing manner possible and had come in to add more water to the coals. It didn’t matter that they were naked, it was more usual in the gay community to see other men naked and not think anything of it. The steam spat upwards and unleashed a new heat into the room and onto the two naked bodies. The Scandinavian way of life was mixing well with that of the laissez faire gay way. Mika returned to the main cabin and left them inside.

The arteries, veins and capillaries were fully dilated under the steam pressure and blood was flowing freely around their bodies, they felt tingly and sexual but it was much to hot to come into any contact with each other. Jack had his legs open in a comfortable position and his penis was sagging down, it was half way between flaccid and erect the blood had filled it somewhat, but it was drooping under the weight instead of standing out tall. From Steve’s position he could see the penis head sticking out from beneath his leg, it always thrilled him despite the fact he had seen it many times. He was breathing deeply, the warm air slightly burning his nostrils as he sensitively ran a finger around his own skin. In the time that they were in there, the sun was beginning to set and with a relaxed and soft voice Jack said they should return back to the cabin. They draped white dressing gowns around their clammy bodies and made a quick skip back across the garden, the cooler wind licking across some of their exposed skin.

They returned to their bedroom which was ordained beautifully with fur rugs both on the walls and on the floor, it was exquisitely soft under their bare feet. They looked at each other and knew they were both feeling aroused. They had various interchangeable routines, but they wanted to use this holiday to develop a heightened sensual bond between them. It was still warm in the cabin without the need for any heating and as took off their gowns comfortably. It was silent, save for light breathing and nature quietly running its course outside. Maintaining eye contact but without saying anything Jack slowly sank to his knees, more of his legs being caressed by the fur beneath him. Jack felt that it was his turn to worship and pleasure his partner and his gaze moved downwards to Steve’s penis. The saying opposites attract was not the case with these two, their natures and mindsets were quite similar, the shapes and sizes of their bodies too. They complimented each other through their equality rather than their differences. Steve’s penis was a good length and had ample girth. It was not too large to be unwieldly, but still had a nice presence especially, when its swollen head his directly in Jack’s line of sight. His own penis was below him resting on the rugs in between his thighs and his lower legs which double backed behind him.

Jack said nothing, he just stared and felt the silent but powerful connection between them. To worship was to say nothing but rather experience the divine feelings inside. After some time he moved slightly closer, his face tilted backwards so the member rested there from his chin to his forehead. Steve’s ball sacks lightly touched Jack’s Adam’s apple. He gently moved his head letting his facial features run up and down the shaft, his soft eyebrows tickling the frenulum. Steve was becoming over-whelmed by this silent power and his penis was wiggling a little in the air as fresh blood flooded upwards. Jack moved his hands behind his back and crossed his arms resting one palm into another. His breathing was slightly heavier now and his nose ran up and down the bulging penis. This time he pulled his head back a little further, slightly opened his mouth and let his tongue touch and tickle the underside of the penis. His nicely proportioned lips also added some moisture around the head itself. Both fixated deeply and lovingly on each other, they failed to notice that Mika and his own boyfriend Dirk had entered into the room. They said nothing as they witnessed the biblical aurora that was present.

Jack continued to use his tongue to pleasure his partners penis as Mika and Dirk assumed similar positions to his sides. He was at the tip of this newly made arrow head of males, working away piously at his duties. He removed his hands from behind is back and slowly fumbled for Mika and Dirks own hands clasping them together. This was the invitation for them to join the holy communion. Slowly Mika and Dirk moved around on the rugs so that they were facing each other, but still separated by Steve’s shaft lying horizontally between their faces. Carefully, they too opened their mouths and let their tongues ride up and down in unity. And like the brush strokes of Michelangelo applying paint to the chapel ceiling, between them, their three tongues were spreading more and more saliva along the skin canvas. Jack at the head had opened his mouth wider and at times had the penis head completely inside his mouth, only for split seconds at a time, teasing with his lips over the base of the head. This brought a new intense feeling for Steve and heightened the senses of the group together. He started slightly shaking under this divine power bestowed to him and could almost feel his cum being sucked up through his shaft like a straw.

Mika and Dirk changed their rhythm to become more random and Steve was loosing control, his legs were shaking under the intense pleasure. They licked the shaft faster, pushed their lips closer to it almost kissing each other when their directions aligned. Jack could taste a little precum on the head now and knew that it wouldn’t be long until the birthing seed would be released. Mika and Dirk used their shoulder’s to slightly support Steve from falling as the intensity rocketed. Steve stretched his arms right out sideways and held them there as the three crucifyingly torturous mouths were hard at work below. His heart rate and breathing increased dramatically as he neared the end. Jack was twisting and rotating his mouth around the head of the penis awaiting his prize. The first words were spoken as Steve began to pant oh God over and over. The Sun’s final rays shone in through the window bathing his body in a golden light as he could take no more. His soaked and throbbing penis pulsated with ecstasy as cum shot out into Jack’s mouth and over his face. It was a huge load worthy of the holy Mass, leaving puddles on Jack’s forehead, smearing across his cheeks and drooping off his eyebrows. He closed his eyes so as to protect them from stinging and felt the penis wiping over his face. Some cum was trickling back down the shaft and into the waiting mouths of Mika and Dirk. The doctrine was always to share out this divine liquid and they ensured they received their fill, both from the penis itself and the deposits on Jacks face. They carefully licked and helped rise the stringy strands off his face and into their mouths. Jack could now open his eyes and with a happy grin, observed the majesty of their work.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uaq7o0/worship_in_the_woods_mmmm_med