Prince of Lust Ch. 1 [MM]

“How domestic,” Luke laughed as he watched Asme struggle at the stove.

The smell of bacon burning wafted into his nose. Asme stood in front of him, ass out in an apron. Asme glared at him from the corner of his eye and growled. Luke stood and walked over to his demon, carefully wrapping his arms around the man’s waist. Luke rested his head on Asme’s shoulder. He nestled his head into Asme’s neck and kissed him softly. The demon shuddered under his touch.

“Careful, Priest. I don’t think you can handle any more of me,” Asme teased.

Luke shifted behind him. It was true. The demon had given him a run for his money the night before, but he certainly didn’t want to back down. He kissed Asme again and dropped his hand down to grab the demon’s cock. Asme caught his hand before he got there and chuckled deeply.

“I don’t think so. You are going to suffer through this bacon before you get me,” Asme stroked his hand lightly and brought it back up to his waist.

“Infuriating demon,” Luke said, “Can’t we just have fun first and eat later?”

“No, besides, we have to get ready for Freya’s visit today,” Asme squeezed his hand, “I don’t think I could live with myself if she walked in on that.”

Luke broke free of Asme’s grip and positioned himself beside the man. He had to admit, even though the bacon smelled burnt, it looked fantastic. A growl came from his stomach at the sight of it.

“You keep speaking of Freya, but you never told me who she is,” Luke said. Asme had never cared if anyone walked in on them before. As a matter of fact, several members of the demon’s staff had walked in on them in the last few weeks, to Luke’s horror.

“Freya is my next in line. She’s ruling over my territory while we are gone. My daughter.” Asme said. Luke’s eyes shot up at that.

“You have children?” he asked.

“Yes, several. Though Freya is my only legitimate child. The rest are in your realm, humans by their own right. I do not involve them in my world,” Asme shrugged as he spoke, “That’s why I was in your village when I met you. One of my children lives there. I was visiting.”

“For some reason, I can’t imagine you as the fatherly type,” Luke said softly, “Is that how you found me, though?”

Asme laughed, “I’m not the fatherly type, Priest. I provide for my children; I do not parent them. I believe they think I’m their funny uncle who visits time to time. That’s for the best, though. Their mothers can parent them and raise them with my funds. They will be better for it.”

Luke stroked Asme’s side gently, “Everyone is better for knowing you, Asmodeus.”

“I’m glad you think so, Luke,” Asme said, “But as for your second question, no, that’s not how I found you. What we have, it’s been prophesied for centuries. As soon as you were born, I knew who you were. I’ve been watching over you for your whole life. I moved my family to your village so I had a reason to check in on you. I only wish that we could have met under different circumstances.”

Luke laughed, “You mean by not assaulting me?”

“That’s exactly what I mean,” Asme’s voice was filled with regret, “It was the only way I could get you safely to my home. If I could do it again, the first time I touched you would have been careful, precise, and everything you ever dreamed of.”

Asme dropped the bacon onto a plate beside the stove. Luke noted the sadness on his face.

“Asme, I don’t hold that against you,” he said, “But I am curious. Who in my village is your child?”

Asmodeus smiled, “You know him well, actually. But I think I will wait to tell you who he is until I can introduce you properly.”

“I would love that, Asme,” Luke said.

The demon grinned at him, “Good. Now eat.”

Luke took the plate out of Asme’s outstretched hand. It baffled him how Asme didn’t require the same sustenance that he did, but he didn’t say anything. Usually the demon ate with him, but today he didn’t. He was pacing around the dining room watching Luke intently, as if he was nervous. Luke bit into the bacon slowly, scared that the crispness would hurt his teeth. It didn’t.

“Are you nervous about something?” Luke asked.

Asme stopped mid stride and looked over to Luke, “You haven’t met any of my children. Yes, I’m nervous.”

“Aren’t you more nervous that she’s going to walk in, and your bare ass is going to greet her?” Luke gestured to the apron Asme was wearing, “I would get dressed if I were you. As for meeting me, you don’t need to be nervous about me liking her. She’s part of you, of course I will like her.”

Asme chuckled, “She’s more like me than you think. But I’m not worried about you liking her. I’m worried about her liking *you*.”

Luke quirked his eyebrow, “Would it matter if she didn’t?”

“No, but it would make my life easier if she did.”

Luke smiled softly and stood from the table. Asme was within arm’s reach, and Luke reached out and drew him in for a hug. Asme sank into him. It still felt odd to Luke that the demon was this comfortable with him. He stepped back from Asme after a moment and kissed him lightly.

“I can’t promise that she will like me, Demon, but I can promise I will do my best to make a good first impression on her.”

“I’m not worried about you, Luke. Not at all,” Asme leaned his forehead against Luke’s, “I do need to get dressed, though. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Luke stroked Asme’s arms, “Go ahead. I’ll be here finishing my breakfast.”

Asme laughed, “And what a saint you are for attempting to eat it.”

Luke sat back in the chair and ate his breakfast as he waited for Asmodeus to rejoin him. The demon always took his sweet time getting ready, and today was no exception. When he came back into the living room, Luke could feel the tension radiating off him. Luke sighed and joined Asme in the living room.

“Relax, Asme. It will be fine.”

Asme huffed, “So you say. I can feel her, she’s not too far away.”

“I’ll never get used to that,” Luke joked.

Luke tensed when a hard knock sounded on the door. Asme took in a deep breath and opened it, revealing a tall, leggy blonde at the door. She did look like his Prince. She eyed him slowly as she stood in the doorway, the look of disdain on her face made his stomach drop.

“Come in, Freya,” Asme gestured into their home. She stepped by him and took a seat on the couch.

“I can’t imagine you living happily in a place like this, Father,” she said.

“Well, I suppose you don’t have to imagine it, you can see it for yourself,” Asme walked back over to Luke and wrapped his arm around Luke’s waist. Luke relaxed against him, immediately thankful for his lover’s touch. “Freya, this is Luke, your newest sovereign.”

Freya smirked, “I figured he would be less… male, and human. What good is a mate if they cannot give you an heir?”

Luke felt Asme’s power raise in the room, a slight tickle on the back of his neck. Freya sat up straight, and Luke knew she felt it too. It wasn’t a forceful show, but it was effective.

“Bite your tongue, daughter. Besides, I already have a capable heir. I do not need more. Handling you is enough work for me.”

Freya laughed, the sound was as melodic as her father’s, “I suppose you’re right. I don’t have competition this way,” she extended her hand to Luke, “I’m Freya.”

Luke reached for her hand, his own shaky with nerves he wasn’t expecting, “Luke.”

“At least my father has good taste in men, though claiming a demon mate would be more advantageous.”

Luke shrugged his shoulders, “As a human female would have been more advantageous for me. I guess we don’t always get what we want,” he shot a smile to Asmodeus, who gripped his waist tighter.

“Don’t joke, Priest. We both know you would have been content living in chastity in that dirty chapel I found you in,” Asmodeus laughed, “But down to why I invited you here.”

“Mmm, yes. You have upset your niece considerably, though Samael does still have her caged. Her people are searching the realm for the man on your arm.”

“Understandably so,” Asmodeus said shortly, “But she will never find him if I have my way.”

“Good luck to you, Father.”

“I know I left the territory in good hands with you, Freya. But as Luke has so graciously pointed out, my food source is in our realm. I cannot sustain myself on humans. I need you to bring some of my feeders here, and as quickly as you can.”

Freya nodded, “I figured as much. I brought two of them with me today, they are outside. I will have your staff escort them wherever you choose. I can bring more in time, but it is dangerous for me to travel here.”

“They have quarters around the back of the house,” Asmodeus nodded to the maid on the other side of the living room, “Please take them there.”

“What are feeders, Asme?” Luke asked. He wasn’t sure he would like the answer to this question.

“I will explain later, Luke. Freya needs to get back before she is missed.”

“You have so much to teach your human, Father,” Freya joked, “If he is to rule your territory alongside you eventually, he at least needs to know demon customs.”

Asmodeus rolled his eyes, “He was in our realm for a week, Freya. Give him some time.”

“Yes, well, maybe one day this can be a proper meeting, Luke,” she turned to face him as she stood, “But as for now, I have to leave. Stay safe.”

Asme let Luke go and brought Freya into an embrace, “You, as well, daughter.”

“Have you told him how you legitimize your bond yet, Father?” Luke caught a glint of Asme’s deviousness glinting in her eyes.

“Go,” Asme commanded with a frown.

“I’ll take that as a no,” she laughed.

Luke stood there, confused. She disappeared as quickly as she came. Asme turned back around to face him. His demon looked a little sheepish.

“What did she mean by that, Asme? Legitimize our bond?” Luke tapped his foot on the hardwood floors. The sound echoed through the room. Asme brought his hand behind his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Uh,” he mumbled, “We have to consummate our marriage in front of my court.”

Luke’s eyes bulged, “We have to consummate, as in *have sex, in front of other people*?”

Asme sighed, “Yes, but we don’t need to worry about that right now. Besides, by the time we get to that, I will have beat your modesty out of you.”

Luke gasped as Asme pulled him into an embrace and kissed him. Never would Luke have thought this would be his idea of perfection, but it was. He chuckled against the demon’s mouth and wrapped his arms around Asme’s neck. Asme squeezed him quickly and stepped back.

“I’ll take your word on that,” Luke said, “But what are feeders?”

“Just what they sound like,” Asmodeus shrugged, “They are demons in punishment. They don’t die when I feed on them, as demons are immortal. I can feed on humans, but I won’t because I don’t want you to hate me for it.”

“How do you feed that would kill a human? Would it kill me if I let you feed on me?”

Asmodeus’s black eyes got even darker, “Don’t you ever suggest that again, Luke. I will never feed on you. I will not take away your spark for eternity.”

“So feeding on demons doesn’t take that away?” Luke wasn’t fazed by Asmodeus’s sudden anger.

“No, it will, but it won’t kill them. They are living their punishment as my feeders. They live in a state of lust all the time. I don’t want you to be a sex crazed monster. I like you as you are. If I fed on you, your lust would kill you.”

“That’s touching,” Luke said slowly, “Is their lust for you? You don’t have sex with them, do you?”

Asmodeus laughed at that, “No, Priest, I don’t. And yes, their lust is for me. I feed in other ways, though I hope you will respect that I don’t want you to see it or even be around it when I have to.”

“Of course I will,” Luke said, “But don’t you need to soon? I know you haven’t fed since we got here. You talk about it enough.”

“I fade quickly when I don’t feed. I will die if I don’t. Yes, I need to feed,” Asme placed his hand on Luke’s shoulder, “I want to be strong to protect you, Luke. I will do anything I have to to keep you safe.”

“Well then go,” Luke said, “Go get strong, I’ll clean up here, and we can pick up where we left off earlier when you get back.”

Luke winked at him and Asme smiled back.

“I’ll take you up on that, but just relax. Let the maids do what I pay them to do for once, Priest. You are no longer a servant, but king consort of my territory.”

“Maybe in your world, but here I’m just a human betrothed to a demon,” Luke shrugged, “Plus, I like staying busy. I’ve never been idle a day in my life.”

Asme nodded, “Do as you please, I’ll be back later. But don’t come looking for me, please promise me that.”

“I won’t,” Luke lifted Asme’s hand off his shoulder and kissed it softly, “I promise.”

Asme squeezed his hand gently before freeing himself and walking away. Luke sighed and sat down on the couch that Freya had occupied, thinking that Asme would be back sooner rather than later. But as the time ticked on, he realized he was wrong. He pushed himself off the couch, half out of boredom and half out of frustration. He heard the sea washing up onto the shore and decided to walk outside.

The scenery was just as breathtaking now as it had been the first time he saw it. He had grown up in a small Italian mountain village. Asme had taken them to a coastal Italian estate, a place in Italy he had never been before. The breeze welcomed him as he stepped outside. The warm air was a sharp contrast to what he was used to in the mountains, and it reminded him vaguely of Samael’s territory in Asmodeus’s realm. Were all their territories modeled after the human world, Luke wondered idly. He didn’t dwell on it too long.

Luke wandered around the grounds, stopping when he heard Asme’s strangled moans of pleasure coming from the servant’s quarters. A feeling of unease rolled through his body at hearing those noises when they weren’t at his hand. He tried to quiet his reservations by reminding himself that Asme wasn’t sleeping with anyone. Or was he? Luke couldn’t imagine anything else making his demon sound like that. He shook his head and turned to walk back towards the house. He would rather Asme sleep with someone else than die, wouldn’t he? Surely his jealousy wasn’t that deep.

Luke’s hand moved up to the mark over his heart, and he traced it lightly. Asme’s moans got louder and more urgent as he did so, and a twinge of satisfaction rolled through Luke at the sound of it. Not that his demon would ever be accused of being quiet. Luke’s cock jumped in his pants as he heard Asme come to a climax, his shuddering groans echoing over the grounds. Luke smiled as he walked back into the house. The last thing Asme needed was to see Luke lurking around the grounds.

Luke slung himself back onto the couch. He was sure that Asme would follow shortly, at least after he composed himself. Luke’s eyes lit up with amusement when his lover burst through the door, unkempt and looking very needy. Luke traced his mark once again, watching as it affected Asme. The demon growled low in his throat.

“What, can’t handle it, my mighty demon?” Luke joked.

“I will own you,” Asmodeus growled.

“I’d like to see you try,” Luke said as he continued tracing the mark, “You can’t even compose yourself long enough to talk.”

“You’re mouthy for a human,” Asme teased, “It’s almost like you’re not scared of me.”

Luke laughed as he stood and approached Asme. In a swift movement, he reached down and took Asme’s cock into his hand, “So very scared.”

Asme snarled as he pushed Luke back onto the couch, “As you should be.”

Luke squeezed him a little tighter as Asme laid his body on top of Luke’s. Asme grunted against him, his body taut with tension. Luke tried to push his pants down, but before he could, Asme made them disappear as he had in the cottage. Luke groaned as the demon’s erection pressed against his own. Asme brought his lips to Luke’s ear.

“I’m afraid if I take you again today, you will be of no use to me for quite some time,” he whispered softly.

“You think so highly of your sexual prowess, old man,” Luke laughed.

Asme grumbled in his ear and reached for the bottle of lube in the side table. The demon had stashed it everywhere in the house after they arrived, and it had come in handy a time or two. Luke groaned when Asme lifted his body. Losing the weight of the demon made him feel empty. Asme smiled down at him as he lubed himself up.

“Again, it’s like you’re not even scared of me,” Asme leaned back into Luke and kissed him as he pushed inside him.

Luke clenched briefly and grunted at the invasion. Asme pinned his hands above his head and paused to give Luke a second to adjust. His hips swirled in a teasing manner, his cock clipping Luke’s prostate and sending bursts of pleasure through Luke’s body. The brief moment of pain turned into blinding pleasure.

“Not even in the slightest,” Luke said through clenched teeth.

He thrust his hips into Asme, urging him to continue. Asme hissed with pleasure as he drove his hips into Luke. Luke relished in the sound of it, only wishing he had use of his hands so he could pull Asme closer. He fought against the demon’s grasp, but he knew that was futile. He would never be strong enough to fight Asme off.

“What is it you want, Priest?” Asme’s voice was breathy, “Why are you trying to get free, hmm?”

Luke snarled at that, “You know why, demon.”

Asme leaned down until their lips were touching, “You want me? You want my lips? Is that it?”

Luke tried to bring his head up to do just that, but Asme chuckled and moved away, “I don’t think so. That’s what you get for teasing the ‘old man’.”

Luke grunted in frustration. Infuriating demon. He bucked his hips against Asme, and the demon growled in pleasure. Luke felt his pleasure building inside him, compounded by the friction of Asme’s body rubbing against his cock with each thrust. Asme leaned back down and brought his lips to Luke’s ear.

“I feel how bad you want it, come for me, love,” he whispered between moans.

Asme slid his free hand in between their bodies and grasped Luke’s cock. Luke jumped at the contact, and if Asme hadn’t been forcing his legs apart, he would have wrapped them around the demon’s waist. Instead, he bucked his hips off the couch. The pleasure rolled through him in waves as Asme stroked him. Luke didn’t try to stop it as his orgasm rolled through his body and his screams pierced through the otherwise silent house. Asme shuddered on top of him, collapsing on his chest as his orgasm waned.

Asme let his hands go. Luke took the opportunity to draw Asme closer to him, burying his fingers into the demon’s hair. Asme nuzzled his head into Luke’s chest and wrapped his arms around Luke’s torso. Luke took a minute to compose himself before he spoke.

“If that’s what happens every time I tease you, I may do it more often.”

“I wouldn’t advise it, human,” Asme laughed.

“Why? Because you’re so scary?” Luke tugged on Asme’s hair playfully.

“Precisely. You’re getting it now.” Asme kissed his chest, “I’m a Prince of Hell. I’m terrifying.”

“Yes, you make me piss my pants with fear,” Luke tried to pull Asme up to him, “Come here you stubborn old man.”

Asme barked out a laugh, “How quickly you forget your lessons.”

Luke smiled as Asme came up and kissed him lightly, “Maybe you should teach them to me more often, then. I’ve always been told I’m a little hard-headed.”

“That I will agree with,” Asme said as he pushed himself off the couch. Luke grunted in protest.

“Why are you getting up?” Luke sat up.

“Relax, I’m not leaving. I’m just going to go clean up and wait for you on our bed? You know, where we fit without being crunched into a ball,” Asme gestured to the couch, “You can be uncomfortable all you want, but I won’t.”

“I have been a Priest all my adult life, demon. I do not mind living in discomfort,” Luke smiled as he stood, following Asmodeus into the bedroom.

“Ah, well, now you are a ruler in Hell. You have earned the luxuries of your long, long life,” Asmodeus turned to face Luke and pulled him into an embrace, “A long life that you will spend here with me, making sure that you enjoy all the fine things it has to offer.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Luke said as he pulled back. He looked up into Asme’s eyes, which were swirling with his sincerity. But Luke already knew he was sincere. As much as the demon liked to joke, he would always make sure Luke’s safety and comfort were first. Luke would do the same for him.
