How I [F]ound out peeing my pants turns me on.

I’ve never told anyone this but peeing in my clothes turns me on. I know it is gross but the sensation of hot liquid running over my skin mixed with the shame I did something wrong really does it for me. I’m not sure why shame turns me on so much. The only thing I can come up with is , shame=bad, bad=naughty, naughty=sexy. As far as feeling shame about peeing myself, I think it comes from my Dad. He use to yell at me when I tried to hold it too long on road trips and peed myself.

I discovered this kink when I was at my Grandparents house for a few weeks. They live in a very small town in the middle of nowhere surrounded by cornfields. Their house has a unique layout where the downstairs is a guest suite and the upstairs leads to the main house. As a kid I was always parnoid a zombie would come out of the cornfield in the middle of the night and get me so that room always spooked me.

Late one night I woke up to a banging sound outside followed by a knocking on the outside door. I was immediately terrified. I heard a man yelling something I couldn’t make out. I wanted to do something but I couldn’t, all I could do was hide under the covers as this strange person beat on the door. I got lightheaded and let go of my bladder. I vividly remeber the feeling peeing myself mixed with fear. I couldnt control it. Just as I realzied what I had done I heard my Grandpa yelling at someone to go home because they have the wrong house.

I breathed a sign of relief and heard the upstairs close again. I was soaked but my senses were heighted. I had peed through my sleeping shorts, panties and onto the bed. My grandpa called on the speaker asking if I was okay and I scrambled to the intercom and told him I was.

I felt so ashamed but strangely horny standing there in my wet panties and shorts while looking at a wet spot on the bed. I needed to masturbate. I reached out with one hand to brace myself with the bedpost and started rubbing myself with the other. It felt amazing and so wet. My legs felt weak so I dropped to my knees and bent over still rubbing myself. It didnt take long before I finished myself off. The orgasm was incredible. Kneeling on the floor a wave of embarrassment swept over me so I got up quickly and changed the sheet then threw both my clothes and dirty sheet into the washing machine before taking a shower and going to sleep.

since that night I find myself wanting to pee my pants at least once a month before masturbating. The shame and embarrassment is a huge turn on.



  1. Definitely not gross – ever considered having someone do it to you? I once spoke with someone who got extremely aroused at the thought of watching someone pee themselves whilst they masturbate – you’d of made a great team 👍🏽

  2. You are not alone i have seen many amateur vids of young ladies peeing themselves Noy all of them but in some they they masterbate

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