Fooling around with a school friend on a trip [MF 19/20]

Close to the end of my school life, my class took a trip to southern France, as a farewell trip before we split up. It was the last trip together with teachers and a culture program we would ever have. It was just as expected, long bus travel with all the friends, shenanigans with alcohol behind teachers backs, and lots of day trips to towns and whatever culturally important places. But one of these days, we had nothing planned and were allowed to use our regional bus tickets to freely move around the area for the afternoon.

It was early in the year, I think around late April maybe May, but in the Mediterranean south it was already just warm enough when it was a sunny day, so a group of us decided to go to the beach. We were maybe around seven people. We settled down at the beach and did typical beach stuff for the first one or two hours, volleyball, tanning, swimming for those unafraid of the still super cold water.

After a while, I was walking around in the sand talking to a friend, Anne. Back then she was 19 or 20 years old, tall dark haired girl with a runners’ body. We had become rather close friends over the last one and a half years. As we were strolling along the beach, I saw a large rock in the distance, right on the shoreline. I decided I wanted to go there, to see if it was possible to climb on top and see the surrounding area from above, and she was up for it and came along. We just had a nice walk talking about the usual, when after a while, we reached a fence with a gate in the middle. First I thought it was a private beach and we wouldn’t be able to continue, but then I saw the sign – past the fence it was a public nude beach. We decided to just continue, as it wasn’t very crowded, just a few older naked people. Anne was giggling a little, and I said “What’s up, don’t act like you’ve never seen a penis.” – “I don’t but they’re all so old and ugly!”

We were now pretty close to the rock, and more people were on the beach in this area. After a few steps, I noticed we were looked at weird by some of them. I figured it was because we were clothed (Anne in Bikini, me in swimshorts and t-shirt), so I said “you might get to see a younger penis if we want to continue.” She didn’t seem to understand it immediately, but when an old guy sat up and yelled after us, gesturing to undress or leave the beach, she got the hint. She said “I guess .. let’s leave.” but I was pretty bummed out that I wouldn’t get to go up the rock, especially after walking so far – it was only a couple 100 meters away by now. So I said “I think I’ll continue. To late to back out now.” She looked appalled, and said stuff like “i won’t take it off .. come now, i wont walk back all that way alone, are you nuts, dont be crazy…”, but I ignored her and took off my shirt. She grabbed my by the arm but I just said “sorry, but I will continue. I want to go up there. Either you wait past the fence, or come with me, your choice. You’ll probably be fine just taking off your top by the way.” I turned around, took off my shorts – adrenaline rushed through my body like crazy, just getting naked like that in front of a friend and strangers – and slowly started walking again. After a couple of steps I looked back, Anne was still standing there not sure what to do. After I turned again I heard her shout “wait!”, and then she came running up to me, her bikini top tied into the side of her panties and covering her boobs with her hands. “… I also want to see the view and didn’t want to wait alone next to a beach full of creepy grandpas..”

So there we were, me completely naked and Anne topless, while hiding herself. She looked pretty mad. I wanted to poke fun at her so I said “it actually feels super liberating you know. and you finally get to see your non-weird young dick, so we both profit.” – “I haven’t looked you moron, just like you shouldn’t look.” – “Ah god Anne, don’t be so prude, we’re at a nude beach. Let those boobies hang!” – “They don’t hang you ass!” – “Well … I cant be sure ;)” And that worked. She let her hands drop and presented her beautiful, average sized pale tits; not without glancing at me with an evil look, but then she laughed “you bonehead..i can’t believe it.” We just continued towards the rock and upon reaching it first circled it once to find the best spot to climb up. It wasn’t too steep and except a few parts you could almost walk up. I dropped my clothes at the base, as pretty much nobody was around anyways and I needed free hands, and let Anne take the lead. We quickly were on top of the cliff, and it was amazing up there. Ocean on the one side, beach and countryside behind us, sadly also a couple of human leftovers around us (bottles and cigarette butts). We got to the front side to look over the sea and sat down. There a small plateau on the front side, with a wall of rock behind it, so people were unable to see us from the beach. It was a beautiful view, and a light breeze was coming from the sea, so I said “that feels so great. Honestly, you should really try sitting here in the nude. The wind and sun on my skin feel incredible. Now I get why all these old people do this.” – “I .. don’t really feel like it.” – “Just try it. Literally nobody can see you here. Well except for me.” – “I guess I should try it .. but you stay turned around, and I will put them back on after!”

I obliged and she started to get out of her panties and sat back down again, not without telling me “stay!” in between. After a while, she just said “hmm..”, and got back up again. I thought she’d get dressed again, but she didn’t move. I asked her what was going on, and after a second she answered “you were right. This is the best.” She took a step forward right to the edge and looked over the water. I figured I could turn back as she went into my field of view anyways. Her backside and her butt were seriously sexy. Under her clothes I had never really noticed, but the running really impacted her ass. I caught myself staring when I felt myself getting a semi, and that’s exactly when she turned around. As if she was a different person, her shame was gone. Her hands on her hips, she looked at me, just showing me her tits and completely waxed pussy. Her light tanlines from the few days in the south added to her hotness. My dick was now definitely going to get hard, so I angled my legs to hide it without raising suspicion and tried to play it cool. “See, I told you.” and added “you don’t need to hide your body anyways.”

Unluckily, that did not go over well because she had definitely noticed that I was in fact hiding myself. “Wait, so YOU can cross your legs but I should try getting nude? How is that fair?” She had me. After being the one pushing and teasing for the last hour, suddenly I had lost control of the situation. First I was scared she would turn on me and revert back to her shy self and get dressed, but second by second, she just kept standing there, her full body still on display. Finally, I realized she wanted to go with the flow but needed me to keep it even with her.

I almost started smiling like an idiot, but barely managed to keep a straight face. I stood up, hands on hips and my nakedness uncovered, just like her. My straight face didn’t give away my excitement, but something else sure did. She looked at my crotch and her eyes, wide open, locked onto it. I was now rock hard, with my dick standing up to attention. I guess I should mention here that I have a perfectly average cock, the REAL and not the porn average – so just over 5 inches. But what probably caught her eye was the fact that I am uncircumcised. “Oh.” she exhaled.

“Oh? What’s up, ‘oh’?”

“Nothing … well, you .. nothing”

“Come on, you can say it. Please.”

“Well I have never seen one … with the skin.”

“Oh really? Does it look weird?”

“No, it doesn’t .. just, new. Interesting I guess.”

The fact that she was interested in my dick and still looking at it was incredibly arousing to me. Back then I didn’t really know yet, but I definitely have a tiny exhibitionism fetish somewhere inside me. Without thinking, I leaned into it. “Well, today’s your lucky day. I can show you what it’s like, if you want. Look.” I pulled my foreskin back behind my tip and proudly presented it to her. She just muttered a silent “whoaa..” under her breath. I pushed my foreskin back over it again – “see, just like that.” She came closer, very close in fact. “Do it again.”

I obliged and once again pulled the foreskin back, stayed like that for a moment, and shoved it back to the front. She looked up at my face, for the first time in a while. “Maybe .. uhm .. can I?” – she had a hand slightly extended towards me. My heart was pounding. “Sure. But … if you touch me, I can touch you. Deal?” She didn’t answer, but slowly reached out towards my dick. With one, then two fingers she felt around my tip exploring the foreskin. When she first touched me, my dick twitched, and she laughed which also made me laugh and really lightened the mood. “How do you pull it back? Can I try?” Her touching my cock felt incredible, so of course I did not want it to stop and told her to just grab it behind the base and carefully pull it back. She grabbed around my tip with her index finger and thumb, and did as I told her. It felt crazy good, she applied a little too much pressure but it was hitting me in the right spot.

“whoaaa .. that’s cool!” she exlaimed. She let go off my cock, but was still looking at it with a secretive look on her face. I tried not to be too pushy, but couldn’t resist, so I asked “So now .. can we get even?” while extending my right hand a little towards her crotch. She wrinkled her forehead, once again bit her lip and then slowly nodded. “Be gentle .. please.” I put my fingers below her belly button, and then slowly ran them downwards, feeling her skin. She giggled a bit – “you’re tickling me!”, but I carefully continued. I felt where her smooth skin part where her slit started, and felt up and down the side of her pussy, first left, then right. Then I ran my index finger down the middle, between her folds. I reached further down, putting a finger over her opening, but did not apply any pressure. I told her “You’re so soft ..” and she replied “you’re so hard” in a surprisingly mocking tone. I couldn’t keep myself from laughing. “You can touch it again, if you want” – I so hoped she would. And luckily enough, she did – immediately, her whole hand wrapped around my throbbing cock, while my fingers were still exploring her pussy.

I started caressing her clit, and she joined in and slowly started stroking my dick. I started rubbing her faster, and she quickly got the hang of how to move handle my uncut dick, and soon we were panting, jerking each other off. I could not control myself anymore. With my other hand, I reached around her and grabbed her incredibly firm butt. I moved my fingers down, resting on top of her entrance, and whispered “can I?”. This time, she didn’t nod, but whispered a quick and short “yes”. I put one finger in, but because she was already very slippery, I instantly added another, and started fingering her G spot. Within seconds, we both came. I felt her walls clenching up around my fingers, and she got shaky knees for a moment, while I shot a big load of warm cum on the side of her hip. She pulled her hand back, and it was full of cum as well, while my fingers were drenched in her juices.

“Wow. Okay.” That’s all I managed to say. She was also speechless for a moment. Then we started laughing out of awkwardness, which quickly resolved. She was looking at her hand, which was full of my jizz, and it was also running down her leg. It was a bizzare view. “I guess we better go clean us up”, she casually said and climbed down the front side of the rock, which was directly hitting the water. We jumped in, cleaning us up as well as possible, swam around to the beach, and picked up our clothes to go back. As naked as we were, we strolled around the beach, completely unashamed now. As much as I could, I caught a few eyefuls of her nude body, until we were close to the public beach again. “We’d better dress up, before anyone from school sees us” I suggested. “Yeah, probably. Take a good last look, that’s the last time you’re going to see me like this.” She once again said it in her mocking tone, but did keep standing in front of me, hands on her hips like a mannequin. I definitely stared at her tits and pussy for too long, but I tried to burn them into my memory.

Then we both put our swimsuits back on, continued walking to the part of the beach where all our friends were, and literally never talked about the incident again.


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