Cunnilingus Walk-ins (2 in a weekend) [MFF]

I’m 22. This is a funny story from a couple years ago.

Girl #1 I was hooking up with was Addy. She was a cute freshman with short hair and glasses – a look which she managed to pull off by the way…One rainy day in January I was giving her head in her dorm room. She began moaning pretty loudly, which prompted me to spread her legs a little. I held her legs apart and flicked my tongue a little deeper in her now expanded pussy…and suddenly her roommate walks in. We’d even left Netflix playing on her computer, generally a signal that yo, there’s some sex going on right now. This chick still flings the door right open! I was a little surprised Addy didn’t hear or just didn’t do anything about it – she kept on scratching my head and moaning – and at first I didn’t quite register it either. Then I sort of noticed out of the corner of my eye (because her legs were still spread and I was licking side to side) that the door was open and a figure was standing there…and I did what one of my friends had joked you should do in this situation: just look at the person, nod and smile, and go right back to doing what you’re doing.

I stopped for a second, turned my head to face the roommate. She was standing in the doorway, looking at us with this surprised face – no idea why she didn’t just immediately leave. I grinned at her. I returned to my work. Addy’s roommate was like, “Sorry!” and shut the door.

Later on, Addy said she had heard the door opening and her roommate coming in, and that she’d done the same thing before and didn’t understand boundaries and that she was over it. Addy was fun. The roommate wasn’t unattractive, just evidently had poor social skills.


I was hooking up Girl #2 – a real woman, actually, a black woman named Carmen, who was 28 years old and had her own apartment and job. I was giving her head on her bed and she was probably about to cum – sort of lurching upwards, scratching her fingers from my hair down to my back, making big gaspy noises – when we heard the loud CREAAAAAKKK of her door opening. It was her dog. Bruno was his name, I think. He was part pitbull and had an aggressive side, but that side wasn’t kicking in right now. Dude just wanted to see what was up, what was with all the noise his person was making.
I did the same thing. I turned and looked at the dog and almost laughed – its ears were pricked up and it was just funny. Carmen yelled at her dog, “Bruno, get the fuck out!” And he backed up but didn’t leave.

She groaned about her dog never listening while I got up from the bed and walked towards him to see if I could get him to leave, but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do exactly. I was completely naked, with Carmen’s vagina smell all over my face, so I wasn’t just going to lean down and pat him…fortunately, he backed away just enough for me to shut the door.

We had a laugh about him. I realized that was a good place to stop with the oral and move on to phase two. Carmen seemed to agree. I got back on her bed and slid inside her. I gave it to her pretty hard.

Those were my two walk-ins that weekend – there have been one or two others since, but not back to back and not as comical.
