The Train Station Pt. III

[Train Station Pt. II](

As we saw in the last two episodes, Ranal and Cece have come to some form of agreement. After bickering at lunchtime, the office worker and the hard on her luck beggar have met for some after work dinner and drinks.
“You know, I think I kind of like you.”, stated Cece in a manner that suggested even she herself was surprised.
“I feel really good about meeting you.”, said Ranal.
“Yeah, we should do this again.”, she said.
“Well, the night is not over.”, answered Ranal with a pleasant countenance.
“What should we do now?”, asked the woman.
“Let’s go for a walk.”, said Ranal. He finished paying up the bill at Frank’s Bar & Grill and Cece interlocked her arm around Ranal’s. They exited the establishment with their arms locked at the elbow. Ranal at this point really had no idea what they were going to do. It sure beat going home to his apartment and masturbating to anal porn. Cece was loosening up, and her two tequila cocktails may have had something to do with that.
She got behind Ranal and squeezed his ass.
“Whoa”, exclaimed Ranal with a laugh. Ranal looked again at Cece and beneath her trench coat and fabric mask, she had a phenomenal body. He wondered what it would be like to fuck her. She was bat-shit crazy, but those were the best types.
She stood in front of him with a huge wide-eyed smile painted on her face. “What are you thinking?”, she asked Ranal. If Ranal had said what he was really thinking, it wouldn’t be fit for print! “I’m thinking we should go home.”, he said.
“Ok, where do you live?”, she said.
“The fuck I’m telling you”, he came back.
“We’re going to your place. I know it’s not impressive but I want to see where you live.”
“I don’t live anywhere”, she screamed.
“Show me.”, said Ranal.
It was now later and dark out. All of the commuters had already left for home and the city mainly had vagrants, drug dealers and homeless people left in it now. Cece led the way. They walked down a long sidewalk to where it got more deserted. Then, they arrived in a parking lot underneath the train station. You could tell trains were above by the steel beams reinforcing the concrete. If nothing else, it was private.
Cece led Ranal to the back wall in the middle of the massive complex. There was bird poop on the ground, however most of the cars had already gone home for the evening. Outside, through the windows you could see an obviously strung-out man stumbling along the sidewalk yelling obscenities at no one. This, was Cece’s home. Cece walked further back to where there were two gigantic dumpsters which held the waste from the food court. A rat scurried across the parking lot. They went a little further and there was a corrugated cardboard box on the floor.
Some sheets had been hung up to give a little bit of privacy. And, all of Cece’s belongings were packed in see-through bags. While to some it may have seemed depressing, Ranal had to admit that it was a cozy place and was well-organized. Also, it was decently well-lit from the sodium lights arrayed in a grid hanging from the ceiling.
Cece looked proud of her surroundings. And, to be honest, for what Ranal paid monthly for his modest apartment, this didn’t look that bad. “So, are you going to give me a tour?”, uttered Ranal.
“To your right is the dumpster for CVS.”, said Cece.
“See this 12’ x 12’ patchwork blanket. That’s my floor.”
“And, these clothing lines hold my curtains.”
Yes, Cece’s makeshift dumpster home actually had curtains.
“Oh, and for entertainment, we have a little flatscreen there. We can tap off the internet from Panda Express.”
Ranal looked on with an impressed sense of disbelief. “Wow, so you actually put all this together? That’s amazing.”
“It’s super cozy. Do you have any friends?”
Cece smiled back. “Well, not really.”, she said with a downward expression in her face. “Sometimes I take the water taxi down to China Town and visit the homeless encampment underneath the bridge.”
“It’s not as bad as most people think.”
“We all take care of each other. Sometimes, people try to hurt us, like when these two kids started to kick the shit out of my friends.” She looked downwards in an expression of apparent sadness.
“It’s not always easy. But I’m trying to make it.”, she whimpered holding back tears.
Ranal reached forward and held her. “It’s ok babe. I’m here for you. And, you have one new friend. Me!”, he finished ecstatically.
“Stay. Stay. Stay.”, Cece implored.
“You can’t leave me.”
Ranal looked to the side and saw a used pizza box laying 6 feet away from Cece’s home.
“Oh, shit, I don’t know.”, said Ranal.
“Please.”, she begged.
“Ok, well, I can only stay an hour or two and then I have to get home.”, he asserted.
“Yes.”, exclaimed Cece while putting her hands up in a celebratory gesture.
“Come. Come into my living room and make yourself at home.”
“Should I take off my shoes?”
“Oh, yes, please do.”
Ranal opened up the curtains and laid down on the wide mattress that Cece had set-up. It was surprisingly homey and well-lit.
“Listen, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve been on the streets all day. I have to change into something more comfortable.”
“Go ahead.”, answered Ranal.
Ranal was comfortably laying down now. Without a further word, Cece removed first her mask and then her coat. Then, she removed her shirt and then her boots and socks. Without any apparent hesitation, Cece unhooked and removed her bra, exposing her bare breasts. Then, in a final move of immodesty, she pulled down her pants and her panties all at once. She presented herself in front of Ranal completely naked in this dumpster-strewn parking garage.


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