Lust Turned 01 [MM*]

Closing the door to his apartment, Steven pulled the ancient book he had procured from the oddities store on the kitchen counter, his excitement bubbling over as he started pulling out reagents from his kitchen pantry. He’d been going to the store since his freshman year in college, and he finally discovered something worth trying.

Hedge magic, or practical magic, was a hobby of his. Sure, most of it was just mumbo jumbo and likely didn’t work, but he kept in good standing with a few virtual coven communities around the college, people who liked to think they were doing magic but were just having fun between classes and studies. Yet Steven always thought that deep down, hidden between the layers, there was a chance real magic existed. You just had to know what you were looking for.

He’d bought several older tombs (he avoided modern magic books like the plague) and read through various references, and a few things kept coming up over and over again. Of particular interest were mentions of an old book called “The Lesser Key of Solomon.” Originally written in the 1500’s then later reproduced in the 1800’s, it was said to contain references to demonology, spell incantations, and various other rituals of particular interest.

The oddity store he frequented near the college, The Laughing Skull, often bought collections of old books and put them up for sale. Today, during one of his frequent visits, Steven found a book that was written in Italian, and thus wasn’t entirely understood by the staff. However, despite not speaking Italian himself, when Steven read the title “La chiave minore di Salomone” and seeing the age of the book, he knew exactly what it was.

Spreading a collection of vials and jars, he took a seat at the table, running a hand through his short wavy blonde hair as he cracked open the book to start examining the pages.

“Crap, of course it’s all in Italian.” He murmured, realizing this was going to be more difficult than he first thought.

Pulling out his laptop and bringing up a browser on a translation site, Steven proceeded to work through the book as best he could, figuring out what the various sections were in the book and how the instructions worked.

Luckily it was his day off from his work at the gym as an instructor. Spending his days helping middle aged people try to get fit again was more rewarding than he first thought it was going to be, but between that and his studies it left little time for romance or even flings.

Hours flew by as the book became filled with sticky notes and tabs. Finally, Steven settled on a spell he wanted to try. It was super immature, but he couldn’t help attempting the summon ritual to conjure a Succubus. He knew it was juvenile, but just the concept sent a thrill up his spine.

Drawing the required pentagram on the floor, lighting a candle at each point while encasing the circle in salt, Steven sat before the pentagram and began chanting the words in the book.

He expected the whole ordeal to be a flop, just more wishful thinking than anything else, but as he chanted the words he felt a tingle in the air and his apartment darken. The lights turned off, leaving him with only the candles burning, their flames flickering wildly despite a complete lack of any wind.

Suddenly, smoke erupted from the middle of the pentagram, never spreading beyond the salt border, and a figure emerged from the center. Pale of skin with artful tattoos, the entity was male in appearance, trim and lean with long hair and completely naked, a large uncut cock dangling between his legs.

“Holy shit, the human realm. Can’t remember the last time someone summoned me here.”

Steven almost fell over, confusion and fear gripping him tightly as the urge to scream rose sharply.

“Oh crap, sorry, no, it’s okay. You summoned me right? Can’t be that surprised.” The figure teased with a warm smile.

“I…sorry, I just didn’t expect it to work.” Steven answers, still confused and even more afraid.

“Makes sense, can’t remember the last time anyone from the human realm initiated a summoning ritual. My name’s Syleon, what’s yours?”


“Well Steven, what can I do for you?”

“I…sorry, I was trying to summon a Succubus.” Steve admitted sheepishly.

Syleon chuckled, shaking his head with his hands on his hips.

“Let me guess, you tried a translation of the book and possibly got a few incantations wrong.”

Steven just nodded his head, his body still unable to move.

“Makes sense, not a big deal really. Well, sorry I’m a disappointment.”

Standing up from the floor, Steven dusted himself off as he finally looked at Syleon. The incubus had sharp delicate features with a trimmed muscled body. He could have been a model or a movie star, and his attractiveness was obvious. A curious smell in the air caught Steven’s attention, but he couldn’t immediately place it.

“No, it’s okay, really, I probably shouldn’t have been goofing off with the book anyways. Since I summoned you, you’re not gonna like steal my soul or anything, are you?”

A snort escaped Syleon’s mouth as he chuckled loudly. “No no, nothing like that. We can’t steal souls, or anything send you to hell. Honestly, since the secular era began, heaven and hell have pretty much left the mortal realm alone. We both agreed to just stay out of it.”

“Oh, that’s good. Glad to hear that. And you’re not a disappointment, really.” Steven continued, not wanting to offend his guest.

“Come on, you can be honest. You were hoping for some big tiddy succubus chick, weren’t you?”

Steven blushed, his pulse racing as the unusual smell became more potent. He could feel his cock rising at the mention of his fantasies.

“I mean…maybe a little.”

“Totally makes sense, really does. No harm in that. What were you hoping for, a blowjob or something?”

Steven couldn’t help but blush even more. “Yeah, something like that.”

The Incubus smiled, charmed at the innocent nature of the human before him.

“Well, if you’re keen, I’d happily suck your cock.”

Steven took a step back in shock. “W….what?”

“No big deal, you just want a blowjob, right. I’m more than happy to oblige. Bet your cum is tasty.” He replied, licking his lips.

“I’m…I’m not gay.”

“It’s just a blowjob, it’s not a lifestyle commitment.” Syleon looked around the bare apartment, getting a better bearing of his surroundings.

“You live here alone?”

Steven nodded, his lips suddenly feeling very dry.

“So who’s gonna know? A quick and easy blowie, you can even face fuck me if you want, and I’ll totally swallow every drop. How many chicks have offered you that?”


“Exactly. Trust me, I love the taste of human cum, I haven’t had it in ages. You’d be doing me a favor.”

Steve could feel his cock growing, pressing against his pants. The situation wasn’t going at all how he had imagined, but he couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement.

“I mean…just once doesn’t make me gay.”

“Not at all. Chicks experiment all the time, and they don’t get called a lesbian simply due to one experience.”

“Just a blowjob, that’s it? You won’t like try to kill me or take my soul?”

“You’re fine. I promise. I have literally no interest in hurting you or any human for that matter. It’s been so long since I’ve been in the human realm, I’m just thrilled for the time here.”

“Okay…so…how do we do this?”

“Well first, you’ll need to brush aside the salt.”

Steven looked at the encircled pentagram and noticed for the first time that Syleon hasn’t crossed the threshold of the salt.

“Is that safe?”

“If I were any other kind of demon, probably not. Like I said though, I have no interest in harming you or stealing your soul. And I can’t lie, another pact we made with Heaven to keep things…civil.”

“Okay…” Steven said as he reached his foot over to brush off some of the salt, breaking the circle.

Syleon stepped outside the pentagram and stretched, his lean body tensing as his cock started getting hard. Steven couldn’t help but watch in wonder as the large veiny member grew in length and girth. The aroma Steven had been smelling grew much more potent and he could feel his blood rushing to his groin.

“Soooo much better, and you smell so horny. It just gets me all worked up.” Syleon purred as he lowered to his knees in front of Steven.

Steven froze, his mind and body unable to process what was happening. He felt his pants unzip and pulled down with his underwear as Syleon freed his painfully erect cock. He felt his head swimming as he breathed deeply, the warm aroma swimming in his senses.

“Such a pretty cock, you’re gifted too. This will be fun.” Syleon mused as he inhaled Steven’s member. His forked tongue encircled the crown as his lips pressed down the shaft, deepthroating Steven’s 7 inches without even a hint of gagging.

Steven could stop from moaning as he felt his hips buck into Syleon’s mouth, his brain fogged with lust as the expert wetness of the demon’s mouth worked his cock to new levels of ecstasy. His eyes fluttering, he saw that as Syleon was blowing him, the incubus was stroking his own fully erect cock which was leaking heavy amounts of precum.

“You…you get off on this?” Steven whispered.

“Honey, I get off on anything sexual. And someone so young and sexually pent up, I can taste the sexual repression on you, and it’s intoxicating.” Syleon teased as he suckled on Steven’s crown, taking him to just before the peak of an orgasm before backing off to cool down.

“Oh shit…are you…are you edging me?”

“I want a tasty big load sweet thing. If it gets too much just let me know and I’ll finish you.”

This was followed by a cycle of Syleon power sucking Steve to near completion, then backing off and letting him cool down. His legs went weak and they moved to the bed where Steve flung himself on his back with his legs dangling over the side and Syleon still on his knees, servicing his cock.

Steve lost track of time, his world shrinking to the sensations of his cock covered by the demon’s tight wet mouth. A small part of his brain screamed to cum, begging for release, else he would be driven insane with lust.


“Please what?”

“Please…let me cum.”

“No problem honey.”

Syleon resumed his power sucking, but this time he didn’t back off when he felt Steven start to tense. Soon, Steve felt a rush through his body and his cock stiffen even more just before he erupted in Syleon’s mouth. Pulse after pulse poured into the Incubus’s wanting mouth, sucking down every drop Steve had to give. He could see the demon’s hand working furiously on its own cock, and a groan revealed that he was cumming too.

Soon, the whole experience was over and Syleon pulled Steve’s cock out of his mouth with a popping sound, a drop of cum not to be found anywhere.

“Did…did you cum too?”

“Sure did, sorry if I made a mess on your floor. Let me do something about that.”

Syleon leaned down and scooped up his cum. Walking over to one of the candles on the pentagram, he smeared his seed over the top of the candle, causing the wick to fizzle. A moment later the candle glowed with runes on the side that weren’t there previously.

“What was that?”

“Something to make things easier. If you ever want me to visit you again, just light that candle. Maybe next time you can fuck me. I promise my ass feels better than any pussy you’ve had before.”

Steven leaned up on his elbows, about to ask a question as Syleon resumed his previous position in the pentagram. Blowing him a kiss with a smile, the Incubus was suddenly gone in a puff of smoke, leaving Steve on the bed wiped from the best orgasm he’d ever had in his whole life.
