[F] I (F45) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART VI: Climax]

This continues my ongoing saga (begin at Part I here: https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/). I’m doing this to explore and remember my own thoughts, feelings, responses and decisions. If you enjoy reading it, I’m thrilled.

This instalment was harder to write. It took me out of my comfort zone. It was harder to write without getting a bit more explicit, and that’s not my forte or my real interest. But what’s the point of writing if you can’t take on a challenge, as my life writing instructor used to ask (more on her later)? Anyway I hope this new approach doesn’t sacrifice what made people enjoy the previous instalments. But what can I do? I’m trying to be as true as possible to the experience, and Keith and my weekend away was an experience alright.

So Scott was taking the kids out of town for the Easter weekend to see his parents. We decided I’d stay home. It would save money on the flights, and I couldn’t really leave work before late afternoon on Thursday. The best flights were Wednesday night. It was easier for everyone, anyway. Scott’s mother and I don’t really get along that well. It wasn’t the first time we decided it was better if I didn’t join them for the visit. This time, though, I wouldn’t take advantage of my free weekend to get drunk with my girlfriends and watch romcoms.

This was about six months into my affair with Keith, and things had started seeming a bit less exciting, a bit less spontaneous. Keith’s energy in bed was ebbing, and I noticed that it took him forever to cum as of late. Not that I wanted him to cum super fast all the time. That was exciting when we first hooked up, when we fucked like frantic rabbits. As we got to know each other our sex changed pace. We never had unlimited time to play, but we would sometimes fuck for a good half hour. As nice as that can be, a girl doesn’t always want to be fucked for that long. I can cum pretty fast, and I can do it two three maybe four times in fairly quick succession. But after that I sometimes just feel like I’m waiting for him to end. This wasn’t the only problem. It wasn’t even a problem, just another piece of evidence that our original perfect fit was changing. Things were also getting a bit more difficult. The fact that Keith and I were not particularly compatible was becoming more of an issue the longer our affair lasted. So I had already started thinking it was time to get out of it, though I kept putting it off because the sex was still really fun. Anyway, this weekend away seemed like a welcome change of routine. Or maybe a last hurrah. Either way I was juiced for it.

I think Keith was feeling the same way, because he talked a lot about the weekend and what we would do with three full days and nights together alone. I was into it too but I wondered what he meant when he said we’d be able to do some things we’d never done yet. Don’t get me wrong, I was into experimenting a bit, but I was a little nervous about what Keith had in mind.

It was so nice to be together in a neutral place, by which I mean not his house. The inn was in the country, it had a spa with a heated outdoor pool and saunas and all that. I don’t know or care how Keith paid for it. At the check-in we didn’t correct the woman when she referred to us as a married couple–I guess she saw my ring. We had booked our own “cottage,” though it was way too fancy to deserve that name. Outside everything was looking green and fresh and warm. Easter was in mid April that year, like this year. I was thrilled not to have to worry about the time, about getting home.

We went straight up to the room, which was beautiful and huge like something from a House & Home photograph, and we were undressing as soon as Keith shut the door. We kissed and fondled each other a bit, then Keith guided me to the bed. It was a tall, firm bed. I rolled onto it and opened my arms and legs for him, but he put his hands on my sides and rolled me onto my stomach. I thought he’d maybe get on top of me, but instead he walked over to his bag, got out a bottle of massage oil and drizzled it (so cold!) onto my back, legs and butt. The massage was deep, thorough and slow, a pace we had never yet had the chance to enjoy. He was in no hurry to move his hands down to my butt or breasts, where I guessed this was eventually going to go. He gave my shoulders and back the same attention as a professional masseur. It felt amazing in a non-sexual way, but the built-up was also deeply erotic.

There’s a moment when you feel a massage is changing moods. Hands start gravitating toward your ass, and even when they skip over from the lower back straight to the thighs, the gap in between is getting a signal: you next. After a long while, I could tell Keith was moving in this direction. He kneaded my buttocks a bit, my inner thighs. Soon he was cupping my pussy, his hand reaching under me. I love this feeling, and I loved how he was encouraging me to raise my ass little by little. Scott does this too. I know the view he gets turns him on, and I love knowing that–though I’ve never let on with Scott. I told Keith, however. I wanted him to study me, to want me.

Keith also knows I like it when his thumb presses down on my butthole as he kneads my crotch. It feels amazing. As he did this Keith kept easing my hips upward and I followed his lead until my bum was high off the bed, my face pressed into the pillow. This was more exposed than I’d ever let myself be with anyone, including Keith, but I wasn’t embarrassed at all. Quite the opposite. I nearly came right away when he took hold of both my cheeks and buried his mouth in my crotch from behind. I nearly pulled away when he started licking my anus, but I’m glad I ignored that instinct. It felt better than I could have imagined.

It had an instantaneous effect on my whole body. Sounds started coming out of my mouth like I had never made, moans that were loud, shrill and desperate. It was like bad porn acting, except that it was completely genuine. In fact I had no say in it at all. The sounds were just being emitted by my body, as if I had no choice in the matter. I gave myself over to his mouth, even opening my legs more to give him better access. Part of me couldn’t help wondering if he was angling for something. I hoped he wasn’t doing this as a prelude to anal, which was a line I wouldn’t cross. Well, whatever happened next I didn’t want it to happen too soon. I wanted more of this. I didn’t think I could cum from this, but did it ever feel amazing. I didn’t want him to stop.

While he went on and on I kept considering and guessing about Keith’s next move. Would I let him if he asked? The funny thing is that when Keith finally pulled away, he just walked over to the other end of me and got me to suck him off and I was strangely disappointed. I had expected him to at least try. It’s not that I wanted to, in fact I really didn’t. But I did want him to want to, and I did want him to try, to reveal his desire and ask me to fulfil it.

While we cuddled afterward, Keith asked me if I had enjoyed it. I guessed he meant the rim job. I told him I had, that it was my first time. He felt very proud of himself and told me to just let him know if I ever wanted him to do it again.

I paused for a long time, shy and uncertain, but eventually I admitted that I wanted him to do it again right now. I wasn’t quite done with the feeling and I wanted more. Whatever Keith felt about this request, he was a good sport about it. I lay on my stomach on the bed with my legs hanging down off the edge and he spread my cheeks apart and went back to licking me. Oof. Who knew it’d feel this good?

“Oh my god,” is exactly what I said when he pulled away, ran his dick along my crack, and asked if he could just try….. I won’t lie, part of me wanted to let him go for it. I didn’t want it, exactly, I didn’t think it would feel good. But there was something about it I wanted, maybe just the chance to do something so new I’d never even thought of wanting it. Maybe it was about crossing a boundary I’d never crossed, because there was a lot about Keith and me that felt new, but most of it was really just rediscovering old joys. Plus, it might feel amazing. In fact in his slightly pathetic pleas to let me try Keith kept saying how good it would feel. I couldn’t deny that getting my butt licked had felt good in a way I couldn’t have imagined, and I entertained the possibility that this too might surprise me. I didn’t say yes, but I didn’t say no. I just stayed put without moving, ass in the air on full show. He got the message.

As soon as he started trying to work himself in–nope!–I pulled away. Now that it was about to become a reality I knew I wasn’t into it. Keith was disappointed, I could tell, but I asked him to fuck me instead and he did, fast and wild, and for the first time in ages he came quickly. I had missed that loss of control.

He was extra loving after that, as if he felt bad about putting pressure on me. I didn’t mind. But he kept talking about it, obviously not over it, saying he was surprised I’d never tried. Most girls he’d been with had tried it, many really like it, etc etc…. I wanted to talk about something else, or even have a nap. But Keith kept going on about anal sex and then came the bombshell. Almost casually, as if he couldn’t imagine how this would make me feel, Keith said that actually the girl he was seeing on weekend actually said she preferred it. Erin.

Well, that was the first I’d ever heard about Erin. I felt my face flush with shock and anger, though I recognized the hypocrisy of my response. But Keith was calm and reasonable as we discussed it for a long time afterward, lying in bed naked but not touching. I must have known he saw other people than just me! Erin was his main “friend with benefits,” as he called her, and not even the only one. She was just someone he fucked and hung out with on weekends when I was with my family. Wasn’t that fair? Anyway, Keith and Erin had been hooking up on and off for a year before I even appeared on the scene.

She was 21. She knew all about me.

Learning about Erin had a strange effect on the rest of our romantic weekend. Not a bad effect. In fact, it felt like it gave a frantic energy to our lovemaking, the kind we had enjoyed for our first few encounters before it inevitably calmed down. Over the course of the weekend I think we had sex more and I came more than I ever had in such a short time-span. On the Saturday afternoon we sixty-nined lazily on our sides for what felt like half an hour, and when we came together at the end of it we just lay there, faces in each other’s crotch, panting and blissed out. It was a magical moment, both loving and raunchy at the same time. Apart from that it was just a lot of sex, nothing unusual or new, but just a lot of it, with vim.

Being able to spend the night together helps explain our renewed passion that weekend, but I also just think that there was a charge in the air. Finding out about Erin had brought out something in me, a competitiveness I guess. But there was also something else. I think I knew at some level that this weekend was significant, that it marked the beginning of the end of the affair. And we were getting in as much pleasure as possible before things started falling apart. Of course I didn’t really know this at the time. It’s only in hindsight that it looks obvious.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uahb8t/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it


  1. Your honesty with yourself is so refreshing and genuine. Of course this is in the respect of hindsight. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Great writing and glad to hear your story. I had a similar experience, but I was the other younger man(Keith equivalent). If you ever want to discuss experiences, I would be interested.

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